Chapter 3
After I finished writing the chapter on Monday, I reread it and compared it to the plotline I had created. I discovered that I diverged, and that she could have been...
...a Mary Sue. So in order for that monstrosity not to happen, I rewrote the chapter.
But, something kind of makes me nervous. I've been getting a lot of votes recently (I appreciate it!), and I'm not used to the attention on my stories too much. It's a new feeling, and I'm glad I get to experience it with you guys! It makes it a lot easier for me since I have such amazing readers who give me so much support <3
And for that, I thank you and apologize for the late update.
Enjoy the fight scenes >:D
My body went numb. What is this feeling? Fear? Anxiety? No, I think it's...'s excitement.
My scruffy teacher sighed.
"Go to the changing room Kisaragi. Then head out to the field like everyone else." he instructed, pushing my back lightly. I sighed, and walked to the dressing room behind the rest of the girls. The girls were already changing, gossiping amongst themselves. I spotted the girl with the big ponytail, and frowned upon the sight of her. She was the same as the rest of them, even though in the beginning we could have gotten along.
I went straight to a bench, and cracked open my box. The costume I had designed laid in front of me, and I smirked. It was time. Time for me to shine. I stripped down, and quickly changed into my costume in record time. I took a look at myself in the mirror on the wall nearby, where some others were already looking at themselves. Looking over myself, I realized that I looked like a renegade, which suited me perfectly.
I donned a black admiral cap, and a dark green undershirt with dark blue skinny jeans. I quickly whipped on my gray three-quarter sleeved jacket that I owned, letting it come until my waist. I re-wrapped the bandages around my hands, then strapped my katanas behind my back. I then took out the beat-up gray utility belt that I owned, double checking for grenades, smoke bombs, stink bombs and the like. I then wrapped gun holster around my waist, making the guns latch onto my back under my jacket. Last but not least, I attached my projectiles to my hand
If your wondering why I submitted something like this to the Hero Association, then I'll tell you. I asked them to make my costume fireproof, much like how my jacket and utility belt already were. I sighed at the thought as I laced up the brown fireproof combat boots I had put in there too, finishing the lacing when I reached the bottom of my knee. I took another look in the mirror, and tied my shoulder-length malachite hair into a low ponytail behind me, with some of my bangs still in my face. I huffed in annoyance at this and walked out, leaving with some of the people who didn't have incredibly complicated costumes like Uraraka. Hers was kind of bulky, and there was a lot of plating, which I thought was sort of bad. Too heavy.
When I reached the area we would be training in, I noticed that some of the guys were already out. There was that half-bird looking guy that carried 540 kilos, the small guy with balls in his hair, and this other blonde guy with a black streak in his hair who seemed to be...a flirt, more or less. I sighed in annoyance as I stood outside, scanning the area for Aizawa-sensei. He did say I was going against a teacher, so I hope it's not All Might. That would be a total massacre. Maybe I'm going against him? That wouldn't be as scary since I don't have a quirk. All you would have to do is rely on smarts against him then.
I looked back towards the entrance, and saw the other people come out trying to look like they were the shit. Midoriya was behind them, in a simple leotard and a...interesting mask, to say the least. I waited in my corner, sighing in annoyance as the teacher went on to pair them all up. Then it came to me. He stayed silent, his stupid grin on his face as he stared at me.
"It seems you're alone." he concluded aloud. I popped a vein. This man is an idiot. It was obvious back in the classroom too!
"Yes, I observed that back in the classroom. I talked to Aizawa-sensei about it earlier, and he said I might be going against a teacher...I don't know who though." I replied through gritted teeth, smiling sweetly. In truth, it was the smile you give to people you don't like. He stared at me more.
"You're the student who doesn't have a quirk, right?" he questioned, posing at the same time. This guy is going to try and say I can't do it! Pompous guys like him will say stuff like that.
"Indeed I am. If you have an issue with me, then you can take it up with the principal, and I will talk to him as well." I stated, crossing my arms as I looked back up at him. He seemed to be a bit stunned at my "rudeness".
"Sorry if I came off that way young lady, but I was just surprised you were here." he responded. I sighed, and apologized for acting rudely. Man, I've been sighing a lot lately.
"In this case...maybe you should-"
"-go against me?"
I turned around to see Aizawa-sensei looking at us, his pointy eyes glaring at All Might in irritation. All Might then tried to act like good friends with him, but was quickly shoved off. I sweat-dropped at the scene.
