ACT ONE, chapter fourteen :
and my blood is all i see
as you steal my soul from me
At least everything hadn't changed.
Her dorm room seemed miraculously unchanged. Kellah seemed as uninterested in them as always, and Parvati and Lavender were already filling each other in on their fantastical summer trips to Paris and their newest fashion purchases. When they said things like this, they cast knowing looks at Lili as if they knew she would never experience these nice things for herself. Lili sort of wanted them to shut up. It seemed too early into the year to feel that aggressive.
Maybe not for a Snape, though?
Ignoring them, the twelve year old quickly slipped off her bed and hopped onto Hermione's where her best friend was already waiting. The girls shared a smile and got into position. Then, Hermione began to gently run her brush through Lili's wet hair in a familiar, soothing rhythm.
It was a calming ritual they'd made for themselves at the end of last year, a routine to close off the day of studying and scheming, to relax before bed. The bristles of her brush were soft and never brought tears to Lili's eyes like her own brush. Her best friend even made sure not to yank too hard on her tangles, brushing from bottom to top to make sure it didn't hurt. Lili never knew to do that until she met Hermione.
It was times like this that convinced Lili it was okay to have friends.
Hermione had been talking nonstop about their new classes and the textbooks she'd read ahead and the entirety of her educational career at Hogwarts for a full twenty—six minutes now. Lili hadn't gotten a word in edgewise (not that she mined).
"Anyway," her best friend summarised, "I think that if I somehow manage to take extra core classes in Third and Fourth Year, I might be able to take even more electives in our Sixth and Seventh. That way, my future career options won't be limited to only the classes that would fit into an average timetable and I can be prepared for whatever NEWTs I'd like! I just have to figure out how that's possible."
"Time—Turner," Lili suggested distractedly, watching white baby's breath grow between the fingers of her right fist.
The brush in her hair stilled. The silence lingered. Finally, Hermione burst, "You're brilliant, Lili!"
"It comes naturally," Lili teased before changing the subject, "Was it very nice to be back home for the summer?"
"Oh yes. It was so lovely being with my parents full—time again. They're very proud of me, but..."
Hermione hesitated and Lili glanced back a little.
"Go on," she prodded as gently as she could.
"Well, I think they feel sad, sort of, because they know that I'll want to live in the wizarding world once I'm older. Now that I'm here, I won't want to leave..."
"So you'll have to leave them instead," Lili surmised, lacking tact as usual.
But if anyone understood, Hermione did. She nodded gravely, "I think that's what they fear, yes."
Lili wondered what Snape feared. Hermione's parents were afraid she would leave them; did her father feel the same? Was that why he didn't want her researching her mum and her family? Because he was afraid that she would leave him? It was far too confusing.
The Snape girl sighed heavily, propping her chin on her fists while she waited for Hermione to finish brushing. Finally, she felt a tap on her shoulder and the girls switched positions. Lili was very gently combing through the chaos that was Hermione's hair, much gentler with her best friend than she would ever be on herself.
Almost awkwardly, Hermione asked, "How did your summer go with... Professor Snape?"
"It was like usual," she replied just as awkwardly.
Lili wondered why it was so strange to speak about her own family. She listened to Hermione describe her summer and her parents endlessly through letters and conversation, and yet it felt... wrong to speak of Snape — Sev — that way. He was very private, and he had forged her in the same image. That being said, she desperately needed to change the subject.
"I'm worried about Ginny Weasley..."
This was true. Ron's little sister didn't seem to be connecting with any of her new Housemates or the other members of First Year. Lili had seen the girl in the Great Hall and then again in the common room, sitting off to the side all alone. She'd had her red hair curtaining her face, scribbling nonstop in something. It was... strange. Ginny didn't exactly seem the diary type. But what did Lili know? She barely knew the girl.
And anyway, where did all this worrying come from?
"Really?" Hermione asked, peering back while Lili brushed.
"Yea..." She redirected her friend's head, "She just doesn't seem to be making friends..."
Of course, Lili was the last person to find this concerning in general, but the Ginerva Weasley she'd met in Diagon Alley had seemed brave and kind and more than eager to make friends. But ever since they'd gotten to Hogwarts, the younger girl seemed different.
"It's not always easy," Hermione said softly, "As we both know."
"Mmhm," she hummed softly, biting into her bottom lip.
Hermione turned round and gave her a warm glance, "But I'm lucky I have you."
"Yes." Lili agreed just as warmly, "Lucky."
They smiled at each other, hands clasping between them, the best of friends forever.
With that, it was decided. Hermione nodded, "We'll look out for Ginny, then."
So, Lili looked for Ginny in the Great Hall the next morning, but she was met with an altogether different pair of Weasley's. She was halfway through a piece of toast when the Wealsey twins plopped themselves down on either side of her, rather rudely pushing Ron aside to make room.
"Good day, pretty lady," said one twin.
She squinted, head snapping back and forth as she looked between the twins' faces. The one speaking, it was George... Or it might've been Fred. No, definitely George. Maybe.
"We've come to you with a financial proposition," he continued with a wide grin.
"Hm." Lili's black eyes narrowed suspiciously between them, "Mutually beneficial, I presume?"
It was for sure George who started, "Of course—,"
"—It is," Fred finished gleefully.
"Well. Do tell."
The twins exchanged happy, mischievous smiles before leaning closer to her on either side.
It felt strange to be closed in upon on both sides; she felt a bit trapped, a bit suffocated, and she had to remind herself over and over again that these were Fred and George Weasley and they'd never harm her. Not ever. All the same, she had to focus on growing a red and gold marigold as garnish for her plate for a few moments to let her anxiety ebb.
Out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw Snape scowling at them.
Not seeming to notice the Snape's rising emotions, Fred continued happily, "For this grand plan, we've come to the source of all knowledge." He bumped her shoulder gamely, "After all, Lili love, you've known potions your whole life. Clearly."
