"Greetings to the Federal Republic of Nigeria" Ibrahim Salisu started his broadcast on all TV networks Nationwide, "We apologise for interrupting your programmes but i believe The security of our nation must be treated with Great Urgency. It is really Sad that I'm to inform you that Tolu Majiyabe-The Agent sent by the FBI, has gone rogue. Recent investigations revealed he was trying to cover-up evidences and also killed two of our most gifted men in order to conceal his nefarious acts. He was secretly and thoroughly monitored by us and when we had discovered proof of his ways, had him arrested. We didn't know he wasn't alone, he was working together with two close accomplices. A male police officer, Inspector Ife Makun and another of his FBI partner, Emily Clarkson. He was broken out of our prison by these two fellows and left many of our patriotic officers injured and some dead. We have reasons to believe he's also had Nojat Kafayat, the only daughter of our beloved Hamzat Kafayat, Kidnapped and is currently unconscious in their custody. He has held her captive with the aim of using her for a bargaining chip Incase things go south. This must not be allowed to stand, They're currently at large and we request every Security arm be on the alert and on their trail, They should be treated as Terrorists. With the power invested on me by the President of the Federal republic and the Trust of Well meaning Nigerians as the head of the DSS, I Declare Tolu Majiyagbe and his Accomplices Wanted Dead or Alive"
~ 48 hours earlier
Emily and ife are surprised when the limo in front simply accelerates unabated. She keeps shooting at it as ife manages to overtake the second limo, he disarms the driver and ties him onto the seat. Emily rushes to check on Nojat .
"is she dead?" Ife asks. His heart in his mouth. he hoped she wasn't.
"she, just unconscious, but She'll pull through".
Ife and emily drive back to their base and nojat is put on a chair as emily tries desperately to revive her. She comes around not too quite long as emily hugs her. Tears are streaming down Nojats eyes.
" i thought i knew him " she sobbed.
"Its not your fault dear" emily consoled, "we all fell for his tricks".
Emily somewhat felt pained she hadn't realized it sooner, her inner senses had let her down this time. or was it because She was all over tolu she failed to take note of the guy nojat had introduced them to.
" Try and rest Nojat" ife suggested, "we're getting Tolu tomorrow".
Nojat shaked herself off the last wave of dizziness sweeping across her face, " Tolu?,what happened to him".
"he was arrested by the DSS" Emily explained, "we barely made it alive ". Flashes of Tolu being manhandled by over dozens of DSS officers crept in her brain as she tried shaking it off.
Nojat tried wrapping her head onto all these new details, a lot had really happened.
" How do we bust him out?" Emily asks Ife.
"Well that's what I'm trying to do" he said retrieving his phone from his pocket.
"How?" Emily asks.
"uhm.. I've got an old friend at the DSS. she owes me a favour" Ife grins
"long story" Ife says as he begins to dial the number, "Hey Dami... I'm sorry... i need a favour..."
Tolu is tied up to a chair in a dark room, his mouth and eyes are bloodied and he almost felt like his ribcage could break anytime soon, he'd been beaten up badly for something he knew nothing about. He struggles and wriggles to untie himself but each movement he makes is accompanied by excruciating pains. He thinks about Emily and Ife, praying they'd made it out on time and what's more, found nojat. He knew they'd come for him, and that scared him to bits knowing that the DSS would take no second invitation in gunning them down. He'd been stuck here for hours. No sounds, except that of his futile struggles and groans of pains. He dozes off and is awaked by the sound of the metal bars opening up and light rushes in to fill the vacuum nearly blinding him.
he hears footsteps as the voice laughs hysterically.
"if it isn't tolu majiyagbe" the voice stopped at the edge of the darkness.
"Who are you?, Let me go, why am i under arrest?, on whose orders?" tolu rattles on as he vibrates on the chair in anger.
"under my orders", the voice says flatly.
" Who are you?" Tolu asks fumimg.
The voice moves forward and in a second the light falls on his face. Tolu is left dumbfounded on who it was.
Ife brings in the packages after getting off the call with dami. He sets the packages on the table as the two ladies examine them.
"What's this?" Nojat asks
" Uniforms, DSS uniforms " Ife replies, "we're going to disguise as officers, and infiltrate the headquarters"
"sounds cool, but what about our faces? they already know how we look like " Emily pointed out.
"that's why we have these" Ife displays two black masks.
"masks?, we'll look suspicious"
"not really , there are some DSS officers who wear masks, and to make sure, Dami has provided us a replica of the ID cards two DSS personnel's who are cleared to wear masks, They're supposed to arrive the hq at 3pm, but if we go early , we have more time ".