"Oi, quirk-less shit! Go lose like you should!" I heard Bakugou shout at me. I craned my head to the side, glaring at him with my gray eyes meeting his pitiful existence. He didn't seem to be intimated like the other kids, who shirked away in fear. It was at this point that I simply turned back around, and saw the two teachers stop bickering.
"Kisaragi, we will go first. You will be the hero, and I the villain. You have to try and get me with this," he started to instruct, holding up a small white device. "If you can get me, or the weapon, then you win. If you are defeated before then, you lose."
I nodded, then turned to look at All Might, and back to Aizawa-sensei.
"Whenever you're ready Aizawa-sensei."
I stood in the building waiting for the call for us to start. I unsheathed my katanas, getting ready to start. He uses cloth embedded with a microfiber of some sort that was able to restrain villains. This means that I might not be able cut it, but it's worth a shot. I sighed, and started thinking of a plan. I remembered the map of the place before I came in, and if I'm right, I'm right below him. What if I distracted him with a stink bomb? Just to divert him in the wrong direction, then take the weapon?
"And start!" the blue-tooth blared. I flinched a little, before sheathing my swords. I armed myself with a smoke bomb, ready to let it go off at any point in time. I jogged through the hallways, keeping an eye out for Aizawa-sensei in case of a sneak attack. I saw the stairs, and stayed there for a second before deciding to be safe. I put my smoke bomb back in, taking out a flash grenade.
I threw it up there, and went behind the wall for protection as I heard the grenade hit the floor above. I unsheathed my katanas again, and when I heard the grenade go off, I waited another second before I ran up the stairs. When I reached the top, I saw Aizawa-sensei rubbing his eyes, the flash disturbing his eyes greatly. I smirked and ran at him, my katanas at the ready. He got over the flash however, right in time to see my katanas at his neck.
The cool metal was pressed against the warm flesh of his neck, but he didn't seem to gulp. He smirked though, making me more alert of his actions.
"Kisaragi, I understand your expertise in bombs and pyrotechnics from the information I was given. You think I didn't anticipate anything like this?" he asked. I quickly backed up, my katanas now in a defensive position. He smirked, and pulled on his scarf, letting layers of cloth come down around me and try to wrap me up. I hissed a word of profanity or two as I slashed at the cloth with katanas, getting it caught up in the trap he set up. It's not breaking it! Shit!
What should I do? Wait, I know what I can do! I held onto my katanas tightly, and started trying to wrap the cloth around them in an attempt to get them to not catch me. I saw Aizawa-sensei coming at me, and that's when I got an idea. I let go of my katanas, and tensed my legs. It looked like he's getting ready to kick me, so I'll wait a little.
He tried to high-kick me, but I dodged. I then kicked him in the back of the knee and elbowed him in the back, sending him into the layers of constricting cloth. I pulled my katanas out of the linen mess, making sure that I wasn't caught up in it. He went into the middle of the mess, and the cloth ended up collapsing around him, holding him in my intended place. I dashed towards the target, taking out three smoke bombs and letting them off. I tossed them behind me as I spotted Aizawa-sensei starting to unwrap himself from them. Hopefully he'll get confused for a bit.
Right when I reached the target, I realized that my heart was pounding. A bead of sweat trickled down my brow, as my adrenaline flowed through me in what I would assume to be high amounts. My sweaty palms sheathed my swords, and touched the target. An intense flame of fury roared through my body as I did so, and it was directed to nobody other than my teacher.
"I win."
I stated the phrase with so much venom in my voice that I could've sworn I was a snake. Aizawa-sensei came out of the smoke, staring at me with a look of surprise written on his face. Of course I would be pissed! This guy took it easy on me!
"This exercise is to test whether or not we can handle a hero to villain situation, not if the villain will take pity, because they won't." I snapped. He smirked.
"At least you can read if you're opponents are going full strength or not."
It was at this point that I was just about ready to actually slice him up.
"Listen Aizawa-sensei. I respect you as both a hero and teacher. But I'm not going to respect you if you underestimate me so much to the point you go easy on me. I came here to be a hero, not to be the one whom they rescue." I practically hissed. He stared at me with the smirk on his face growing larger.
"I change my opinion of you. You're not a dreamer Kisaragi. You're an achiever. We'll do this again, but as the last people this time. Deal?" he offered, holding out his hand. I grabbed his hand firmly, and shook it.
"We have a deal Aizawa-sensei. At least, if you can answer my question." I agreed, a frown on my face. He nodded.
