Scarlett's Compassion
[Video above is relevant!!]
{Zak POV}
I hung around the hospital, like a bad smell waiting to catch the second shift of workers. Seeing Avari skipping along side my mom, I smiled and sat up from the bench I was slumped against.
"Pumpkin!" I called waving at her.
My mom released her hand letting Avari rush over and jump into my arms.
"Where were you? Mommy is sad again. You make her happy." She spoke looking up at me with trusting eyes.
"Me and mommy fell out again."
She frowned "Zak, you have to say sorry, make mommy happy. Then I can live with Gracie forever."
I laughed gently with my mom who sat beside me on the bench listening. "I'm sure mommy would have something to say about that." My mom spoke.
"No, she likes Zak. Lots. He bought her a sea horse."
I smiled "She kept it?"
My phone began ringing, seeing Aaron's name, I quickly answered and passed him onto Avari.
"Hey big!" She sang sitting on the bench opposite us chatting.
"Are you okay?" My mom asked softly.
I rubbed my face "Everything, everything is such a mess mom. I hate her, I hate her for leaving but I-"
"But you love her?" She questioned.
"I don't love. Life is easier." I grunted.
"Do you love Avari?" She whispered.
My eyes lifted to the little girl jabbering away on the phone to Aaron as if a six year old holding a phone almost as big as her was the norm.
"With every fibre..." I stated.
"But it brings up the question of how could dad not make contact with me? I have tried."
My mom nodded "Your father makes his own choices. As do you, what's important is that you've built a bond, with your little girl."
"I know."
"And whether you like it or not, you love Scarlett, maybe not in the relationship capacity but you love her for being Avari's mom. Like she loves you for being her father." My mom nodded in Avari's direction.
"You both created a life, a wonderful, clever, witty little girl, who is so much like you, I ask myself if the last 34 years has really happened. I feel I've got you back again. Running around my legs." She smiled.
"Is she too much?"
"No! No, I love having her around. Keeps me young, now from what you've told me. Scarlett has only ever wanted you to build that bond... Son, it's there. You have it, what else does your heart want?" My mom asked.
"Her, I want her mom. And I don't know how or what kind of way. I just know I can't let her go again. Because this time? She may not come back and that idea..." I shook my head.
"Then you fight for her preferably when she's better. Because an hour after she's came around and high on morphine isn't the time."
"I know."
"Timing wasn't your specialty." She teased.
"Tell me about it.." I sighed looking at Avari again.
"I've got her again, don't worry about us. Tonight we have Brave to watch, I have a feeling all the Disney films will be on in my house until further notice."
I smiled "Thank you mom."
"You're welcome. Now try and get some rest.."
I skipped back into the room quietly after ducking and diving to avoid the nurses station. Looking over at the bed, I found Lettie asleep, her hand hanging off the bed from where I once was sat.
It was only when I tilted my head, I realised I had left my hoody, which was now pushed under her head as a pillow. A pillow which she had her nose buried in.
"You aggravating, stubborn mule." I tutted lifting her hand up and placing it on her lap.
Looking at her charts, I saw that the morphine had been topped up meaning she would be out for a while. Lifting her head gently, I removed my hoody and tossed it onto the chair.
"You know, life would be so much easier if we just admitted how we felt." I mumbled. "But then where's the fun in that?"
Kicking off my shoes, I took down the side bar and climbed onto the bed beside her before pulling it back up so I didn't roll off in the night.
"Third night of a lumpy hospital bed and you having no idea that I'm here.."
I sighed leaning over to kiss her forehead gently. "Good night Lettie."
My forehead creased as music wandered through the air, stirring from my sleep, the noise became clearer as it sounded familiar.
It was only when I woke up to find myself clinging onto Scarlett that I realised the voice was mine.
"What?" I asked tiredly.
"One of the reasons." Scarlett smiled showing me the phone screen of myself singing and Billy recording.
I frowned and grumbled trying to go back to sleep in her neck, I pulled her in close but when she whimpered, I lifted my hands up instantly. "Sorry."
"Have you been here all night?" She asked making my eyes open.
Sleep was over Bagans. Now is the time to answer her questions..
"Yeah. I've been sleeping here every night."
"Why?" She questioned softly.
"I don't like you being in here alone, Avari & Gracie are together and with my mom having a good time. I didn't want to be home alone.." I admitted.
She sighed gently rubbing my arm "Caring side."
I smiled slightly trying to push the sting of yesterday's events away. For the past two days I've managed to sleep beside and get up before Scarlett had woken up.
"I dreamt last night." She stated outloud.
"What about?"
Looking over at Scarlett, I watched her face flush. "Old times and other things.."
"Other things?"
"Yeah.. Like if I stayed. Fought properly. That was a shitty thing to do through a text.." she frowned.
I shook my head "It's done now, let's not dwell on the past."
She smiled relieved at my answer but I had a pressing one.
"It was Holly, wasn't it? Who drove at you and ran?"
I watched Scarlett lower her head and stare at the IV in the back of her hand. "Scarlett." I urged.
"It doesn't matter no-"
"Yes it does. She can't do this to people." I answered sitting up.