"Potions Master's daughter,"
"Brilliant ickle dungeon bat,"
"Little Snapelette that you are,"
"I get it, I get it," Lili rolled her eyes with a faint smirk. It was going to go on and on, and while she found none of these titles insulting, she was ready for them to get to the point.
"We've had ourselves an idea—," Fred began.
George cut in, "—Not so much an idea as a—,"
"—Business plan for tricks and jokes," Fred finished.
Oh, now she was interested; very, very interested.
"Tricks and jokes, hm?"
Her eyes gleamed, and theirs did too.
"Oh yes, all the best kinds. We'll have the ideas, and you'll have the potions. To fake sickness, to cause diversions, to sate one's sweet tooth, to get out of classes, that sort of thing." They let the silence linger, let words hang, the excitement rise, before, "Well. Are you interested?"
Slowly, Lili began to smirk, "Make a list, and I'll see what I can do."
It was time for the Snape weekly dinner.
Since their struggles last year, Sev had determined that they would eat at least one meal a week together in order to ensure that Lili did not feel neglected as she had. It meant more to Lili than she could say. The house elves were kind enough to make her favourites, and she wondered briefly if Sev had requested it. The thought filled her with as much warmth as fear of disappointment so she didn't say a thing about it.
Unfortunately, everything wasn't exactly going... smooth.
The father and daughter cut into their Shepherd's Pie in awkward tension, only the sound of metal against glass filling the silence. This time there were no books or magazines to distract them from making conversation, and Lili felt fidgety with the expectation to talk. Sev looked just as uncertain as she did, shoulders rigid and focus on his plate.
Why did this feel different than all the times at Spinner's End?
Her father drank from his goblet of wine while she thirstily gulped her pumpkin juice, blushing sheepishly when he raised a brow at the excess spilling down her chin. Sev rolled his eyes and threw a cloth serviette at Lili's face, making her giggle softly before obediently cleaning her face. But then they went back to their meal, uncomfortably eating in a strange silence.
After a moment, Sev asked (oddly stiff), "How has your first week of classes been?"
Lili shrugged.
Her father's lip curled into a near snarl. A bad habit picked up from Harry Potter, no doubt.
Sensing he wanted her to expound, she added dully, "'S all right. I like my classes well enough. Though I had Lockhart's first DADA class and it was... bad."
His expression twisted into disgust and something a bit darker, even. Lips thinned, he worked on murdering his pie when he spat, "Has Lockhart been bothering you?"
"Well... no more than you'd expect, I guess."
His onyx eyes narrowed critically, "What does that mean?"
She shrugged again, missing her father's instinctive cringe at the action. She propped her cheek on her fist and scraped lightly at her plate with the prongs of her fork. She had lost almost all her appetite now.
"I dunno, really... He just... I dunno. At least he doesn't have the Dark Lord growing on the back of his head..." Lili muttered before her eyes went wide in worry, "You did check the back of his head, yea?"
Sev cast her a glance that was nearly amused, "Believe me, girl, the Dark Lord would have to be embarrassingly desperate indeed to ever have the likes of Gilderoy Lockhart acting in his service."
Snorting, her question was more curious than accusatory, "I know why I hate him, but why do you?"
"I hate everyone."
"Right, how could I forget?" Lili smirked half—heartedly; still, it fell quickly enough, "But it's more than that, isn't it?"
Sev seemed to be debating his answer for longer than she would've expected. Finally, her father settled on, "Besides the fact that my child won't learn a single thing of worth from the self—congratulating imbecile, I find his sense of style atrocious and offensive to the eye."
Lili giggled, and there was a definite quirk to the corner of Sev's mouth.
"What? You don't like sequins?"
He gave her a vicious scowl.
She made a valiant effort at controlling her giggles, "And what else?"
"Must there be other reasons?"
"Not necessarily, but I suspect there are."
"Perhaps, but they are my reasons." He replied cryptically before pointing with his fork, "Now, eat your food before it gets cold."
She rolled her eyes, knowing he always cast a Warming Charm on her meals every time they ate together. Still, she didn't argue and went back to stuffing her face with another big mouthful of beef and peas.
Lili looked up to see Sev looking distinctly uncomfortable when he used one finger to move none other than Enchanted Encounters her way — the very book she'd been saving her Knuts and Sickles up for all summer. Her jaw dropped.
"I thought you might enjoy some dining entertainment."
Hands cradling the precious book, her eyes were huge in awe.
She couldn't decide what was more shocking: the fact that he bought her a book (how did he even know that she wanted it?) or the fact that he was acting so very strange. He was very nearly fidgeting. Slowly, Lili smirked and reached down into her bag to pull out the September edition of a very particular academic journal.
"Funnily enough, I had thought the exact same thing."
With a light push, Lili slid The Practical Potioneer across the table and into his waiting hands.
"You've officially been published. It was a rather interesting read. Congratulations, Professor."
This time, Sev truly did smile, and Lili was once again thrown for a loop.
Twelve years, and Severus Snape was still shocking her.
Lili was covered in dirt and she'd never been happier.
At the encouragement of her father, Lili had forced herself to (rather shyly) talk to Professor Sprout who said that she could make use of the greenhouses anytime she wanted. After all, Lili tended to have a life—giving effect round plants, rather than the opposite effect that most kids her age did. It was gratifying, and it gave Lili yet another place to escape anytime the world in general was driving her mad.
She imagined she'd end up in the greenhouses quite a lot.
With small Forget—Me—Nots weaved into her hair, Lili was on her way back from said greenhouses with a small skip to her steps. She found a new bloom of Foxglove, and she figured Snape would be thrilled for the potions ingredient (or as thrilled as Snape could be). Shifting her black leather satchel against her side, she strode casually through the corridor until she spotted none other than Ginny Weasley huddled against the wall, glowering at the world, ignoring the other students from her Year.
