From the first day of her life, Soo-Yeong did not disappoint. She was remarkably different from the generic child. While her mother was in labor, she was still pondering if she wanted to get out or not, so the entirety of her delivery, which she did, was about 20, 21, perhaps 22 hours in which Soo-Yeong got a foot out then immediately scooped it back in. It was a tedious and very damaging process. But, how about we rewind to when Polly's water broke though? That was fun. Eighteen years ago. So much time has passed since then. Sigh-I can't believe I still remember all the details. Jokeful jokes, I know everything when I want to, I'm the narrator out here after all. That's why I spell out sounds with actual words.
Well, anyway, to the point I was trying to make. Polly was 37 weeks in at that point, and damn she was a bitch. She was just like the Devil's Spouse, and I mean it cuz I know that bitch too. Identical! No difference whatsoever. Snapping at every molecule of air that dared to pass by, making their husband's life hell, being vulgar and emotive for every second that implied getting up or standing- let's say in a queue- for a long period of time, as well as having so many cravings and a never dying one for iced choco frappes.
When her water broke, she was snooping around the kitchen for any sweets untouched by her. She scrambled through the fridge, ravaging everything and anything that didn't contain a high rate of diabetes. The organization that her husband went through with that fridge was annihilated again and again for months. It was his fault for that matter as he hid the sweets from her, failing horrendously each time. Polly had a strong, immaculate smell for these in the nine months she was pregnant. After that, the smell had gone rigid, but the bitchiness never left her system.
"Owh." She put her hand on her belly. "Where's that damn chocolate?! I swear to Sweet Sour Candyland that if I don't find one in the next 15 seconds, I'll pop this baby out my throat," she growled, having a weird sensation. She peeked at the ground with a I-didn't-mean-anything-I-said-please-stay-inside visage. "I didn't mean you need to come out now, like right now!" She leaned towards the fridge's door, holding tight. "I still haven't used my pregnancy privileges in a long queue or a bus today! Or ask a fat mean lady how many months she's in without consequences." A prolonged swear word came afterwards, "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!"
She took a moment to recompose herself, then slowly but surely reached her phone without making sudden movements. The first logical thing would have been to call 911, but she called her husband to pick her up. She was horrified by hospitals, so being alone in one would have been a death sentence. Her legs were shaking, so she sat on the nearest chair, desperately searching for her husband's number. She rang his number three times before he picked up. She was a wreck, a bitch and a pain in the ass. She started to feel pain, which, of course, added up to the already inhumanly angered Polly. I don't know why she was so angry. Maybe it was because she didn't have her chocolate. Not sure at all.
"Hey baby, everything alright?" He finally answered. "I was just about to come home, had some office work to finish, sorry about that. I picked up some groce-"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" She screamed so loud, the neighbors three houses away heard. It was not unusual, but unpredictable each time. "She's ripping my vagina, come... NOW!"
"What?" He was shook, he didn't quite get what she meant. At least he hoped he didn't.
"ARE YOU AN IDIOT?! SHE'S CRAWLING OUT!" She was not. Beside the fact that this was her first pregnancy, she was completely oblivious to any labor-like procedures and how and when her Soo-Yeong would have been born. She was panicked and angry, I give her that, but there was no way she would have come out that fast.
"Are you sure? It could be a false alarm." His voice trembled. "It happened before, remember?" He was hoping she wasn't already in labor because he knew nothing about delivering a baby. He planned to take her to the hospital a few days later as he was preparing everything for her daughter's birth... that was not supposed to happen inside their house.
"Maybe?! I don't fucking know, you egg headed ballsack." She stared at the ceiling then realized where she was about to end up. Her heart sank alongside the sack Soo-Yeong was in. "This is already scary enough cuz I'm gonna see needles. I HATE NEEDLES!"
He sighed. "I'm on my way. Where are you now?" He awaited her answers.
"In the motherfucking living room, which doesn't feel very lively right now! AT ALLLLLLLLL... Please tell me there's gonna be no needles." She started tearing up actual tears, not crocodile ones that made her get what she wanted, when she wanted. Genuine, horrified, storm-like abundance of rain. Her eyes were a waterfall in the making. If she cried enough, maybe she could have become a replacement for public pools! Fresh, self-produced, salty droplets of water. How refreshing!
"Go sit in the bathtub. Now, please. And call Rose, she'll know how to help." Just as her wife was scared of hospitals, he was scared of dirty, unorganized places. That included all the blood and guts that would have come out of her with their baby. He only knew that blood was gonna stain everything, and he really hated the thought of that. That's what happened with their next kid actually, but we'll talk about that later. This story was sugar and milk compared to that one. "I'll come as fast as I can, but please, for my sake, go sit in our tub if you can. Please."
