Part 3: The Morning After Effect
Korak Fallyn dabbed the perfume upon her wrists with a sigh. She had spent the morning perfecting her outfit.
An outfit could change one's mood, and today I will appear joyful. Fallyn sarcastically cheered within her head.
Fallyn let out a small hiss. Joy was not an emotion she could possess at the moment. Her plans had been completely dashed when it came to Jude. Now, she had to contend with a union between Vetus and Jude.
Fallyn unconsciously scowled. Our numbers will now have to be recounted. More work. More planning. Joy.
She sometimes wished it to be possible to have an assistant to manage these matters. Fallyn currently had to be an actress, planner, and dutiful Korak all at once. It had become exhausting.
Fallyn rested her hands upon the vanity for a moment in thought. High General Lessure was not exhausting last night. He was almost delightful. A nice mixture of charm, spirits, and boiling anger to feed off of. Her head rose to make eye contact with herself in the vanity.
"He was almost enticing," she smirked into the mirror, her hand subconsciously moved to fiddle with her earring as she thought of the previous evening.
Fallyn attributed the ceremony's drabness to the rushed need of Vetus to feign excitement about the nuptials. She did not believe Princess Amnicity gave much thought to her appearance. Her gown was predictably embroidered as all of Lady Toria's previously failed attempts at fashion had been before it.
Suzerain Zakarus initially appeared as the only one excited about the union, well until he had kissed the princess. Fallyn did not believe she could read auras like her family had claimed to do. However, she could not deny that their witless natures may have accidentally infected her somehow. Thus, she could only wince when seeing what appeared to be an alarmingly calming hue combine above the pair.
Fallyn provided the appropriate applause while scanning the crowd. A small smirk formed upon her lips on seeing High General Lessure standing in attention in the back row. Fallyn had her game for the evening insight. Her exit to the reception was one of pure gleeful anticipation.
She later found herself in the corner during the reception. A glass of chardonnay in hand while she observed the evening. She had been certain to provide adequate congratulations to the newlyweds before slinking into the background of the evening. For her plan to work, she needed to monitor High General Lessure. He required two to three glasses of strong ale, whisky, and/or wine before she approached him. In such a state, his demeanor would be open and possibly venturing towards lewd. Fallyn did not require scandalously lewd behavior, but the appearance of an attraction between them would serve her purposes.
Fallyn took a moment to glance down at her attire. She turned slightly to provide the coverage needed to adjust her breasts. A lady must use all of her best attributes when on a political hunt.
Once turned back around, she let her eyes wander until they fell upon her quarry. A practiced perfect smile made its way to her lips as she moved towards High General James Lessure. He currently stood to the far left side of the dance floor, almost hidden between two pillars. A member of the waiting staff had paused there so the High General could have his glass filled for the third time. This was her moment.
Fallyn maneuvered through the exuberant crowd with polite head nods. She spotted her brother across the room talking with a lady and immediately felt pity for the poor dear. Fallyn knew how dull his conversations could become, and a place so full of auras would only make it even more tiresome.
She tilted her head slightly on approaching the High General's lair. A touch of his arm could be too forward. Perhaps a casual lean against the column to start. Provide a view of her figure before enticing him with words. Even better, a full advance into his arena. No man ever took down a bear by simply hiding from a beast.
"High General Lessure," Fallyn smiled, turning into the small area where she knew him to be hidden.
Fallyn's eyes widened slightly on seeing High General Lessure conversing with one of the guards. The pair immediately stopped talking.
"Korak Fallyn," High General Lessure acknowledged with a slight tilt of the head. "It seems you have been able to sniff out my hiding place once again. You are dismissed, Guard Maven."
"Yes, sir." Guard Maven bowed to High General Lessure and made a small nod of inclination towards Korak Fallyn before walking away.
"It seems you are a man who never stops thinking of his duty," she quipped.
"The palace never stops requiring my protection."
"Even if the duty now falls upon another High General to perform?" Fallyn watched the quick downturn of James's lips return to a smile.
He moved to stand beside the pillar to look out at the room. "We are all High Generals that think of what is best for Vetus."
Fallyn nodded, taking a sip of her wine.
