(This is a picture of the earrings that Luke put on 14's wolf ear. The only difference is that they don't have that small needle thingy that goes into the ear. The ends are magnetic so they come together in a full circle.)
Ajax's POV(10 years later)
It's been 10 years since I started my training with anya. (That's Hungarian for 'mother.) Since then, I've become really strong. Out of the 15 test subjects here, I am ranked in 2nd place. There is only one person in this place that I can't beat no matter what. My sister, ranked as 1st place, is that person.
Over the years, she has become not only strong, but beautiful as well. I've tried to talk to her countless times, but she always ignored me. Though, she doesn't talk to anyone. The last time I heard her talk, we were both five years old and she was threatening me.
Also, out of all of the test subjects, only me and her can actually shift into a wolf. My wolf is obsidian black. Her wolf, however, is silver and black like her hair, tail and ears.
Right now, I'm on my way to meet anya. Earlier today, she told me how she had something important to tell me.
As I walk through the hallway, a few doors away from anya's room, a door opens and out walks my sister covered in blood. On her face, there were two lines, well, gashes really. One gash started from the left side of her forehead and ended a few inches under her right eye. The second one was like the first except it was the opposite and made an X shape on her face.
Since she was wearing a black long sleeved shirt and black jeans, I couldn't tell how badly she was hurt. However, I could smell her blood. And it was a lot. Knowing that I quickly ran over to her.
"Are you alright? Do you need help?" I asked her
She didn't even stop to listen to me. She just walked right by. I couldn't stand to see her like this so I turned around and grabbed her arm making her stop.
"Please, listen to me. I only want to help you." I pleaded
When she turned towards me, her normally silver eyes were blue and she snarled at me. Then, she took her hand, extended her claws and scratched my hand. I immediately pulled my hand away and cradled it to my chest. I looked back up at her as she turned back around leaving me alone.
I turned around and ran into anya's room slamming the door open and closed. I looked up to find anya reading a book. When she looked at me, her eyes widened at the blood on my shirt and hand.
"Oh my. Jax, what happened?" She asked
"My sister. She was hurt and bleeding. I tried to help her but she scratched my hand. Why does she reject me? If I'm her brother, we're supposed to get along, right? But she hates me." I said
"She doesn't hate you, Jax."
"How do you know whether she hates me or not?"
"Before I tell you that, there's something else that I need to tell you."
"I'm not your real mother. You and your sister were kidnapped when you were just born."
"Well, I already knew that you weren't my real mother since you look nothing like me. What does this have to do with my sister?"
"Since there were two of you, one was handed to me and Luke kept the other. Before you were born, you two were experimented on which is why both of you can shift into wolves. However, the difference lies in the way you two were raised. I raised you like a normal human. But Luke raised your sister like she was a weapon, a thing. As you saw in the hallway, be torture the girl."
"But I thought that guy was nice. I mean, he did give her that choker and those earrings as presents. Right?"
"Nope. That choker is a restrictor. If she tries anything, it'll shock her at a high voltage. The earrings track and shock. If she ever went somewhere else during a mission, she would be shocked."
"How?" I said as I felt tears start rolling down my face.
"How what?"
"How can we help her? She's in pain, I just know it. I want to help her."
"Tonight, werewolves are gonna be attacking this facility. They're gonna try to rescue who they can but some of them will probably die. At that time, we can escape along with 14."
"How do you know this?"
"Because my mate is the beta wolf to the Silver Crescent pack."
"You mean the Silver Crescent pack? The largest pack in the world with 2,000 wolves?"
"So what about me and my sister? What's going to happen to us?"
"Well, you're going to be my adopted son. But I honestly don't know about 14. Let's worry about that later. Just stay here for now. They'll be here in a few hours."
"Ok, anya."
Few hours later
"Is that them?" I asked anya
"Yep. Now here's the plan. We're going to go ahead and go outside in plain sight. Once we're outside, we are gonna head straight for the pack. Got it?"
"What about sis?"
"If I know Luke, he's going to have her on the front lines fighting them off. We can talk to her then."
"Then what are waiting for? Let get out of here!"
