#7 And your dads are.....
Harry's POV
I woke up with a raging headache. I think it's because I've been thinking too hard on the baby subject. I noticed that Louis did a lot of tossing and turning last night. We're all super nervous.
I left Louis to sleep. I got out of bed and got some Tylenol. I was in the bathroom putting all my rings on when I felt two arms wrap around my torso. It was so cute to see how much shorter Louis was then me. He came around to my front and stepped up to his tip toes to kiss me. I chucked into the kiss.
"What's so funny?" He asked me.
"It's so cute how you're almost 23 and you still have to stand on your toes to kiss your 20 year old boyfriend," I told him.
"It's not my fault I'm shorter than you," he pouted. I put my index finger on his chin and kissed his pouty lips.
"I know. It's cute," I told him. He giggled. "So what do you say we go find out if Allison is ours," I asked him. He nodded. We linked our fingers together and walked downstairs.
Liam's POV
Harry and Louis were taking a long time. It's almost 2:30pm and we're supposed to be at the laboratory at 3. Niall and I were sitting on the couch together. I had my arm around him and he was snuggled in my chest. He must've sensed my stress because then he said, "Stressed, baby?" I nodded. "Hey it's alright. How bout after we go out and get a drink to celebrate?" He asked me.
"But what if she's Harry and Louis'?" I asked.
"Well then we can celebrate Harry and Louis," he said. I knew he was trying to be positive but I could tell that it was upsetting for him to think that she might be theirs.
"Liam!" I heard a little girl's voice from Ally's bedroom. I got off the couch and ran upstairs. I opened the door and saw Allison standing there looking in her closet in just her little underwear.
"What's the problem, baby?" I asked, getting on my knees to help.
"I can't find anyfing to wear. She pouted. I chucked at how she said 'anything'.
"Well can I help you pick something?" I asked standing up. She nodded. "Okay let's see what we got," I said looking through her clothes. "Oooh how about this?" I asked holding up a shirt that had a British flag on it. She squealed and reached her arms up for me to put it on. To be honest, I was clueless as to how to put her clothes on. "Niall! Can you come help me?!" I yelled through the house. I heard footstep running up the stairs and the door handle turned. Niall came in.
"What's seems to be the problem Libear?" He asked me.
"I don't know how to put clothes on her," I told him honestly.
"Hey it's alright. I'll teach ya," he said grabbing the shirt from me. "You're letting her wear this? She should be wearing a football jersey," he said, looking at the shirt in fake disgust.
"She wanted to wear that," I said.
"Yeah I don wanna wear football shirt," she said. "I wanna wear dis," she said pointing to the shirt in Niall's hand.
"Well if you say so. Lift up!" He said. I just watched as he slipped her arms through the holes and pulled the shirt over her head. She looked down at the shirt and squealed again.
"Thank you NiNi!" She said and hugged him. I smiled.
"Okay how about some pants?" I asked.
"I want Niall to put dem on," she pouted.
"Okay can I at least pick out the pants?" I asked her. She nodded an I went to looking through her clothes. "How about this pair?" I asked holding up a pair of little jeans that had little diamonds or whatever on the bum pockets. She nodded and took them from me and handed them to Niall.
"Alright give me one of your legs," Niall instructed. She put one leg in then the other and I just watched. When we were all done, I took her hand and led her out of the bedroom.
"Do you want me to do your hair?" I asked.
"Yeah yeah yeah!!!" She yelled. She took off to the loo and I flowed right behind. I took her beautiful brown locks and began brushing them. "Wow you nice to muh hair," she commented.
"Well thank you," I said, still brushing. I took one of the hair ties sitting on the counter and tied her hair in a high pony. She jumped and it bounced.
"Thank you LiLi! I wuv it!" She said. She ran out of the bathroom and went it show the other boys what amazing work I did with her hair.
"Good work Liam," Louis said, admiring Allison's hair.
"Thanks Lou," I said sitting on the couch with Niall.
"Hey are you boys coming?! It's 2:50!" I heard Zayn call.
"We're coming!" We all said in unison. "Cmon Ally," I said to Allison. She reached up and grabbed my hand.
Zayn's POV
We got in the car and started our short journey to the laboratory. All the way there, Allison was telling us all about her life in London.
We eventually pulled up to the lab and we got out. Harry and Louis took both of her hands and walked in. We met with the doctor and he led all of us in one room.
"So we got our results and I'm happy to say that," he looked through his papers. "Niall Horan and Liam Payne, you are her parents," he said, smiling. Niall and Liam looked at each other with shock and pulled each other in for a huge hug. I looked over at Louis and Harry. They were hugging as well. Although they were less enthusiastic.
Louis' POV
Harry and I pulled each other in for a hug. I was sad that she wasn't ours but happy for Niall and Liam. They deserve a great child. I hear sniffles coming from behind me. It was Harry.
"Hey babe it's alright. I know it's sad but we have to be happy for Liam and Niall. They're our best mates," I rubbed his back. I was trying to be strong, but it still hurt deep down. Harry nodded and I wiped his tears. We walked over to Niall and Liam where they were taking to Allison.
"Boys! Meet the newest member of the One Direction family, Misteria Eve Horayne!" Liam said enthusiastically. Harry, Zayn and I all hugged her.
"Congrats boys!" I told them.
"Thanks! Also we were just told that the doctors are hiring detectives to find your kid," Niall said. I smiled instantly and hugged him. "Hey let's all go out and celebrate!" Niall announced. We all agreed and went to the car to be on our way.
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