Star's mood was quickly dropped, seeing upon a scrapped writing of hers that was supposed to be deleted a while back suddenly grace the internet. Her eyebrows furrowed as she walked into the studio where her manager was talking to a producer.
"Martha?" she asked, her eyes still glued to the phone screen.
"Yes, Miss Grace?" her kind manager smiled upon seeing her favourite client walk into the room.
"Can you help me get rid of this?" she asked as she turned her phone screen to show Martha.
Martha stared at it for a mere second before nodding eagerly, allowing Star to relax her shoulders. "I have someone who can get on that right away," she said before power walking into the next room.
Star's phone rang, sending a vibration throughout her whole arm. "Could this get any worse?" she grumbled as she saw Eric's name flash across the screen.
"Hey, I thought we said no cell phones in here!" one of the producers said with a gruff tone.
"I also thought we said no harassing the songwriter," Star pointed to herself as she slipped out of the door, answering her phone with her hand on the cool metal handle, closing it behind her. "Star Grace isn't here right now."
"Come on, Grace," Eric said, unaware that when he said her birth name it still had the same effect on her just like before. Except before, they had feelings. Now, they were best friends who had a soft spot for each other. It was a small soft spot, but it was there. "Don't be like that."
"Ugh, don't say you saw!" she whined, dark eyebrows threatening to touch each other as she did so. She sounded like such a spoiled brat when she did so, but at the moment, she didn't care.
"I saw!" he said in a singsong voice, sending Star into a frenzy. "Listen, cosmo girl, it's okay."
"No, no it's not! No one was ever supposed to see those lyrics!"
It was dead quiet for three whole seconds. Star's heartbeat skyrocketed. "They were lyrics?"
"It looks like the beginning of a letter."
"A love letter I was going to turn into a song," she admitted, uncomfortable with how quiet he was. She tapped her leather boots onto the floor expectedly. "Well?"
"Well what?" he asked, his deep voice bringing comfort to her even if it was no longer the same way he used to, years ago. "I know, Grace, I know."
Oh. He knows. She doesn't know why she's so shocked anyways, it's obvious that letter was for him. And it could've been a hit, that's what another songwriter at the time told her, but she chose to keep it to herself. Like she'd always had and continued to do with all her relationships. It was one thing to talk about boys out loud, it was another to admit to the media what was going on.
She felt sinking in her stomach, realizing what her life had come to. It wasn't a bad thing, but it could be better. And she needed to work harder at these sort of things so she could finally feel content. Being tired was starting to take a toll on herself.
"Grace? Star Grace? You there?" Eric asked.
"Yeah, I just, uh..."
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