In fire
It had been two days since Zak had seen Lettie last, his mind filled with questions for her as well as himself as to what he was feeling. Whether the feeling was the same as last time? Or if it was different because she wasn't moulding to his needs?
2am the clock read beside him on the night stand and yet again he found himself picking up his phone to check if there was any kind of message. There wasn't.
"Can't sleep?" Holly moaned softly rolling to his side and placing her manicured hand onto his chest.
"No, I uh. I got a million things going around."
She sighed before lifting her head up "Do you need a distraction?" She asked walking her fingers up his chest.
"No I just need some clarity." He replied honestly.
"Well just try and push it to the back of your mind. What can you do at 2am? Nothing." Holly deadpanned.
Zak looked over at her, her skin was still holding a few coats of make up. Her hair in a bun upon her head almost pulling her face back from the tightness.
"You forgot your make up Hol," he reminded her.
"No I haven't!" She snapped.
"Oh." He quietened beside her knowing full well no woman had naturally contoured skin or a fully stacked set of lashes.
He also knew that the remnants of the make up and fake tan would be on his sheets in the morning. His mind twisted seeing her led beside him. Provocative night clothes trying to entice him into burying his problems with sex and her.
Zak sighed quietly himself looking at the ceiling. Trying to dismiss the resentment he felt seeing her led where Scarlett was with Avari a couple of weeks ago.
"If you're gonna huff all night, go and do it in the lounge." She hinted.
"Sorry?" He asked in disbelief.
"You heard."
Scoffing Zak sat up and threw the bedding off him. "Better yet, I'll go to Aaron."
Holly sat up instantly "What?"
"You heard." He grunted leaving her in bed with a scolding look on her face.
Zak had drove around, his mind filled with memories, with questions and with resentment and anger of all kinds.
His hand ached from the amount of times he had thumped the steering wheel open palmed, before he remembered the airbag. The idea of it exploding in his face brought him to a stop.
Now he has stopped the car and realised exactly where he was too. Scarlett's house.
He needed to free his mind that had been filled with Avari, Lettie, the museum, the show, travel schedules, orders, deliveries, invoices, new production shows which were now starting to be filmed in the UK, new episodes, booking confirmations- the list was endless.
The lounge light was still on in Scarlett's home causing hope to fill his body and before he realised it, his mind has transported him across the garden and to the front door.
Knocking quietly, he waited and was thrown off when a young girl answered with a pen sticking from the back of her pony tail.
"Who are you?" He asked looking at her up and down.
Her eyes lit up "I know you, you're the dude on TV. Scarlett's ex."
"Is she in?" He asked trying to look past her.
"No, she's at work until 5am."
He blinked "5? 5am?"
"Yeah, I'm looking after Av-" She paused before closing the door slightly "I'm house sitting."
"You're here for Avari. I know, I'm Zak."
"Caitlyn. Look I'm not being horrible or anything, but I'm not letting you in and I shouldn't have answered the door. So if you're some psycho ex. Be warned, I know Kung Fu."
Zak stepped forward causing Caitlyn to match his step with a wild look in her eye.
"Keep that look, you look after Avari until Lettie is home." He whispered before stepping back.
Caitlyn's face paled "Wait, Lettie? You're... You're Avari's dad?" She whispered.
"How did you know that?" He questioned.
"Scarlett told me no-one else calls her that.. only he did. He, being you."
"Nobody else knows about Avari. So if it gets out. I'll come to you with my lawyer."
She scoffed "Bite me dickwad. You should be ashamed of yourself. You hurt her, she told me never to fall in love because someone broke her heart. That someone was you right?"
Zak lifted his brow "Excuse me?"
"No, excuse me." She replied slamming the door and bolting it before flipping him off from the small window in the door.
Zak scoffed shaking his head "Kids these days."
Getting back into his car, he stared at the house, the brooding anger rose and soon his mind turned sour knowing she broke a promise and returned back to work.
Stomping through the collection of men that were stood with their tongues almost touching the floor at the woman cavorting with the pole, Zak made a beeline for the private rooms.
The music of the club vibrated his organs to an unsavoury level before he slipped past what looked like security. They too looked to preoccupied with the woman who's nipple tassels swung wildly.
The red lit hallway contained doors, each with small signs and lights above them.
Alice - Crystal.
Becky - Harmony.
Megan - Carmel.
Jessica - Kendra.
Ashley - Saffron.
Scarlett - Ruby.
Not caring if she was mid client or half naked. Zak stormed the room making Scarlett almost slip off the pole.
"What the-"
"Now!" He ordered stepping into the seedy box.
"Hey yo! Fuck off man!" A mans voice barked through a speaker.
