November 15, 2021... ish
"Yeah, congrats on winning," Star snorted, looking over at Tom. They were leaned over the counter, Rudd on speakerphone as they stood in their kitchen, waiting for their oven to beep. Both were starving after a long day of doing nothing, just snacking on random chips and cookies in their house, so they definitely needed some real substance.
Tom was shirtless, wearing only baggy grey sweatpants, while Star wore a large oversized pyjama shirt in a white and black pattern with matching sweat shorts. It hadn't yet gotten chilly in Los Angeles yet, and the two were grateful as they didn't quite yet have to bundle up for the winter weather.
It sounded like Paul was beaming from the other side of the phone. "Thanks, kiddo. It's a real honour."
Tom rolled his eyes. "They give that title out to everyone," he grumbled.
"Ignore him, he's pissy he didn't get nominated," Star looked her lover deep into his eyes. Tom gulped.
Paul let out a laugh, filling up the room as if he were actually there in person with the two. Star had been lucky enough to know him as well as Tom did, actually better since her mom was a close friend of his growing up and they remained friends through the years. To her, he was like an uncle, the closest thing she ever had to a dad in her life, and hearing his laugh today made her heart swell.
Because of quarantine, Star had really only seen Tom this year. She was grateful for it, but he'd be leaving for the No Way Home press tour soon, leaving her alone in the house for nearly two months. Long story short, she was becoming emotional again, and she hated it.
"You'll have your time. I've seen the Instagrams. The youngins love you," Paul said.
Tom rubbed his elbow as he leaned over the counter, a small chuckle leaving his lips. It wasn't missed by Star, whose lips turned upward at the sight of seeing Tom so relaxed. Star reached out, placing a hand over his exposed bicep, "yeah, the youngins love you."
Tom's smile grew, which made Star even happier. "Well, thanks. Hey actually, while I have you on the phone, Paul, do you mind if I ask you something? It's actually... kind of a private question," he said, raising an eyebrow at Star.
She knew better than to ask questions. "Message received, come on Tessa," she announced to Tom's dog, and the two-headed outside to sit on the back porch. Star twisted one leg over the other as she lay on the hammock Tom had built for her while Tessa found a toy and brought it to her. Star tried her best to play with the dog, but she found herself watching Tom through the window, absolutely fascinated with that man. She didn't even care to think what could be so important that Tom had to ask Paul, but she found with Tom, sometimes she had to be patient and trust the process.
Star Grace had missed Tom so much while they were broken up, even if she was just now understanding it. And she never wanted to lose him again.
the way they served second chance romance,
nothing i ever write will top this silly fic from 2018 i fear.
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