#13: Missing You
Liam's POV
"Do I have to leave?" I asked. I had just received a call from someone in Australia asking for a personal interview. Meaning none of the others come with me.
"It is suggested. We have the plane ticket and hotel already payed for and booked," the person in the line said.
"Would it be alright if I brought my boyfriend and daughter with me?" I couldn't stand to have to leave them here without me. Even though the other boys will be here with him and Misty.
"I guess. When do I leave?"
"Friday." Damn. It's Wednesday.
"Okay. I'll be there."
"Goodbye Mr. Payne."
"Bye." I hung up and plopped back on the couch. Just then, my seven month pregnant boyfriend, Niall walks in with both his hands on his back. He came and sat in the couch next to me.
He laid down and put his head in my lap. He let out a sigh. "You alright babe?"
"Not really. My back is killing me, the twins won't stop kicking, and it took way too long to get Misty down for a nap," he complained.
"I'm sorry sweetheart. Can I break some news to you?" I asked. I put my hand on his stomach and rubbed it. I could feel the twins moving like crazy under my palm.
"Yeah. Good or bad?" He looked up to me.
"Bad," I almost whispered.
"Okay. What's up?"
"Well, I just got off the phone with a guy in Australia and he said that I have to go to Australia for a few days," I said.
"What? Why?" He whined.
"It's just for a personal interview that'll be a few days. I'll be back before you know it. But to keep you occupied, the boys will be here and you have an interview with Harry tomorrow," I said, trying to brighten the mood. He looked disappointed.
"I'm not allowed to come?" He asked.
"No. I asked if I could bring you but they said no," I said honestly.
"It's actually probably best if I don't go. I'd be the biggest drag," he said.
"You're never a drag and you know that. Don't talk like that," I scolded. He look down at his belly and I realised what I did. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to raise my voice. But, you know that you're amazing right?"
"C'mon please don't be mad. I don't want this to come between us. I love you too much to let myself leave you here without being happy with each other."
"Okay. So what's the deal with the interview?"
"Well, Harry's gonna pick you up and you'll go to the interview then he's going to take you to lunch and go baby clothes shopping."
"Where's Misty gonna be? Is she coming with?" He had a hand on his belly, but he moved it quickly. "Liam feel this."
I put my hand where his was. I felt the babied move around a little bit before a big kick knocked my hand off his bump. "Oh my gosh. Doesn't that hurt, babe?"
"A little. Not bad though."
"So anyways, Misty is going to stay here with Louis and Zayn."
*~ 3 days later ~*
Niall's POV
"I'm gonna miss you," Liam said to me for the millionth time.
"We'll miss you too. But, it's only a couple of days though. You'll have fun," I encouraged.
"Okay. Oh man I have to go but I love you so much and I'll see you in a few days." Liam gave me a kiss before getting down to say goodbye to Misty. I watched as she wrapped her arms around Liam and cried a little bit. "I'll be back soon, baby."
"Bye, daddy."
He ran out the door, leaving Misty clutching my leg. "We'll see him soon, baby."
"Can I talk to the babies, daddy?"
"Of course, love! They're especially active today."
They went and sat on the couch. Misty put her hands on my big belly and talked to them.
She ended up talking and playing with the babies throughout the day.
*~ The next day~*
"And remember, her schedule and lists are on the counter," I rushed.
"Okay thanks, Niall. Now go. You don't want to be late. We've got her," Louis said promisingly.
"Uncle Louis! Can I play a game on your phone?" Misty asked, looking up at Louis.
"Of course!" He pulled his iPhone 6 out of his pocket and handed it to her.
"Just not too much screen time please. She's only seven," I said.
"We'll be careful now get out," Zayn said.
"Okay I'm going." I gave a kiss goodbye to Misty. "Be good! I'll see you guys later! Bye!"
Harry brought me to the car and assisted me getting in.
When we arrived, he helped me out as well. We were brought into a small room connected to the interview room. We heard cheers outside as we were introduced.
Harry helped me stand up before we walked into the interview room. Screams erupted as we waved to the crowd.
Luckily the interviewer let me use her most comfortable chair which had good back support, which is exactly what I needed.
We got settled as a few more screams went off. Then we began.
"So guys, how have you been? It's been a while since we've seen you," she asked. Her name was Mary.
"We've been pretty good. We've been busy recording and such," Harry answered.
"Yeah and how's it been going with the little one, Niall? How is she reacting to being in the spotlight?"
"Uh she's been doing pretty well. She loves to hang out with the fans when she can," I answered.
"How old is she now?"
"Seven. Yeah she turned seven a few months ago."
"That's adorable. And how is the soon to be 'new baby Horan'?"
That's when I realised I hadn't talk anyone there was twins. "Well, there's actually something I haven't told anyone yet and it's that were expecting twins."
"Wow congratulations! That's great! Do you know genders yet?"
"No we don't. We'd like to find out soon though. We don't have much time until they arrive and we want to set up the nursery, get clothes, all that stuff."
"Well, good luck to you."
"Thank you."
"And Harry, how are you and Louis doing?"
"We're doing great. I guess now we can say that we've been starting to try for a baby, but nothing yet. So, we'll keep trying. See where it goes. You know," he said with a little enthusiasm.
"Well best of luck." She looked to the crowd. "Can you imagine four One Direction children? That would be adorable."
I felt the twins kick my bladder super hard. "Do you mind if I run to the toilet super quick?"
"No problem. Go ahead," Mary said. I thanked her and waddled out.
Harry's POV
After Niall exited, I decided to tell them what my plan was. "So actually what's going to happen is: right after this, I'm taking him home where there's going to be a big gender party. There's going to be a cake that releases the actual genders."
"Oh wow. That sounds like fun. You should invite me." The crowd laughed.
"Family only sorry," I said in a security like voice.
"Well then," she joked.
That's when Niall walked in with an uncomfortable look on his face. "Ni, you okay?"
"Yeah just a little uncomfortable." He sat down carefully. He began to rub his bump.
Niall's POV
The twins were giving me a very hard time. I rubbed the bottom of my bump, hoping to to release a bit of the pressure. I began wondering if these were Braxton Hicks.
"You sure your okay?" Mary asked.
"Yeah just lots of pressure. I'm fine." I felt both the twins do a flip together. I all if a sudden felt the urge to throw up. "Excuse me."
I ran out as quickly as I could to the trash can in the other room. A hand came running up my back a few seconds later. "Let's go home."
"Just a minute, Harry." I threw up again. "I'm done."
He handed me a paper towel and I quickly wiped my mouth. I threw it away, said goodbye to Mary, and we left.
"We're gonna head home."
"M'kay. I wonder how Misty and the boys are doing."
"We'll find out soon enough."
We pulled up to the house a few minutes later. I carefully got out of the car and waddled to my front door.
Harry sent a quick text before he stuck the key in the door.
My heart skipped a beat at the sight on the other side of the door.
Any guesses to what he saw?
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