James glanced towards her. "Is there a reason you came this far to seek my company?"
Fallyn let her finger run up and down the outside of her glass as she tilted her head in mock thought. "We previously had such enlightening conversations. What more could a lady such as myself wish for?"
"A lady such as yourself appears to wish for many things," he murmured, watching her.
She smirked at him. "Is that wrong?"
James drank his wine while maintaining eye contact with the smirking Korak. She could see his mind appraising her as he tried to glance at her form subtly. Fallyn made sure her facial expressions and gaze appeared willing if he decided upon any primal inclinations. He probably heard enough rumors about her from the guards she kept within her fold to know they both craved similar things.
"Only if is not what is best for Vetus," James finally stated.
Fallyn let out a laugh that made James frown. "Oh, High General, I am sure we both can come to similar conclusions regarding what would be best for Vetus."
James's eyes narrowed slightly at Fallyn as she placed a hand upon his arm.
"Now," she smirked. "It will do us no good to be standing in the shadows. You would do better to finish your wine and ask me to dance."
"Would I?" His eyebrows rose as his face began to relax slightly.
"Yes, High General, you would. As of right now, you are a sulking defeated man hidden in a corner. Dancing three rounds with me would put you in a different light. We would strike fear into our enemies together. Oh, do not give me such looks. You will need allies whenever you make your move, and I have moves to make for myself. We could even make this more appealing with a more physical connection if you would like. No need to be bored with only the political side of our arrangement."
High General Lessure smirked at Fallyn's boldness. "Let us simply begin with one dance and see how the rest unfolds."
Fallyn smirked into the mirror. She had been pleasantly surprised to find the High General Lessure only struggled upon the dance floor. Their physical arrangement was not initially part of the plan. Perhaps the wine and lighting had let the moment overwhelm her sensibility as he seemed emotionally volatile when left to his own devices. Encouraging feelings within a political arrangement could easily derail her plans.
"But the ease in which he helped me escape to my chambers does indicate this is not his first tryst," Fallyn sighed, rising from her chair. "Perhaps he only partook in hopes of entangling my emotions."
Fallyn paused her walk towards the door to let out a silent laugh at the thought. She had not gained concealed power by letting a physical connection overwhelm her emotions. Enough of the men before him learned that. Queens took whatever they desired, and Fallyn wished for everything.
A sudden knock on the door brought Fallyn back to the moment. She would be impudently late for the midday meal if she did not hurry.
"Korak Fallyn," a male voice stated on the other side. "I have a message for you."
Fallyn turned to the window to examine the location of the sun. She had a little bit more time. "Come in."
The young guard who spoke with High General Lessure the evening before entered. Once inside, he shut the door and fell into a bow holding out a letter.
Fallyn walked forward to take the letter. She provided him a small smirk before opening it. Fallyn glanced down at the page and the back of it.
She frowned. "There is nothing here."
"I know," the guard whispered, moving from the door. "But, it was the only way I could think of speaking with you without drawing attention. I am Guard Maven, a trusted ally to High General Lessure."
Fallyn nodded for him to continue.
"Last evening, after you left—Uhm, your meeting with him."
Fallyn smirked at the young guard's blushing cheeks. "It was a very entertaining meeting. Please inform him that I look forward to our next one."
"That could be a problem," Maven sighed.
Her eyebrows furrowed. "How so?"
"High General Lessure was arrested for harming the royal family last evening. It was Suzerain Zakarus's first order as part of the royal family."
Fallyn nodded, tapping her fingers against the bodice of her dress while thinking. "Is there a basis for the charge?"
He looked towards the window. "It—uh—there was a small altercation between him and the princess before the wedding."
Fallyn let a small curse release under her breath. The man and his damned emotions. "Did anyone see me leave his quarters?"
"No one that is not part of allegiance."
Fallyn nodded again.
Maven sighed. "High General Lessure had it passed to me that you be informed of this development before midday dinner. They are currently keeping him in the dungeons and have rotated the guards so that we do not know his exact current location, but we believe he will be moved to the main prison."
Fallyn nodded. "They would be foolish to keep him in a place that his allies could easily break him out of. Patience will be required to deal with this situation."
