Chapter 21
Ryan's POV
"I figured we could fire up the grill tonight instead of ordering out, like usual, so I picked up some steaks and a couple of already made side dishes." Chase said, setting down a couple of bags as he entered the bus. He then looked around. "Where's Madi?"
I shrugged. I was feeling much more relaxed after my shower and had been trying to force Madison out of my mind to keep myself that way. "In her room I guess. She did a work out earlier, so she probably went to shower." Fuck. I just had to mention her working out and now I was thinking about her standing in the shower with beads of water rolling down her body. How I would love to be in there with her trying to catch each one of those droplets with my tongue. Her skin would probably taste sweet and slightly salty from her work out. Fuck. Now I needed another shower.
"What did you do to piss her off this time?" He asked with a frown.
"I didn't do a damn thing. She's not even pissed off. Not that I'm aware of anyway." I said defensively. I was so tired of Chase...and Kevin always assuming I had done something to piss her off.
"Alright. I'm gonna go check on her." Chase replied, leaving me back to the dirty images in my mind of running my tongue over every smooth, toned inch of her skin. Goddammit. I thought I was gonna be good for at least a day, yet my relaxed feeling had only managed to last me a couple of hours.
Chase's POV
"Madi." I called out as I knocked on the bedroom door.
"It's open." The muffled voice replied.
I opened the door and was shocked to see Madi sitting on the floor with her back resting against the bed. In her hand was a nearly empty wine bottle. Her eyes were glazed over.
"Hey Chase. Wanna drink?" Her words were slurred and she held the bottle out to me.
I sat down next to her and took the bottle. "Where did this come from?" I asked.
"It was in my dressing room at the Tampa show. Sometimes they leave me flowers. Sometimes champagne. But the Tampa people left me this wine and it's really good. I like it a lot. I think I'm gonna need some more. You 'member that show? Kevin was sooo pissed at me because I snuck off and had sex with Ross. I miss him. I haven't haven't had sex since then. Not even with Ryan and I know he wants to because he's a fuck boy. That's what Blakeleigh calls him anyway. I probably would have had sex with Ryan but nooooo. You interrupted us and Ryan called you a cockblock." She then began giggling uncontrollably.
Although she was rambling, I had one thought going through my mind: Did Ryan receive gifts from venues too? Stupid me never even thought about that. I never alerted the venue staff that Ryan was on the wagon and to not leave him any alcohol. It had completely slipped my mind. I'm usually better than that. I never forget important shit like that. But did they leave him anything? Ryan never said anything, but of course he probably wouldn't have because he had to have known that I would have just taken it from him. What if he's been drinking this entire time right under my nose? I would know wouldn't I?
"Do you know if Ryan has gotten any alcohol? Have you noticed if he's been drinking?" I asked Madison.
She shook her head wildly, blonde hair tumbling around her shoulders. "Nope. I've kissed a lot and he doesn't taste like alcohol. I did like it when he kissed me, but not anymore because he's just a fuck boy like Blakeleigh said."
I wasn't getting anywhere with Madison. She was too drunk to focus on anything but rambling, but she did say she never tasted alcohol on his breath and that should count for something anyway. Drunk or not, and drunks are usually the most truthful, as crazy as that sounds. And why was she talking about Blakeleigh?
"Did something happen with Ryan today? With Blakeleigh? I asked her.
"She messaged me. She tried to be all sweet by congratulating me on my female vocalist nom, but then she started telling me all kinds of shit about Ryan and how he's gonna cheat on me because he's a fuck boy and that's what he does. Blah blah blah. I don't like her. 'Course I couldn't tell her you can't cheat on your girlfriend when she's not even really your girlfriend." She dissolved into a fit of giggles again. This conversation was not making a whole lot of sense to me. Maybe I could get some clearer answers after Madison sobered up. I really needed to have a conversation with Ryan though. But what to do about Madison?
"Why don't you get some sleep Madi." I suggested.
She giggled again. "It's not even dark yet Chase. I don't want to sleep anyway. I want the rest of my wine, so give it back if you're not gonna drink it."
She reached for it, but I held it from her grasp. "I think you've had enough Madi."
She stuck out her bottom lip in a pout, and part of me wanted to give in. She was so pretty with her flushed cheeks and that bottom lip poking out so soft and plump. So damn kissable.
"Ryan's right. You are a buzzkill." She then crawled into my lap, most likely in an attempt to get the wine bottle back. "I bet I can convince you to give it to me." She purred. Fuck. She then crashed her lips onto mine and I couldn't help but kiss her back, drinking her in. The wine on her tongue was sweet, but I was certain that part of that sweetness for just from Madison herself.
I could totally lose myself in this sweet beautiful girl. As her tongue twisted with mine, my cock twitched, coming to life when she ground her center against me. I'm probably going to hell for the thoughts running through my head right now, but at this point, I'm ready to punch my ticket. "I could take care of that for you Chase." She cooed, rubbing the bulge that had formed behind the denim covering my crotch. She attacked my lips again, and once again, I kissed back. I was getting drunk on her. Completely and totally shit faced drunk.
"Fuck me Chase. We could take care of both of our needs. Maybe if I fuck you then I can forget about Ryan." She purred as her lips, then teeth grazed the column of my throat.
It was then that I came to my senses. I was on the verge of having sex with a drunk girl who pretty much admitted she wanted my best friend but was willing to sleep with me as a substitute. I've done some pretty low things in my life, but taking advantage of a drunk girl was not one of them. Maybe I do have some morals after all.
"Why don't you lay down for me Madi." I said, hoping that once her head hit the pillow, she would pass out.
"Okay." She grinned, and looked at me in anticipation. "Aren't you gonna take your clothes off?"
"Not yet. Let's just lay down for a few minutes okay?"
"K." She snuggled up against me. "You smell nice. Almost as nice as Ryan." She slurred.
There have been a few moments where I didn't like Ryan very much, even though I loved the guy. This was one of those moments. Ryan always fucking gets everything he wants, and I knew that as sure as I was lying here breathing that he would have Madison too. He would use her then toss her off to the side just like he does to every other woman. It wasn't fair.
It wasn't much longer until I heard Madison snoring softly, the alcohol finally doing her in. Now for that talk with Ryan.
When I entered the living area, Ryan was glaring at me. "So did you fuck her?" He asked angrily.
"No I did not." I replied.
"Fuck you. I heard you through the door Chase. Don't fucking lie to me. She asked you to fuck her. I heard the moaning." He snapped.
"She was drunk off her ass when I found her. I kissed her then laid down with her until she passed out. I explained, angry myself. "I need to know Ryan, and I want you to tell me the truth...have you been drinking? Have the venues left you any alcohol as gifts?"
"Well Chase, now that you mention, yes they have." He walked over to his bunk and pulled his suitcase out from under the bed. When he unzipped the bag, my eyes went wide seeing seven full sized bottles of whiskey.
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