I rubbed soothing circles on Avari's back as we sat speaking to the Bishop. He seemed like a friendly person, his tall and large build with small glasses and strawberry blonde hair had me at ease.
Bishop Long had came in and sat with us for almost an hour talking about Avari's attachment. She had been open and had even raced off into the bedroom to get the small container of drawings that I had kept. His friendly approach to her had me at ease.. Or as much as I could.
"I performed Zak's." He mentioned making me look over to Zak.
"H-he never mentioned."
Zak pulled a small smile "I wanted someone I could trust."
His phone went off making him shoot a glare at it across the room, "Sorry, I'll be a second." He whispered excusing himself to take the call.
I watched him leave the room grateful for his caring nature in all this. "He was stern that I do it, I had to reschedule my appointments around but I'm glad I did," He smiled at Avari who was ruffling Gracie's fur. "You two must be very important to him.."
I smiled politely "Long time friends."
He nodded sipping his tea "I have a few things, I'd like to discuss.." He added.
My eyes moved to Avari "Hey sweetie, why don't you take Gracie into the garden and play some ball whilst we talk a little more."
I felt a little relief when Zak returned and sat beside me on the couch rather than opposite me.
She nodded getting up and walking to the door with Gracie. "Mommy? Does this mean I won't see the monsters anymore?" She asked cocking her head to the side.
"Maybe darling."
Her eyes went to the Bishop. "But if you do, then I have to go home."
Bishop long shifted to look solely at her "Why wouldn't you want to go home?" He asked softly.
"Because I like this house, it's really big. I like Gracie but I like Zak too, he's funny and he has lots of cars. Mommy used to watch him on TV all the time. Now they are friends again, I think she's happier cause he's here."
I mentally cringed as Zak chuckled slightly beside me. I gave him a sly elbow to shut him up because out of all this her only concern was for me.
God bless her soul.
"And you don't think mommy was happy?"
She shrugged "She used to cry, but never in front of me. Sometimes it was in her sleep, or when she saw Zak. But said it was dust. I think it's cause she missed him. Now she's happy." Her eyes met mine and I pulled a smile despite the tears in my eyes.
I felt Zak's fingers hold the tips of mine just out of sight of Avari.
"Well how about I make those monsters go away? And I help mommy?" The bishop asked.
Her eyes lit up "You can do that? And I can stay with Gracie forever?"
"Avari baby.." I whispered not wanting her to build up hope on something that was impossible.
"One step at a time yeah?" He asked making her nod before she skipped out the door to find Gracie.
I let out a breath of air and rubbed my face "I'm sorry."
"Nonsense. There is no need to apologise. I can't imagine what it's been like."
"Difficult.." My bottom lip trembled "Extremely hard when I couldn't help her. The car has been the worst."
He nodded "Well hopefully today. I will be able to alleviate this, she will be very tired for the next few days. Maybe disorientated too. Her body has been through a lot. So aches and pains. Maybe some sickness in the worst case." He informed me. "Avari may also not remember what has happened to her, its very common."
"I still don't remember mine. I hope Avari is like that too." Zak commented.
I nodded in agreement not wanting her to remember it at all. "Will she be in pain?"
"Not physical. Emotional and mental yes. The attachment will be very keen to hold onto her soul, she's young. Full of life, it feeds off her energy."
"Is it a long time? Like in the films?" I asked looking between them.
"No, it's a matter of minutes, prayers and some coaxing. She may need more than one." Zak said.
"More than one?!"
"I know it's scary Scar, but it has to be done, right?"
I nodded instantly "Yeah but she's only 5.."
"5 with a demonic attachment. I've chosen Bishop Long because he's the best. Lettie you know I wouldn't let harm come to Ava, don't you?"
"Don't you?" He asked again making me nod. "Okay, good. But we can't be there whilst he does this."
My head whipped around "What? No, no then. I'm not letting her do this alone!"
