Chapter 9
Madison's POV
"Ooh busted." Ryan snickered.
What the hell was he five?
"Ryan..." Kevin said sharply.
"Well to be fair Kev, she needed to get laid. Too bad it didn't put her in a better mood." Ryan snickered again. I seriously wanted to punch him, and I'm not a violent person by any means.
"That's enough Ryan. Would you please give Madi and me a few minutes?" Kevin asked, although by his tone it was more of a request than asking.
I glared at Ryan daring him to say another word.
"Yeah. I'm going hop in the shower." He replied.
I then braced myself for the lecture I knew was coming. Kevin didn't speak for several moments, as if he were collecting his thoughts. Finally, he took a deep breath and released it slowly.
"What were you thinking Madison? Ryan pretty much confirmed what I already suspected...that you snuck off to meet Ross. Are you trying to jeopardize this whole deal we have put in place?"
Uh oh. He called me Madison. He looked so disappointed in me and I hated it, but I was a little mad too. I needed to stand up for myself.
"I made sure no one spotted me." I replied defiantly.
"And what the hell are you wearing?" He frowned at me.
"Clothes." I crossed my arms over my chest and stared him down.
"Barely." He muttered under his breath.
Now I was really annoyed. "It's just a skirt and top. I wish you would stop treating me like a child Kevin. I am a grown woman."
"If you want me to stop treating you like a child, then you had better stop acting like one. I heard all about your little childish meltdown yesterday. I don't know what has gotten into you Madi, but never would I have believed that you would ever act that way."
"I guess Ryan tattled, didn't he?" I fumed.
"There you go again acting like a child. And no, Ryan didn't say a word. Chase came to me."
I knew I didn't like that guy.
"Since when am I Chase's concern anyway?" I asked.
"He came to me out of concern. He thought your behavior was out of character and he was worried that nerves were getting to you. Frankly, I'm glad he came to me. I need to know if my artist is stressing herself out."
Yeah sure he did. I thought to myself about Chase.
"If you must know Kevin, I staged that whole meltdown. I'm fine, well other than Ryan being a pain in the ass. I needed an excuse to go to the hotel and see Ross, and I knew I'd get the third degree if I just went. I figured if I acted like I was offended that I didn't get my own bus then no one would question why I was getting a hotel room. I don't know. I thought it was a good idea at the time."
"It was a terrible idea. What you managed to do Madi was get people talking about you being difficult. Yes your little act was overheard. All that time we spent hyping you up as the Nashville sweetheart is gone and building your image is up in the air now. Do you know why? That security guard who took you to the hotel...he went and blabbed to a reporter that you are just another entitled diva. I had to relieve him of his job duties. We've been here less than a day, Madison, and I have already had to fire someone. How do you think that makes me feel?"
"Kevin no. I never wanted someone to lose their job." Now I really felt awful.
"He did it to himself. He knew when he signed up for the job that he was not supposed to speak to any reporters, but I guess he got greedy. Now, we have to do some damage control. Not only are people talking about your tantrum, but they are speculating that you met up with your ex and we need to nip this thing in the bud before it gets any worse. This is your statement on that issue." Kevin handed me a handwritten note before continuing.
"There are also whispers about animosity between you and Ryan. We can't have that with the two of you going public in the next couple of weeks. Therefore, you and Ryan have an interview set up this morning right outside. You are going to play up your little meltdown as a bad case of nerves. In order to play up a blossoming relationship with each other, you and Ryan will present as a united front. You will sing each other's praises and gush on and on about how thrilled the two of you are to be on this tour together. I don't think I need to remind you that there is a lot at stake here. There will be no more sneaking around. I have had to cancel some things in order to make myself more available for this tour. I thought that I could trust you to be the responsible one, but now I guess I'm left to play referee. I'm really disappointed in you Madi."
I felt even worse now. Those were words I had never expected to come from Kevin's mouth. After everything he'd done for me, taking me into his home with his wife and kids, treating me like a member of the family. Helping me get settled and allowing me to pursue my dream. He and his wife Delana became like the mother and father I never had. Keelan and Piper were like siblings. Knowing I had let him down left me feeling ashamed. Perhaps this was not the best time to tell him that I was looking to change my image a bit. I needed to make amends for my actions and continue being the good girl a little longer.
"I'm really sorry Kevin. I have no excuse. None at all. It was a poor decision by me. I promise I will do better."
"I know you will Madi." His voice softened. "I hate to come down so hard on you, but like I said earlier, there's a lot at stake for everyone involved. Now as soon as Chase gets back, we are going to lay down some new ground rules."
"Where is Chase." I asked.
"I sent him on a coffee run. He should be back anytime now."
As if on cue, the door to the bus opened and Chase stepped in, holding a drink tray with four Starbucks coffees. I never would have thought of Chase as the one who makes coffee runs. He probably paid someone to do that. But, if Kevin asked, I doubt even Chase would refuse. Kevin had just that much authority and respect from others.
