Music had been played to fill the void but Jungkook didn't feel any better. Sad, was he? No, he'd say. But the guilt of going overboard with his convoluted emotions had deprived him of any reasoning he could have otherwise made up to prove his innocence.
One big slurp and he exhaled with a hoarse throat at the way liquor kicked his senses. Another one and this time he only shut his eyes close, feeling the sharp tickle move down his throat.
His latest words to her resurfaced in his mind and he tried to think that that would never happen. Youra had known to drive for a long time according to what he had learnt from Yoongi a few days ago, but his concern had not allowed him to let her be independent with that sport just yet. He wanted to take her to practice, twice or thrice, and once she had been used to the feeling he would let her be on her own. But what if she actually... Naah, she wouldn't.
He grabbed the bottle, the one that had been staring at him for a long while, asking to be drunk from and he gulped down half of it in one go. "Shit." He murmured, standing up on his wobbly legs on hearing the engine of his car revving up from a near distance.
She was fine. A smile took over his face.
All Youra had prayed for was a sleeping Jungkook who would somehow forget about his dear car for the rest of his life while entering the house as quietly as she could. Expletives were thrown at the creaking door for scaring the shit out of her once again.
She pushed her heels against the cabinet in the hallway and took quiet steps towards where her supposed room was. The house was dimly lit and she had known that at least Jungkook would be exhausted enough to not form a conversation with her if they happened to fall in each other's path.
The slow music playing in the living room had taken her by surprise and so had Jungkook's breath as it hit her nape out of the blue. Gooseflesh broke out of her skin as she felt his arm wrap around her waist and she was turned around to face him.
Droopy eyes stared at her so intently that she had forgotten to breathe for a second. She couldn't match the stare for long and soon it fell on his lips, their bodies swaying with whatever the heck that song was. He smelled of alcohol and the drool on his chin had managed to tell her enough about the previous few hours he had spent alone but the accuracy in his calculated movements compelled her to believe that he was sober enough.
Her eyes focused on how the dim lights had managed to highlight his features as they danced to the different corners of the living room. He twirled her around and pulled her close, earning a happy squeal. Another turn and Youra had been laughing due to the giddiness she had felt while keeping up with those movements. His lazy chuckle joined her.
A sense of apprehension dawned at her, unlikely to the somehow beautiful moment they had been sharing while remembering what she had done to his car and she sombrely stared into his eyes, waiting for him to look into hers. If a mistake had been executed, might as well pay for it. When he did not address the seriousness on her face and continued to hop around with his arms embracing her, she tugged at the loose fabric of his t-shirt.
"What is it?" He asked enthusiastically, twisting their bodies to get past the coffee table kept in the room.
"I..." She whispered, gaining his slightest attention.
"Speak up, I'm listening."
"I'm sor-" She felt a jerk as she landed on his firm chest, her arms falling behind his head and hitting against the material of the couch.
"Fuck." The two graved out in unison.
For a situation this awkward it only needed to be more embarrassing when Youra realised the warm touch of his squished cheek against her slightly exposed cleavage. "Oh my God!" She managed before pushing her body upwards by keeping her palm against his chest but to no avail.
Their bodies met again, this time with more momentum and had it not been for Jungkook's arms holding her in place, it would have been her entire breasts feeling the curve of his nose between them.
Damn the V-neck. And damn that Jeon Jungkook.
"Wait." He demanded, squirming under her comparatively petite body and shifting them completely on the sofa somehow. Once lying in a more comfortable position he ushered her to get up and she complied.
"Sorry," Youra whispered, smoothening her sweater.
"It was my fault. I apologise." A moment passed between the two as she stared deep into his eyes, realising the depth of the statement was much more ruminative than any other person could have deciphered. They knew the bitterness of their past arguments had been itching them every moment, and as a matter of fact, they never enjoyed the sour look on each other's faces, especially since they knew it's because of each other.