So with that, we ran through the halls towards the front entrance. When we finally reached the front entrance, I saw that the fighting had just started. I don't see how this side is going to win since there's only 15 test subject at this facility going against 2,000 wolves.
When we made it to the other side where the pack was, the battle was already almost over. The only person alive from the facility is my sister. There's a pile of 100 bodies around her and she's covered in blood. I can't believe she took out 100 wolves with just a katana.
I watch as another wave of 100 wolves go to fight her. After half of them are dead, I see a guy from the pack quickly pull out a bow and arrow and shot my sister. It hit her in the shoulder. However, she kept fighting. The Archer shot 4 more arrows. One hit her left leg, another hit her left arm and the rest hit the already shot shoulder.
She never let up though. She kept fighting until they were all dead. Once they were dead, she collapsed and someone came out of the building carrying Luke. He looked around the battlefield like he was looking for something when his eyes landed on my sister.
"14! What the hell are you doing on the ground in the middle of a battle!? This isn't over until those disgusting creatures are dead! Now get over here and help me!" Luke ordered
When he finished talking, I looked over at my sis to see her slowly getting up. Once she was standing, she slowly made her way over to Luke. When they were within her range, she cut off the wolf's hands.
He immediately started screaming as he watched the blood gush from his arms. She then proceeded to cut his legs and stood there watching the blood gush from him with an evil smile on her face. Lastly, she raised her sword and cut off his head. All the rest of us could do was watch is his blood gushed covering her in it.
"That's right, 14. Kill them just like you killed that one. Make them suffer as they die!" Luke said and she started laughing like she just heard the most hilarious joke ever.
"What? What are you laughing about? What is so funny?" Luke said
She stopped laughing and then pointed her sword towards his throat. He screamed and started crawling away from her but she just calmly walked towards him.
"W-what are you doing? You can't turn on me! I OWN YOU!YOU BELONG TO ME! I CREATED YOU, YOU WORTHLESS FIGHTING MACHINE!" He reached in his pocket to grab something, but she stabbed him right in the heart.
"Have a wonderful time in hell, Luke." She said as she brought her blade up and to the left, cutting off his head. After his head stopped gushing, she collapsed onto the ground again.
"Bring the girl to me!" Yelled a guy full of power who I assume to be the alpha. Two wolves went over to her while anya dragged me to her mate,, the beta.
"Daniel, this is Ajax. He's going to be our son. Ajax, this is Daniel, my mate." She said
"Nice to meet you sir." I said
"Nice to meet you too son. Veronica has told me a lot about you. I hope we can be a family." He said
"I hope so too sir." I said as I looked to see a guy who is about 18 walk up to us.
"Is this your son that you were always bragging about, Daniel?" Said the alpha
"Yep. He's going to be a good beta to you."
"Whoa! Me? A beta? I couldn't possibly-"
"I accept him. I can feel that he's strong as well as a good natured person. My name's Talón and welcome to the pack."
"Thank you."
Right then, the two wolves came up to us carrying my sister. She was still conscious and holding her katana. She was really injured. Oh sis.
Talón's POV
When she came closer, I started to smell this intoxicating scent. It was mint. I staredat where this scent was coming from. Then, she looked up into my eyes.
'Mate! Mate! Mate.' My wolf Jackson shouted
'So we finally found her? Really?' I asked him
'Yep! We finally found her.'
"What do you want?" She asked me in a heavenly voice
"What is your name?"
"No comment."
"No comment."
"Will you come with us peacefully?"
"No. Now you better tell your lackeys to let go of me before they get hurt." She said as she took one labored breath after the other
"What are you going to do in that condition?"
She lifted up her blade and slashed me across the chest. With a smile on her face might I add. I staggered and fell on my knees in front of her.
"Alpha!" The two holding her said as they loosened the grip on her. But it was enough because she turned around and cut them both in half. Then she ran.
'How the hell can she run with an arrow in her leg?!' I thought to myself
Everybody crowded over to me as my beautiful blood stained mate got farther and farther away from me.
"Don't worry about me! Find her! She's my mate! Find....her." I said as I lost consciousness. The only thing in my mind at the moment being who my mate is and if she's alright.
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