Guard Maven nodded his head.
"Inform your allies that no one shall act against the crown in his name at this time. I will need some time to adjust my plans to account for this, but do know I will save him."
"We will await your instructions. Thank you, Korak Fallyn," Maven bowed.
Fallyn waved her hand and crinkled her nose. "Yes, yes. Now go. It would do no good for rumors of us talking to pass around the palace."
Guard Maven bowed once more before opening the door.
"Enjoy your midday dinner, Korak Fallyn. I will have your letter delivered at once."
Guard Maven motioned for her to exit the room. Fallyn nodded her head.
"Thank you, kind sir," she nodded, passing through the doorway.
Fallyn held her hands lightly in front of her while walking down the hall. The small base allowed her to focus nervous energy through her body. She had not expected Suzerain Zakarus to act so quickly or rashly.
Time to act and speak with care, Fallyn. You could be next. A brief image of her head in a basket flittered through her brain. No. This is not the time to fear. Preenians know when to strike. We are strong. You will take down the bears. You will be Queen.
Chatter and laughter bounced off the walls as she journeyed closer to the dining hall. She willed her facial expression to match the ebullience emanating from the room. Fallyn nodded at the doorman as he opened the door to the dining hall. Her welcoming was as warm as she expected, with a few cheerful greetings and some less jubilant ones. Lady Toria did at least lift her eyes in acknowledgment.
"I am so sorry for my delay. I received a letter from a friend," Fallyn smiled, sitting down in her chair. "Did I miss the toast?"
"Only the first three," her brother sighed. "The cheer associated with this union is truly glorious."
"Konrik Loren, you are too kind to us," Amnicity laughed. "You have not missed much of consequence, Korak Fallyn. We welcome you to the joyful affair."
Fallyn raised her glass to the princess and Suzerain Zakarus. "To the happiness and prosperity of alliances that transcend borders," Fallyn smiled.
A chorus of cheers echoed from the halls as glasses softly touched. Fallyn transitioned her eyes to where King Valander now spoke with her parents.
Nothing to be done about that right now.
"Am I the last to arrive?" Fallyn feigned innocence.
"Yes," Zakarus nodded. "All the other guests have already left."
"Oh," she sighed. "I was hoping to speak with High General Lessure again before he departed home."
Zakarus shifted his eyes to his wife and then back to Fallyn. "I am sorry you were unable to speak."
"There is a rumor—" she pressed on.
"Korak Fallyn," Valander interrupted. "Your mother has just informed me that you nor your brother participated in the war of the bears."
Fallyn nodded. "We have not."
"I am thankful for it," Loren murmured, sipping his juice. "It was a barbaric tradition. No light upon this soil should be taken away in such a manner."
Fallyn observed her brother for a moment before shifting her eyes back to Valander. "Our grandmother never made it sound barbaric."
"She was a different type of woman," Konri Mezo sighed.
"Indeed," Fallyn agreed. "But, I did see the symbolism she spoke of concerning the ceremony. As leaders, we must all make difficult decisions and know when to strike so that the stronger may prosper."
Konra Lelena warily assessed her daughter. "Is that the lesson you learned?"
"Well, we should all prosper," Fallyn amended with a smile. "It is just that at times, we as rulers, or possible rulers, of our lands are faced with tough decisions. The war of the bears serves as a trial of a person's judgment. What type of ruler shall you be? Are you one that will go where you see immediate strength? Or, shall you be wise and wait until all knowledge is obtained?"
The hall became silent apart from some silverware scraping upon plates as Koman Shaed continued to eat his breakfast. He did not care for political conversations when the chef had created such splendid food.
"That is very insightful, Korak," Amnicity finally commented. "We must all spend some time reflecting upon these questions."
"What type of ruler would you wish to be?" Zakarus asked, making Amnicity turn to her husband with slightly widened eyes before hiding the reaction behind her glass.
Fallyn held Zakarus's gaze for a moment before dropping it to her plate. Do not be an imbecile here. Use tact.
"It really is not my place to consider such things. I am not meant to inherit one of the great seats of this land."
Zakarus shrugged his shoulders while nonchalantly waving his glass in a small circle. "Humor us. Consider it a gift for the bridegroom."