"Would you have gone easy on-"
"I would have. This is something to experience and train you for, but this is more of a simulation, where you try to get used to this situation. I'm not going to use my energy where it's not needed." he interrupted, his pointy dark eyes almost glaring at me. At least I know what Yato looks like with a bitch face.
After that, we left the arena. The kids were giving me with blank stares as I walked passed, with Aizawa-sensei going next to All Might. I spotted that Iida kid gawking at me, so I flicked him off. He shut his mouth, and walked towards me, with a tense gait. My hands twitched, ready to shoot the guy with my guns. When he reached me, he cleared his throat.
"Is there something you need?" I questioned him monotonously. He stared down at me, his lip trembling. Then he sighed, and pushed up his glasses. If this guys gets pissed about my tone, I'm going to punch him. I quite literally have been bullied by him, and I don't take shit when it's thrown at me. Hell no, I throw it right back.
"It was admirable, what you said to Aizawa-sensei." he said, looking away from my face. I blinked once. Then twice. This guy...he actually complimented me. I opened my mouth to thank him, but then he opened his again.
"Clearly you do want to be a hero...but don't get the meaning of this confused! I'm not going to persuade you to continue! I...I just found that admirable!" he almost shouted, turning around. I saw his ears turn a little pink, and I paled. T-This guy... a bloody fucking tsundere.
I sighed. I've never dealt with this type of person before, but it's time for me to use anime knowledge. Let's see...Gokudera Hayato was a tsundere. So, I guess being honest and straightforward would be the best way to go.
"I see. Well, thank you for saying that. But I have a question for you..." I said, watching him turn back around. He stared at me like the world was about to end.
"Y-You acted nice..."
"If you act like a prick, then I'm going to be rude. Moving on, I thought only the teachers were allowed to hear in on it."
"That's because I allowed them to hear it!" All Might announced, answering my question for me. I sighed in irritation at the huge blonde man.
"May I ask why?" I asked, shooting a glare at him.
"They wanted to hear it from somebody who didn't have a quirk, you know, a new perspective." he explained. This guy...that's the lamest excuse ever! Number one hero my ass!
"All Might, that was a pretty obvious ruse." I stated, glowering at him. He shivered, then turned back around. I muttered another couple of words of profanity at the hero as Iida turned back to me.
"Just don't-"
"-get the wrong idea? Yeah, I got it." I interrupted, waving him off. He walked off, the others talking to him and patting him on the back. These people are such assholes. I scanned the area, yet I saw Uraraka and Midoriya looking guilty. I sighed. At least they seem to feel guilty.
The other fights went on, with epic battle scenes coming from Midoriya and Bakugou's fight. I watched with bated breath as Uraraka reached for the target. She latched onto it, gripping it like it was her lifeline as Midoriya smashed the wall that was below the second floor. I mentally cheered for Midoriya as the hero side claimed the win. Bakugou however, was pissed and broken as hell. Everybody could see it.
As the other fights roared on, what with Todoroki freezing half the arena and what-not, I thought. Did Aizawa-sensei lie? Why exactly did these kids hate me? The other class seemed fine with me, which seems a bit suspicious to me. I knew Uraraka personally in the past, but that's all I really know about this class. I stared ahead of me blankly, until a hand came down on my shoulder. The minute I felt the touch, I grabbed the persons arm, and tried to flip him/her over. That attempt failed since the person saw it coming, and landed perfectly fine on the ground.
I stared for a second, before realizing that the person was Aizawa-sensei. I got up, and bowed.
"I'm sorry Aizawa-sensei. I didn't know it was you." I apologized profusely, then stood straight up. He sighed.
"No problem, but you've got some good instincts. Now get up, we have our match to start." he replied blandly, yawning at the end. I felt a vein pop as I mentally murdered him. This man is strong in both physical strength, and the power of annoyance. I hope no one else like that shows up. Oh wait, somebody else already did. That annoyance was All Might. Let's not forget Bakugou and his insufferable ego.
We both headed into the arena, which was repaired very quickly, just as it was before every other fight. How they did it, I'll never know. Unless it was a quirk, then I would know. We went through the same process as before, taking our stances and positions before that annoying screech came out from the blue-tooth. When we were signaled to go, I started to walk around. That guy might already be on the move. The minute I turned a corner, I was met with the "villain".
"Speak of the devil, and he shall appear." I muttered, unsheathing my katanas. He shot his arm out towards me, shooting some of the long cloth towards me. I moved my arm in time, and again tested whether or not my katana could cut it by slashing downwards onto it. I swiftly dodged a kick as I was shown the cloth, which didn't a single scratch mark on it. I gritted my teeth and took out a smoke bomb, throwing it downwards. Smoke covered our vision as I dashed away; I need to retreat for little bit.
