Chapter 18
Kevin's POV
I didn't like this. Didn't like it at all. Was something real happening between Madi and Ryan? Ryan is like family. Madi is like my daughter. I shook my head to clear that thought because it almost sounded incestious. Bottom line: as fond as I was of Ryan, I just didn't trust him with Madi.
"Is there something I should know about with you and Ryan?" I asked Madi as soon as I got her alone.
"Nope." She replied and turned on her heel. That was another thing with Madi. Ever since this tour started, she's been a lot sassier. She's mouthing off more. She's wearing sexy, revealing clothes, heavier makeup and now I catch her making out with a well known player that she is only supposed to be pretending to date.
Yeah. I know she's an adult and I have no blood relation to her at all, but she brings out all of my fatherly instincts. Oh shit. Is this what I'm going to have to deal with when Piper is older? Oh hell no. Piper will not be allowed to date. Ever. I'll never be ready for that, especially if I'm having this much difficulty with Madi, who isn't even my daughter.
"You and Ryan certainly seem to have gotten closer." I said, trying to ease into this conversation I really didn't want to have but felt necessary.
"That's what you wanted Kevin. You basically forced us to get along. Told us we had to sell it for the cameras and now you're gonna get pissed off because you caught us in a kiss. You honestly seem shocked by it and I don't understand why. What do you want? It's not only Ryan confusing the hell out of me, but it's you too."
"What I want is for you and Ryan to remember that this is all fake. There is absolutely no reason for the two of you to be making out when the cameras aren't rolling."
"Oh my God Kevin. Do you hear yourself? Ryan and I are not children. We are grown ass adults. Besides, what if I like him?" She had her arms folded across her chest as she stared me down.
"Do you?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer to that. Ryan was a very charming and good looking guy. Women flocked to him like bees on honey, which was why I had a problem with all of this.
"Maybe." She answered coyly.
"I don't trust him. I love that boy like family, but I know his reputation. I know his history with women. You Madi, are too good and too pure for him. He will lead you down a dangerous path. He will go back to his old ways and he will take you down with him. There will be nothing left of you when he is done. It's up to me to save you from that."
"I'm not Lexie." She said in almost a whisper, and hearing that name sent a cold chill down my spine. I couldn't save Lexie, but I could prevent Madi from going down that same path of self destruction. Madi would not end up like Lexie. I would die before I let that happen.
"I know you're not honey." I kissed the top of her head. "I can't help but worry about you. I worry about Ryan. Basically...I worry. Where do you think all these gray hairs come from?" I joked, trying to lighten up the moment that had made me feel so somber just thinking about Lexie.
"It's because you're old." She teased.
"Hey, I'm not that old." I shot back.
"You kinda are. You're old enough to be my dad. You're more dad to me than anything Kev. I owe so much to you, but you have to loosen the reins just a bit. I'm not a child. I like to think that I'm a pretty responsible adult. I know what you're thinking with Ryan because I thought the same and much worse not even a month ago, but he's changed. I can see it. He's not drinking. He's not out there raising hell. I know that Chase has him on a pretty short leash, but he's not even complaining about it. He's accepted it and he's making the best of a difficult situation. He's not just thinking about himself. He's showing responsibility and he's been...humbled somewhat. That shows a lot of growth to me."
I got what Madi was saying, and she made some good points. I have seen the changes and the growth with Ryan, but I knew him a lot better than she did, and I couldn't help but wonder how much of this "growth" was real or if it was just an act to convince everyone that he had turned over a new leaf. The boy was very convincing, but that shouldn't surprise me because he and Madi had convinced the world that they were madly in love. But what if that wasn't an act either? What if Ryan really had fallen for Madi and vice versa?
Perhaps I should be having this same conversation with Ryan. With Madi, I was a little biased and definitely overprotective, although I had my reasons. I just needed to put my fondness for Ryan aside and ask some tough questions and hope I haven't lost my instincts for reading him.
"Why don't you go get dressed honey. I don't know about you, but I'm ready to get out of here and have some fun." I told her.
"Okay." She kissed my cheek and I felt an overpowering feeling of love for this girl...woman. I couldn't love her more if she were my own flesh and blood. I had to protect her just as any father would for his daughter.
As luck would have it, Ryan walked into the room as Madi left. Judging by the wet hair I assumed he had just gotten out of the shower to get ready for our night of fun. A treat from Chase and myself to let Madi and Ryan know what a great job they were doing.
"Sit down. We need to talk." I said to the young man who I had watched grow up before my very eyes. I hated what he had become in just a matter of a few years, and I hope that Madi was right, that he had changed because this meant a lot to me.