"Scarlett. Please do not take this the wrong way. But Avari is a strong little girl, with excellent manners and a strong soul. I fear that if you are there, you will disrupt her from being the strong soul that we all need. She needs to fight, but if you are upset and crying.." Bishop Long trailed.
"You'll weaken her making it more likely that her attachment will stay." Zak finished.
"But I love her."
"I know you do sweetheart. But don't be her downfall. You need to be strong her for now." Zak whispered.
"But she's my little girl Zak."
"I know, and we will be right outside the door. Bishop Long knows what he's doing. Okay?"
I looked at the Bishop "You won't hurt her, use violence I mean."
"Goodness no. I don't practise like that."
Taking a breath, I wiped my tears "Okay.. Okay but only if you promise me that you'll stop before it gets too much."
"Of course, this is an unusual case that I will take great care with. You mustn't show fear Scarlett." The bishop replied.
"Easier said than done." I mumbled looking to Avari in the garden.
"Listen to me.." I spoke crouched in front of Avari. "I'm gonna be right outside this door okay?"
She nodded before a frown pulled "Can I speak to Aaron first?"
I blinked clearing my vision "Y-yeah okay." I looked up at Zak who put FaceTime on to Aaron.
Avari turned to sit on my lap as we waited patiently, Zak was over our shoulder.
"Look mommy." She giggled as Gracie sat under her arm.
"Gracie wants to see Aaron too." I smiled.
"Yep. We look like a family," her eyes moved to Gracie "I wish you were my dog."
I looked at Zak rolling my eyes playfully, "Think I've been replaced as well as Peanut."
The call connected and a tired Aaron answered. "Hello." He smiled as soon as Avari waved at him taking the phone.
"Hello Aaron! Guess what? I get my monsters taken away today."
He blinked "T-today? What now?"
"Yep. This is the man." She said turning the phone to Bishop Long who shared a hello with Aaron as he got set up.
"Avari? Let's have a little chat before though yeah?" Aaron suggested.
"Okay." She replied walking off and sitting on the couch talking to Aaron.
I stood up looking away from her to Zak who reached for my hand "Don't.." I replied folding my arms.
Gracie barked as the front door closed and the sound of heels came clinking in.
"Baby?! Why did you cap your card?!" Holly whined walking in with a bag on her arm.
Zak's eyes widened "Y-you hit the cap? Je-" he paused looking at the Bishop. "Sorry.... But Jeeze you hit the cap? What on earth did you buy?!" Zak stressed.
"My bags are in the car. Get them for me." She tutted.
"No, I'm busy. Give me my card." He ordered taking it from her fingers.
"But I wanted to buy-"
"You've brought enough if you've hit the cap." He grunted shoving it back into his wallet.
"Who's he?" She asked looking at Bishop Long.
"Oh, me and Zak have just got married." I replied making her eyes snap at me.
Okay now I was beginning to be a bitch. That was unprovoked.
"Scarlett." Zak warned making me lower my head.
"Sorry." I muttered.
"Avari... It's time." Bishop Long smiled.
"What's going on?" Holly asked pushing the bag on the couch.
"Avari's exorcism.. I thought you'd be gone all day." Zak hinted.
"Well I got done quicker. Obviously. So is she gonna be spewing, climbing walls and turning her head like on the film?"
Avari's eyes wiped up and between us as fear filled her face for the first time. "I don't want to be sick. I don't like being sick." She spoke.
"You loud mouth bi-... Get her out Zak before I do something..." I warned him, going over to Avari.
"Huh. I live here." Holly spat.
"Oh no, no, no. You are staying, you don't live here." Zak corrected her picking up the bag and passing it to her before guiding her out the lounge.
I sat with Avari to reassure her, with Aaron still on the phone, he kept her calm before she headed to the bedroom secluded and protected to have it done.
"I'm right outside, you gonna show me how strong you are okay baby?" I asked kissing her forehead.
"I'll be okay. Aaron said he's gonna buy me a present. I hope it's a cupcake. I like cupcakes."