"It's-" Her words were cut again, this time by a hug rather. A hug that felt so much better than the continuous nagging they had been a part of, so much safer than the thought of a lonely night with nothing to do but wait for another nightmare, so much warmer in that chilly winter night. A hug that would not usually be shared between two friends. A hug too passionate for their relationship and they had both reckoned the gravity.
"So good." She heard him mumble and sigh before pulling away. That warmth snatched away in a second and her form was left alone, strangled in a cold deserted abandonment.
"What?" She asked, not knowing that she had been staring into his eyes in search of some emotion unsaid.
"This." He replied, holding up her hand and pressing against her pulse, indicating towards her pulsating heart rate and she felt exposed.
To say that she hadn't felt the same earlier when they laid together on the couch, even though only for a minute, would be a lie but she knew it meant nothing... Maybe it did. But the feeling of already being committed to someone had not let her mind wander in a direction too dangerous. It was the proximity that had caught her by surprise, she reasoned out.
"And your eyes, your pupils have dilated so...", His breath wavered, "prettily." He whispered, looking in them so deeply that all her reasons were thrown into the deepest trash pit of her brain.
He walked a step forward.
She walked one backward.
Another large step and he stood towering over her, at mere inches from her head and intentionally he levelled himself to her height. "Goodnight, Youra." He said with a tone too husky, prolonging their stare for another minute before leaving.
God. Her heart had never raced faster. At least in this new life.
Mornings had never been as peaceful as the sound of water trickling down when it pours or as sweet as the smell of cakes and chocolate fudges stored in a giant refrigerator or as honeylike as the sound she was hearing now.
Oh, what a lovely voice!
Her mind wavered to all the beautiful things she could think of, all those things that made her happy; her job, her father, her accomplishment of relearning cooking, her new but old friends, her life at the moment and... Jeon Jungkook. Her eyes blinked open at the thought of him, a subtle smile lifting up her lips but only until she saw the said man sitting beside her on the bed with closed eyes as he hummed soulfully.
"Oh, God!" She yelped, leaping back at the authenticity of the man actually being there. "What- why- what are you doing here?!"
"A very good morning to you, too, ma'am." He slurred, eyes still closed, definitely in a way that told her he was somewhat pissed. But the scary part was the unusual beam on his face, which certainly gave her all the other vibes but of a good morning.
"Morning, Jungkook." She whispered, wondering what could be the cause of his apparent appearance at an early hour. "What happened?" She asked when he didn't bother initiating the conversation himself.
"My car." His voice sounded of accusation. And it took Youra a second to understand what he meant by his car.
"Oh, that!" She almost screamed, remembering that the events that had followed after her arrival past night had not allowed her to talk much about the damage she had caused to him.
"Yes, that." He looked at her, surprisingly with a look too soft but his voice had not changed an octave.
"I'm... I didn't mean to, I mean I wanted to because you said something like that but I really didn't mean to." It was time for him to raise an eyebrow, a slow smirk forming on his lips as he waited for her to continue. "I... No, forget what I just said. I am sorry about that, I'll pay for whatever damage I have caused. Just don't get mad." She pleaded, eyes looking at anything but him.
"Who said I'm mad?"
"Huh?" Her head shot back up and a sigh left her mouth upon noticing a smile adorning his features. "What does that mea-"
"But that doesn't give you the authority to vandalize my property, Miss Song." If she had not noticed it earlier, she could clearly feel how he had lessened the proximity over the past few minutes. "Did I make that clear?" He almost closed up the distance between them, eyes looking directly into hers, lips lifted up in a crescent so peacefully that she wanted to slap away that pretty smile off his face. But then he, by Satan's grace, decided to wet his winter dry lips, at immediacy too close for her and she almost cried. What was that? And why was that?
"Did I, Miss Song?"
Fuck. She nodded. Scratching away her last thoughts from yesterday night and marking this moment to be the most triggering that her new life had been encountered with. For if it was her heart beating too loud last night, it thumped right now and her brain resided in a frenzy, almost likely to her unruly bed hair.
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