The past can haunt us
I smiled slightly at the laptop screen on the small coffee table in front of me whilst I sat on the leather couch trying to sew Peanuts ear back on after an altercation earlier this evening. Which resulted in one stuff wolves ear being torn off and Avari crying herself to sleep this evening cuddling Gracie.
I was pissed about poor Peanut, in fact I had probably reacted worse than Avari, but I knew the love and the sentimental value of this little toy. It wasn't something that could be replaced...
"Knock knock." Zak whispered making my head shoot across the room as he came in slowly looking at Avari and Gracie asleep on the bed. "Hey."
I gave him a pointed look and returned back to sewing. "Come on Scar... It was an accident." He whispered.
"Holly's mom not swallowing was an accident." I whispered back looking back to the screen.
"Holy shit, now that's old." He chuckled softly leaning on the back of the couch before sinking onto his knees so he was over my shoulder.
"When you weren't an asshole I believe." I replied. I hissed pulling my finger away as blood appeared on the tip of my finger. "That's your fault." I grumbled sticking my finger into my mouth.
"Most likely is.. Look, I came to apologise. I'm sorry." He sighed.
"You don't apologise to me. You apologise to the 5 year old who went to sleep sobbing. I am so mad at you both right now. She should never, never do that!" I bit glaring at him.
His brows twitched as an upset look came across his face. "I promise I will. But I want your forgiveness too."
I turned my head back to the laptop.
After dinner, Aaron had left and returned home. After bathing Avari and doing a very sloppy braid, she headed out to say goodnight to Zak when a loud scream echoed through the house.
With a child, I learnt that a sound like that was never a good thing. But when I came into view of Holly smirking at Avari, I lost my cool. Fast.
Apparently Holly had butted in with Avari again and had tore off Peanuts ear when she tried to take him off Avari. Adding "She's a girl, she should play with girl toys instead of a stupid stuffed toy."
I pushed my own heartache aside when Avari was sobbing holding a newly injured Peanut. So I gave Holly a piece of my mind and Zak had to stand in between us again, as I warned her to back off or she would end up supporting a black eye as well as a fake pair of silicone.
I had basically gone to bed at 7pm, the same time as Avari to avoid speaking to either of them. It was over an hour before Avari's sobs stopped on the promise that I would fix Peanut by the morning. And sheer luck that I had an emergency sewing kit in the hold-all. I was disappointed at first thinking that f was nail clippers and files. But when I looked around and found poor Peanut. I knew I had more important things to do.
"You can't be that mad at me... If you're watching my first production film." He commented. I didn't reply as he got up and came around sitting on the couch beside me.
"Well, I like it. And I like watching it to see how far you've came. Not that you deserve it... Asshat."
He smiled gently. "Lett,-"
"Don't start with that... Where is Satan's wife?"
"Asleep." He answered.
"How was the fabulous photo shoot?"
"Boring." He grunted "I felt like a right plum."
I bit the inside of my cheeks trying to suppress my smile.
"Like a right prized plum." He spoke in a British accent making me bit my lip instead trying to stop the giggle.
"Come on Lett..."
I sighed "Fine but you're only off the hook when my little girl says it's okay. This is special Zak. Super important." I replied gesturing to Peanut.
"I know."
"No. No you don't! If you kne-!" I paused before looking away from his eyes.
"What is it?"
I shook my head "Nothing. It's nothing... When is the bishop coming?"
I smiled slightly and nodded my head "T-that's good. Cause the sooner it's done. You know?"
"The better she will be."
"Yeah and the sooner we can go." I added making him frown.
"I'm not that bad.."
I stopped my sewing "No, I know. But things have changed. A lot has changed actually starting with Aaron.. It was so good to see him earlier, he looks great although I will always miss the teddy bear look he had. But I'm glad he's happy, confident too."
Zak smiled "Yeah he's changed a lot, but I haven't.. Have I?" He asked just as he appeared on the screen.
"Uh yeah. Yeah you have."
"Oh come on, that was filmed in 2002. I look kinda good in that shirt and tie too!" He laughed.
I stared at him "No you really didn't. It's miles too big. I like how you fill shirts now." I blurted out before my eyes widened and I went back to sewing.
"Oh really. Like a proper shirt?"
