Rainbow feelings
"I love you mommy."
4 words that never failed to make my heart swell and a smile to fill my face.
"I love you too baby girl." I replied as her little arms looped around my neck giving me a cuddle.
With her big birthday badge pinned to her chest, Avari skipped back to the small loot of presents I had scrimped and saved for over the past few months. Making sure I got everything she had asked for. It was the first time I had resentment for Zak and his money. Because what I had saved, was pocket change to him.
Sitting in the little pile she picked up a book and placed it on her lap looking at the cover with a smile. Beside her sat glitter boards, books, DVDS, colouring books, crayons, pencils, clothes, a pair of heely shoes and all the protective gear I could buy, a doodle bug and a kids camera.
I placed her cards on the shelf when the door bell rang making her eyes snap to me.
"Visitors this early?" I grumbled stepping over the balloons I had spent 2 hours of last night blowing up as well as putting birthday banners up.
Pulling open the door I paused seeing Zak's shocked expression. It was then I remembered I had on next to nothing under his hoody.
I had small shorts, bootie shorts if you want to split hairs, and a sports bra. His hoody was now acting as my dress.
"I am wearing clothes. Close your mouth." I spoke stepping aside to let him in.
His tall and equally broad frame stepped in and towered over me. "I wouldn't complain if you were naked under it. In fact I would kind of like the id-"
"Avari looks who's here!" I sang cutting him off, he threw me a grin before turning his attention to her as she came over to give him a hug.
"Hello Zak." She greeted snuggling into a spot on his neck.
I almost pouted having wanted to do that myself...
Time has changed Scarlett. That spot isn't yours anymore. Holly has taken that place now.
Avari pulled back and looked at him before her eyebrows twitched. "You wear glasses? Like mommy?" She asked.
Zak looked up at me "Since when?"
"Pregnancy. Only for reading."
He nodded "But to answer your question. Yes I do. I like to wear contact lenses a lot. But, this morning, in here extra early. I haven't even done my hair and you know what?" He asked pulling off his beanie to reveal it.
Avari giggled instantly at the unruly mess "It's gone crazy. But I had to come and see you first."
She smiled happily before pulling him over to her presents.
"Oh!" He exclaimed.
"What?" She asked.
"I almost forgot, stay here." He instructed running out the front door and returning with Gracie and a present bag.
Of course, as soon as Gracie walked in wagging her tail furiously at Avari, all presents were off. The VIP guest had arrived and Avari was chuffed.
"Oh here's you're present Pumpkin." Zak spoke handing her over a bag.
Avari dived in instantly pulling out a pink galaxy swimsuit and goggles. But what really made her lose it was under the tissue paper.
Zak has hunted and found a mermaid tail..
"MOMMY! MOMMY LOOK!" She screamed jumping up and down.
"I'm gonna be a mermaid too! It's for when I go swimming!" She shouted in excitement showing me.
"That's great! What do you say?" I asked.
Avari launched herself into Zak's arms hugging him tightly.
"It's the bestest ever! Thank you!"
"You're welcome sweetheart." He smiled gently over her shoulder.
Once Avari brushed her teeth, she came back nudging me gently.
"Can I go play in the garden with her?!" She asked desperately.
"Yep. You're all set." I replied unlocking the three locks on the back door and opening it for her to run out with Gracie behind her.
As they played in the garden. I began tidying up the small bits of wrapping paper.
"How are you?" Zak asked making me look up at him.
"Good. Yourself?"
"Tired. Didn't sleep much.."
"TMI." I replied.
"Nightmares." He added making me pause. With a small frown I sat on the arm of the chair.
"Do you need to talk?" I asked sensing his anguish.
"You have enough to do today. I-"
"Avari has school in an hour, she is there till 2pm today. I have plenty of time?" I offered.
He nodded "Maybe when she's at school."
"Have a good day." I spoke crouched down to Avari's level, giving her a kiss and a cuddle before she went in.
As I moved aside, Zak gave her a cuddle "Go show them who's a big girl now."
She smiled touching her badge but before she raced for the school doors, she ran to the car door and tiptoed to give Gracie a kiss. Avari squeaked when Gracie licked the side of her face before giggling.
"Gracie!" She laughed petting her.
Avari paused seeing her friends and gave us all one last grin before running across the playground and in through the doors where Mrs Lowe would be waiting for them.
"You eaten?" I asked Zak who was leant against the car looking pale.
"Not hu-"
"Keys. You're not passing out behind the wheel."
"I'm fine."
"Give me your keys, or I walk home." I challenged. He sighed before handing them over and getting into the passenger seat.
"Don't race it, the car is fast."
"So no handbrake turns?" I teased.
"Absolutely not!"
"Boring." I muttered before starting the car and pulling away.
Returning home, the idea of crawling back to bed was gone, especially with Zak and Gracie, although Gracie fell asleep in the armchair instantly, I still had Zak here.
"Wanna drink?" I offered.
"Have you got a water?"
I nodded and grabbed two bottles from the fridge. Returning back to him, I sat on the couch and waited.
"Let's hear it, what's up?"
He smiled slightly "We can get to that later. You look tired today."
I scoffed "Is that the polite way of telling me that I look like shit?"
"No I'm just concerned.." He replied honestly.
"I'm okay. Just an early start because of the birthday girl."
"Right, right." He nodded in understanding. "So you know I asked you to fill in for Cece? Whilst she is away?"
This time I nodded.
"Well how about you do it.. Permanently?"
I blinked "Why? What about Cece? I'm not taking her job. No-"
"No, no. You wouldn't be. See with the museum and a few projects I have going on right now. I realised I need an extra pair of hands. Cece is working over at the museum and helping me at home. Well, I want to have her over at the museum more, and maybe have you at the house?" He suggested.