Seizing the opportunity, Lili licked her lips and hoped to Merlin she didn't sound like an absolute ejit.
"A—All right Ginny?"
There. Not too bad. Right?
The younger girl flinched like Lili had slapped her, though. Ginny jerked to attention and then her eyes locked on Lili with the utmost concentration. It was actually rather frightening. Lili stopped just in front of her, one brow arching in a very similar way to her father's.
"Hey. Uhm. Ginny?"
Instead of answering, Ginny suddenly leaned in close to whisper in her ear, "Your godfather says hello."
Lili jerked back with a frown, "What—?"
But the Weasley girl had already hurried away.
Lili barely had time to process this before she noticed the Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch teams facing off in the courtyard beyond the corridor. Hermione and Ron were already present, looking annoyed and wide—eyed at the confrontation. Pushing down the rising coldness in her chest, Lili shook away her whirling thoughts and hefted a sigh.
The last thing she wanted to deal with was more House animosity.
Preparing herself for battle, she frowned at the sound of her father's name as she approached. Oliver Wood was reading from a parchment, brow furrowed in annoyance, "'I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new Seeker'." Arching a brow, Wood looked up from the parchment in clear annoyance, "You've got a new Seeker, who?"
A smirking Marcus Flint stepped aside, and Lili wasn't even surprised when Draco stepped out towards the Gryffindor team members. She hoped and prayed that this was all Lucius Malfoy was discussing with her father that day in Diagon Alley. Surely favours for family friends were secretive enough... right?
Harry looked just as amazed as the others, breathing in disbelief, "Malfoy?"
"That's right." The blond boy smirked, "And that's not all that's new this year."
As one, the seven Slytherins held out seven brand—new black and gleaming broomsticks. Even Lili, who knew and cared nothing about Quidditch, was appropriately stunned with the rest of the Gryffindors.
"Those are Nimbus 2001s," Ron murmured in shock, "How did you get those?"
"A gift from Draco's father," Flint sneered with his big teeth.
"You see, Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best."
Draco glanced at Lili with a proud smirk, like he was expecting her to join in somehow. Lili very nearly sighed to herself. For a very smart boy, Draco Malfoy could really be such a dunderhead sometimes, really.
"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in," Hermione mocked with a smug smirk of her own, "They got in on pure talent."
Oh shite. Lili blinked. You go, Hermione. Draco, for his part, was a bit less impressed. The pale boy's expression contorted into a vicious glare as he took a few steps and stopped only at arms length in front of her. Then he spat in the most venomous tone Lily had ever heard from him:
"No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood."
Lili's jaw bloody dropped.
Everyone gasped in shock while Hermione glared, anger and hurt swirling in her glassy eyes. While Harry looked a bit puzzled, Lili's hand instinctively raised against Draco, either to hex him or punch him — she'd find out once she got there, but Hermione quickly grasped her wrist. She just wasn't quick enough to stop Ron, unfortunately.
The Weasley boy stepped forward in a flash of protectiveness, "You'll pay for that one, Malfoy!" He whipped out his wand and aimed straight at Draco's mouth, shouting, "Eat slugs!"
Tragically, Ron's spell utterly backfired from his broken wand, blasting him backwards and onto the grass of the quad. Gasping, the other three members of the quartet immediately rushed to his side while the Slytherin team cackled gleefully. The redheaded boy rolled onto his stomach on the ground, mouth bubbled, groaning softly.
"You okay, Ron?" Hermione fretted, "Say something!"
Lili watched closely and bit warily when Ron opened his mouth as if to reply, but instead he spat out a big, brown, wet slug.
"Ugh!" Lily scrunched her nose, quickly turning away in disgust.
She had thought maybe looking elsewhere would help, but instead she was blinded by the flash of Colin Creevey's camera when he suddenly appeared. She rolled her unseeing eyes at Colin, feeling infinitely older and vastly more mature than a teeny tiny First Year — completely disregarding the fact that they were only one year apart.
"Wow!" The First Year was enthralled, "Can you turn him around, Harry?"
"No, Colin! Get outta the way." Harry scolded, guiding the still slug—regurgitating Ron back to his feet, much to the laughter of the Slytherins, "Let's take him to Hagrid. He'll know what to do."
One could only hope.
Even after a visit to Hagrid where he comforted Hermione, Ron couldn't stop throwing up slugs. Their half—giant friend believed there was nothing to do but let the hex run its course. Lili felt there had to be a better answer than that. Besides, she had more than enough free time at the moment. Harry was spending a lot of time in detentions with Lockhart while Hermione and Ron were bickering as per usual.
So, Lili went on a mission.
Down, down, down into the familiar dungeons, she went. She passed a few familiar Slytherins on the way (Nott and Greengrass and the like), making sure to nod a polite greeting while they did the same with a hint of surprise.
A side note from the brain of Lilium S. Snape: House politics were so bloody stupid.
This particular side note of Lilium S. Snape's was quickly forgotten when she came upon Draco bloody Malfoy, and her moral standards went out the window. His grey eyes lit up at the sight of the Snape girl, as if he was happy to see her, and this was not a sentiment she expected would continue if she had anything to say about it.
"Draco Malfoy, you prat, I've a bone to pick with you!" Her vehement hiss made his eyes widen, and she marched up to the boy with a finger jabbed at his chest. "You used the M—word against Hermione, and I'm gonna hex you so badly that you can never have children."
This was a good threat, even if she wouldn't follow through on it.
Unfortunately, Draco seemed to recognise this.
"So?" The blod prat immediately went on the defensive, crossing his arms and raising his chin. "A Mudblood is exactly what Granger is."
"And you're a Pureblood arsehole, but I don't go round saying it, do I?"
"Actually you do," he pointed out dryly.
Lili huffed a sigh, flicking black fringe off her forehead, "It's different and we both know it, you ejit."
