The PT assistant
I stood at the bedroom door looking at the queen size bed shaking my head in disbelief.
A couple years ago, I accepted the fact I had been replaced as Avari's number one by a cuddly toy wolf named Peanut.
The small stuffed animal would come everywhere with us, from grocery shopping to doctors appointments. Where we went, Peanut went. Avari believed that with Peanut the monsters couldn't get her and although the idea was impossible, she held her belief and soon the bond between them was strong.
Then came Gracie, since staying with Zak. Gracie and Avari were joint at the hip. It seemed the collie was smitten with my little girl and the feelings were mutual between them, and boy didn't it show when Holly went into the bedroom yesterday, my love for the collie had grown even more at the fact that Gracie had stood over Ava's sleeping body to protect her.
Much like a wolf would with its cub.
But now my heart was slowly melting again at the sight I was given. Last night Zak had fallen asleep beside Avari and throughout the night, they had both moved to the point Avari was cuddled into Zak's chest as he slept on his side. His large arm was wrapped over her tiny frame to keep her close.
Her little legs were over the top of his thigh and it seemed they were both so comfortable even the sunshine couldn't wake them.
A small part of me felt conflicted for having not woke Zak up, but it was his bed after all and it seemed Avari didn't mind him being there from how out of it she was.
The only movement in the room came from Gracie as she lifted her head when the front door opened.
I looked towards the door and paused watching Cece come in. Giving me a smile she closed the door.
"Good morning, is he up?" She asked with a folder in her hands.
"Not yet.." I nodded into the room for her to see.
"Woah someone is tired, what happened to your lip?" She asked as I walked to the kitchen.
"One word."
"Holly." We both said in unison.
"Christ what has she done now?" She whispered to me.
"Let's just say, distance doesn't make the heart grow fonder.."
"Zak text me yesterday about her exorcism.. How did it go?" She asked flicking on the kettle.
"Successful as far as I'm aware, she hasn't had any problems and touch wood..." I raced across the kitchen grabbing the door. "Touch wood she won't have any either."
"So it worked, Scarlett that's brilliant." Cece smiled.
"Yeah. Yeah she's finally free of her monsters." I sighed with relief.
"So what happened? You get kicked out of your bed for the night?"
I nodded "Yeah, I crashed on the couch, I didn't have the heart to wake him. Not after everything he's done."
We were sat talking about the museum when a sleepy Zak stumbled into the kitchen minus his top.
"Morning." Both me and Cece spoke making him pause to yawn. He moved over to the bar stool beside me and slumped down.
"Where were you last night?"
"Couch. It's really comfy, I didn't want to wake you.."
"Hmm. I think I got an elbow to the face last night." He chuckled.
"Don't be. Kinda heartwarming to know she was comfortable enough to give me a swift elbow." He chuckled.
As he spoke with Cece, I found myself zoning off into his looks. His strong jaw line, the way his hair was shoved in all directions from his slumber, the crook between his neck and shoulder that I once upon a time used to love.
I moved onto his arms, the thickness of his biceps and the thick corded veins prominent in his lower arms and hands. His slim fingers were perfect for playing the piano too, something he never did but I knew from his Gran that he used to play once upon a time.
My mind reeled for the memories of laying beside him after a lockdown. His need was for sleep, and I was so in love with him that I'd spend half the night watching over him, absorbing his looks, hoping one day he may just return the love I gave him.
That day never did arrive.
It was only when Zak raked his hand over his face in frustration that I sensed a problem.
"What's wrong?" I asked coming back to the conversation.
"I'm away next week, there needs to be someone at the museum to sign for a delivery. I can't re-arrange it now, it's taken weeks to get hold of the damn thing. I can't push the lockdown any further back then I already have otherwise I'm gonna lose the spot."
"And I'm going to be out of town for a while, my mom isn't well." Cece added.
"Well where's the site manager?" I asked.
Zak looked over to me "You're looking at him."
"Oh. Right... So who's gonna keep the museum ticking over?"
"I'll just have to keep it closed until I get back, get them to down tools. I can't be in two places at once."
Cece looked disappointed "Look I'll try and get someone to take care of my mo-"
"No, no, you've done enough already. No you need to be with your mom and I get that. I'll sort something out." Zak answered.
"Well I can help out until Cece is back? I mean... It's not as if I don't know the job. I did organise you once upon a time." I smirked.
"I- really? You wanna help?"
"Of course, after what you've done for me the past few days. I kinda owe you big." I responded.
"Like for real? Cause I'll pay you, you know? I'm by having you work for free a-and you and Ava can stay here with Gracie? She'll like that." He planned.
I shrugged "Sure if it helps."