"Fuck off yourself! Scarlett now!" Zak demanded as she froze in shock.
"Scarlett? Her name is Ruby.. Isn't it? Fuck that I don't care about her name! Just let me finish man! You're killing my cock!"
Zak glared at the glass wondering where the little prick was to when he remembered the button on the floor. Walking two steps he stamped on the button revealing the man who's face was in pure surprise at the show.
"You snivelling piece of shit! Put your pencil dick away and fuck off back to your wife!" Zak fired seeing the wedding band on his finger as he held his flaccid member.
Not caring about the man anymore, Zak turned grabbing hold of Scarlett's arm and dragging her out in the skimpy clothing.
"Wha-! Zak get off!" She complained trying to pull away.
"No! With me. Right now!"
"I can't! I'm worki-"
"Fine! My way it is!" Zak shouted over her bending down and throwing her over his shoulder.
His hand grasped the back of her thighs for support.
"ZAK! PUT ME DOWN! YOU DO NOT OWN ME! PUT ME DOWN RIGHT THIS SECOND! DO YOU HEAR ME?!" Scarlett screamed hitting her fists on his back whilst he walked through the corridor.
"Where's your stuff?!"
"You wouldn't dare!"
"Have it your way!" He called heading for the exit when Scarlett shouted towards the door. Zak stepped inside causing a few women to gasp in surprise at his appearance and the fact Scarlett was hung over his shoulder.
After grabbing her things, he walked out with her still in position when a bouncer stopped him.
"Harry! Harry it's fine! I- let us out the backdoor for business sakes!"
The security guard stood firmly. "Not until you put the lady down."
"Dude, you hear-"
"Put. Her down."
Zak growled and placed Scarlett back onto her feet, her face red from the blood. She gained her balance, pushing her hair back, she delivered a hard slap to Zak's face.
"You finished?" He asked before pulling her on kicking and screaming at what an asshole he was.
They argued until they were out the back of the club, in the alley way where rubbish bins sat overflowing and stinking with rotting food.
"What the fuck?!" She shouted hitting him in the arm.
"Yeah! What the fuck?! You said you gave that shit up! Yet here you are slutting yourself away!" He fired.
"You are such a jerk!" She snapped snatching her things from him.
"Did you see what he was doing?! That man? He was jerking off over you! He was masturbating over you!"
"WELL IT GIVES ME POWER!" She screamed back at him.
"What?!" Zak shouted bewildered at her statement.
"Oh go away!" Scarlett spat, walking away whilst fighting with her coat.
"Don't you walk away from me! Get back here Scarlett!"
"Fuck off!"
"Don't be stupid! Your little legs can't take you away fast enough!" He called making her spin around in anger.
He caught her in his chest trying to hide the amusement he got at her screwed up angry face.
"You're a manipulative controlling little man with some serious issues!" She shouted in his face.
"And you deserve to go over my knee and for your ass to be so sore you can't sit for the next month!"
"Well let me know when you find a man capable because you're a fucking flop!"
"And you're a spiteful, hot headed crazy bitch!"
"I hate you!"
"Hate me do you?!"
"THEN HATE THIS TOO!" He yelled before grabbing the back of her neck and cementing his lips hard against hers.
He felt her resistance and struggle against his mouth before he finally let go.
Scarlett swung her hand to leave him a hand printed tattoo on his face again when Zak snatched her wrist down.
Her eyes danced with fire before she gave up and threw herself into his arms kissing him hard.
Her body naturally arching against his as she tiptoed up against him pulling at his shoulder and neck.
She gasped for air wanting to steal more than a few seconds from him when Zak bit down on her lip making her lips part. His tongue delved into the small gap finding hers as he pulled her even closer to his body wanting to absorb her completely.
Scarlett's fingers combed through his hair before her hands bunched into fists pulling at the short strands hard making Zak growl at her.
His control dwindling every passing second as his jeans grew painfully tight. His hands glided down over her soft silk skin before they drifted over the cheap material and found her juicy glutes in his hands.
Squeezing her ass hard he moved back one hand up her body and buried it into the hair at the nape of her neck. Fisting the brunette locks he pulled her face away from his mouth to see her face.
Her eyes were still closed and lips were swollen leaving smudged lipstick across her mouth. Catching her breath, she opened her heavy lids to look at him. The realisation of what happened settled in on her causing her throat to thicken as she licked her lips.
Scarlett was lost at how passionate he had become, how his eyes seemed to portray exactly what they needed and this time it wasn't promiscuity or lust. It was love.
But the harsh reality settled in when Zak opened his mouth "Looks like my ship has came back in..."
The smirk came across his face and Scarlett settled on the idea that deep down... He was still an arrogant asshat, but he would always and forever be her arrogant asshat.
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