First day.
The picture is of the girls and what that are wearing today. Also, Rapunzels hair is brown, so just remember that.
Elsa's P.O.V
"Elsa!!! Guess what?" Someone comes on top of me. I groan and throw them off of me and my bed.
"Anna. I'm trying, to sleep!" I say. I glance at the alarm clock. "Just because I'm Queen doesn't mean I have to get up at 7:00am."
"But today's your first day of HS. School starts in an hour." She hits me with a pillow.
Then it came back to me.
"Well, let me change!" I scurry out of bed as if I've been awake for hours.
I take a ten minute shower then I put on a pink dress with a white belt and some white flats. I do my hair into a neat bun.
I go to the dining room to find Anna, Olaf, and Kristoff.
Anna is wearing a black and white striped belly shirt, white some pink short type overalls. Under that are some purplish pink leggings and pink flats. Her hair is in two pigtails.
Kristoff is wearing some jeans, and a black jacket. He has on his signature beanie, to top off the look.
I grab an apple. "Ready?"
They all nod.
We get into a car and drive to school. It's not that fair, it only took 5 minutes.
Just I'm case your wondering, we are in Berk. It's the country between Corona, Scotland, and Arendelle. And also, we rented a house for the school year.
Now, let me get something else straight. This is not a ordinary school. It's a school for gifted people, or royals.
I get my thoughts interrupted by Anna squealing. I look her way and see-
"Elsa? Anna?"
"Rapunzel!" We both run and hug her. Anna pulls her to Kristoff and Olaf and they squealed and I laughed.
The bell rang. "Olaf, come to my back pack. Don't wanna get lost."
He hops in. We, meaning Me, Rapunzel, Anna, and Kristoff, run into the school. [The school is middle and HS.]
I bump into someone and get knocked over. I land right on my butt with a plop.
"I'm so sorry." We both say. I laughed.
"Let me help you." The boy says. I look up and, holy icicles.
He has white hair, some strands point up. He also has icy blue eyes.
He helps me up and then puts his hand out. I shake it.
"Jack. Jack Frost." He smirks.
"Elsa. Queen Elsa of Arendelle." I say. He tries to bow, but I stop him. "I only except bows when I'm at my kingdom."
"Oh." He says.
"Elsa!" I hear Anna call. "There you are. I got our schedules."
"Gotta go. See you?" I say. He nods then walks away.
I look at my schedule.
Queen Elsa of Arendelle
1 hour: Math
2 hour: Royal Studies.
3 hour: Powers Economics
4 hour: Lunch
5 hour: M-Art/T-Choir/W-P.E./TH-Choir/F-Drama
6 hour: Training/study hall
That's decent. I go to math class and sit in a chair in the 2nd to last row. It's only me. I pull out my favorite book, 'Fantasy lives'. It has creatures from Dragons to trolls.
I hear shuffling, but just kept reading. I got to the NightFurry page. They were always my favorite.
Hiccups P.O.V
"Hiccup get up." My dad says. I groan in response and get up.
I put on my usual outfit, brown pants and my brown and red armour. I eat an apple then ride Toothless to The HS.
I'm walking down the hall when I get stopped by a red head.
"Excuse me, have you seen a girl with platinum blonde hair, blue eyes?" she asks. I shake my head. She runs away with a couple blondes trailing behind her. Weird.
I get my schedule [its the same as Elsa's, except the royal studies.] and go to my first class, Math. I see a girl reading.
I can't see her face, her platinum blonde hair in the way. I sit in the row I front of her.
Then, after a long silence a guy walked in. He sat in the row behind her. He tapped her shoulder.
She looked up. Oh my dragon. She was gorgeous. She had icy blue eyes, which sparkled in the light.
She thought I tapped her, so she looked at me. "Hi. I'm Hiccup Haddock." I say. Might as well start a conversation.
"I'm Elsa, Queen of Arendelle." she smiled. Queen? Cool.
I glance at her book. "Dragons?" I ask. She nods while blushing.
She puts her book away as the bell rings. I look up front. A middle aged man walks in. "Hi I'm Mr. Weselton."
Jacks P.O.V
"Weaseltown? I thought you were supposed to be the duke?" Elsa smirks.
"I was." He pouts. "But instead, I ended up getting banned from Weselton, and ended up getting a teaching job. Because of you!"
"It's not my fault you tried sending your men to kill me!" she shot back. She's feisty.
"Can we just continue with the class?" Someone groans.
So we continue with the class.
Elsa's P.O.V
I went to Royal class. I was early, so it was only a couple people. I sat next to a girl with fiery red hair.
"Hi I'm Merida." She says.
"Elsa." I wave. Then I see Rap and Anna run into the back of the room.
All we did for the whole class was introduce each other one by one.
Anna's P.O.V
I ran to the cafeteria. I saw Elsa with 2 guys, Rapunzel, and a girls. The guys kept looking at Elsa with amazement. Oh, this is gonna be good.
"Hey, Elsa!" I called. They all looked at me while I dragged Kristoff down the hall.
"Hi Anna! This is Jack, Hiccup, and Merida. Guys, this is Anna, and Kristoff-" she was cut off by her backpack moving.
"What is that?" asked Jack.
"And I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!" Olaf pops out. Mer kicked his head and it goes flying.
"Olaf!" Elsa yells. She runs to catch his head and places it back on.
Awkward silence.
"We started off on the wrong foot obviously." Olaf says while playing with his flurry.
"How does this work?" Hiccup asked.
"Elsa built me."
They looked at Elsa astonished.
"You have ice powers?!" They ask. Elsa make a snowflake.
"I have the same powers!" Jack makes a snowflake too. "But I have to use my staff."
I could see a flash of jealousy on Hiccups face. I decided to change the subject.
"Elsa! I heard they have amazing chocolate cake!" I jump.
"Race you!" She runs to the cafe, but it ends up a tie. We get in line, then get a sandwich and chocolate cake. We munch down on some chocolate bars to.
After a minute, everyone else sits.
We all are and had small conversations, but it was mostly Jack and Hiccup staring at Elsa.
The bell rang, and I said my goodbyes to everyone and left with Kristoff not far behind me.
Elsa's P.O.V
I went with everyone to art. We all have the same schedule, except the boys had science instead of royal class.
We sat, just in time for class.
"Good morning. My name, is Mrs. Cinderella. And today, we'll be drawing our souls. And by that, I mean what you think represents you." A lady with nice blonde hair says.
I draw Olaf. I look to my right, Hiccup sits there. I peek at Hiccup, he drew a dragon. NightFurry to be exact. "Those are my favorite." I whisper.
"Mine too." He smiles. His smile can warm your heart- Elsa! This is not you!
"Times up. When I say five flip your papers. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! Now!" Mrs. Cinderella smiles.
I look around. Jack drew a stick, his staff to be exact. Merida drew a bow and arrow. Rapunzel drew a sun.
"Good now I'm going to give you a group assignment." She started naming people. I wasn't listening until I heard my name. "-and finally, Elsa, Hiccup, Jack, Rapunzel, and Merida. You will all do a 3D sculpture of something."
The bell rings and we all leave the class.
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