"And how is that my fault?" Draco countered sourly, nose practically pointing towards the ceiling. "I can't help that I've superior blood. If you ask me, we'd all be better off if Mudbloods disappeared from the school entirely."
Lili considered going full Muggle and punching him squarely in the face, but she was too smart for that now. To reason with a Slytherin, one had to think like a Slytherin, and physical violence was hardly the way to reason with one. Not at first, anyway.
"That's what your dad says," Lili replied as calmly and rationally as she could. "You're better than being a talking parrot, Dray. You've got a good brain under that horrifying, blinding blond hair of yours. Bloody well use it."
She ignored his squawk of outrage at the mention of his hair and forged ahead with a faint smirk.
"Forget the rhetoric, and what's said over the dinner table and at the society gatherings you're forced to attend." Lili stepped closer to the boy, voice lowering as she tried to reason, "Do you really think anyone's personality — nevermind worth — is determined by what blood runs in their veins?"
Draco opened his mouth to respond, to spew more of that Pureblood rhetoric no—doubt, but Lili held up her hand and stopped him before he had a chance.
"I'm a Half—Blood, Draco, and you've known me pretty much our whole lives. Do you truly think that I'm worth any less than you?"
Draco's cheeks flushed bright pink, his mouth opening and closing like a sad Slytherin fish.
"Think about it." Lili sniffed carelessly, tossing her hair over one shoulder, "And if you decide you can still bear to be round someone with such a low blood status, let me know."
The girl curved round him and walked on without looking back, feeling the weight of his shocked and thoughtful gaze on her back. Her boots created a familiar metronome as she continued on a journey she knew like the back of her hand. Finally, Lili strode into her father's office without warning or preamble, without so much as a knock. Instantly, he looked annoyed (this was not surprising).
Without further ado, the girl asked, "Do you've a potion to help Ron?"
Silent for a moment, Snape blinked blandly a few times. Then, "And what has Mister Weasley done that requires a potion?"
It was a fair question, but it wasn't one she particularly wanted to answer...
She did not come down here with an intention to act as a Professor snitch. Not to mention, who knew how Snape would react to a Gryffindor attempting to hex one of his Slytherins?
"He didn't do anything... necessarily. Well, he did, but it didn't really..." She sighed and gave up trying to deflect, instead explaining, "Ron's wand backfired when he was trying to hex Draco and now he's puking slugs. It's disgusting."
Although he looked just as disgusted, it also did not seem to matter to him in the slightest. "May I ask what Mister Malfoy did to deserve a hex that is so stomach churning?"
Lili's lips thinned when she hissed, "He called Hermione a Mudblood."
Snape's entire body stiffened and he suddenly burst up to his feet so he could growl, "I never want to hear that word coming out of your mouth again."
"I was just repeating—,"
"Never!" Her father snapped nastily, "Do you understand me?"
Shocked by his vicious reaction, Lili couldn't help but take a small step back. Snape watched this with a slight flinch, but the rigidity of his body didn't settle.
"Yea. That is, yes, I understand, sir." Her words didn't seem strong enough because he was still scowling so she added as empathically as she could, "I promise, Sev."
The tension in Snape's body eased just slightly, and he (a bit unsteadily) dropped himself back into his chair behind the desk. They stared at each other for a moment, more than a little wary, neither saying a word.
Finally, "Draco will face punishment for his words."
He rolled his eyes, "Really, Lilium."
"You do let Slytherins get away with a lot..." Lili reminded lowly, if a bit cautiously.
"Solidarity in public is essential, girl, especially for a House so hated by all the others. What goes on behind the private doors of Slytherin House is none of your concern."
"No. I guess not."
He hadn't meant it like that, but it stung nonetheless.
Snape seemed to recognise that, wincing a bit.
Finally, her father stood, walked to the storeroom, and returned a few moments later with a small vial in hand. Not looking at her, expression one of pure disinterest, he shook the vial rather impatiently for her to take. Knowing he was more than a little unpredictable right now, Lili quickly snatched it before he could take it back, and she curiously watched the purple liquid shimmer in the low light.
"It's a restorative potion; it reverts the effects of a spell on some person or object. It should assist your Mister Weasley."
She nodded half—heartedly and was about to a murmur a quiet thanks when another voice interrupted:
"Kill... Kill him... Bring him..."
Lili's entire body went cold, an instant frigid sweat starting at the base of her spine. Her dark head jerked up wildly, but Snape was only staring, the tension in his face increasing at the sudden change at her look. She twisted round, spinning in a rapid, frightened circle to scour the room. No one, no one, no one...
"D—D'you hear that?"
Her father's eyes narrowed, "Hear... what?"
Lili shuddered, letting loose a choked sound. It was different from the Voice from last year, different but just as terrifying. And if Snape couldn't hear it... If he couldn't hear it, then... then...
"The... The voice! Don't you hear it?"
Snape frowned deeply and shook his head, studying her intensely when Lili winced and grasped at her temples, but the Voice wouldn't stop:
"Kill him..."
She whimpered and her hands shifted to clap over her ears, squeezing her eyes shut.
"And bring... Come and see... Let us kill..."
Her hands dropped, her eyes went wide in horror, and she blurted, "It's going to kill someone!"
Snape reached out to grab her arm, but Lili spun and dashed out of the room without another word. Her boots thudded loudly against the hard stone of the castle floors, matching the wild beat of her heart as she pushed herself faster and faster. She ascended staircase after staircase, desperately trying to track down the source of the Voice, desperately trying to save whoever might be its target.
Snape was muffled by the Voice, buried within the recesses of her panic and determination.
"Bring him to me... Kill him... And come to me..."
Lili's boots suddenly slipped and she looked down to see herself running over a flooded floor, water splashing onto her black polka dot socks. Just what in the hell—? She had finally reached the corridor leading to the common room when she turned the corner, slamming painfully into three sprinting bodies. The girl crashed back onto her arse with a painful thud, yelping at the pain shooting through her tailbone, robes instantly soaked by the water on the floor. She wildly looked up to see Harry, Hermione, and Ron all gaping at her, panting just as hard.
