Sunday, 12:00 A.M.
Incoming call : Ryuk
Accept / Decline
[Happy Birthday asshole]
[*Giggles* Thank you.
That's quite weak. Sing
the song for me.]
[What makes you
think that I will?]
[Because it's my birthday
you flaming horse apple!]
[That's a creative insult]
[I wasn't insulting you.
I was describing you...
Get that straight.]
[Talking to you really makes
me realise that God did had
sense of humour.
What a joke! Man. You're what
a joke.]
[*Clicks tongue* enough.
Sing me a song come on. Thats
the least you can do.]
[*Sighs* fine.
Record call?
Yes / No
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to absolute fucking walnut
Happy Birthday to you]
[*Claps* wohoo but
wait. You really had to
call me that, you pile of
wombat shit!]
[Shut up or...]
[Mm... I'll shove your
entire upper body into yo
ass and make you fuck
yourself inside out.]
Fuck shit- hahahaha]
[Hey calm down *laughs*]
[Hahahaha... Fuck my
imagination be hahahahah]
[Well you know I am in Seoul.]
[What? Where? How?]
[My parents had their
business meeting in Seoul.
And they needed me as
I am one of the stakeholders
too. So-]
[Meet me.]
[Meet me. Idk when we will
the next time. The curiosity
is killing me now.]
[Bro calm down. I cannot.
You know my paren-]
[Don't be a prick. Are you...
[No. But you know, I cannot.]
[Find a way goddamit]
[Umm... How about at 2?]
[I have a meeting but okay-]
[In the morning.]
[Yeah. I'll come back by 6.
Nobody will know.]
[Well um.. fine if you
are okay with it.]
[You are picking me up.]
[You are deciding where
we are going.]
[You are incharge of
everything. Will text
you my location. Be on
[Bye buddy]
[*Sigh* fine.]
Call ended.
Freaking fuck. Two hours. Hell two hours are more than enough, I'll start getting ready by 1:45.
I picked up the book I left in between and sat back down comfortably. What a pleasant night!
No shit bitch, your heart is going boom boom.
Yeah it is but I cannot just accept it. No, I just have a caged Bird in my chest.
Like thats a good explanation?
I groaned in frustration. I just couldn't concentrate. What in the world of Jane Austen! I looked at my wrist watch, it has just been five minutes? I thought it had been an hour.
I got up, looking through my luggage for clothes I should be wearing. I've got pretty sophisticated clothes, that'll wrap me up like a burrito.
Fuck. A bitch is now hungry. I am that bitch. I quickly went through my luggage and finally got my precious treasure - my packet of Cheetos. I gave it a hug before tearing it apart and eating it out.
I am violent at love to be true.
I just looked around for what I should wear but more of my focus was on those spicy little things. Fuck it, they deserve my full focus, so I just sat down on the floor, legs crossed.
Finally after sucking on every finger for any dearth of spice I gave the empty packet a disappointed look. Not my fault, it was a fine ass packet of chips. But sadly, happiness doesn't last long.
My eyes suddenly landed on the royal blue knitted top I bought with Mi Hi on our excursion. I paired it with my casual blue blue denim jeans. Gucci ofc. This bitch be rich as fuck.
Damn Jee, you look hella fine. I looked at my reflection once before flicking my hair from over my shoulders. But wait, is it the remains of my favourite Cheetos on my upper lip. Unfortunately, it had reached somewhere inaccessible to my tongue. God gave you fingers for that dumbass.
I washed my face and my now-sticky fingers. And looked at myself again. You still look hot as fuck, sis. I brushed my hair and that's it. I was tired to do anything more.
Taking note of the time, it was 1:15. Oh, Mi didn't wish me till now. She is so dead.
I sat down again looking at my phone screen. I am really meeting him. He is not my imagination... Or maybe he is. Wait! I am meeting a man at midnight. Am I out of my mind?
When are you in your mind, useless paperclip?
True lol. Fuck. Is this time to laugh? What else can I do? Let's laugh instead. I gave a nervous chuckle but my heart was beating out loud. I just want to fly to the sun now.
But sun is hot as fuck and it's already burning outside. Mission abort.
Sunday, 1:45 P.M.
I am almost there.
It's not two yet desperate
Fuck off miss. I just didn't
got any traffic.
As you say.
I placed on a mask so that my respected pain in the ass parents do not recognise me. I inhaled sharply because why not! Let me soothe my heart a little without being judged guys.
I sneaked out of my hotel room quietly, honestly feeling like Jessie James on their mission to kidnap Pikachu.
Call Ryuk?
Yes / No
[At least tell me your
car number idiot.]
[Oh. Yeah its xxxxxxxxxx
It's a grey car. I am
almost there. Is that disgusting
piece of wiggling flesh you?]
[I am absolutely flattered.
Idk whom you are talking about.]
[In blue. Looking like a tuna
fish. Don't close your eyes,
look in front am here.]
My eyes opened and there was a grey car idk what model standing in front of me. The glass of the window to my side rolled down revealing an empty seat and a man in all black on the driver's seat. I cannot even see him, a bucket cap, a mask, sunglasses.
Is he the invisible man? Lol.
I walked in front of the car bonnet, first checking if the number matches. I am not a stupid. Maybe I am but not that.
[Goddam you are still
on line you know?]
Both the man in the car and my phone speaker said. Oh so this is him.
I contemplated once before opening the car door. Do I really have to do this? Yes bitch go in.
I sat down on the seat, pulling the seat belt and buckling it nonchalantly.
"Happy Birthday," he said and I suddenly had shivers cause he spoke it so lowly in his deep vocal register.
He got a sexy voice. Me wet. No lmao.
"Thanks," I said and what in frick frack snickety snack, why are my cheeks so warm? Don't tell me I am blushing. I am embarrassed for life.
You've got a mask, cold bowl of soup!
"Where are we going?" I asked with as much casualty I can pretend.
He didn't answer and started the car.
Am I being kidnapped.
Who cares?
Well I care! I am being kidnapped. Shut up, don't make him angry. Don't. Don't. Dont-
"Answer me, you absolute idiotic piece of shit!"
(A/N: Changed my writing style a little because it's Jee lol!)
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