"Oh you life saver! Thank you."
"No problem."
"Okay...So Cece make an itinerary of what needs to be done daily. So from orders to deliveries and whatever is in the diary. That way then we are completely covered. I'm gonna be away for a week, are you sure you're okay with this?" Zak asked looking at me.
"Yeah I'll be fine. Gonna need codes and keys to this mansion of yours."
He nodded "I'll sort that. I've also got your name and car reg down on the gates but if you wanna use one of my cars then feel free."
Would it be too much to take Avari to school in the lambo?
"Any car. But not the Lambo. I don't want you killing yourself in that thing." He frowned.
"Okay, well I'm off to the museum, then the postal office and finally do the grocery shopping." Cece explained.
I shot a look at Zak "You don't even go get your own food?"
He shrugged slightly "I'm always busy?"
"Oh that excuse! It's fine Cece, he can do his own shopping today. It's time someone put you back in line. Grocery shopping poor Cece will need a holiday." I answered making her grin.
"Or a raise." I added for good measure.
"Hey don't be giving her ideas." He frowned making her giggle.
"So am I?" She trailed off.
Zak rolled his eyes "No, by the sounds of it Miss Summers here is forcing me to do grocery shopping. Which I totally loathe."
I laughed "Suck it up buttercup, I'm all for tough love." I patted his shoulder getting up.
"Then I want to re-negotiate this holiday time Cece!" He called as she left laughing.
I was making myself busy whilst I waited for Avari to wake up when Zak spoke.
"Can you sit down?" He asked.
Drying my hands I complied taking a seat beside him. "Lett, there uh, there isn't really any easy way of saying this.."
My eyes looked at his face scanning it rapidly for some kind of answer to what he was speaking about.
Was he having second thoughts?
Did he want out already?
Was it me?
Did he e-
"But I feel I need to be completely honest." He added.
"Uh, okay." I replied quietly preparing myself for the heartache that would follow if he said he didn't want to be a part of Avari's life now..
"And please don't get mad."
"Damn it Zak just tell me." I stressed.
"You've got the biggest bedhead I've ever seen." He answered.
I blinked "I'm sorry?"
"Yeah, I know you are, it's understandable. But it's pretty scary."
"My hair?" I asked.
"Well yeah is there an animal living in there?" He asked as I tried to calm it down.
Okay maybe it was big.. I didn't think it was that bad. Jesus...
"Leave my hair alone, yours isn't much better." I shot.
"It's better than the dead raccoon you have going on." He commented leaving me to punch him in the arm.
"Owh." He laughed rubbing the spot. "I'll tell Avari."
"You better not." I warned.
He grinned "I'm gonna tell on you."
"Yeah well you started it." I replied pushing him as I got up.
His hand shoved me back making me turn and slap his forearm. He returned it gently causing me to send another one his way.
He slipped off his chair to avoid my hands as I tried to pinch his arm.
"Don't make me use Kung Fu." He warned making me laugh.
"The only Kung Fu you know is Kung Fu Panda." I retorted rushing to punch him but his cat reflexes caught my wrist.
"Ah, I told you." He grinned.
I tried with my other onto to have that caught too. I struggled to get my wrists back but he just laughed holding both of them with one wrist.
"What's this?" He asked. "I think we know what this hand is..."
"No." I warned lifting my finger.
"I'll scream, I'll wake Avari and it will be your fault."
"It will be yours. 5...."
"You better not."
His hand shot towards my hips but as I bent my body away he grabbing my neck digging his fingers in to tickle me.
Powerless, I hit the floor instantly sniggering hard trying to work away.
"Where you going Lett? Huh? Still ticklish yeah? Thought I'd forget your weak spot didn't you?"
My head thumped from the lack of oxygen I was getting from laughing so hard. Seeing my face turn red, Zak stopped letting me have a few seconds.
"Nothing changes does it?" He chuckled helping me off the floor. I still gave him a sly pinch just for good measures.
"Now we're even. Your move immobilised me." I replied brushing my hair out of my face.
"I know, why do you think I used it?" He grinned.
"Asshat." I commented going to the fridge to assess the grocery shopping. The warmth of his body behind me warmed mine, halfway through my mental list, my brain froze and a shudder ripped down my spine as his finger gently touched the curve in my neck.
"It's like no time has passed at all. You're back here in my tops and messy hair. I can still remember what makes you tick too." He whispered into my ear.
My hand tightened on the fridge door trying to keep calm.
"Can you remember the night in Ohio? In the hote-"
"Zak." I interrupted him.
"You do.. I still think of that. I remember every single part of that night." He added making me sigh.
I remembered that night, I'd never forget it..
And deep down? I never wanted too.
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