"What do you think? I know it's a lot to take in," Star nervously fiddled with a loose string of yarn in the blanket laying on top of the couch Tom and Star were both sitting on.
He just shook his head, saying a quick "nah" while sticking his bottom lip out in a childlike yet familiar way.
"What do you mean?" she asked, twirling the yarn at a quicker speed.
"I mean no, it's not really. Not compared to how I feel anyway," he lifted his head, staring the bare-faced girl in her eyes. "Don't do that, love," he placed his warm hand over hers, making her stop messing with the blanket.
"H-how," she paused, taking in the scene, and how the light hit his face just right. God, it was like the sun was made just for him. "How do you feel?"
"About what?" he asked cluelessly.
"Don't play," she lovingly smacked his arm with a grin, earning a chuckle from Tom. She adored the way he laughed. It was like Eric, but different. Tom's laugh meant that he was comfortable and safe. She remembered the times they were at events they both hated, but as long as she could make Tom laugh, even in the worst situations, then that meant everything was okay. He smacked her back, making them go back and forth until they were a giggling mess of two kids playing with each other until every time they touched became slower and less motivated, the laughter dying down as they realized the position they were now in.
"I love you."
She gulped his confession the last thing she expected from him that evening. She got sidetracked by how his eyes turned into honey in the light. Suddenly, she found herself wanting to say it back, but her voice got caught in her throat.
"I've loved you since the moment I saw you at that bar, dancing, doing that thing with your hips. Since I saw you twirling the microphone cord in your fingers. Since you smiled at me in the crowd. I've loved you since, and I love you now. So you tell me, what do you think?"
"I think," she uncrossed her legs, allowing Tom to place his hands ever so gently on her bare thigh as he watched her lips move. "I think I love you too," she nodded, telling him it was okay.
Okay to crash his lips onto hers without a second thought, sending shivers down Star's spine as she grabbed his thick curls eagerly with one hand, placing her other on his chest. She tugged slightly on the tee shirt, earning a chuckle from Tom when he realized what she meant. Even though he let go of her to slide the shirt up his torso, he was quick to grab her face again and kiss her with just as much passion as before, throwing his shirt lazily onto the floor near him.
Star started leaning backwards, pouting when Tom didn't get the hint and lay down on the couch. He chuckled again. "If we're going to do this, we're going to do this properly," he grabbed her legs and helped her up into his lap before standing up, the girl wrapping her legs around his torso. The difference between his jeans and his skin was exciting as Tom carried the girl to her bedroom, setting her down comfortably onto her cozy comforter.
He remembered. He remembered how she loved being babied, being laid down softly, loving the familiarity as Tom curled his hand around the back of her neck and peppered it with kisses. He remembered everything, from how she always wore a shirt or bra during sex because it didn't feel quite right without one, to how she loved it when he placed generous kisses down her stomach while making eye contact like he was doing just now.
She missed this. But she wasn't going to say that out loud, not when she was closer to him than ever. So she decided to enjoy it.
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