Years ago, the current Tsar, Peter I, had us industrialize and become powerful like many other countries, but it was only to fill his treasury to dine on expensive food and watch us fight for the scraps. The only good thing that came out of that was how we now use the machines to grow our economy and equip our glorious armies to protect the great land we live in. Many years later, the monstrous Kaiser of Germany had declared war on us by attacking our allies the French and British empires, and telling us to not mobilize our magnificent armies, giving us no choice but to fight and crush them under our mighty foot, where we chose to fight for our foolish Tsar, Nicholas II, but little did we know that it was no glorious crusade, it was massacre after massacre against Germany and Austria-Hungary, our friends and families were fighting for a lost cause while we lived under the oppression of the tyrannical and incompetent Tsar Nicholas II and the Provisional Government! With chaotic battles we fought with the Kaiser and his German forces, each day we lost friends and family, and the king just sat on his throne and watches as we starve and slave away in these treacherous factories! We were forced to work long hours in dangerous factories, where we slaved away in the factories with so little pay and we're treated poorly by our bosses, we also needed to deal with all sorts of dangers like dangerous parts of machines, dust, and even abusive overseers, even our children were in the same dangers we have to deal with ourselves. But we soon had enough and we rose up against the tyrants with the great Vladimir Lenin leading the charge! He had us leave the war and grow our new and improved Communist country. It benefits all no matter how hard they work, and all your belongings go to the state so they can divide it up for others to use it as well, and you will be treated equally no matter how much money, power, or influence you have, and you get just as much land as everyone else. This is better compared to those capitalist dogs, who just look after themselves and just steal as much money as they can and leave everyone else to rot while we look after each other and make sure we all can rise up and live a good life. While the the civil war left us divided, the Provisional Government led us back to square one, and Germany putting their boot on our heads twice, we have stood strong and proud over the years and became stronger with every year. So pick up your hammers and sickles and live under the new leadership that toppled the foolish Tsar and the wretched Provisional government, gives you safety from capitalist scum, and continues to rebuild from the ashes to make a bigger and greater Union of Soviet Socialist Republics!
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