"Huh?" I asked making out I didn't hear his question. But yes.. god yes those black shirts that looked like they could split from his biceps.
"I said a prop-"
"Shh." I hushed before checking on Avari who rolled on the bed throwing her arm over Gracie's side.
"There.." I whispered after 5 minutes lifting Peanut up to examine my work.
"Damn. Don't give up the day job." Zak joked making me slap his stomach with the back of my hand.
"Don't be mean. You didn't do anything to help." I pouted rubbing the ears of Peanut before placing him on my lap.
"You did a fabulous job. There, feel better?" He asked teasingly.
I nodded "Oh and I gave up my job. I work in a different line of work now."
"Yep. Sugar daddies dot com."
I felt Zak's eyes snap to my face instantly, "You are joking... Aren't you?" He asked sounding appalled.
"No. Of course not. It's good pay, the hours are what I chose, I get things I wan-"
"Holy fucking shit you're a hooker." He replied putting his hands over his face.
"No, because I don't sell sex.."
"Then what do you sell? I know it's not time shares!"
"Pictures.. My pictures."
"Of what? In what?" He asked in disbelief.
I pushed my mouth aside "Kinda their preference really, I mean I haven't done a full frontal nude for a whi-"
"Jesus Scarlett, are you serious with me right now?" He questioned.
"Of course. Girls gotta eat. I got bills to pay and my baby needs food." I replied.
He looked away from me rubbing his hands over his face in stress "You should have came to me dammit! Not selling yourself like that! To damn perverts!"
"Jesus Christ, what the fuck Scarlett?"
"What about Avari?" He asked shaking his head.
"I'm joking..."
"What if she finds the pict- what?"
I laughed and then laughed a little harder "Your face! Jeez dude!" I cried at his mortified face.
"That's not funny." He deadpanned only making me crease up.
"Stop it.... Scarlett stop laughing. It's not funny."
"It's hilarious!"
"Oh yeah? Funny is it?" He asked as I nodded wiping my tears. "Funny?"
He poked my side making my laughing stop, "Zak no Avari is asleep."
"Well you're laughing. So obviously it is funny." He jabbed his finger at me again making me smile.
"No, I don't want too and payback is a bitch."
He lunged for my hips grabbing them with his hands making me squeal with my mouth closed and squirm trying to pull them off.
"Funny huh? Still funny? What's wrong Lett? Nothing to say?" He asked as I threw myself around trying to get away from his fingers.
"Huh?! Come on Lettie! What's wrong?" He asked as I gasped at the air before sniggering hard.
I wiggled that much, that I fell from the couch and dragged Zak with me until we hit the floor. I sat up shoving his hands off my hips to stop him. Out of breath, I sat in front of him laughing softly with him. I watched as he picked up a piece of hair from my face and tucked it behind my ear alerting me of how close we were.
"I've missed this." He whispered making me sober up fast as his nose rubbed mine.
My heart pounded against my rib cage hard as I struggled on breathing properly.
"Lettie..." He whispered huskily.
I swallowed and moved back slightly as he brushed his lips along my jaw moving towards my mouth.
"I can hear your heart beating." He commented making my face flush.
I was like a teenager all over again..
"Deny it all you want, but I know your body responses to mine." He breathed running his finger down my arm making me shudder.
"P-please don't."
His lips trailed back to my ear where I froze up feeling his warm breath on my ear. His tongue touched the edge of my lobe, "I won't.. But only because of Avari..."
He moved back slightly to see my face, but I looked away before our eyes could meet. "But don't think I didn't see you the other night.."
My eyes widened as I looked up at him ready to explain. Not that I could explain the whole peeping Tom moment..
His eyes twinkled in the light as he smirked "I felt you before I saw you... Can you remember us? All hours, when and where ever and every posit-"
"You remember I can see it in your eyes." He whispered.
"I- I think you should maybe go." I stuttered.
I shuddered again as he stroked a finger across my neckline and to his pendant, slowly stroking my chest bone. "Just know that I feel you Lettie.. Like no time has been spent apart."
And just like that he withdrew his hand and got up leaving without another word.
If it wasn't for the fact I was on the floor, I may have thought I was dreaming..
Looking back at the screen, I saw his face making me grumble and slam it shut before laying back on the floor as my body slowed itself down.
I shook my head telling myself to pull myself together and get a grip.
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