Harry looked at her with the widest eyes of all, "You heard it too?"
Tongue numb and heavy in her mouth, Lili nodded desperately.
He reached down, grasped her hand, and yanked her quickly to her feet. For a moment, they stood still, just listening, and yet there was nothing. But then a flash of dripping red caught their attention. Slowly they turned, and the quartet looked up in mounting horror.
There, painted in blood, was:
Well. That didn't sound good.
"What's that?" Ron broke the silence, sounding terrified, "Hanging underneath?"
Lili followed his gaze, and she gasped softly when she found a cat hanging stiffly by her tail from a torch bracket, eyes open and blank.
"That's Filch's cat," Harry realised, "Missus Norris."
Lili's eyes slid from the cat to a nearby window where a cluster of black spiders scuttled up a silvery thread in a long organised line, fighting to get through a crack in the glass.
"Look at that," the Snape girl whispered, black brows furrowing low, "Have you ever seen spiders act like that?"
"No, never," Hermione whispered back, just as shocked.
Ron slowly started backing away, "I... don't... like... spiders."
Suddenly, the stairwell came alive with new kinds of voices and, seconds later, dozens of students streaming towards them, all laughing and chattering... They all stopped, seeing first the wall and then, standing before it: Lili, Harry, Hermione, and Ron.
A thudding silence fell.
And of course Draco pushed forward first, eyeing the wall with a nasty grin. "'Enemies of the heir, beware'! You'll be next, Mudbloods!"
Ejit! Bloody, bothersome, bigoted ejit. Did he not hear a single word she said?! Lili practically snarled when Draco's eyes found Hermione, but she was distracted when one of her least favourite people in the whole world appeared: Argus Filch. Uh oh.
"What's going on here? Go on now! Make way..." The caretaker stopped dead, eyes widening in horror when he saw, "Missus Norris?!" Rounding on Harry, he immediately accused, "You! You've murdered my cat! I'll kill you! I'll—,"
"You'll do no such thing, you crusty b—stard!" Lili pushed a very startled Harry behind her, rolling back her shoulders while snapping her yew wand out at the ready.
Mister Filch jerked over to face her, positively snarling, "Get out of my way, you filthy little girl—!"
"That'll do, Filch!"
Everyone whipped round to find that the low booming voice belonged to none other than Snape who marched forward, Dumbledore and a horde of professors following in his wake.
Oh, she was in deep shite.
She shouldn't have run from him.
Snape's face was pulled into his usual sneer when he regarded Filch, but Lili noticed an extra violence in the glint of his eye. He was furious with Filch and he was furious with her and he was furious with the whole bloody world. Then, it only got worse. Seeing the blood—smeared wall, her father's face darkened visibly.
No longer twinkling, Dumbledore's tone was grim, "Everyone will proceed to their dormitories immediately." The quartet eagerly tried to obey orders, bustling away with the rest of the student body when, "Everyone except... you four."
Well. We're sufficiently screwed. Lili and Harry exchanged a cautious look, both of them sealing their mouths shut. Who knew what sort of trouble hearing frightening voices and stumbling upon bloody walls would bring? As the corridor emptied, Dumbledore stepped to the wall and, with extreme gentleness, removed Missus Norris.
"It was definitely a curse that killed her," Lockhart announced jovially. "Probably the Transmogrifian Torture."
Snape watched intently while Lili cringed a bit away from the golden man's presence, stepping closer to Harry.
"Encountered it myself once, in Ouagadougou. The full story's in my autobiography—,"
Mister Filch looked ready to start wailing again, that or start throwing round murder threats again. Lili instinctively brushed her hand against Harry's in some sort of desperate, protective gesture. She didn't mean to do it, honest, but the boy didn't seem to mind. Harry let their fingers tangle for but a moment before he intertwined them and held her hand tight.
Her heart did some weird fluttery thing.
Very weird, indeed.
"She's not dead, Argus," Dumbledore steadily reassured, "She's been Petrified."
"Ah, thought so!" Lockhart cut in cheerily, "So unlucky I wasn't there. I know the very countercurse that could have spared her..."
Snape and McGonagall exchanged a miserable glance before the Headmaster mercifully interrupted him again, "But how she's been Petrified... I cannot say."
Furiously pointing at Harry, Filch belted out, "Ask him! It's him that's done it. You saw what he wrote on the wall! Besides, he knows I'm—I'm a Squib."
"It's not true, sir! I swear! I never touched Missus Norris, and I don't even know what a Squib is."
"Rubbish!" The caretaker cried, "He saw my Kwikspell letter!"
While Harry clearly had no idea what that was, Lili bit her lip awkwardly. Kwikspell was designed to help witches and wizards enhance their magical skills, especially Squibs... though most knew, it didn't help them at all. It just served to make Filch that more angry. But then:
"If I might, Headmaster..."
Everyone turned to watch Snape slowly separate himself from the shadows.
"Perhaps Potter and his friends were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time..."
Lili blinked once, twice, and then three times. Was Snape... defending Harry? Could he really be defending The Boy Who He Hated So Very Much? Then, in an instant, it was like Snape saw their surprise at his almost kind defence so he did his best to quickly fix it.
And there we go. Lili resisted a sigh.
"The circumstances are suspicious." He stepped slowly closer, expression darkening in threat, "I, for one, don't recall seeing Potter at dinner."
Eyes narrowing, Harry tightened his grip on Lili's hand.
"I'm afraid that's my doing, Severus." Lockhart smiled pleasantly, "You see, Harry was helping me answer my fanmail..."
As Snape's lip curled in disgust, Hermione mercifully leapt in. "That's why Ron and I went looking for him, Professor. We'd just found him when Harry said..."
