Chapter 1
Hello! I want to thank the people who voted on my story! Really, I'm happy that you guys have enjoyed it so far! And sorry this took so long! Alright, continue!
Class 1-A...
Class 1-A...
I looked down the long, unnerving hallway.
Where the heck is it!?!
I jogged down the hallway, but I found...wait, what is that? I caught up to the mysterious creature and stared at it.
" you want help?" I questioned it. It looked up at me from below, showing pointed eyes and a scruffy face. It looks like it's a guy, so should I just say he...? I think I'll just say it's a he.
"No, I'm good. Just keep going." he stated. I simply nodded and started jogging again. When I finally reached my class, I took a deep breath. It's time.
I opened the door, and found the green-haired kid, glasses prick, exploding dude, and Uraraka. I wonder if Uraraka remembers...
"If you're gonna be hunting for buddies, do it elsewhere, because this..." I heard a voice behind me start. Commence the mass head-turning to the creature from before. He opened a juice packet and started drinking it.
" the department of heroics!"
It was that moment when the class felt like they had attained one connection:
When they thought about who the hell that creature was. After a few seconds, we all quieted down. The man started to get out of the sleeping bag that he was in, revealing to be in a black tracksuit with a white scruffy looking scarf around his neck. He had black shaggy hair that made him seem homeless. His outfit reminds me of Yato from Noragami...
"It took you lot 8 seconds to calm down. Life is short. Kids, you're all lacking common sense." he stated. Could he be our homeroom teacher?
"I'm your home room teacher, Aizawa Shouto. Pleasure meeting you."
I called this. He suddenly turned around and fished something out from a bag. He thrusted out a dark blue suit that had a white 'A' like it did on the door with a white collar.
"Wear this immediately, then shove off to the P.E. grounds." he instructed us. That looks like it would be a snug fit, but I think I would be more comfortable in my own clothes. I sighed as I took out a pair, and went to the bathroom to change.
"A quirk apprehension test!?!"
I paled. We all were at the P.E. grounds in our uniforms, staring at Aizawa-sensei.
"What about the opening ceremony?" Uraraka asked him. Aizawa-sensei glanced at her.
"When you're a hero, you have no time for frilly niceties. Besides, you all understand the school's reputation for freedom on campus. This goes for teacher's too." Aizawa-sensei explained. Everybody looked at him with confused gazes as I decided to follow him. How do they not understand what he means!?! He listed off various exercises from middle school, then explained how we would be able to use our quirks to see how we could push it.
"Bakugou." he called. The rude blonde boy from the entrance exam stepped up.
"How far could you pitch a softball in middle school?"
"67 meters." Bakugou replied. I stared at him. I could pitch one 80 meters then!
"Try using your quirk this time around. A long as you stay inside the circle, anything is fine. Don't hold back." Aizawa-sensei said.
Bakugou got into position.
"You got it."
He threw the softball with so much force with support from his explosion that it stunned me. But he had yelled die. What are you trying to kill!?!
"Before anything else, one must know what they're capable of." Aizawa-sensei said, messing around with something in his hand. He held it out and showed it to us. The measurement 705.2 meters was labeled there in blue.
"This is a rational metric that will form the basis of your 'Hero Foundation.' " he explained. I gulped, but smirked; this is getting me pumped!
"This looks like so much fun!" People started shouting. Aizawa-sensei had his bangs covering his eyes.
"It looks say?"
I shivered slightly. This guy is getting pissed...
"So you were planning to spend your three years here having a good ol' time? What happened to becoming heroes?" he continued with a threatening aura coming up around him. He looked up, his eyes giving a death glare to all of us.
"All right then. In that case, new rule: the student who gets ranked last will be labeled hopeless, and will be expelled."
I froze. Was I going to fail? Everybody else has a quirk except me, and I know that's never held me back before, but still...
"Welcome to the department of heroics!" he shouted as he brushed his shaggy mane of black hair away from his face. Shouts of it being unreasonable echoed throughout the area as I sighed. I should make sure to make a checklist of who to punch after this.
"All kinds of calamities happen, Japan's practically drenched in the 'unreasonable'. It's the duty of heroes to restore the reason. So if you expected meeting at McDonald's afterschool, then too bad. Expect hardships one after another for the next three years here at Yuuei." he stated. The tension around us increased as we all looked at one another.
None of us would take mercy.
The 50-meter dash was first in the trials. Glasses prick dude was up against one of the other girls in class. He had gotten 3.04 seconds while the girl had gotten 5.58 seconds.
"Kisaragi, you're going to be put in the same race as Midoriya and Bakugou, got it?" Aizawa-sensei stated. I nodded and waited, watching everyone and their quirks working. I noticed Midoriya and Bakugou starting to walk over there after some time, so I walked to the lane on the left of Bakugou. As soon as he blew the whistle, we all shot off. I took the lead at first with Bakugou and Midoriya focused on each other. They didn't seem to notice me, so I kept going. It was near the end that they seemed to notice me.
"You're not passing me! Blast Rush Turbo!" I heard a blast behind me just as I had crossed the finish line, a body coming right after me. Bakugou and I glared at each other.
"Kisaragi 4.11, Bakugou 4.13."
I nodded and walked away. I could feel that no one but the blonde kid was glaring at me right now, which relieved me. They don't know I don't have a quirk, and neither did the angry blonde dude.
Next came the grip strength test. I can't afford to lose! No more than a few minutes later, it finally beeped. I sighed angrily. I only got 98 kilograms which means...around 205 pounds? I should up my training schedule more. After what Aizawa-sensei said, and especially after seeing the others, I'll need to grow stronger with my katanas.
