Part 4: Garden Meetings
Amnicity squeezed the dirt in her left hand before spreading it gently around the base of the bush. The princess had to be gentler than usual in the garden to compensate for her injured wrist. There were a few moments she had to stop while a whispered curse escaped her lips, but she had survived without too much pain.
The princess stood and appraised the patch before her while brushing her hands on the front of her apron to partially clean them. Lady Toria demanded an apron be placed in the garden to protect all her frocks after a weeding task resulted in the princess ruining a prized creation. The detailing of the said purple dress she had worn to a lady's tea had taken her sixteen hours to complete.
"It looks good." A male voice sounded from behind her. The subtle hints of strain and overuse told of the speaker's age.
"Thank you, Mr. Flinning. You have taught me well." Amnicity nodded, turning to give him her full attention.
"We got some ideas for the west side of the garden if Your Highness has the time." He motioned his hand in the direction with a hint of a hopeful smile.
Amnicity knew they did not need her opinion. Mr. Flinning just liked to keep her mind at rest whenever he could. He had once told her he feared violent weeding was not enough to subdue her intense emotions and was afraid she would uproot a baby tree to see it fall.
That must be why he always leads me to the shrubberies. They already banned me from the roses after Mother's death. Well, consciously steered away from the roses. They cannot prohibit me from all the parts of my garden.
Amnicity sighed at seeing the amount of shade in the garden. The day had passed quickly, and she would need to see to her guests before they departed.
"Thank you, sir, but I think I shall wander for a little while instead. It is time to prepare for my next royal task." She smiled amiably.
"Very well," he bowed. "Would you like me to take the apron? I will have one of my boys add it to the wash."
Amnicity nodded while smiling her thanks. She untied the needed bows and handed him the soiled apron. "Have a good day, sir."
"Thank you, Princess. May our Lord continue to bless you," Flinning responded.
Amnicity turned to look back at her work before beginning to walk to the east. She would rather avoid people. The jubilant congratulations on her recent nuptials had started to try her nerves.
The princess brushed a brunette lock behind her ear while walking. A soft chill brushed across her skin, signaling the last of winter had not left them. Spring would soon be upon them. She took a deep breath in through her nose to enjoy the changes in scents. Her feet continued until she found herself surrounded by roses.
Fingers brushed against budding rose petals as she walked in the large circle. A calm came over her as the smell infiltrated her nose, bringing memories of her mother to the surface.
Would she be proud? I made the sacrifice she never could.
You did well.
An unrecognized peace infiltrated her veins. She felt her shoulders relax as her brain calmed. Her eyes settled upon the rose bush she tried to remove a few months ago.
She is coming. Be kind.
Amnicity held her breath for a moment. This voice needed to stop. She trusted it because of the sense of peace it brought her but wondered if her sanity was becoming questionable.
"Princess," Suzera Irina gasped, falling into a quick curtsy.
Stupid voice. Right again.
"Suzera Irina, I am surprised to see you." The princess inclined her head slightly. "I made certain to tell my guards not to let anyone in. I am sure you understand the importance of privacy."
Irina considered Amnicity for a moment before letting out a soft laugh.
"Oh, I do." Irina nodded. "Guard Provo is currently one of the men at the front of the garden. I learned he likes a rare whisky that Suzerain Zakarus brought from Bakale. I promised him the whisky if he let me into the garden to escape from everyone else."
Amnicity's shock dissolved into a knowing smirk. She turned to the roses and let the laughter filter slowly from her body. It felt good to laugh.
"Do not behead him," Irina added, suddenly unsure of the princess's reaction.
The request only made Amnicity's laughter increase.
Me, behead a man for being an opportunist for whisky? Guard Provo knows you would never harm me.
"No—no," Amnicity forced out with a wave of her hand, turning back towards Irina. "It is just Guard Provo's weakness delights me. I forget how young he is sometimes, and those men need some respite."
Irina visibly relaxed. She considered the flowers around her for a moment before taking a step closer to her new cousin.
"I am glad to have a moment with you," Irina smiled. Amnicity nodded her head, waiting for her to continue. "This journey will be an interesting one. Ladies in our positions never know the outcomes of such things."
"That is a subtle way to put it. My husband says we are eventually traveling to Jude. I—" Amnicity stopped, shaking her head.
"Do not worry," Irina whispered. "He is not taking you there to dispose of you. I would know if that was the case."
Amnicity nodded, her facial expressions relaxing slightly. She reached out to touch a small bud on a rose bush.
"I did not think it would be an immediate occurrence if it were part of the plan. Usually, there needs to be a coronation and at least one heir." Amnicity snapped the rosebud from the bush.
"You are almost more benumbed than me," Irina mused.
The princess crushed the bud in her right hand before turning back to Irina. She felt the sharp pain and sighed. Still weak. "What are your plans while in Preena?"
Irina's violet eyes flashed slightly before becoming shielded once again. "To bring honor to my country."
The princess laughed at her new cousin-in-law. She shook her head before taking the few steps to her. Amnicity took Irina's hand within her own.
"We both know that it is a statement with many meanings." Amnicity brushed a strand of hair from Irina's face. "My wish for you is to be safe while there. I fear we are sending you into a dangerous situation for the sake of an alliance."
"Konri Mezio, Konra Lellana, and Konrik Loren are fine people," Irina whispered.
"And the Korak?" Amnicity's eyebrow rose slightly.
"I can handle her." Irina smirked. "Did your intel let you know that I am proficient with the sword and bow? I trained in those arts before becoming a lady."
"Is this where I am supposed to imply it is a heathen practice? In truth, being able to manage a blade is probably as important as being able to manage people politically," Amnicity ended in a whisper. Her eyes scanned around them out of instinct.
