"Sorry to disturb your little happiness guys" Emily announces, they both stare at her almost forgetting she was there,.
"But which one of you has got Nanotech in them?".
" Nano what?" Ife asks, mouth dropped.
"Emily!" Tolu drags. *what's she going on about now*?, Nanotech??, really, in THIS COUNTRY?
"No No I'm serious " Emily defends, eyeing tolu, "Because my Tracer didn't get Anonymous doesn't mean I'm wrong every time".
" Your tracer couldn't track anonymous " Ife asks dumfounded again, mouth agape. *so even the FBI are clueless on who this guy it?*, "Wow, thank Goodness he's a good guy, imagine what trouble he'll cause if he wasn't", Ife resigned. There wasn't really much of a point tracking someone who helped them,all they had to hope now is to be with their phones when he drops another. Something Ife had already sorted out by Activating an Alarm that rang anytime Anonymous tweets.
" we're still working on that " Tolu says before walking to Emily and whispers, "Em what are you doing?"
"Tolu I'm serious" Emily whispers back, "it started as soon as he walked in".
" What?!"
" It's spiking off Ife ".
"is this some kind of a joke" he screams. His eyes is wide opened now.
"Common dakar it's me, Ibrahim Salisu"...
No Way!
".... Or you can call me" he pauses.
".....The Sponsor".
No way! it can't be,?!.
" Shocking isn't it ?" Helen Teases.
"Give my friend time to wrap his head around this helen" Ibrahim says.
"But how?" Dakar manages to say, this was The Sponsor, how did he pull this off?, to think a former military head of state was behind all these killings, but then it made sense.
Over the years, Dakar had committed lots of monstrosities for The Sponsor. The calibre of people he had helped him kill- The rich and the powerful, The Amount he paid him, Millions. The connection he had, the amount of tech he could afford. it made sense. All these could only be done by someone very Wealthy and Influential. Dakar learnt he was the Current presidents wing man and console.
"Snap out of it Dakar" , Ibrahim straightens up now.
"I'm sorry sir" he apologised.
"No matter" Ibrahim relaxes, "There's much to discuss".
" whats spiking off me?" ife asks. He hears his name within all the whispers and is concerned, Tolu walks over to meet him and explains, "uhmm... Emily thinks there's nanotech on you".
Emily raises her eyebrow, *i Think?*.
" Is that bad?" Ife raises a concerned look, "wait, is it a bomb?". His face changes to horror now and is fidgeting.
" Calm down man". Tolu assures, then remembers those were the words he gave seyi, and well....
"Check me emily " ife pushes tolu off,and offers himself to Emily, "remove whatever this nano thingy is".
" Alright " ,Emily says before tapping her screen which showed in percent just how close the nanotech was,she drags out an antenna from its port and positions it at his legs. 34%.
At his thighs. 40%.
At his belly. 50%.
Goosebumps is erupting on ifes body as he shakes intensely and sweats profusely.
Chest. 60%.
Tolu watches on and gnashing on his teeth. nanotech on ife would open a window to a lot of things.
Neck. 70%.
Emily's eye meets Ife's as she raises the antenna up to his head. The screen begins beeping as the figure starts blinking.
Head. 100%. Nanotechnology Found!!.
"No matter" Ibrahim relaxes, "There's much to discuss". Dakar follows him to some other place much smaller than the one they had left. Ibrahim motions on a big couch on where he should sit.
" What do you want to discuss?" Dakar asks a little frightened. it was weird to meet The Sponsor this way, not to mention after they'd known each other for years. Ibrahim Salisu. Dakar had over the years waited for patiently for when The Sponsor would ask him to assassinate him, Ibrahim Salisu was a Big fish, Many called him king maker because he literally installed presidents, many other Former Military head of states still show him reverence and pay homage to him. It would top his Kill list, but here he was, The Sponsor was The man he so wanted to kill. Jokes on you.
"Dakar" Ibrahim announces as soon as he took His seat, "The Agent has your print".
Dakar could hear his sweat drop off his body, he'd wanted to hide it from him.
"Tolu called and told me". ibrahim said as if reading his mind.
*oh yea*, it hit Dakar, The Sponsor IS the DSS head now.
" How do you manage to have loopholes everywhere Dakar?" Ibrahim asks, relaxing on his cozy chair, "This is so unlike you".
" I'm sorry" dakar manages to say. No use lying or explaining.
Ibrahim remains silence before downing his whiskey, "it's okay" later says, "the two of us go way back, i could excuse one or two of your mistakes".
" Thank you " Dakar says relieved, Again. The Sponsor or Ibrahim salisu-it would take him time to adjust to this new revelation, had pardoned and let him off the hook again. He was being benevolent.
"They've got your prints but they don't have you" Ibrahim continues, "I'd advise you leave your abode, I'll work on another for you".
" thank you, what did you want to discuss with me " Dakar asks.
" i invited you here, because I'm about to enter the final phase of my plans. And you're about as integral as you have been in my other phases ". Ibrahim announces.
Final phase?, what did he mean?.
"All the killings Dakar " Ibrahim Starts, "follow a pattern".
" A pattern? "
"yes dakar. A pattern" he smiles, "I've had you kill a crown king, A multibillionaire, A human rights activist, a UN personnel, A WHO official, A US army staff, The prime minister of Britain to nigeria and many more... for a reason".
Dakar listed their names in the order he mentioned them and was somewhat shocked at his memory.
The Alaffin of Oyo. Femi Williams. Anderson Brooks. Hamzat Kafayat. Micheal collins. Hannah Clark. Brigadier Johnson. Mount Joshua.
But how where they all for a reason?.
" i don't get it " Dakar calls out after racking his brain, "What about Aluko?"
"Aluko's was unfortunate" Ibrahim says flatly, "he discovered something he shouldn't have, While hamzat was a dead person walking.. i was always going to kill her off sooner or later whether or not the aluko incidence took place or not"
"so what are the reasons, what's this pattern?"
Ibrahim smiles broadly as he took another glass of whiskey.
"The Nigerians i had you kill were those who would be a stumbling block to my plans, predictable you might think but you see the foreign ones... that's where the fun is", Ibrahim continues, " I want to start a flame that would make the international community fold their hands and turn their backs on this country".
It was all coming together now, What Ibrahim said starting to have meaning, Nigeria had incurred the wrath of various international bodies due to the assassination of their various personnel's and officials by placing sanctions, suspensions and even some bans on the country. The US invariably opted out of the pending Military aid pact in case Nigeria were to be in trouble, The UK had also shutdown various arms deal and border deals on Nigeria. The Country's foreign relationship was strained all because of one mans ambition. No wonder there were no foreign statements made by the Bigger Nations when Aluko had died despite widespread outcry one that made Hamzat Kafayat viral crying clip appealing to foreign powers to intervene. That's why The Sponsor had been concerned when he learnt the FBI sent an agent to help and had Dakar monitor him from afar.
"one FBI is bad enough.... i don't want more"
The Sponsor had told him.
The statement starting to make sense now.
"He is no longer immune.... do with him as you so please"
The Sponsor had told him twenty four hours later, And that was after he found out Tolu Majiyagbe Actually resigned, so he literally isn't FBI anymore.
Ibrahim Salisu watched Dakar process what he had told him closely, he got on his feet and declared, "The money Aluko discovered is actually my Treasury to carry out my plan".
Seven Hundred and fifty million dollars!!!.
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