Emily crouched on the ground hugging her legs. *why did he do it?*, *you always trying to be the hero dammit*. Things had imploded quickly, she hadn't had time to go round it before he did. what would they do now?. They were short on options.
Nojat had been kidnapped. Tolu arrested for God-knows-what. Ife still had bandages on his shoulder. she was somewhat shocked at how agile he was even in that situation.
"You okay?" ife asked as he crouched beside her.
"managing" she replied. At least he was alive.
"whatever Tolu did, he did it to let us go safely. we have to find nojat first" Ife continued. Stick to the plan.
Emily closed her eyes trying to reflect on what happened just few hours ago.
"Agent tolu, you're under arrest"
"Why?, we actually info that could help the investigations" Tolu had said bemused.
"That's inconsequential, we have orders to take you to custody... and your friends too" The leader of the squadron said.
"my friends??.. that's not possible.. i need to speak with Ibrahim.. on whose orders are my to be arrested?" Tolu had asked defiantly. Emily still remembered the way he looked at her. He wasn't scared, he was protecting them.
"That too is also inconsequential... no more questions". The head of the team aimed his gun further closer to tolu, which irritated him and that's when all hell broke lose.
" Get this shit off from me" Tolu said irritatedly, and shoved the gun aside before pushing him. Emily needed no second invitation before kicking one of the officers between the leg. it was a Royal rumble as bodies were being tossed everywhere. They took to their heels before being intercepted by more officers, they ran into them head-on and where able to hold them out before Tolu was overwhelmed, she tried helping out before ife had restricted her.
"Don't worry about me" Tolu screamed, "find nojat..find her".
She screamed his name before ife carried her and put her on his shoulders before making their getaway. Last thing she saw was Tolu being kicked by numerous DSS officers and being hit with the butt of their guns.
Those Bastards!
Dakar sat as he observed Nojat still out cold. did she deserve this?, she'd gone through enough trauma. He kept looking on thinking to himself if he did feel anything for her, all the kisses and intimacy where out the window as soon as she discovered everything.
" I'm sorry " he managed to say not knowing if she heard anything.
"you don't deserve this but i had to do what i have to do, i killed your mother in an inhumane manner and God knows how many people I'll have to kill next. i hope you understand".
He notices Tears beginning to roll down from her shut eyes. He went closer to wipe the tears off and paused as he was way too close to her. He felt a tingling sensation in his heart and for the first time in his whole life, He felt like a Monster.
He hears a knock the door as he quickly gets himself together and opens it. Helen.
" We have to get back to work'' Ife gets on his feet, stretches his palm towards Emily. she takes his hands and is up on her feet too.
"you still have the nano's readings?" he asked.
"yea i still do" she replied.
"good, lets go get her"
"yea, after that" emily said staring at ife, "we're busting my boyfriend out".
Helen walks in amused as she sees nojat all tied up on the chair, she crouches opposite her smiling,
" poor little thing " she says as she messes with nojats hair, "fell in love with a beast".
Dakar feels his skin crawl watching helen mess with nojats hair that manner.
Helen straightens up, " let's go"
"where're we going to"
"Somewhere, Ibrahim needs to brief you on something's before we act" helen says quickly.
"what about her?" Dakar asks referring to nojat.
"she's coming with us dummy"
Dakar hoists nojat on his shoulders as they get down the stairs. outside they see two limos parked. The driver gets down and opens the door for helen who steps in gracefully. Dakar is about to set nojat in when helen objects,
"no way,she goes on the other limo. charles" she calls out the driver of the other limo who comes out quickly.
"ma'am?" he greets.
"take her" she says.
Charles collects nojat from dakar who's reluctant to let her go but does so at the last minute.
"Segun, drive"
"She's on the move". Emily calls out as her GPS sensor alerts her. Ife leans in observing the tracker blink and begins to move slowly.
" where are they taking her to?" ife whispers. Emily doesn't reply as she quickly darts in and cocks her gun. Ife is shocked by the sudden move.
"you coming or what?"
Helen and Dakar are silent as the car accelerates.
"you're not going to say anything". Helen asks, Dakar doesn't respond.
" look, i know you're upset about your girlfrien_"
"She's not my girlfriend" Dakar interjects.
"oh really, she was a dump then"
Dakar shoots her a sharp gaze irritatedly.
"okay sorry sorry" she apologizes, before setting an arm on his laps, "you know you deserve better that that".
" what do you mean?"
She leans closer to dakar, pouting her lips and pecking him on the cheek
"its been long I've been with a real man. Ibrahim is weak and shaky, but you, now you're a man" she caresses his thighs harder now.
"thought you loved Ibrahim" Dakar says, bringing her closer to him now.
"Ah, don't make me laugh " helen scoffs, " I'm with him for the power".
They lock lips now as dakar is all over her, no sooner had they started when the driver announces.
"ma'am, we're being followed"
Emily is approaching closer to the two limos, IFE's surprised at how quickly she managed to close down the distance between them.
She drives and hits one of the limo,there's a loud thud on impact. She does it again and is greeted with gunshots.
"ugh, not again" ife squeals. This brought back memories he wanted to forget. She reaches out and brandishes her gun.
Wow, she came prepared.
"take the wheels" she commanded.
Dakar and Helen are stunned as they see the little police car slam into the other limo which Nojat was in. Nojat. he'd almost forgotten about her. The thought of her awakens him as he gets his gun.
"tell the driver to slow down", he says.
"Why?" Helen asks.
"doesn't Ibrahim want her again?".
" i doubt " Helen responds.
"We have Tolu" Helen says flatly.
Emily and ife are surprised when the limo in front simply accelerates unabated. She keeps shooting at it as ife manages to overtake the second limo, he disarms the driver and ties him onto the seat. Emily rushes to check on Nojat .
"is she dead?" Ife asks. His heart in his mouth. he hoped she wasn't.
"she, just unconscious, but She'll pull through".
Ibrahim receives a phone call as he relaxes on the chair.
" i see, no problem then, we've got the agent, we could care less on her" he says before dropping the call.
He's had Tolu in custody, Nojat unconscious and wasn't of any help to them, not to mention an injured police officer in their team, his plan going on smoothly.
What could go wrong?
~ 48 hours later
There's a mad car chase going on on the Third mainland bridge as several DSS vans and motorbike hunt down the small Toyota camry speeding ahead. They're joined with several Police cars, Helicopters and Army vehicles all on their trail. Things had escalated pretty quickly over the course of two days. The country had imploded over the cause of a simple Headline.
"What the Hell did we do to them?" Emily shouts at the top of her voice which was drowned by several bullets hitting their car. Tolu is managing to keep the car on the road as Nojat is squealing underneath ife.
"Thats what we get for becoming the Most wanted Criminals in the Country" Tolu explains as a bullet just shattered their windshield. Fuck!.
Emily gets Up to fire back and is struck by a bullet.
"Emilyyyyy" tolu screamed.
"Watch out!!!" Ife calls out but it was too late.
An Army truck had overtaken them and come in by their side and hitting them head first. Their crashes into the rails. They aren't lucky the second time as the army Truck hits them again and this time the Rails give way and all Four of them are falling deep headlong into the beckoning waters.
Fuck! i can't Swim.......
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