"Can we do this later, please? I have a belter of a headache and I just wanna lay here." She answered.
Feeling guilty for her battered look, I nodded and settled down beside her.
"Can you remember when...." I began making a smile spread across her face.
We are always told not to live in the past, but right now it's the only place we wanted to be.
She gasped at the air as we laid on the hospital bed holding each other with laughter.
"A-and you! Oh my god!" She cackled gripping her side to suppress the pain. "You fell so hard!"
I tried to act annoyed at her laughter as we reminisced the time I recited poetry and took a hard fall.
"I-I'm sorry!" She wept wiping her tears.
"You looked after me though didn't you?" I grinned.
She paused "I did, I felt bad though, I laughed the hardest."
"I know! You still are now!" I pointed out making her laugh.
"I can't help it!" She sniggered trying to stop herself.
"Go ahead." I chuckled seeing her face going red from the pressure.
Her laugh roared out making me laugh too but the atmosphere changed on a dime when the door opened.
Scarlett's laughter died down as my eyes locked with Holly.
"You've got a nerve!" I spat flying off the bed in order to shove her out the room when Scarlett's arm snapped down on my arm.
"Don't." She ordered.
"I said don't!" She snapped making my lip quiver as Holly came in fully.
"Why are you even here?! Came to finish her off? Put a pillow over her face!" I fumed.
"Zak!" Lettie hissed.
Holly looked between us before shuffling to the end of the bed "Scarlett, I... I am so sorry."
"Sorry? You broke her fucking leg!" I snapped in agitation. I felt like exploding but I couldn't based on the fact that I would be thrown out instantly. "You could have killed her! And in front of Avari! I should throw you ass-"
"Zak if you don't shut up!" Scarlett bit making me clench my fists and mouth closed.
"What do you want Holly?" She asked calmly.
"I am so sorry, I, I don't know what on earth I was thinking! I wasn't thinking! I-"
"It's okay. Just calm down.." Scarlett replied making Holly take a breath.
"Have the police been?" She asked making me scoff.
"Here's the real reason she is here." I growled shaking my head in disgust.
"No, not yet."
Holly nodded looking at her leg which was cast. "I will go and hand myself in, you don't need anymore hassle-"
"No you won't." Scarlett spoke making my head snap up.
"What?" I asked bewildered.
"Holly, the cocaine.. It was yours wasn't it?" Scarlett asked.
"Yes." We both answered.
Scarlett looked at me with a warning to keep quiet.
"Yes, it is..."
Lettie nodded. "I'll make you a deal. Rehab and make something of yourself. Or I'll tell the police you were the one in the hit and run."
Holly blinked looking as shocked as me at Scarlett's options.
"Are you high on morphine still?!" I seethed.
"No. I am quiet calm, I haven't had any morphine yet and yes my leg is hurting like a mother..."
"She ran you over and left you for dead!" I spat.
"Calm down or go home! I'm doing this my way Zak! Take it or leave it!" She shouted back reminding me of her fiery side.
I sat my ass down in the plastic seat beside the bed glaring at Holly.
"Scarlett you don't need-"
"Rehab or jail?" Scarlett asked.
"Rehab." Holly answered instantly.
"Good. You find one, you check yourself in and let me know. I want to know how long you're in there for and I will be checking to make sure.."
"And what about the police?" Holly asked worried.
"I was struck from behind. I didn't see the driver." Scarlett answered looking at her.
Holly swallowed looking over at me as I shook with anger.
"I don't deserve your compassion..."
"No you don't. You did that in front of my daughter. That I will never forgive you for... As for the rest? Rehab. It won't be easy. They are gonna dig and go through why you started this addiction. I don't want to ruin your life, getting work with a conviction won't be easy, no matter what line of work you go for.. Rehab? Well it's up to you whether you disclose that. Holly, a hit and run charge is serious, not to mention leaving the scene of an accident. I don't want to have your life destroyed. But I will give you an opportunity at a new one, by getting clean. Starting fresh and moving on."
It was then I understood Scarlett, my eyes went to her face as she spoke with Holly about the terms of their arrangement. I could see the sense and determination in her eyes.
When Scarlett looked at me, I came back from the depths of my mind of admiring the woman in front of me. Despite her scraps, cuts and bruises, her heart was undamaged and still as strong as ever.
"Are you angry with me?" She asked gently picking up my hand.
I shook my head "A part of me is, but the other part makes me realise exactly why you are so important."
She gave me a small smile before continuing "She deserves a second chance, she has been caught in our cross fire for a long time. I think we will be partly to blame for her problem.. I don't want to wake up in the next few months or even a year to hear she's died from that shit. Not when we could have done something, this..."
She gestured to herself. "This is her reason to stay in that rehab. Keep an eye on her too. This is our apology and our moving on stage."
"So when you say our?" I questioned.
"Easy tiger. I'm high on morphine remember?" She winked.
I shuffled forward taking her hand "Have I told you how amazing you are?"
She rolled her eyes and imitated flicking her hair. "Oh darling. I'm fabulous."
I simply grinned at her like a love struck teenager again. "Yeah you are."
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