Emily stares at the two cards dangling off IFE's fingers. Their names boldly written on it. Sergeant Bamiloye Adeyemo and Sergeant Funke Omolara. She wears the female id round her neck.
"so how do we find Tolu?" Emily asks
" She says if her guess is right, Tolu would be locked up in the Hemi-cell, 2 storeys beneath the DSS headquarters " Ife responds while wearing the id.
"we're working on a guess?" Emily says raising her eyebrows. this was a risky stunt they were about to pull and any wrong moves would mean their deaths.
"Dami has been working in the DSS for a decade" Ife defended, "she knows what she's saying".
Emily picks up her gun and cocks it in the air, " let's move then"
"wait, what about me" Nojat ask.
Emily feels embarrassed, they'd barely noticed she was there.
"what do i do?" Nojat presses further, "i want to help".
" You sure" Emily asks, "you could use some rest"
"No no " nojat insists, "I'm fine"
Emily shoots a glance at ife who nods stylishly, apparently agreeing to her coming.
"okay then " Emily starts, "you drive"
"Ibrahim?!!!, what's going on?" Tolu asks screaming his lungs out, "why are you arresting me?".
" tsk tsk tsk, calm down boy" Ibrahim teases, "you still have alot you haven't heard yet".
The fuck??!, Ibrahim?, what is going on?.
" you have meddled with my plans for far too long tolu" .
It hits tolu immediately, that's it.
"You're the sponsor"
Ibrahim laughs hysterically allowing the echoes reverberates round the room.
"yes,I'm the sponsor" ibrahim feigns hurt, "i had aluko nd hamzat killed.....".
Tolu widened his eyes as it sinks into him.
"... And tolu, you're next"
Nojat parks the car metres away from the DSS building as Emily and Ife go over the plan. they'd been reviewing the plan throughout. Each knowing their 'lines'. The plan looked perfect on paper but they both knew once the action begins it'll be a different ball game. They both get down as nojats bids them good luck. A deep breath and they're both approaching the heavily guarded entrance to the facility.
"I'm just stuck at whether to kill you now or let you witness my grand plan" Ibrahim says.
"And the plan is?" Tolu spat.
Ibrahim lets out another sarcastic laugh, "you'll know when it has started, But lets just say, i want to cause a furnace that will reboot this country" .
None of what he said made senss to tolu. Furnace?, Reboot?!. what does he mean.
"What do you mean?" Tolu asks.
"slow down kid, even I'm not as eager as you are, but Eben you can't stop what's about to happen" Ibrahim explains.
"My friends will stop you" Tolu bites back.
"Argh, your friends" ibrahim drags, "they're small fry when compared to you, but notwithstanding, they'd be dead next time they cross path with me"
Ife and Emily are stopped by the guards, Ife Displays his id and signals Emily to do the same. The guard scans through their id and says, "wait a moment". Ife could feel his heart swelling , ready to explode as soon, he feels sweat gather round his forehead as soon as the guard checked their ID number on the system. The system verifies them as genuine DSS. The guard returns their cards and allowed them in.
" Phew, close one "
Tolu is battered emotionally as Ibrahim toys with his mental state as Tolu is desperately thinking of what horrors Ibrahim had for him and his friends. Ibrahims phone rings, he answers it
"Hello... Helen...."
Helen? tolu thought he hadn't well. Was she also part of this freak show. But on second thought, with Umar being the murderer, Ibrahim being the one pulling the Strings, he could just about expect anything.
"........what?, why didn't you tell me in time?" Ibrahim scolded, "So she's been rescued..."
Nojat. They did it.
"...... and Dakar?.... okay good... get here as soon as possible". Ibrahim cut the call before channeling an awkward smile at Tolu
" i see your friends are determined " he says, "but its of no use"
Sergeant Bamiloye Adeyemo and Sergeant Funke Omolara arrived the DSS headquarters pretty early than they'd planned. on arriving, they present their id cards as the officer goes to verify . inserting their ID number the computer Rejects the card . He walks to them confused.
"what's the matter?" Bamiloye asked.
"the computer says you've been verified earlier", the officers replies.
" that's not possible, we just got here'" Funke objected.
There's silence amongst them when reality hits them quick and hard.
"the ones inside are intruders" Funke screams. The officer insides immediately sounds an alarm that rings out the whole building.
Ife and Emily are halfway across the Hemi-cell when the alarm rings over the place.
"ugh uh" Emily squeals.
"we have to hurry" ife announces as they both run towards the hemi cell.