As I bolted through the hallways, I found the stairs again. I took out a stink bomb and threw it up there, letting loose a stink that was sure to make somebody puke. I held my nose to shield myself from the putrid smell, and ran down the hallway after it. I turned down the next right turn, and spotted a hallway to the left of me. I went down it and made another right, where I reached a different set of stairs, just as the map had shown. I took out a flash grenade, threw it up the stairs, and sheathed my swords (considering I could do nothing with them unless I had a clear shot). I took out my guns this time, and cocked the hammer back on both of them.
I suddenly got the feeling I was being watched. I looked around, searching for him. I didn't see anyone, and the flash grenade was about to go off. I then looked up, and found him staring down at me, like a malevolent spirit. My heart rate picked up as I whipped both my guns up, and rained BB pellets upon his being. He dodged most of the bullets, but I know some of them hit him for sure. He swung around from the ceiling, and I realized that it was similar to my projectiles, but that he had latched the ends of his cloth into the cracks in the ceiling.
I heard the flash grenade go off above, and I took my chances. I took out five smoke bombs, and threw them around the entire area. I dashed away right when the smoke enveloped my space. I dashed up the stairs, sweat dribbling down in rivulets along the side of my forehead. I heard pounding footsteps behind me as I looked back, watching as Aizawa-sensei came closer to me. I aimed my guns backwards before realizing that this was a staircase, and because there were BB pellets...I could ricochet the bullets.
"See you later Aizawa-sensei~" I sang, shooting three bullets at the wall and two at him directly. I aimed each of the three in specific places on the wall. Having to calculate the moment of inertia is pretty hard when you're in this type of situation you know...
"I thought you were a better shot than that Kisaragi!" he shouted as he raced towards me. I smirked as I saw the bullets coming towards him from the back.
"You're damn straight I am!"
The bullets hit him in the back as I took out one of the last two flash grenades I had, throwing it behind me as I shot my projectiles up, latching onto the ceiling. I flexed my ring finger on both of my hands, making the wire lift me from the ground and to the roof at high speeds. I didn't look back as I reached the roof. I then changed my position in the air - which took a lot of strength actually - and let my feet go against the roof as I let my projectiles let me go. I pushed myself off the roof, and to the floor headfirst as I turned my head to look at the stairs. I quickly took out one of my normal grenades and threw it to the stairs, including my last three smoke bombs with it as I heard the flash grenade about to go off.
I whipped my head towards the target so that I wouldn't blind myself, and unsheathed my katanas. I aimed them towards the ground, letting the steel blades embed themselves into it. I then flipped, gripping onto the katanas tightly with my sweaty hands. The minute I landed on the ground, I pulled my weapons out of the ground, and ran towards the target as I put them back. My heart raced as I neared it. My hand reached for it, almost attaining the win.
Victory was so close...but I didn't get to taste it. I felt something wrap around my leg, and the next thing I knew, I hit the floor hard. I felt intense pain coming from my nose, and something warm dribbling down it. I scrambled back up, only to find Aizawa-sensei ready to roundhouse kick me. I reacted quickly, blocking it with one arm and taking out one katana with the other. I swung at him, but he dodged, with me only tearing his shirt. I gritted my teeth in fury as I backed up. When he comes at me, then I can pretend that-
"I'm not falling for that!" he growled, with his sharp eyes glaring at me, and his slightly burnt hair shriveled up at the ends. I guess the grenades got to him...
I felt both of my ankles being wrapped up, and the next thing I know, I see the stoic face of Aizawa-sensei in front of me and upside down. I was then let down abruptly, landing on my head. I hissed out a profanity, landing on my back. Aizawa-sensei held out his hand for me, but I didn't take it. I got up by myself, and dusted myself off with a somber smile. I'm so pitiful...I lost to someone even though I trained for years...within the first week I'm here and I'm already done. I grew up supporting myself, and I couldn't even pass one measly exercise.
"I lose Aizawa-sensei."
Yeah, I made her lose. When you think about it, it would be kind of unrealistic if she won. Aizawa-sensei is practically quirk-less (considering his quirk neutralizes other and does nothing to him), and obviously has more combat experience than she does. I hope you guys liked it, and I hope I wrote the action scenes fine!
Please do give me your critiques on this chapter! And again, I'M SO SORRY I UPDATED LATE!!!!
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