Fallyn took a sip of water while collecting her thoughts. She smiled politely before speaking. "It is wise to obtain all knowledge to perceive all paths towards an end goal."
"Very wise, sister," Loren nodded quickly. "You must have spent many hours in mediation to reach such an understanding. Do you not agree, Suzera Irina?"
"Yes," Irina nodded. "It was a very conscious response."
"Just think, Suzera," Shaed stated, after finishing a bite of his food. "After some meditation time, you will be able to dazzle us with your wisdom as well."
Shaed ignored the look Irina gave him while turning to speak to someone further down the table.
Loren nodded. "Koman Sutter is right. We will need to make sure you have plenty of time to meditate when you arrive. Lately, I have been concentrating so hard I sometimes feel as if my soul can transfer to another being. I once thought I saw myself through the eyes of a bird! Is that not delightful?"
"Yes," Irina nodded. "It sounds like an intense and mystical experience."
"Oh, yes, Suzera. It really is. I will tell you more about it on our journey back to Preena."
Irina nodded her head while sipping her juice. She met the smirking eyes of Lady Toria across the table and could not help a small smirk form on her own lips.
"We will have many splendid conversations, I am sure, Konrik."
Lady Toria made a small noise and quickly covered her face with a napkin. "I am sorry," she forced out. "It must be the change in seasons again."
Amnicity glanced between Lady Toria and Suzera Irina before letting out a small sigh. She would need to speak with Lady Toria later about her decorum. Konrik Loren was unlikely to be insulted by such a display, but she wished him to be shown respect. Lady Toria is below his status.
"We should leave soon," Zakarus whispered in Amnicity's ear.
A small rush filtered into Amnicity's chest before she quickly crushed the sensation. It would be of no use to let her body overpower her reason. She had already come this far and could not be lost to the throws of romanticism now. Amnicity had finally understood why Lady Elry enjoyed intellectual thought and did not wish to let it filter from her mind so soon.
Amnicity swallowed before speaking. "Would it not look odd if we left together?"
Zakarus snorted slightly. "You are now my wife. I doubt anyone would be questioning what we are doing."
Amnicity blushed as Zakarus kissed the back of her hand.
"For effect," he winked.
Amnicity could feel the heat of his kiss through the fabric of her glove, dissuading her thoughts by reminding herself of their plan. They had discussed it at great length that morning when laying in bed. Her cheeks instantly heated at the thought.
She quickly nodded her consent before turning back to the table. Their guests did not seem to pay any attention to their brief interlude. Well, apart from a small smirk from Lady Elry. Amnicity did not count Lady Elry in the equation; she usually monitored her.
"We will be departing this dinner now," Zakarus announced, rising from the chair. "We thank you all for your felicitations and look forward to seeing you all again soon. Princess?"
Amnicity took Zakarus's offered hand to rise from her chair and laced her arm in his.
"We are grateful you are all here and look forward to further celebrations of this union." Amnicity provided a nod to their guests.
The two exited the hall with measured steps. Once outside the hall, the two let their arms drop. Zakarus made his way to the stairs while Amnicity made her way to her gardens. They both needed a break from perfectly accepting their new union.
"Do not let my husband, his guard, or even my ladies disturb me." Amnicity almost hissed to a guard as she walked past.
Amnicity had felt a tension begin to form in her stomach the moment Korak Fallyn mentioned James. It only added to the small moments of unease that had transpired since the coupling ceremony. She would not be able to manage much more civility in this state.
"Yes, Your Majesty." The guard nodded.
No good could come from disturbing the princess when she needed to settle her nerves. The palace staff learned this after some heated High General meetings. Many of the guards had come to admire how the princess learned to control herself within these situations and then turn to another outlet. Her return from such practices seemed to provide new insight into the situation. Some would say they even began to trust in her ability to one day lead them, "began" being the keyword for some. There were still some nationalistic matters to consider when it came to their loyalty.
My, oh my, what shall happen to James now? And, will Fallyn be able to help him? It seems so long ago since Amnicity was trying to live out one of her romance novels... Le sigh!
Thanks for reading! :)
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