Having missed everything until the point they ran into each other (literally), Lili was just as interested to hear what Hermione had to say. But now, with the look Harry was shooting her, their friend was slowly trailing off and sealing her lips shut.
Snape arched an impatient brow, "Yes... Miss Granger?"
"When I said I wasn't hungry." Harry cut in smoothly, blinking from Hermione to Lili to Snape, "We were just looking for Lili when we found Missus Norris."
Snape eyed Harry coldly, already knowing he's lying. Lili shifted uncomfortably. With that brow still arched high, her father slowly looked over his shoulder to find Dumbledore studying them as well.
"Innocent until proven guilty, Severus."
Her father rolled his eyes, obviously put out... or something.
Honestly, he confused Lili so much.
"My cat has been Petrified!" Filch screeched, "I want to see some punishment!"
Lili flinched back, accidentally bumping into Snape who gently shifted her back into place.
The Headmaster was quick to assure. "We will be able to cure her, Argus. As I understand it, Madam Sprout has a very healthy growth of Mandrakes. When they have matured, a potion will be made which will revive Missus Norris—,"
"I'll make it," Lockhart interrupted stupidly, "I must have done it a hundred times. I could whip up a Mandrake Restorative Draught in my sleep—,"
"Excuse me," Snape hissed in a tone that would make any sane person shiver. "But I believe I am the Potions Master at this school."
There was a painful pause. The kids exchanged awkward glances.
"Of course, Severus. We'll leave this task in your capable hands." Dumbledore's twinkling eyes swept over the corridor, voice carrying a frightening weight when he added, "In the meantime, I strongly recommend caution... To all."
How reassuring.
The quartet exchanged nervous glances.
The Headmaster gave them a gentle smile, "Now, please proceed to your dorm room immediately."
Yet again, Lili and her friends turned to go.
The professors likely wanted time to regroup and rehash, and that was totally fine. Lili was more than happy to slip away from her father who no doubt wanted to shake her 'til her teeth rattled. Snape kept his eyes on her as Lili slowly backed away, only swiveling safely away when Dumbledore called his name. So, the quartet dashed away. Lili passed over the restorative potion which Ron chugged gratefully, and then it was time to get to business. Their heads were nearly pressed together while they hurried down the corridor, whispering amongst themselves.
"What's a Squib, anyway?" Harry murmured.
Lili bit her lip, whispering back, "A Squib is someone who was born into a wizarding family but doesn't have any magic of their own. If you saw that he's taking a Kwikspell course, it means Filch is trying to learn magic... which won't work, most likely." Her head tilted back when she realised, "It also rather explains why he hates us students so much. He might be jealous. Bitter, too."
Hermione, who looked like she'd been only half—listening, as if trying to unravel something, suddenly spoke, "Harry, this voice. You said you heard it first in Lockhart's office?"
"Hm." The wild—haired girl turned to her friend thoughtfully, "And Lili. Where were you?"
"With Snape, in his office,"
"And neither of them heard it?"
Lili and Harry exchanged a glance before shaking their heads.
Ron shrugged, "Maybe they were lying."
Snape was definitely not lying.
Hermione puffed up a bit, making an over—exaggerated eye roll, "I hardly think someone with Gilderoy Lockhart's credentials would lie to one of his students, Ronald. Besides, if you recall, we didn't hear anything either."
Harry's eyes went wide, "You do believe me, don't you?"
"Of course we do," Lili was shocked by the conviction in her voice, "I mean, I heard it too!"
He exhaled, looking relieved, "Together, like before."
She smiled, just as relieved, "Yea. Together."
Hermione agreed but murmured, "It's just... It's a bit weird, isn't it? You both hear this voice and then... Missus Norris turns up Petrified."
"That wasn't their fault!" Ron cried.
"I didn't say it was!" Hermione cried back.
"It wasn't just weird..." Lili bit hard into her thumbnail, "I can't explain it, really, just that it was..."
"Scary," Harry filled in the blanks with a knowing glint and a frown. "D'you think we should've told them? Dumbledore and the others, I mean."
Ron balked, "Are you mad?!"
"No." Hermione frowned, "Even in the Wizarding world, hearing voices isn't a good sign."
"She's right, you know," said a portrait to Lili's right.
Ron rolled his eyes at the painting and waved them onward, "Let's go."
Lili tried to keep walking up the Grand Staircase when a hand suddenly looped round her arm to yank her to a stop. She yelped in surprise, bearing her wand just as her three other friends did the same. Three of the four wands lowered when they realised it was Snape. Harry was a bit more... hesitant. He kept his wand aimed straight at Snape's face.
"Come with me," Snape hissed right by her ear, "Now."
The girl paused and sent a furtive look at her friends, mainly... Harry. She didn't like to be separated from the boy, not at a time like this. There was something about dangerous moments, life—threatening situations, that made her feel like she needed to be close to Harry. To be with him. What had they agreed at the beginning of the year?
'You and me together, just like last time.'
Harry seemed to feel the same way. He frowned at Lili, eyes darting to Snape's face for the briefest moment. He didn't budge, not even when Hermione and Ron tugged on him, tried to call on him.
"Mister Potter." Her father said silkily. "Shall I take fifty points from Gryffindor to incentivise you?"
Harry seemed to make himself taller, jutting out his chin in that familiar sheer force of stubbornness. Now there was no way in hell he was leaving. If anything, her father just incentivised Harry to stay. No one would be able to turn him away from the girl called Lili Snape — not the Potions Master or their friends or even Dumbledore himself.
It would take only one person to convince Harry to leave now.
"You should go." Lili whispered, "I'm all right, Harry."
The words were just like last year's, and it wasn't lost on any of them.
"Really?" He wondered just in case.
"Really." She confirmed.
Snape rolled his eyes.
Finally, then, Harry allowed himself to be tugged away by Hermione and Ron. Snape kept a grip on Lili's arm (as if he still expected her to flee — again), preventing her from following after her friends who were still giving her wary glances. She nodded and waved them off in reassurance although she wasn't feeling very reassured herself. Only once they had disappeared round the corner did the silence finally break.
