The feel of the sun warmed my skin as I sat in Zak's garden on the furniture with Avari's head on my lap. The emotion of conflict heavy on my shoulders as I tried to decide what to do for the best now that Holly was back. It was clear she wasn't a fan of me, nor I her. But her spiteful words could effect Avari and my daughter is something I am not willing the gamble with.
Stroking my fingers through her hair gently, I watched her eyes close and open rhythmically exposing her grey eyes to this world.
"I love you mommy." Avari announced making some smile.
"I love you too darling." I confirmed and watched as her smile appeared, it dipped slightly as her mind began working away.
"Do you think Holly is back? To stay?" She asked looking up at me.
I shrugged "I don't know sweetie. It's between her and Zak though."
She frowned "I still don't like her mommy. I get a feeling in my belly when I'm near her." I instantly thought she meant her gut feeling. But then I also got the same feeling and that was anger and sickness towards her.
"Why does Zak like her? She's so nasty and he's really nice?" She asked playing with Peanuts ear.
"I don't know Hun. People are drawn to others."
"When I get a boyfriend he's going to be nice like me."
When?! Oh she's never dating.. You've seen Rapunzel? Well I'm the witch and she is staying in her tower away from heartache!
"How are you feeling? Any monsters?" I asked.
"Nope. But I want to go home soon, if Holly stays. She is nasty. She hurt Peanut." Avari frowned hard.
"Whenever you're ready.."
"I need a drink." She mumbled making me smile gently.
Avari sat up and wedged Peanut under her arm before rushing off towards the glass doors to get herself a drink.
"GET OUT!" Zak yelled making my head snapped towards the doors.
Avari rushed out looking upset and frightened, running to me, I caught her in my side and held her.
"Mommy I want to go home now!"
"Hey? Why what's happened?"
"Zak shouted at me!"
"Cause he was with Holly and doing something.."
My attitude changed on a dime.
"Go pack your bag." I whispered. She nodded running towards the bedroom glass doors and through the voile.
Storming into the lounge patio doors, I found Zak fumbling with his zip. His hair was pushed in all directions as he did his pants up.
"Lettie let me exp-"
"You are a pig!" I shouted punching him in the chest.
"No! You want her! Have her!" I spat looking at Holly who wiped her lips looking smug.
"I told you! Not in front of Avari! You two couldn't do that could you?! She's 5 Zak! She doesn't need to see that shit! I'm taking her home and if you stop me... I'll ring the police."
He scoffed "On what?"
"Abduction and kidnap. If you stop us."
"No! You've made your choice. I hope you're happy." I replied swiping up Peanut that Avari had dropped in a fright.
"I didn't mean to scare her! It just.. it kinda happened, she didn't see anything." He reasoned following me into the kitchen as I grabbed my bag.
"She saw enough! You frightened her just after she was saying how nice you are! And before you use the bad parent card with me? She wants to go home." I added pushing past him.
Holly was stood in the corner quietly out of my way as I passed.
"You can't just leave, Scarlett. She is my daugh-"
"Oh give it up! You've been looking for a way out since you found out! Well here it is!" I shouted at him angrily.
"W-what about Gracie? Avari loves Gracie!" He replied.
I shook my head in disgust, "You're really gonna sink that low? You know what? You're both welcome to each other. I hope you both enjoy this twisted relationship and I hope you find it in yourself to tell Holly exactly what you've done. But you won't. Because as soon as she knows.."
"Please Lettie.." He begged moving in front of me.
"Get out my way Zak. MY daughter needs me." I bit. His intimidating stare once upon a time would silence me in an instant. That one look and he could change my mood on a dime, but I wasn't braid naive and feeble anymore, I was a mother and I had to be strong .
Zak realised that I wasn't backing down and moved aside letting me go.
"Scarlett please let me come over and explain."
It was my turn to scoff at him, "Explain what? Explain how a woman can take your only child away for 5 years and you still forgive her?" I asked.
"I don't know, you tell me. I forgave you. Didn't I?"
The reply stung as I looked at him, even now he couldn't see that I left for not only his privacy but because I believed he didn't want Avari. Not because I was being spiteful, I was doing what I had done from the moment I found out.
I was protecting my daughter.
Holly's face appearing over his shoulder looking smug, it wasn't in me to back down or go quietly so I left giving him a piece of my mind.
"If I didn't know you any better, Zak. I would say you are quiet pleased to have missed 5 years of her life. But don't worry, you can go back to your real housewife life with Jessica Rabbit. I'm taking my baby away from you and that trash. I won't bother you ever again."
I watched panic fill us his face at the idea, feeling my heart fraying again, I spun on my heels and marched to the bedroom to get Avari and get the hell out of here.
{Authors note}
I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your patience and loyalty to my story and to me as a writer.
Yesterday was very emotional not only for me but for my country after the Terror Attack in Manchester. Being a empath/sensitive I found it overwhelming and last night I cried before bed. I woke up at 2 am and cried all over again. I didn't know anyone in the attack, but the mourning felt throughout England at this time is felt throughout the world.
There is no God that believes taking the lives of the innocent is worthy for a place in this 'Paradise'. The attack was pure cowardliness. Targeting defenceless children is evil. But we are called Great Britain for a reason, we will rise and we will become strong again. But whilst we do that we will mourn for those whose lives have been taken and altered.
Please stay safe my lovelies. The world is a cruel place xxx
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