Chase set the coffees on the table and picked the first one up. ", 2 sugars. Madison...iced white mocha with two pumps of peppermint, an extra shot of espresso and cold foam. Where's Ryan?" He looked around.
"Shower. If he's done, get him in here please. We have a lot to discuss." Kevin said.
Chase knocked on the bathroom door. "Yo Ry...if you're done, get your ass in here. You've been summoned."
Ryan came into the room shirtless, wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants. Hair wet from his shower. Chase passed him his coffee." black. With enough sugar to cause a diabetic coma. Madison...did I get your order right?" He looked at me.
I took a sip. "Yes. This is perfect. Thanks." I figured Kevin must have given him my coffee order.
The three of us all directed our attention to Kevin, wondering with nervous anticipation of what was going to happen next.
"Okay. New rules starting now. Madi, you are staying on this bus. You will go out with me to your rehearsals and if I'm not around, Chase will escort you. The press is lurking around and I do not want you talking to anyone without one of us there. You and Ryan will learn to get along, and you had better get used to the idea because you two will be spending a lot of time together. I have rearranged some things, so I will be here more than I had initially planned. There are a few things that I will have to leave for. Keelan has some important races that I can't and won't miss. When I'm not around, Chase is in charge."
"You're still planning on being in New Orleans right?" I interrupted.
"Of course I am. I made that a priority." He assured me, and I ignored the wondering looks on Ryan's and Chase's faces. Not their concern.
"As I was two will get along. I have canceled my hotel and will be staying on the bus as well. Madi, you get the bedroom, the three of us will take the bunks, couch whatever."
"But..." Ryan interrupted
"I don't want to hear it Ryan. She gets the bedroom. Be a gentleman for once." Kevin said with a warning in his tone.
Ryan scowled, but did not speak.
"Madi, Ryan, the two of you have an interview in an hour. Madi, you will read the statement I gave you earlier. Ryan, you will back her and support her."
"I thought you said no interviews." Ryan interrupted again.
"Change of plans." Chase said, speaking for the first time since handing out coffee.
"The press has their suspicions that the two of you don't get along, so you are going to have to change their minds if we want anyone to buy into the fact that you are a couple when that time comes. You are going to act like best buddies. Compliment each other, laugh, joke, flirt, whatever you have to do to sell it." Kevin finished with a triumphant smile. "Now, a member of the press that I agreed to an interview with will be here in an hour, so Madi you'd better get ready and for the love of God please cover yourself."
After showering, I dressed modestly in a pair of black capris and a sleeveless white button down. My hair was loose and I kept my makeup natural.
"Madi, c'mon." Ryan knocked on the bathroom door. Ugh I didn't want to do this.
"I'm ready. Let's go." I said to Ryan.
"Alright. Time to sell it." He grinned.
Oh boy.
"Yesterday I had a little bit of a meltdown. I had a bad case of nerves and I was freaking out quite a bit over going on the road for the first time. I got in my head and started second guessing myself. The guys tried to calm me down, but I went off on them and finally decided I needed some space to get in the right headset, so I decided to check into a hotel for the night. Things just got blown out of proportion. Ryan's really been great throughout the whole thing. He's been reassuring me that everything will be fine and that it's okay to be nervous." I explained to the reporter named Gail after she asked about my episode yesterday.
I tried not to flinch when Ryan draped an arm over my shoulder. "I told her she has nothing to worry about. She's gonna be great. When they told me we needed to find a new opening act, I didn't hesitate for a second to tell them I wanted Madi. She has such a good work ethic, she's easygoing and talented as hell. I know she's going to kill it on stage tonight."
He was laying it on pretty thick and now it was my turn. "It's not everyday you get the call to open up for Ryan Blaney. I was so honored that my name even came up. I mean... it's Ryan Blaney. He's a freaking superstar and the fact that he wanted me on his tour just blew my mind. It's like a dream come true, and I was so worried I had blown it by letting my nerves get the best of me, but he just let it roll right off his back, and even now he's reassuring me."
Ugh gag.
"Of course I am. Like I told you Madi, you're more than ready for this. I have complete and total confidence in you. Don't ever second guess yourself because you are so much better than you give yourself credit for." He flashed what appeared to be a genuine smile, only I knew better. We were both vying for academy awards with our performances.
"Thank you so much for everything you have done for me Ryan. Especially for believing in me. I am so grateful for this opportunity and your kind words. I won't let you down. I'm ready to put on one hell of a show tonight."
Gag some more.
"You could never let me down. You got this Madi. Just go out there, have fun and kick ass."
"Ryan, Madison...thank you so much for your time. I know you have a busy day and I appreciate you taking a few minutes to talk to me. I'm looking forward to the show tonight." Gail said with a smile, turning off her recorder.
Finally the interview was over. I honestly don't think I could have taken anymore. All of this just left a bad taste in my mouth.
"Nice job rookie. Hope you can live up to my expectations." He smirked.
Fuck him and his expectations.
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