I smiled at her passing her Peanut "Just incase." I whispered.
She gave me a hug and carried Peanut into the room happily swinging him. The Bishop stopped beside me "I'll take care of her, do not worry.."
I nodded keeping my face even until the door closed covering for my mouth I broke down. As I turned I hit into a chest and arms went around me.
"It's okay, I'm here." Zak hushed as I silently cried. "She's strong, it's going to be okay."
The first 3 minutes passed and felt like a lifetime, I had resorted to pacing outside the door stopping occasionally to hear the bishop speaking before I carried on.
"You know.. Her dad should be here." Holly said chewing her gum.
"Holly for fuck sake." Zak hissed.
"What? I'm just saying." She replied.
"Well don't. Just keep quiet." He answered.
"What's taking so long?" I asked looking at Zak.
"It has to be done right. Come and sit down." He suggested.
"I can't. I need to be straight in there when the door opens. I need to make sure she's okay-
"Scarlett? Just slow down... Breathe."
I took a deep breath before I went back to my pacing.
"Do you ever want kids Zak?" Holly asked making my fists clench.
"No. You know that." He muttered.
"Hmm.. Maybe you'd feel different if you had one?" She shrugged.
"Well I don't want one and I'm not gonna have a child to see if I want children or not. Am I? It's not a returnable item Holly. It's a child."
"I know that." She tutted.
Lord, forgive me for I have sinned. But please give me strength. Before I knock her head off..
"What if you had a child and didn't want to be part of its life? Would you just ignore it?" She asked looking at me.
"It? That it is a person, a child Holly. Not a new shade of lipstick." I replied shaking my head.
"I wasn't talking to you."
"Holly please. Just... Keep quiet. There is enough going on." Zak whispered making her roll her eyes at him. She obnoxiously popped a gum bubble.
"What about Devin?" She asked.
"Damn it Holly!" Zak snapped.
"Calm down, it's not like she's your child... Right Scarlett?" She asked smirking.
"Shut up and go blend your face properly." I answered.
"At least I look after myself, maybe you'll find a good step father for Avari if you scrubbed up a bit."
My lip quivered "I'll scrub you face on the floor in a minute." I growled at her.
"This is why I wanted you out the house, because you're stressing everyone out! Just sit here and shut up." He ordered.
I shook my head and went to the door again waiting for some reaction that they were finished.
I walked away and to the lounge glass doors looking outside to see Gracie by the bedroom door watching. When a scream sounded my eyes snapped behind me. I tore towards the bedroom but was stopped by Zak who lifted me up off the ground as I kicked and struggled.
"Get off me!"
"I can't, I can't let you disturb them. I'm sorry." He spoke as I began to cry.
"She needs me Zak!"
"She needs you to be strong, strong Scarlett not stupid!"
"She's only 5! Get off!"
"No! She may only be 5 but she's the bravest I know! You go in there and you could make this a whole lot worse! And I'm talking possession. Just please hold it together." He spoke as I gave up my futile attempts to escape.
"She needs me..." I whispered looking to the door.
"It's not her screaming okay, it's whatever is inside her trying to hold on."
Zak let me go once I promised to let the Bishop work.
15 minutes later the door opened and he came out with a serious look on his face as Avari wobbled on her feet holding his hand.
"Oh baby." I whispered rushing to pick her up. Her body moulded into mine as she tucked her head into my neck.
"M-m-" she paused to yawn big.
"Okay sweetie. Let's get out into bed." I replied to her.
"Thank you." I whispered to the Bishop who nodded.
Gracie raced in after us and sat on the floor until Avari was all tucked in comfortably. I patted the bed and let Gracie come up for a snuggle whilst I waited for Avari to fall asleep.
I stroked her hair back pressing kisses on her forehead gently. I simply presumed it worked, that once was enough because she fell asleep with ease whilst holding Peanut under one arm and Gracie with the other.
I guess it was time that I prayed to the big man upstairs to protect her from now on, whilst I did my role of mom down here.
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