"Whoa, 540 kilos! What are you, a gorilla!?! No, you're more of an octopus!" I heard someone shout. I turned. and found two guys gawking at another dude who looked like he was part bird. I sighed. Yup. I was definitely going to have to get stronger to keep up with these people.
The more trials I did, the more I felt like a piece of shit. They all had their quirks that gave them many advantages I didn't even have. If anything, it made me have more disadvantages. Not only that, but everybody's talking to one another in a friendly manner while I'm stuck over here alone having no one to talk to.
No more than two trials later, it was the pitch. Uraraka got the highest score, which was infinity because she used her power to make gravity not affect the ball.
"Infinity!?! Holy cow! She got an infinity!"
Various other shouts of disbelief rained over my ears. I mentally groaned; focus on yourselves! After a few more people, it was my turn. I walked up to the plate, a softball in hand. I got into position, and tensed my muscles. I counted until 3 slowly.
I threw the ball as hard as I could, and watched as it flew away from me. I straightened my posture as I saw it reached the apex of its flight, dread building in my stomach at the thought I might have a low score. I sighed as I saw the ball land.
"103 meters." Aizawa-sensei reported. He eyed me with suspicion as I walked back. Then it was Midoriya's turn, otherwise known as the victim to prick dude, who's name I learned was Iida Tenya.
"Midoriya doesn't look too well, does he?" Iida observed.
"It's because he quirkless shit, that's why!" Bakugou yelled. Quirkless? Did he not see Midoriya punch that zero-pointer into the ground?
I directed my direction back to Midoriya, who seemed really tense as he stepped up to the plate. Then again, he's gotten the lowest score every time. But this, this is his last chance. He got into position and seemed to be trying to focus. I watched as he finally threw the ball, but it only landed...46 meters? That's impossible! Doesn't he have super strength!?!
Midoriya himself looked mortified at the turn of events as he started mumbling that he tried to use his quirk. Aizawa-sensei sighed.
"I erased your quirk."
I stiffened. That was why he was looking at me weirdly.
"Wait, those goggles! You're the erasing hero, 'Eraserhead'!" Midoriya exclaimed. Eraserhead? I believe he's an underground hero if I recall. He's not publicized much. Aizawa-sensei seemed to ignore him however, and walked towards him.
"From what I've observed, you can't reign in your full power, meaning you can't use it efficiently at all. Did you believe someone would save you after you crippled yourself again?" he said with a dark tone. I saw some people hesitate to look at him still, while others like me just stared. This is how the world is; cruel and unmerciful.
Midoriya started stuttering for his defense, but was soon wrapped around by the cloth that Aizawa-sensei had around his neck. From what Aizawa-sensei is saying right now - about how he has the courage to do it, but doesn't have the power to do it - means that he thinks he knows people's limits. I gritted my teeth. I hate people like that.
"I gave you your quirk back. Now go throw it so that we can get this over with."
I could've sworn that my vein popped as I heard Iida, Uraraka, and Bakugou talking about how he seems slightly experienced, but will probably be expelled. It's true that he- wait. Wait a second. If Aizawa-sensei is as lazy as I've seen him, and he's sure that Midoriya's going to fail, then why would he still make him pitch? Unless...he wasn't going to expel anyone in the first place.
Midoriya stepped up to the plate, then got into position.
"Probability of success, 0."Aizawa-sensei stated as he held up the rational metric. Damn it Midoriya, do it! Prove him wrong! As Midoriya swung his arm forward, I noticed that he looked more focused. I started to mentally cheer him on as he threw the ball, only breaking one finger.
He was shaking and crying from the pain as he looked up with a shaky smile.
"I can still move sensei!" Midoriya stated shakily.
"Oh-ho!" Aizawa-sensei said, showing amusement on his face. My lip twitched upwards for second. I can't believe I'm saying this, but he looks pretty cool right now. After that, we finished off the rest of the trials.
"Now, for your results. Remember, this is an accumulation of all your scores in total. I'm going to show it to you all at once, or it's going to take too long." Aizawa-sensei announced. Lazy. He let us see our rankings, and I found that I was 12th. I let myself relax slightly before looking at the other scores.
Midoriya got last, unfortunately. But it's okay. The only reason I'm not worrying anymore is the fact that I realized he's not going to actually expel us. It occurred to me when Midoriya was talking with Aizawa-sensei. Why would Aizawa-sensei really let him pitch if he's so lazy? It would be a waste of his time.
"Also, no one's actually getting expelled." Aizawa-sensei told us, grinning at us like a cat. They all fell silent as they stared at him, their mouths agape. I looked at the girl next to me, and saw that she didn't have the same reaction as everyone else. I guess she figured it out too.
"What!?!" they all yelled. I sighed alongside the girl with the big ponytail next to me. We both looked at each other, and chuckled. I get the feeling we'll get along nicely.
"It was a logical ruse to get you all to go at your full strength. Although, Kisaragi is quite good without her quirk." he stated, still grinning. They all started looking around for who I expect to be me.
"Obviously not guys! Why would he expel any of us?" the girl next to me exclaimed. Then she went on explaining how and why he wouldn't have expelled any of us, with me jumping in at the end about how he wouldn't have lectured Midoriya otherwise.
"Kisaragi, come up here please." Aizawa-sensei instructed. I sighed and walked up to where he stood. He put his hand on my head, an evil grin still stretched across his face.
"You see kids, Kisaragi doesn't even have a quirk." he announced. I heard gasps and whispers flying through the air at the news. I felt a vein pop.
"Was there a reason you needed to say that?" I asked irritably.
"The fact that she doesn't have a quirk, and managed to get into the heroics department means that you all can't afford to slack off. Remember that."
The minute he left, I grumbled a curse word or two. Now nobody was going to talk to me. That's just beautiful isn't it?
How was it? Good? Bad? Let me know!
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