No rest for the wicked
3 weeks later..
"Come on.." He whispered prodding me with his finger.
"No. You have to behave."
"I feel fine."
"Zak your balls are blue." I answered.
"I know, why do you think I'm trying her-"
"I mean from bruising. Just no okay? If it's not good enough then go and sort yourself out." I replied looking at the Vegas sunset from in the warmth and depth of the bed.
He sighed hard and eventually snuggled down cuddling into me. "Spoilsport."
"You'll thank me." I replied rubbing his arm gently.
For the past week, he had turned into a sex pest, although my control was a lot better than his, Zak was forever leaving lingering touches and kisses that almost made me fall. However the thought of him in pain pushed me back into position of leaving him alone. Especially when we showered and he was supporting some serious bruising.
"Penny for your thoughts?" He whispered against the shell of my ear.
"How nice this is, just being here."
"I've been thinking.."
I rolled back to look at him "Go on."
"A holiday. I haven't been on one for 5 years. Kind of over due."
"The last holiday you had was Jamaica... Right?"
He smiled "Yeah, but even then I got a lockdown in."
I couldn't help the smile as I reminisced about Jamaica. "The hotel was amazing, beach front. I took full advantage of that."
"Hmm.. Don't I know it." He mumbled.
"What's that suppose to mean?"
"You spent the whole time in a bikini. My personal favourite was the white one, I have to say."
I smirked "You preferred them on the floor."
He grinned mischievously "Am I that transparent?"
"No babe, I just know you... You played soccer, all sweaty. The only man I knew to wear jeans over there."
He rolled his eyes "You know me."
"Can I ask you something?"
Zak nodded gently.
"Whilst we were in Jamaica, you and Nick.. You fell out."
Zak's jaw tensed as he ground his teeth together in annoyance "What was that about?" I asked.
"The man is a parasite."
"He was your best friend."
"And look how he treated me." He bit back making me look away. "I'm sorry. It just winds me up you know?"
I nodded understandingly.
"We were arguing about you... We were becoming a thing around that time, if you remember. I wanted you around all the time. Nick got jealous and said he could have you back in a heartbeat. That all he had to do was give you a little charm."
Looking at the ceiling, I felt anger rise, but I couldn't change the past. So letting it go was vital.
"I disagreed and he just got to be an asshole about it."
"Where were you thinking? The holiday, I mean. I don't want to talk about him anymore."
Zak shrugged "I don't know, but I think getting away as a family would do some good. Don't you think?"
"Absolutely. Away from that office." I replied.
"I'm not that bad..."
"Yes you are, 2am you came to bed last night and that was only because I went and got you."
"I know, it's just things kinda back up and with me not working whilst I'm like this."
"You can work, just no heavy lifting, you heard what the doctor said."
"Where's the fun in that though?" He teased.
"Dork." I answered rolling my eyes.
"But you love me." He pointed out.
"Meh, I'm getting there." I laughed.
Tossing my keys on the side, I kicked off my shoes and looked around the bedroom door to see Zak still asleep. Smiling, I crept across the carpet and sat on the edge of the bed rubbing his bare back.
A grumble rose from his body causing a smile to pull on my lips.
"Good morning."
"What's the time?" He asked with a scrunched face.
"8.30am. Avari is at school. You want a little longer?"
He shook his head rolling over in the bed to look at the ceiling. Yawning he pulled me down against him nuzzling into my hair.
"You're all cold." He mumbled.
"Because I've been out."
"Which means you need to get back in and warm up." Zak replied pulling the bedding over our heads making me giggle.
"You're so lazy."
"I'm recovering, I'm allowed."
"Then what's my excuse?" I questioned.
"I need supervision."
Looking over the back of the couch, I smiled discreetly seeing Zak working away. His tall frame dominating the doorframe as he leant against it speaking to Jeff. Wearing cargo pants and a black top I couldn't help feast on his muscles.
This no contact sport was getting hard..
Zak looked at me and gave a little wink before walking around the office and sitting behind his desk. After a few clicks, he looked over the lid of the laptop with a smirk.
Once he wrapped the call up wth Jeff, I questioned him.
"Forget work, look." He spoke turning the laptop to face me.
I narrowed my eyes at the writing on screen and lifted my hands "What part?"
"This part." He pointed.
Incase of an emergency ring, blah blah blah. Dissolvable stitches, blah blah. You can return to having sex when you feel comfort-
"Dude." I spoke looking up to his face to see the shit eating grin.
He rose from the desk "Well spank me silly, I'm ready!"
"I'm not sure..." I spoke as he rounded the desk.
"Well whilst you think about it, allow me to remove those clothes to maybe.. Open your mind."
I rolled my eyes at his attempt. But I had to give it to him, he was willing to make the effort.
"F-fuck.." I panted holding him against me. Zak's ragged breath fanned my neck and chest as we finished.
"Holy crap."
He collapsed down on me, knocking the wind from my lungs until I took another breath "Are you okay?" I asked him.
He nodded unable to form words, but the sweat beads across his forehead reassured me.
"Any pain?"
"None, damn." He whispered pulling himself up enough to give me a kiss before rolling to his side.
My body followed his, rolling onto my side to see him. My eyes fell closed as he pressed a kiss onto my forehead "I love you."
I smiled "You too. Sure you're okay?
"I feel great." He replied wiping the sweat away.
"You did great." I praised still feeling like a 1000 watt Christmas tree beside him.
"A lover is as only as good as their partner." He replied.
I scoffed "Modest much? You took my breath away. More than once, might I add."
He grinned triumphantly "I know. I like seeing you raw like that. Totally abandoned of reality. Just the emotions of what you're experiencing, it's a turn on."
"You're amazing, you know that?" I questioned as he stroked down my arm gently.
"I've been told." He replied making me pinch his nipple playfully.
"Owh. Don't hurt me, look, teeth marks." He pointed to his shoulder causing my face to flush.
"Bu- I can't help it."
"It's the hottest thing I've had. Feel like a bit of a vampire when I bite. I also worry incase I hurt you."
I rubbed my neck gently "As long as you don't draw blood, I think we are good."
He smirked looking at my neck.
"You've left a mark... Haven't you?" I asked seeing the stupid grin widen.
"Dammit Zak, I'm putting up garlic around my neck." I swatted pushing him away.
"You love it!!"
"I shouldn't. Count Bagans."
"I vant your blood!" He declared before diving back into my neck making me squeal as his stubble tickled my neck.
I sniggered and laughed whilst squirming around to avoid him. I worried about him to begin with, but it seemed the old Zak was back and kicking.
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