Ibrahim is startled at the sound of the Alarm reverberating through the building. He's not overly concerned as he looks towards him.
"this isn't the end"
He walks out of the room and see two officers patrolling the cells and calls out to them.
"Hey, you two , come and get this Prisoner to the Inner cells, and when you're done, help me find out what the ruckus is"
The two officers immediately March into the tiny cell and See tolu tied to the chair. They're surprised to see Ibrahim. is Ibrahim aware of all these ???...
"take him" he points at Tolu.
Emily couldn't take it anymore as she steps on Ibrahim's toes with great force before Ife knocks him out.
"Emily?!!!" Tolu calls out.
Emily removes her mask before running towards him and kissing him passionately on his lips, she followed it up with a slap across his cheeks.
"don't ever play hero again".
They help him on his feet as tolu asks how they found him.
" long story " ife could say.
"Where's Nojat?"
"in the car, we don't have much time, lets go" emily urges.
"guys, Ibrahim is The Sponsor". Tolu says as he gingerly tries to keep up the pace of Ife and Emily.
" We found that out earlier "
Nojat hears the Alarm and knows things had gone wrong, she felt the need to help but remembers she'd promise to remain in the car.
The Alarm wails louder and she feels the sensation to help, she goes through IFE's bag and sees a gun, she takes it and cocks it the way Emily used to, she Stares at the entrance of the DSS headquarter one hundred and fifty metres away.
All three managed to maneuver their way around as shots are aimed at their direction, Emily ducks and returns fire as ife does same.
They're almost at the entrance when over dozens of officers block their entrance from different angles.
"you're fully surrounded" one the officers said out loud, it was Bamiloye's, "drop your weapons or we open fire".
They don't know what to do now as emily still clutches the gun harder now, this was mathematically impossible to get out from.
" on the count of three, refusal to surrender your weapons, we will open fire" Bamiloye insisted. They could hear the officers already cocking their guns.
Emily is staring at tolu now as she's unsure of what to do.
she's just about to surrender when they hear the screeching of tires from behind them. In an instant A car busts Into the gates of the DSS and the driver shooting sporadically in the air,the car swirls in several 360° rotation's as the officer all duck from the bullets.
The car stops swirling as Nojat flings the door open.
"Get in".
Ibrahim wakes up from his unconscious state and runs madly at the gate and sees several of his officers bamboozled at what had happened , he ignores them and runs past the wreaked gate as he sees the car cruising in the distance.
He immediately grabs a walkie-talkie and yells at it:
"All units go, a car being occupied by tolu majiyagbe and his friends is on the loose, a white Toyota camry. All units engage, i want them dead".
There's a mad car chase going on on the Third mainland bridge as several DSS vans and motorbike hunt down the small Toyota camry speeding ahead. They're joined with several Police cars, Helicopters and Army vehicles all on their trail.
"What the Hell did we do to them?"
"Emilyyyyy" tolu screamed.
"Watch out!!!" Ife calls out but it was too late.
An Army truck had overtaken them and come in by their side and hitting them head first. Their crashes into the rails. They aren't lucky the second time as the army Truck hits them again and this time the Rails give way and all Four of them are falling deep headlong into the beckoning waters.
Fuck! i can't Swim.......
Tolu woke up from him unconscious state, he tried getting up but is dragged back by a headache. He clutches his head trying to figure out what happened. the last he remembered was Emily's scream. Emily!.
"Emily" tolu screams
"Calm down man" Ife says.
"dude, where is she?" tolu says getting off the bed.
"She's fine"
"What happened? " Tolu asks
"you don't remember?" ife asks amused.
"i don't"
"well. Car chase, guns, trucks, accident, splash" ife summarized.
"i saw emily got shot, where is she?"
"she wasn't actually, the bullet didn't hit her,luckily she wore her FBI badge close to her chest. the bullet hit the badge".
Thank Goodness!!!.. Tolu thinks.
" so where is she?"
"Her alongside Nojat and Dami went to get some stuffs''.
" okay cool" tolu says relaxing, "Wait, who's dami?"
"A friend of mine"
"can we trust her?" tolu asks
"yea sure, she's been of immense help since we got here, put us up off the radar for now" ife explained.
Alies, what we needed right now.
" A lot has happened man" ife starts.
"A lot?.. what do you mean? we just got here right?" tolu asks.
He hears ife scoff underneath his breath, "What?" tolu fires.
"dude, you've been out cold for three days"
"3 days?!!!!... " Tolu screams.
"And Tolu" Ife stutters
Ife takes a deep breath before announcing
" Anonymous Tweeted!".
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