Polly was still sobbing hysterically when he hung up on her, yet still managing to hear and understand what he worded out before that. "You piece of shit!" she uttered through her ugly cry. Yeah, she was an ugly crier too. Unfortunate, really. With the last of her strength that she thought she had, she cried her way to the bathroom-in a very slow manner. To get to the bathroom she had to go up a significant amount of stairs, which, indeed, made it even harder to accomplish. Her husband really was a hypocrite. I could have made a better husband, and I'm a woman! Or at least I think I am. I think. She did make it there eventually, but the whole time my dumb self, as per usual, was standing right behind her to hold her in place. Of course, if she fell, she would have died on impact because I can't touch or hold physical or living things. Though if I get hit by a door-which happens a lot- I can feel the pain.
Opening the door, her way was blocked by a mountain of toilet paper she accidentally hit down by mistake earlier that day. Not being able to reach, she left them there thinking her husband would arrange them back when he came home. That didn't happen. Regretting not being able to sort them out by herself, she walked past them by hitting with her legs, setting them aside one by one. There was about a stack of toilet paper and all of that alone took her about 5 minutes to do. Breaks on the toilet seat not included. I remember the vague smell of this sugary-like strawberry and minty air in the bathroom that came from the washing machine left from the tub. There was also this thing that I can't quite believe I forgot. Some kind of paperwork related thing anyway. Maybe even things that were in unusual spots. Fuck and shit this whole thing. My memory has never failed me before.
Though something I can't seem to forget is the way the room looked. For reference, Polly gave birth to Soo-Yeong in 2005. It's so different from then. It was a white bathroom... too white. It looked like a dentist's office, and I don't really know how Polly didn't think of that as well. Very plain. The tub in the very back was white, and there were no shelves to store their products, so they were all around the margins. They fell pretty often. Then there was the washing machine on the left, which, surprisingly, had a full basket of dirty clothes. And the sink on the right that honestly, was so bland I couldn't even look at it. And to the very last, the toilet that was right next to the door. Imagine hearing your significant other taking a shit while sleeping. That's a turn off, especially if your room is next to the damn bathroom. Not that you would know what having a boyfriend or girlfriend feels like.
As she was getting inside the bathtub, she called Rose, her best friend, who luckily was also a nurse. At least having her there comforted her thoughts. She knew she'd be in good hands, at least for once. She called her multiple times with no answer. She was not ready for what would happen, but she tried once more. "C'mon, answer!"
Rose finally answered, but she only said, "I'm busy, call later," and then hung up. Polly was flabbergasted. How could she do this to her? It was unethical to both of them not to chat for at least an hour each call session. They even made a code for when she went into labor just to not waste time, but fate made it so that she hung up just in one second.
"BITCH!" She hurried to her messages. If she couldn't say it, she would type it. And she would answer no matter what.
Rosie Whitlock
What do yuo want? I told you I'm busy.
Calling rn
Seen by Rosie Whitlock and you
In a matter of seconds, Rose called back. "Where are you? I'm coming," she said, excitedly. "I'm sorry for letting you hang. I was just doing some patient documents. Are you home? Tell me." Rose took her work very seriously, but this was an exception, and she couldn't let some documents get in the way of seeing her niece. "Have you given birth yet?"
"What do you think? I am literally about to get ripped apart and not have a normal body for, like, FOREVER!"
"Ok, you are in a bad mood again. Calm down. Where are you?"
"In my tub. I will be there soon. Make sure you have my blanket, my pillow, and a mother fucking choco frappe. I'm not joking. I will destroy you. I WILL." Even with her best friend she had an attitude. Explainable? I don't really know. I can't get pregnant and know, that's for a fact. What I do know is that Polly was unmanageable the entire pregnancy. Being emotive is not my gig either, but hell on earth she was. I'm so glad I can't have a body of my own. Technically.
"Already done. Just come. And I swear to the Lords above, your hypocrite husband better get you here fast," she said, then stopped. Loud bangs were heard, like a crowd got inside her unit. "Shit, I'll call you back." Once again, she was hung up upon. She didn't know what to do, but wait for her husband. She swore again and again, hoping he'd show up finally. There was no way she'd do it there. And she wouldn't. She promised herself, even at the hardest of times-even if she was terrified of being in a hospital, that she would not birth Soo-Yeong anywhere else, but there.
After about another 5 minutes, he showed up, and took her to where Rose worked. Rose scrubbed in on her niece's birth, not leaving one second. She was there, holding her friend's hand, and talking for comfort for the entirety of the procedure. Again, it was tedious, and a little boring.
Besides the obvious pain, Polly felt a tiny bit embarrassed of her behavior during her pregnancy. There was nothing to do about that now.