I scoffed "Cause Holly would like that."
"I wasn't asking for Holly's permission. I want you if you will consider it? With Avari and Gracie together, it makes sense. Plus when I'm home I get to see you both..."
I took a small breath considering and weighing up the options. "I said I would help, but I don't think me and Avari being at the house unnecessarily will help build any rapport with Holly. I wanna try and get on with the foul woman, for yours and Ava's sake."
Zak gave me a lop sided smile "You have an uncanny way of delivering news. This isn't just so I can get you into my bed again."
"Good cause that ship had long sailed."
He chuckled "Well it may redock? If the tide is coming in."
"The tide is out, a drought is in." I answered causing him to laugh loudly.
"I missed your comebacks. So what do you do now? When have you got to get Avari's cake?"
"Yeah, you brought her a cake right? What is it?" He asked when I lifted a brow.
"Oh.. Yeah, well see come and have a look." I grinned getting up and making my way into the kitchen.
Zak followed and paused at the door looking for the cake. "Where is-"
I opened the cupboard door showing him the contents.
"Wait, I don't think I'm qualifi-"
I threw an apron at him and laughed as it hit him in the face. "Get qualified Bagans. You're baking."
"I- maybe.."
"No excuses. I need help... Please?" I asked innocently.
His face twitched "Damn it Lettie. You know I loathe baking."
"It's for a good cause." I reminded him as he pulled on the black apron. I pulled on my apron and fastened it up before filling the table with all the things we needed.
"Wait, all this food colour? Lett, she can't have red-"
"It's all natural. Don't worry, all these colours are natural colours. So for example the orange is carrot powder, red is pure beer juice." I explained as he picked them all up examining them.
"You did all this? For real?"
I nodded "I might not be good at talking about my love, but I can show it."
A silence fell between us as Zak looked at me with an impressed look. "Don't look at me like that." I muttered.
"Like what?"
"Like... I dunno like that."
His lips tweaked a quick smile "I just think you're pretty amazing.. Not to mention clever."
I laughed "You sure are tired to say that."
Zak rubbed his hands together before we both raced to the sink in order to wash them, after he sprayed me with water and I dug my elbow into his ribs. We were ready to start making a rainbow cake.
"Lettie! Help! No! Stop!" He shouted trying to stop the whisk as it slipped from his hands sending cake mix up my walls.
He reached out to grab it when I pulled his hand away and flicked the switch off.
"What. The hell?" I questioned as he looked at the mess he made.
"I- it fell and went crazy. I'll clean-"
"Screw the mess! You could have done some serious damage to your hand. Are you out of your mind?!"
"You tried to grab the end of it, that would have done serious damage Zak, go careful." I fussed.
"I'm okay, although I can't say that wallpaper is anymore." He nodded to my cream wallpaper which now had red beet juice coloured mix up it.
"I never liked it anyway. Let's get this into a tray.." I suggested taking over temporarily to push the batter into the tray.
With a multicoloured trays, we pushed them into the oven and set it on a timer.
"They look cool." Zak smirked.
"I know, wait until it's finished."
We cleaned the kitchen down and packed away all the left over ingredients just as the cooker bleeped for us to change routine and prepare the frosting that would cover the cake and go between each layer.
"Demon hunter now cake maker." He grinned.
I sorted the cakes out leaving Zak less than a second when silence happened.
"Fingers out the frosting." I spoke with my back to him.
"I- mm-ot eating." He mumbled. Looking over my shoulder I saw his thumb in his mouth.
"Really?" I lifted my finger and wiped the corner of his mouth. I went to take the frosting off when he grabbed my wrist.
"Ah." He quickly pushed my finger into his mouth and sucked off the frosting rolling his warm tongue around the top of my finger fluidly.
My throat felt constricted at his little show, whilst my mind considered all the other ways his tongue could be on my body.
With a pop my finger came back from his lips. "You keep looking at me like that Lettie and I'll clear the table in seconds." He whispered down huskily making me swallow hard. "Would you like that?"
A thousand fucks yes..
"You're really naughty." I answered trying to chide him for his behaviour but instead it only caused the excitement behind his eyes.
"I'm even worse than I was 5 years ago.." He smirked. But as his face swooped in close to mine to capture my lips, I turned my head.
I felt and watched his hands tighten into fists. "Damn it. Lettie.."
"Sorry. But I, we really can't go there. For Holly's sake."
"Oh fuck her! I don't care about Hol-"
"Well I do!" I interrupted. "I care because I know how much it hurts and I won't do it to another person!" I snapped at him.
His jaw moved as he ground his teeth together. "Fine. Tell me when it's done." He snapped pulling off his apron and throwing it down before storming out the kitchen.
I took a step back to lean against the work surface letting out a sigh. Maybe I could have handled that better?
After hiding in the kitchen for almost an hour, I had finished the cake and worked an apology. Stepping out sheepishly, I poked my head around the corner only to be greeted by Zak sprawled on the couch with his arm wedged under a cushion whilst his other hand held it in place.
I crept over and crouched down taking off his glasses carefully. I also removed his beanie and placed them on the coffee table opposite. Chewing my lip, I couldn't stop myself reaching out and brushing his hair back before letting my hand round his jaw.
"You grumpy fool." I whispered gently before standing up to fix a blanket over his legs.
My mothering nature came in as I also looked at his shoes. Figuring he would be here a while, I slipped them off and placed them aside.
Picking up my book, I curled up on the couch opposite and got stuck in letting both of my guests sleep.
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