"I know what you're gonna say Kevin." He sighed, and to my surprise he did look...what was the word Madi used...humble. "You're not happy that you walked in on me kissing Madi, and you are about to lecture me on that. Am I right?" Okay, that last little bit sounded a bit cocky, more like Ryan.
"You are right. I'm not too happy about it. I don't know what is going on between you two, and yes I know that you are both adults, but I do have some concerns."
"Alright. Let's hear them." He sat up straight and looked me right in the eye, which I really respected. That surprised me a bit if I'm being honest.
"I'm gonna get right to the point. I don't want to see Madi get hurt. You don't know the hell she has been through and she is just coming out of a long term relationship. She is vulnerable right now and I'm worried you are taking advantage of that. She is not like the girls you are used to being with Ryan. She is pure, and sweet and still a bit naive about this world and the men in this business. So basically I want to know what are your intentions with Madi? Is there something developing between the two of you? Are you getting caught up in the whole charade? Or are you just playing games? I hope to God it isn't the latter Ryan because I swear to God, if you hurt Madi, I'll hurt your pretty face. I may be old enough to be your father, but I guarantee I can still kick your ass."
"Maybe I like her okay." Ryan replied sullenly.
"Maybe? You either do or you don't, Ryan." I snapped.
"She's nothing like I expected. I'm drawn to her and I can't even explain it. She's got such a good heart and she cares about others. Nothing at all like the women I'm used to dating who only care about themselves. I have no idea what's going to happen or where it's even going, but I'd like to see." Ryan replied, and I swear he was being sincere. At least I hoped he was.
"Can you look me in the eye and tell me you are not trying to take advantage of her."
"I swear Kevin, I'm not trying to take advantage of her." He did as I asked and looked me straight in the eye, his voice steady, his breathing even, and I really believe he was telling me the truth. "You have to let go a little man. Madi is an adult, but you are treating her like a child. If you keep that up, she's going to eventually resent you for it and you'll end up pushing her away. I know you don't want that."
"I have my reasons for it Ryan." I said.
"Care to elaborate?" He asked.
Perhaps I should tell him. Maybe it would give him an idea of where my head was. I took a couple of deep breaths before speaking.
"About ten years ago, I was managing an up and coming artist. Her name was Lexie. She was a lot like Madi. Similar background. She was so sweet and so innocent. She had so much potential, but she was so shy. She froze on stage. She had a hard time interacting with people. I wanted her to come out of her shell, I wanted other people to see what I saw in her. I introduced her to a lot of people. I wanted her to make friends, to open herself up. Unfortunately, I introduced her to the wrong people, namely another up and comer who seemed to have the same values that she did. Fuck, I didn't know that he was mixed up in hard core drugs. But I should have known. I should have been more careful. My instincts on him were so far off. My instincts have never let me down before but they did that time. I should have protected her, but by the time I saw the signs, it was too late. She was too far gone. I saved her from a near overdose. I got her help, I checked her into rehab. I thought she was going to be okay, that I had got to her in time...three days after I left her in that facility, she checked herself out. Two days later, I got the call...she was found in a hotel room dead of a drug overdose. Both her and this...this guy that I trusted with her. I did that Ryan. She was my responsibility and I failed her. I will not do that to Madi. I may hover and take it to the extreme on the overprotective level, but dammit, she will not become another statistic. I won't let that happen to her." I vowed.
Damn I could use a drink right now. Too bad liquor had been banned from this bus. Talking about Lexie had opened up a lot of old, festering wounds and only the burn of alcohol could help to disinfect them.
"You're talking about Lexie Sutton aren't you? I remember hearing about her. It was tragic, but Kevin, you can't hold yourself responsible for her actions. Lexie made her choices and unfortunately, they were bad choices. You are not to blame for anything that happened to her. As for Madi, she isn't Lexie. Madi is strong and she's got her head on straight. You can't keep carrying that guilt around Kevin because it will eat you alive. You have to let it go." Ryan said emphatically, and I wondered if I was missing something.
"You sound like you're speaking from experience." I prodded.
Ryan just shrugged. "Just thinking about my dad, that's all."
I should have known it was about Dave, and I felt even guiltier because I couldn't save him either.
"You can't save everyone Kev." Ryan spoke softly, as if he read my mind.
"We'd better get dressed. I'm gonna give all you kids and old fashioned ass kicking tonight." I said changing the subject.
"Yeah. We'll see about that old man." Ryan chuckled, happy to have changed the subject as well.
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