A shackled figure walks through the old elevator doors, four heavily armed guards spread out around him.
He's pushed forward, his feet tripping over each other as the shackles attached to his legs restrain his movements.
The bedraggled and bloody figure stops once he's in the middle of the room, facing a single man with a air of authority surrounding him.
Fifteen or so people dressed in white lab coats who'd been working amongst their new technology, pause as they give their full attention to their leader. Turning in their seats.
The shackled figure raises his head up from its downward position, disheveled black hair falling away to reveal his face as he stares completely emotionless up at the stern figure in front of him.
Though there's little signs that show he's not as unaffected as he may appear.
Tear tracks mar the dust covered young face of the figure, around his piercing eyes. His clothed chest rises and falls quickly with each deep breath, hands clenched tightly shut.
The General stands with his hands behind his back, form straight. He looks the figure standing before him over with open satisfaction, eyes cold and hard.
"I hope you enjoyed your little...trip down here. It's the last time you'll ever see outside again." The general's voice cuts through the silent air like a knife, the captive wincing from the loud noise.
He suddenly snaps.
He jumps forward - aiming for the General, the four guards immediately pull back on the chains attached to his shackled wrists as they restrain him.
His arms jerk painfully backwards with the force, his eyes zoned in on the general as he continues to pull against them. Dragging the guards behind him with each small, agonizing step.
He feels his own bones bend under the pressure of the cuffs as four others grab onto the chain also, adding more pulling strength against him.
The General simply stands there, observing with keen eyes as the captive slowly makes his way closer. Undeniable anger now shining in his eyes.
"You killed them!" The captive shouts, abruptly falling to his knees as someone runs up behind him, smacking him in the back with a steel pole.
He grunts as he falls to his knees, his upper body still straining forward as his face tightens in determination.
"You murdered everyone!" The captive's voice chokes, fresh tears brimming in his eyes.
Yet he continues to stare the General down, not a hint of hesitation on his face as he lets his emotions show through.
The General rolls his eyes - so immature looking considering his rank, holding his hands in front of him as he impatiently taps his left palm with his small hand whip.
"Yes. Yes we did." The General confirms. "For the safety of the people all over the world, of course." He walks a few steps forward, eying the captive.
The captive jerks forward again, the eight guards jerking forward with him. "Safety? You call that safety? My pack never hurt anyone. You did that for your own sick amusement!" The captive's voice grows in volume with each word, eyes glowing.
The captive's face snaps back as the General abruptly hits him across the chin with his silver layered hand whip, a red line immediately opening up along his jaw line.
The General holds the captive's head by his hair with his left hand, only a small movement away from snapping his neck.
They stare each other down, the captive daring him to do it. To end his life.
But the General simply leans his head in closer, his left hand tightening its grip on the captive's hair.
"Maybe not. But who's to say some of you wouldn't eventually? That the thrill of the hunt might finally be too strong one day?" He shakes his head.
"No. It was best we eradicated the threat before it was made one." He tightens his hand even more.
"Murdering children in cold blood isn't justice. It's not peace. And it's most definitely not something you'll get away with." The captive whispers, low and menacing with a barely audible growl at the end.
The General lets go, stepping back.
"No. Not mere children." The General shakes his head, eyes still on the captive.
"Monsters. That's what they were!" He thunders, a few people dressed in white stepping back in fear.
The General stares the captive down. "And that's what you are." He breathes, stepping back as he turns away from the captive. Arms recrossed behind his back.
The captive hangs his head, hands flexing as his resolve wilts to a pile of dust. His body sags, only the taut chains holding him up.
"You'll pay for this." The captive mumbles just loud enough to be heard, stopping the General in his tracks as he walks away. "Someday you'll pay." The captive looks up from underneath his hair, giving the General a look that only he can decipher.
The General just raises an eyebrow at the captive. "Oh no, my friend." He turns again, walking towards a door at the end of the large room.
He turns back towards the captive again as he reaches the door, a small smirk at the corner of his lips.
"I'm afraid you'll be the one paying." The General corrects, giving a salute before he walks through the door.
One of the men dressed in white suddenly steps up to the captive, quickly stabbing a syringe into his bare inner forearm.
A hiss of pain escapes the surprised captive as the lab man presses down on the end, releasing the liquid into the captive's bloodstream.
A bloodcurdling scream breaks outwards from deep within the captive, his eyes wide with pain as he stares up at the ceiling. His muscles convulse before he goes slack against the chains that restrain him, his body shivering uncontrollably.
Then the captive falls to the cold ground, one last tear escaping his eyes before everything stops.
Oh wow. The prologue is up! Yippie...!😳
Yeah, so hopefully that didn't suck too much? I'm horrible with prologues. *Sighs*
Remember; if you see a lot of - throughout the book, that's just how I write. It's not a horrible mistake. (Sue me.)
VOTE if you want to see the first chapter! (Vote anyway!) Comment!! Tell me what you think my friends.
Started: 7/14/17
P.S. I promise it'll get better. 😮
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