-🎞IT Has No Memories🎞-
Some say once memories are lost one can never know themselves. However those who wish to forget have the true intention of starting over.
I wake up to see Asura's eyes just staring at me, and my hands on his chest. He kisses my forehead.
"Are you okay? You passed out last minute?" He asks.
I nod as he stroked my cheek. "Ah huh." I mutter slowly blinking my eyes closed again.
"Come on we have class today." He said.
I groan and try to sit up but it was so painful between my legs. Asura had sat up quicker and caught me from falling back over.
"Easy your really sore." He said.
I chuckled as he got up and walked to my side of the bed and helped me stand up. His scarves covering my body.
"Take a bath, and loosen up. I'll get some food ready." He said.
I nodded and then took a step nearly falling, luckily he caught me.
"I'm so clumsy." I say.
"No." He stopped whispering in my ear. "You just performed so well."
I felt my face heat up and I try to hide it but it was proven to be faulty.
I then carefully walked into the bathroom and begin drawing a bath.
"Asy? Is there a land beyond the sea?" I remember asking as we swam in the ocean.
"I don't know. However I know one thing. We always will be together and one day we'll journey beyond the sea and find out." He had replied as we swam next to one another.
As I slid into the tub after removing the bandages I instantly sigh. Feeling already better and less stiff.
Last night. He had meant all of it. An I wasn't an embarrassment. It was my first time after all. Maybe it was the same for him.
Of course it was, he's been asleep for 800 years.
I washed my hair, massaged my muscles and then washed my body. Remembering the lingering touch.
Then I got dressed in my normal school outfit. Black leather pants. White undershirt and black biker jacket. An ankle high marine boots.
Then I walk downstairs to smell batter, eggs and bacon.
"What in the world are you burning?" I ask joking around with him.
He faces me, some flour on his chin. "I'm not burning anything." He said back slight agitation in his words.
"Oh I know your not, I just wanted to have a happy morning."
"Oh I get it, you were teasing just to get a reaction out of me." He replied pulling me into him one handed, into his bare chest and kissing my cheek.
"Maybe I was." I admitted.
"Well it was a good one then." He flipped over a pan and I see pancakes in the shape of a Kishin egg.
In Death City they have appliances to make your food look like Kishin eggs. I was required to have those on hold.
I giggled and then kissed his cheek to get two plates and two glasses of pomegranate juice for us to split. He still cooked as he pour in more batter adding something into it. Chocolate I recognized.
"Did you know if men eat chocolate everyday it benefits your body?" I ask.
"No I didn't, should I try that theory?" He asks popping a chocolate chunk into his mouth.
"Are you crazy?" I laugh out.
He nodded then said after swallowing. "Extremely."
I then take some plates and walk back to the stove, setting up the plates and table then after.
He sat down and then began eating as I did.
"Hey Asura? Do you want to eat some food? It's gonna get cold?" I asked him.
"Yeah, sorry I was just thinking of something. What are we having?" I stared at him, dumbfounded.
"Asy, you cooked it." I reminded him.
"Oh that's right. I just," He sighed. "I have a bad feeling about tonight. The Witches activities have gotten more frequent and dangerous." He had said.
"Shay? Shahera!" He snapped as I snapped out of my daze.
"Sorry, I just remembered something." I say.
"About us?"
I nodded. "The night the witches attacked Death City. About 805 years ago."
"I remember that day, I was nearly killed on the battle field. You healed me."
I looked down blushing. "I guess so."
"Well come on we have class today." He said. I stop him from completely leaving.
"Put some real clothes on." I ask him as I handed him blue jeans and a black t-shirt.
He nodded and slid them on. I just headed to the door and waited for him. Looking to the clock.
"Ready," he said walking up behind me. His hair pulled back into a pony tail with stray hairs over his eyes.
I smile and hold a stray piece of hair and brush it to one side.
"You look so smart now." I say. He held my cheeks gently, then kissed me so gently. I kiss him back. He then pushed me lightly into the wall.
"Nah ah, save it for later. Or we'll never get to class." I reply.
He then smiles kissing my nose. "Your no fun." He whispered as he took by hand and walked with me to class.
"Alright we have two new students. Asura Death and Shahera Xos." Said Stein bored like as he handed us packets of review work.
We took the empty spots in front of Maka and Soul, beside Liz and Patty. As we sat down he looked at the packet and began working, same as I did.
He was about halfway through the packet and he stopped, looking at its page for about five minutes before turning to me. He whispered in my ear.
"Can you help me on this problem?"
I nodded and looked at the problem. 'Which is the most pure soul of the human race?'
I read the chooses.
A. Babies
B. Teenager
C. Adults
D. Senior Citizens
E. Lovers
"Knowing Stein, I'd say it's A. However." I say questioning myself. I was baffled by it as well.
"Hey Dad? What's the purest human soul?" Asy asked his father. I was standing beside him curios as well.
"Some say the purest souls are the Childrens, the new borne but in truth it's actually the ones who join there souls together as one love."
"I say it's E," I pause. "An yet Stein would say A."
He chuckled and kissed my ear. "Thank you for the help." He whispered in my ear then kissing my cheek.
"Get A Room!" Yelled Black⭐️Star.
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