"I ensured Guard Provo would no let anyone else enter the garden," Irina whispered.
Amnicity nodded. "It seems we are to become friends and family, Suzera Irina."
Irina laughed, placing a hand on the princess's arm. "Then, as your friend, let me provide some advice. If you wish to learn how to wield a blade, provide Koman Shaed Sutter with the whisky that Zak hides behind the rest on the bottom shelf. Your husband believes hiding the best whisky on the bottom shelf will fool everyone."
Amnicity tilted her head, considering Irina for a moment. She then playfully jumped to Irina's side and entwined their arms. "Let us walk, my dear cousin."
Irina tilted her head back to laugh. Her laughter continued until a small stream of tears reached the side of her eyes. "I do not know why this should be so amusing," she confessed. "It just—it has been so long."
Amnicity patted her hand while nodding. "I think it is simply amusing we should find ourselves as friends after so long. Perhaps we have been forged into similar spirits from our experiences and thus cannot help but lean upon one another?"
Irina nodded, squeezing her new cousin's arm. "You have been strong."
Amnicity bit her lip and nodded, lightly moving Irina from grasping her right arm. "So have you."
The two women walked in silence within the garden for a moment.
"How necessary do you think it is for me to learn from Koman Sutter?" Amnicity finally asked.
"Korak Fallyn and High General Lessure appeared to be leaving the library together. They also appeared cozy during and following the wedding reception." Irina's frown and furrowed eyebrows took Amnicity by surprise.
She instinctively started to shake Irina's arm. "Do not make those expressions. My grandmother always warned me the expression would cause wrinkles. You need to be as presentable as possible for your mission to Preena."
Irina turned to her with a raised eyebrow. "That is your main concern?"
Amnicity had the grace to blush, turning from Irina. "Instinctual response." She shrugged. "I will speak with Koman Sutter regarding my training. As for those two—one is already taken care of."
Irina nodded her head. "Are you okay?"
Why does she seem so concerned? Oh—the rumors.
"We were never that close." Amnicity waved away. "He wished for it to be so, but I am a lady of principle. Are you okay leaving Koman Sutter behind?" Irina stopped walking to stare at the princess in shock. "I do not mean to presume to know your relationship with the koman, but rumors pass through the halls of the palace quickly."
"Our time has passed." Irina willed herself not to show emotion.
Hug her.
Amnicity followed the voice's command. Irina wrapped her arms around the princess, leaning into the hug. The princess felt her shoulder dampen as she soothed her new cousin with a soft pat upon her back.
We will need each other.
"It will be okay," Amnicity began. "Koman Sutter seems to be a good man. I am sure he understands the situation. Konrik Loren is a gentleman who seems to be trustworthy. He will treat you well." Irina nodded into the princess's shoulder. "Let me see your face."
Irina stepped back for her cousin to examine her face. The princess took a handkerchief from the folds of her dress.
"Oh, do not give me that look. You are not the only one who randomly cries." Amnicity histrionically sighed, making Irina laugh.
"That is good to know." Irina turned her eyes up to the sky as Amnicity dried the face around her eyes.
"Your eyes are beautiful," Amnicity sighed. "And, now, you are presentable. Have your trunks been packed for the journey?" Irina nodded, and Amnicity gave her arm a gentle squeeze with her left hand. "Good. Make sure to write as often as you can. Though, Korak Fallyn would probably not want it to be too often."
"I will keep it balanced," Irina assured her. "Be sure only to write what is mundane and necessary."
Amnicity nodded. Maybe Zakarus will allow me to come up with an excuse to bring her back earlier than planned.
"Let us go. We do not want the Preenians to wait too long." Amnicity led her cousin towards the entrance.
The two women walked arm-in-arm towards the entrance. When it came to the final turn, Amnicity dropped her arm. She enveloped Irina into one last hug.
"Let me leave ahead of you. We will both look upset just in case," Irina whispered. Amnicity nodded into her shoulder.
"I cannot believe we are related," Amnicity loudly hissed, causing Irina to break into a grin.
"I hope my cousin takes care of you," Irina retorted, making Amnicity smirk.
Irina then turned and stormed from the gardens.
She may have become one of my favorite persons. Amnicity mused, watching Irina walkway.
The violet-eyed woman took a swift right towards the entrance of the palace. Irina knew it was almost time to leave for Preena. The next phase of her mission would soon begin, and she felt her nerves heighten.
Irina had not told the princess about the sword she packed at the bottom of her trunk in a hidden compartment. Shaed had been adamant that she be able to protect herself. It felt as if the spirits were warning them of what was to come. Shaed had said that only those who have lived by the sword could feel it when he brought the blade to her that morning.
Irina clenched her fists at the thought. That fear in his eyes. I am glad Zakarus had not come with him, or I would have fallen apart.
Irina inclined her head at the doorman who opened the palace entrance for her. She delicately took the steps, observing the Preenian royal family prepare to depart. Zakarus stood to the side, speaking with Konrik Loren. Shaed stood a few steps behind them. Irina held his eyes for a moment before averting her gaze back to the carriage where Korak Fallyn waited. She could hear Amnicity's steps not too far behind her.
Please let this work. Irina pleaded.
Once to the bottom of the steps, Korak Fallyn approached her with a smile. "Are you not excited to depart?" Her icy eyes flashed with something Irina did not know how to place. "We will have a grand adventure."
Irina glanced over her shoulder at Amnicity as she spoke with Shaed. Ancestors, please protect us.
"Yes," Irina nodded. "I cannot wait to learn more about Preena."
For Jude and Vetus, it would be done.
Sigh, a much needed Nici and Iri moment. I hope y'all enjoyed it :)
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