Snape's hold was tight enough to sting slightly, but he seemed not to notice as he yanked her closer, voice a low hiss, "If you ever... run from me again..."
"But I heard—,"
"I do not care what you heard. You are never to go running headfirst into danger."
"But I wasn't—,"
"You said it intended to kill someone and then you immediately ran in search of it, you foolish girl. Did you in all your infinite Gryffindor wisdom ever consider the person it hoped to kill was you—?!" His voice was growing steadily louder and louder until he was almost shouting, and then he swiftly twirled away to briefly rub a hand over his face, muttering, "F—ck."
Lili winced.
She hadn't thought of it that way. All she could think was getting to whoever was in danger and trying to warn them. Rescue them. Ugh, what a good little Gryffindor she was. Oh, Merlin and his ugly mother, what had happened to her?! Still, it was a bit cruel to worry Snape like that, running off with those parting words left in her wake. She'd scared him. She could see it in the rigidness of his shoulders. She wanted to apologise, but she knew it wouldn't make any difference now.
Besides, Snape's didn't really make apologies... It just wasn't something they did.
Finally, her father turned back to her with a bit calmer but much more inquisitive expression, "You heard a voice no one else did. No one else but Potter."
Lili shifted uneasily from foot to foot, not wanting to give up Harry's secrets. "Well... He didn't specifically tell you that he heard a voice..."
Nostrils flaring, Snape rolled his eyes, "Do not treat me like an idiot, Lilium, or I will have you writing lines until your hand falls off."
She frowned and then sighed, "Is that bad — that just the two of us heard it?"
"It is... not good."
It wasn't like Snape to be so bad at obfuscating; it was actually a little frightening.
Lili swallowed hard, "What's the Chamber of Secrets?"
Snape's lips thinned and he glanced round before his hand gripped her shoulder, "Not here."
The girl said nothing when he guided her back down to the dungeons, silence weighing over the pair. Instead of just going to their office, he led her through to the comforts of their flat and directed her to the settee. She kicked off her boots and curled so her arms tucked round her shins, watching intently when he went to the kitchen to make two cuppas. He returned within minutes, jaw tight, and only once they had each had multiple sips of their tea did he finally deign to speak.
"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was founded in the 10th century by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age."
"Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin," Lili supplied softly, knowing this part of history very well after growing up in this castle.
Snape inclined his head slightly, "After founding Hogwarts and existing peacefully for many years, a rift began to form between the co—founders. Three were content to continue as they were while one became more... fanatical... for change."
She winced again, "Salazar, I presume?"
He exhaled but it sounded more like a sigh. "Salazar Slytherin believed that students with Muggle origins were untrustworthy and unworthy of magical learning, and he attempted to convince his fellow founders to only accept students from Pureblood families. Clearly, the others didn't agree (violently, in the case Godric Gryffindor) and in response, Slytherin left the school, never — to — return."
Lili winced again, letting the silence hang heavy before asking, "And the Chamber of Secrets?"
Her father sighed for sure now, massaging his forehead, "It's an old legend, but one I believe holds more merit than some of your professors would like to believe. Salazar Slytherin built the Chamber of Secrets somewhere hidden within the castle, in a place no one can find. His intention was to have his 'true heir' one day return to unleash untold horrors, specifically to purge the school of all 'unworthy' — that is, Muggle—Born — students."
In a hushed, frightened voice, Lili wondered, "And what would be capable of something like that?"
"Something only the Heir of Slytherin could control: a monster."
She shivered.
Well, she was going to have nightmares tonight. That is, if she had let herself go to sleep. Which she didn't. For now, she decided to stay up and wait for the Voice again. One sleepless night and no more sign of the Voice. But she would ready when it came back again. She'd be ready.
The next morning, Lili shared what she'd learned from Snape to the other members of the quartet. Threading their way through the teeming corridors, they held their heads close to whisper their newest secrets and concerns.
"D'you think it's true?" Ron worried, biting his lip, "D'you think there really is a Chamber of Secrets?"
"Clearly." Hermione frowned deeply, that thoughtful look on her face again. "If Professor Snape's worried, then it has to be. Can't you tell how nervous all the teachers are?"
Ron only scowled in response.
Harry quietly realised, "But if there really is a Chamber of Secrets, and it's really been opened, that means..."
"The Heir of Slytherin has returned to Hogwarts," Lili answered grimly, spinning her wand between her fingers, "The question is, who is it?"
Ron chimed in with mock puzzlement, "Let's think. Who do we know who thinks Muggle—Borns are scum?"
Lili didn't like the sound of that. For all their difficulties, Draco Malfoy was still just a boy, and he was... sort of... her friend? It was a bit confusing, but she knew Draco well enough that she would know if he was the Heir of Slytherin. Merlin knew he would've bragged to her before now.
Up ahead, Lili could see Draco striding merrily along with his idiots — Crabbe and Goyle. Merlin, she wanted to hex them. All the same...
She sighed, "Ronald, please don't tell me you're talking about Draco—,"
"Of course I am! We all heard him: 'You'll be next, Mudbloods'!"
"But Malfoy?" Hermione agreed with Lili (as everyone should. really), "The Heir of Slytherin?"
"Maybe Ron's right." Harry glanced between the two girls, "I mean, look at his family. The whole lot of them have been in Slytherin for centuries."
At first Lili wanted to be snappish, to insist that simply because one was in Slytherin did not mean one was guilty of crimes against humanity. But she had to admit that Harry did have a point. There weren't many families, even Purebloods, who were all sorted into the same House, much less Slytherin, for generation upon generation.