But, also, literally there was nothing to do. Either talking with Rose, thinking, or just forcefully pushing the baby out. It was a cycle she got bored of pretty quickly, and I did too, but she couldn't just stop there and be like, "I'll come back in about an hour. See ya, sluts." With time, she just accepted it, and the next day, at 15:37, 25 of November, Soo-Yeong was born. Fantastic, right? The magic of birth. So many sacrifices, and so many things that can happen, like dying, getting cancer, having your uterus fall out, and so many more things. Just magnificent! The Make-A-Wish dream for every woman on Earth!
But that was only Soo-Yeong's birth, Joey was a little messier. I won't bore you with unnecessary detail, so I'll just get to my point. Joey was born in the living room, at a family dinner, with really, just six people- Polly, her husband and two-year-old Soo-Yeong, Rose, her husband, Jerry, and one-year-old, Winter. Polly and Rose took turns in being pregnant, really. Right after Soo-Yeong was born, Rose got pregnant, and when Winter was born, Polly got pregnant again, and guess what happened after that. Rose got pregnant. They got laid in a very weird schedule, but after Isaac was born, they chilled out a bit. Just a bit. Though, when Joey was born, it just so happened that the lights went off when her water broke. So the whole thing was off-the-grid. The way they had to use candles for light made me think of the old times, when you died of a minor cold or got set on fire for allegedly being a witch. The only witch out here is me, really, cuz I'm a fucking bitch that loves to torture people. Especially kids. Their suffering makes me mirthy. Just kidding... I can't hurt a fly even if I wanted to, but sometimes I wish I could.
But anyway, years passed by with all the kids growing up happy, with their own hobbies and interests and all that kind of stuff. It was all just like a fairytale. The grades were good for most of them, they weren't doing drugs or drinking alcohol, and they were in somewhat behaving groups. Good friends, you get it... or not, but it's ok. You have me... for however long you'll be sad and lonely. Back to our dear Soo-Yeong-that you know nothing about as I was too caught up in her birth story. She was an artist. Not the type of artist you think about. Not some kind of Pablo Picasso or Leonardo da Vinci, but she was there. Somehow. She had a pretty big following on her socials- about two thousand followers- and that was because she spent all her time drawing. I mean it. After her first pay through art, she just went ballistic. She was worse than her mother in a way that I can't even describe. But she was manageable.
It seemed that nothing could go wrong in her and her family's life. She was getting a hefty paycheck for a teen each week, she was loved and praised by people, and she was somewhat stable. That was until last year, when the tragedy happened. You won't like this. So buckle up because I don't wanna get imaginarily hit or murdered in your head.
What happened was that Soo-Yeong's father was brutally murdered at home, more exactly in their kitchen. His face was burnt and melted in a pot of hot oil, and he had been stabbed in the heart. There were signs of struggle and a ton of bruises all over his body. The main suspect of the case was Polly, even though she pledged she wasn't home the entire morning after taking the kids to school. She even said that she didn't know her husband came home as he told everyone that he'd be on a business trip for more than a week. Why he was there, nobody knew, and nobody said anything. I don't know either, actually, and I definitely couldn't have said anything... Obviously.
The kids weren't even taken into account as they were too weak and their father did have a bit of muscle, well, just enough not to get himself killed. Yet all the evidence found on the scene pointed to Polly, there being left nothing that they could do to prove her innocence. A very weird case, with a very weird ending. Polly was jailed for 20 years for the murder of her husband, leaving Soo-Yeong and Joey alone. Of course, there was Rose and her husband there, but it never fulfilled what needed to be. The two of them fell in a hole, in which just Joey managed to escape from.
Soo-Yeong was taking care of his little brother, but besides that, all she was doing was studying or drawing. She knew she couldn't stop, what she earned, fed both of them. Although her earnings began lowering, she continued thriving for what she wanted. She was getting a little better, but very slowly. And Joey tried helping as well, but he wasn't really that smart. He helped in his ways. Cooking and cleaning, those were his things, while Soo-Yeong was the breadwinner and therapist for both of them.
They were lucky to have Rose and Jerry stand by them. They've been paying their bills and sometimes they bring food to them. Not that seasoned , but I guess it worked. They even talked with them about selling the house and moving in for a better environment, but they both rejected the idea. They accepted and hadn't pressed them about it, even if they really wanted for them to be there through everything.
In the present, Soo-Yeong and Joey have been trying very hard to maintain a healthy and happy life. They work, they study, they watch movies together or play board games when the mood's above average. Even getting out of bed in the morning is what matters. There is just one more little thing they've set their mind to before they graduate, or at latest, die. Solving their father's crime, proving their mother's innocence, and most importantly, getting revenge.
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