New Beginning
"I got this." Zak insisted picking up the black refuse bags and marker pens.
"I mean it, don't throw anything until I've looked at it."
"I won't." He grinned.
Looking at Aaron I folded my arms. "Oh no. Please don't.. Scarlett, stop." He begged as I lifted my brow.
"Aaron..." I drew out making him stamp his foot.
"Yes?" He asked softly.
"Make sure Zak doesn't throw anything out.. Please?" I batted my lashes at him.
"I- bu-"
"Okay dammit fine! Damn women!" He grumbled walking off whilst Bacon and Zak laughed.
"Oh hell, anything you want." He submitted making Zak side punch him.
"Bro! She hardly spoke!"
"I know man but.. She's a damsel in distress and you know I'm all for that hero shit. Plus she's hot." He smirked as I grinned.
"Oi, that's enough. We are leaving." Zak emphasised glaring Bacon out the room whilst I giggled.
"Can you clear my panties draw?"
Zak's face went from sour to triumphant. "Damn straight!"
"Good. Well go, behave. Remember Cece is getting Avari."
"Yep. I confirmed it with the school, I had to email them a photo." He frowned.
"It's for safety reasons. Trust me, I picked the best."
"I know, it's like a military operation in that place. Right, I'm going. Sit there, behave and I'll be back soon."
"Okay." He nodded pocketing his phone "Need anything you ring me okay."
"No cleaning."
"No stairs."
"Yes Zak."
"No washing."
"You love me."
"Yes..." I paused from my mental eye rolling. "Hey!"
He ran out the room laughing as I grabbed a cushion to throw.
"That's not fair! It doesn't count, you tricked me!" I called after him.
"I will sort that load of washing when I get back! Relax!" He called one last time before the door closed.
"While Zak's away..." I trailed off looking at Gracie.
"Slowly.. slow wins the race." I whispered to myself as I made it across the kitchen with a crutch and the washing basket.
Seeing the table in sight, I grinned and made my way towards it dragging my leg behind me.
I had just pushed the basket onto the table when the my phone rang. Pulling it from my pocket, I slumped down into the chair and answered it.
"Hello Za-"
"How come you never wore these kind of panties when you were with me?" He asked down the phone.
I rolled my eyes "You're suppose to be emptying it into a refuse bag. Not rifling through it."
"Well I figured I'd have a sneak peak."
"Find any your size?" I teased.
"Funny. But that's not why I have rung, I rung to remind you that the washing you've just taken out the dryer was what I told you to leave alone."
I paused looking at the basket slyly. "How did you know that?"
"Because I know what you're like."
"There's cameras in the house."
"Not for spying, mainly for activity purposes. But handy it seems."
I shook my head "I'm being treated like a prisoner. Did you lock me in too?"
"Well I want that Stockholm syndrome to take hold real good, I don't want you leaving again."
"Zak.. Maybe you're joking but you do know I'm not gonna disappear again right? I mean I have Avari and you two need to grow together."
"Yeah, yeah. I know. I'm not keeping you in the house. I just don't want you doing anything until you are ready. You rush and you could set yourself back a few week. Your bones are broken. Not cracked, they are broke as in snapped. You can't walk on a broken leg."
"I know." I deadpanned.
"Then stop trying. Hey, also another question."
"I'm not going to find a... You know?"
I frowned. "No, I don't. Find a what?"
"A toy.."
"Avari's room is full of toys Zak." I replied shaking my head.
"I meant one of your toys... Like a sex you?"
My jaw dropped "No you won't! I don't own one! Not that there's anything wrong with owning one, it's just.. I don't need one."
"Cause you use your hand?" He chuckled.
"Urgh goodbye crude boy!"
I hung up the phone and began sorting the washing out when a text came through. I ignored it and set about some more tasks my phone went again.
"Oh that man is going to give me grey hairs." I huffed making my way back to my phone.
- Don't hang up! I need your help! Z x
The second message was a picture message.
I smiled instantly seeing his face knowing full well that his curiosity had got the better of him. He was now supporting a green tea and eucalyptus face mask that tightened your skin and left it smooth.
Only it was a bitch to get off ! As Zak was now finding out!
A cool soothing hand brought me out of my nap, yawning gently I opened my eyes to see Zak watching me with a small smile.
"You're back." I whispered scrunching my face at the sunlight.
"Yeah, I haven't been back long. What's wrong? You only sleep in the day if there's something wrong."
I nodded as he knew me too well, sitting up slowly I explained about my headache from the moment I woke this morning until now, but I could still feel the dull throb in the back of my eye.
"Migraine?" He asked.
"I don't know, I'm sleeping it off. How did it go? Everything sorted?" I asked him.
"Yeah, Bacon and Aaron are in the kitchen. I pushed them in there whilst you slept. Go back to sleep if you need to, we are gonna go downstairs anyway." He explained.
"No, no. It's rude." I replied looking down to see Zak had covered me with a blanket whilst I was asleep too.
"Incase you were cold..." he mumbled looking adorable.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome. Can I ask you a question?"
I nodded.
"Well it's more of a suggestion really... But uh- Could I maybe sleep in with you now?" He asked watching my reaction. "I mean I know we would have to explain go Avari.. But, I just-"
"Is it not a little too soon?" I asked as gently as I could.
"What do you mean? We aren't pubescent teens. We have a daughter. I just, I want to make a proper start of things you know? Between us? And I'm not saying we have to jump into bed and fuck till dawn. But maybe just laying with each other?" He suggested.
I was kinda looking forward to his first suggestion.
"I mean, I guess but we have to do this properly and that means talking to Avari first and if she isn't happy? Then we have to wait, I want her to be happy with being here."
"So do I... So you want to then? Make a go of things? Properly?"
I chewed my lip watching his face waiting for some punk'd moment to happen. A part of me couldn't believe what was happening, 6 years ago, I thought I would know my answer. That I would be screaming it from the rooftops. But fast forward, and Zak is giving me the one thing I wanted, which was a relationship, a proper relationship with him and I was lost for words!
"No? No. It's fine. Hey, don't worry about it." He faked a laugh to cover the rejection.
"Zak it's-"
"No, no. It's fine. Forget I said anything." He continued getting up.
"Only if I get the right hand side of the bed." I spoke out loud making his footsteps stop.
I shrugged. "I mean.. If you want to? This isn't going to be a quick wham bam thanks mam. It's going to take me some time to you know, get back into that trail of thought..."
"What do you mean?" He questioned.
"Zak, I haven't been with anyone since. Since you, I wasn't kidding.."
"I understand, I'll wait, until you're comfortable." He nodded.
"So that means boxers when you sleep. No sleeping naked."
"Monogamy. Nobody else.. Just us?"
He nodded "That's how I want to do this. You, me, Avari and Gracie."
"Like a family?" I questioned.
"Like our little family."
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