Look at the Longbottoms who had both Gryffindor and Slytherin history while the Macmillans were often Hufflepuffs or Gryffindors. The Shacklebolt line was mainly Ravenclaws until Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt became a Slytherin. Hell, look at the line of Prince's — all of them Slytherin until Lili herself, a Gryffindor at heart. And yet the Malfoy's, however, had always been Slytherins... So, if anyone was to be an Heir that had descended from the Slytherin founder himself, it made sense it would be this particular Pureblood family.
Still... it was not Draco; of this, Lili was certain.
She mistakenly suspected Snape last year; she would not make the same mistake twice.
"Crabbe and Goyle must know," Ron was saying, dragging her back to the conversation, "Maybe we could trick them into telling..."
"No. Even they aren't that thick. But there might be another way." Hermione pursed her lips in thought, practically tapping her chin. "Mind you, it would be difficult. Not to mention we'd be breaking about fifty school rules. And it would be dangerous. Very dangerous."
Oh, she liked the sound of that.
Lili, like an absolute madwoman, grinned, "When do we start?"
Lili was not so sure this was going to work.
The plan — that is, not the brewing. The brewing was definitely going to work. What was it the Weasley twins said? She was Potioneer—in—training, and Merlin, did she like the sound of that. In a dark nook of the library, the quartet huddled round an all too familiar book, entitled Moste Potente Potions. Lili led them to it; she knew it was the one that'd help them the most. She yawned as they flipped through pages littered with (mildly) disturbing illustrations. Her friends looked a bit more horrified than Lili did; she was more than used to such things.
Being a Potion Master's daughter was not for the faint of heart.
"Aha." Lili pointed a long finger, drawing everyone closer while she read from the text, "The very dangerous but very fascinating Polyjuice Potion. 'Properly brewed, the Polyjuice Potion allows the drinker to transform himself temporarily into the physical form of another...'"
"You mean," Ron was appropriately incredulous. "Harry and I drink some of this stuff and we turn into Crabbe and Goyle?"
Hermione blinked, nonplussed, "Yes."
"Wicked! Malfoy'll tell us anything!"
Lili sighed but didn't argue anymore. She didn't think Draco Malfoy was the Heir, but the brewing Polyjuice Potion was still a good idea. Trust Hermione to be brilliant. Besides, getting into the Slytherin common room was still a good idea if they wanted to get information...
In any case, even if didn't work, Lili was making plans of her own.
Tapping a finger to her lips, the Snape girl thought aloud, "It will be complicated. Even with my skill level, there aren't many more difficult potions than Polyjuice. We'll need lacewing flies, leeches, fluxweed, boomslang skin, horn of bicorn, knotgrass, not to mention a piece of whoever we want to change into."
"Hang on now," Ron was now a bit queasy, "I'm drinking nothing with Crabbe's toenails in it."
"You will if you want to match Harry James Potter turning into Gregory Garrison Goyle."
Ron pouted.
"How long will it take to make?" Harry peered over the girls' shoulders.
"A month," Hermione replied.
"A month?" Harry replied in mild outrage, "But if Malfoy is the Heir of Slytherin... he could attack half the Muggle—Borns in the school by then."
"You didn't have to tell me that," her best friend replied with a grim frown.
That left another problem, one that really only belonged to Liliium Snape.
"Hermione." Her voice was low and thin. "How are you planning on getting some of those ingredients?"
Hermione looked at her in immediate understanding, deep regret crossing her best friend's expression. "Some of them we can get from the student cupboard. There are a few, however..."
Lili squeezed her eyes shut. Yes, as she thought. A hand reached across and quickly grasped hers. She opened her eyes to find Hermione looking at her with an intense gaze and a soft smile.
"You won't have to steal it."
Lili would rather chop off her own leg, slide down a razor into a bowl of lemon juice, face a thousand Dark Lords, do literally anything but risk the wrath of stealing from Professor Severus Snape, her very own father. But what else could they do?
Stoically, she shook her dark head, "None of you will have the same chances I will. I actually have access to his private quarters and store cupboard, if anyone can get it... It—It's okay, I'll do it, I'll figure it out—,"
Hermione's voice was stern and unrelenting, and it shocked her into silence.
"We'll figure it out, I promise. Just me, Harry, and Ron. You'll have plausible deniability, no matter what happens. You'll be safe."
Lili thought she might cry out of gratitude.
Hermione was protecting Lili, just as Lili would protect Harry.
This was what friendship was all about, Lili thought.
As the pair of best friends strode out of the girls' bathroom, Ron's sudden gasp made them whirl round in confusion. They watched the redhead smack a hand to his forehead when he burst, "Harry James Potter. That's it!"
Lili arched a brow, "What's it?"
"Harry's middle name is his dad's name!"
The other members of the quartet exchanged a bewildered (and a bit concerned) look.
"And..." Slowly Ron began to grin, "I think I finally know what Lili's middle name is."
His friends blinked.
Sounding very proud of himself, Ron loudly announced, "Our dear friend's full name is Lilium Severus Snape."
Lili cackled and continued on her way out of the bathroom, arm looped with Hermione's.
"Fine! I will guess it one day!" Ron shook his fist at her turned back, "You'll rue the day you laughed at me, you'll rue it!"
Over her shoulder, Lili merrily called, "I'll believe it when I see it, Ronald."
annie speaks
another chapter out, woooo!!! sorry that this one wasn't so action—packed, but it's a favorite of mine because it sets up so much of the tone for the rest of this act. fred and george are allyign themselves with our little potions genius. lili is working on deprogramming draco but it's going to take time. harry is always, always wanting to hold lili's hand — is it just me or does it kind of have those vibes 'he fell first but she fell harder'? maybe, maybe. oh, and, lili has secret and very unheathly plans to protect harry from the voice *cue mental breakdown time*
now, tell me your thoughts!!
update on my draco malfoy story: i thought it was going to be a rather short and light—hearted story, but boy was i wrong. as i've been writing it, can i just say: man is this getting DARK. also, draco malfoy is a good father, that's all. thank you and good day.
now, for my funny thingamabob:
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