She ventured into the unknown
Evie continued to sulk for the remainder of the day, blissfully unaware of anything else going on in the institute around her. She only left the comfort of her bed a further two times, once to shower and get herself into clean clothes and the second to use the bathroom. However, a problem had arisen during her prolonged hiding away. This was that she had run out of food and had put a dampen on her already low mood. Her sulking had caused her to become hangry though her despise for anyone in the building had also meant she refused to leave her room to get more food and prevent this feeling. Deciding to wait until much later in the night, 10pm to be more precise, she braved the venture from her room to the kitchen.
10pm was a good time to get food as most people would have eaten by now or would be out on a mission, therefore leaving the kitchen as bare as possible. That was reason enough for her to walk down the halls of the institute towards the kitchen in her pyjamas with a blanket wrapped around her head and shoulders. Luckily, she did not encounter anyone on her way to the kitchen the hallways eerily quiet but she was not going to stop and ponder upon why. She just frankly did not care as to why. It was working out in her benefit anyways.
Evie had managed to easily find what was was looking for, in the freezer sat a tub of ice cream. She didn't care as to what flavour it was but still was pleasantly surprised to see that it was the classic vanilla. The fact that it was such a classic flavour brought an almost comforting feeling to wash over her. She sat at the island in the middle of the kitchen with a teaspoon eating from the tub. Evie proffered to use a teaspoon for it not only made it easier to take each bite but made it appear as though there was much more in the tub for her to make her way through.
"So you must be the other Fairchild we are currently providing refuge to" An unknown voice called out. Evie responded in the most secure was possible, letting out a small squeak and dropping her spoon. Looking up, she came face to face with a dark haired woman stood almost directly in front of her. The more she stared at said reason the more similarities she highlighted between the stranger and the two Lightwood siblings she had come to know. Therefore, Evie could deduct that this was most likely their mother and that she had just given the worst first impression possible. However, she could not argue that this impression did not suit herself, for it showed just how unsuited she was to whatever was going on at present.
"Yes, that's me, Evangeline Fray... I mean Fairchild. Sorry, I'm still getting used to the new surname." Evie stuck her hand out for the woman to shake
"Maryse Lightwood, head of this institute. Now tell me why you are currently in here and not out in the world like your sister or training like any of my other shadowhunters?" Evie did not know how to respond to this question, she was not sure if she should cover up and lie or tell this stranger the truth. That she was sulking having been annoyed over the constant comparison she suffered due to her elder sister. "And girlie don't even think of lying to me I will know." Evie supposed this was her answer to the ongoing battle in her brain, Mama Lightwood with her blunt words and tight expression was going to unloaded upon with the girls problems.
Well... um... I... um... I... was... um... kinda" "Spit it out Evangeline" She was cut off and Evie was sure as she felt her face redden that it now matched her hair.
"I was in my room all day, having a...um sulk like a five-year-old. I came downstairs for pity food" Evie stuttered out hanging her head in shame feeling her face continue to heat even though it was unlikely she could go even redder than she was at present. It was dawning on her that her current coping methods were probably not the wisest considering her age.
"And please do tell me why this is" Maryse coaxed the young girl her intrigued piqued by the encounter. It was for more than one reason, firstly being how red the child had turned a sight she was sure she had never seen another shadowhunter behave. And the second being as to why someone this girls age would lock themselves away in their room for such a period of time.
"As you are aware I am new to this stuff, I mean I barged my way into your home without permission which I am sorry for. I did not chose this lifestyle and I don't think I ever would if I was given the option. I mean just look at me, I'm not cut out for this life. I'm scrawny, non threatening and I leave no lasting impression. No one ever remembers Evangeline Fray. You'll most likely leave following this conversation and not be aware of me in the morning, I'm sure your children have already done so. What use can a Shadowhunter be if they cannot leave enough of an impression to exert any control. I'm pretty much useless really. Any form of heroic act I perform is never recognised, not that I always want them to be, but once I'd like to be celebrated. In comparison my sister will hold a sword and the world shall fall at her feet. You don't need the scrappy seconds. Don't worry thought Mrs Lightwood, I have no intent to continue to force myself upon you or your family. When this is over I intent to vanish. Once my mother and sister are reunited I won't be seen nor heard from again. I can promise that." As Evie spoke silent tears streamed their way down her face and she could no longer stomach the idea of looking up and into the eyes of Maryse. Too ashamed to what she had admitted to the first person to be nice to her she trained her eyes to one spot on the table. Hearing the woman's chair scrape back she assumed she had rightfully scared the woman away. Yet she could hear rustling as Maryse dug around in the kitchen draws and got her own teaspoon. The woman than returned to her seat opposite Evie and took a spoonful of the ice cream.
"I care about my family Evangeline, that is probably why I am so harsh on my children. I give them all the harsh comments so that they will become confident in themselves. My children are confident in their own abilities in their appearance and I hope in everything else which makes them strong and who they are. But you, I can see you have never had that. That is why I shall allow you to mope for a little while longer. However, after tonight I want you to start training. We are going to find something you excel at and make it so you own it. I am going to talk to some of the other shadowhunters here. Those which aren't my children and aren't heavily involved with what they are running a riot and doing. We shall build you up here until you see the potential inside of you. For you are a beautiful girl. Yet you are more than your face. You are a shadowhunter. And I am not going to rest until you are aware of this fact. And if you truly still want to leave after this is all over I shall help you on your way. Do we have a deal?"
Once again Evie cried, but these tears were not of self loathing rather relief. Perhaps for once, she had found someone who cared for her for Evie Fray. Not for Clary and her sister Evie. Someone who saw her first and not her sister.
Original word count: 1192
2nd Edit June 2020 word count: 1368
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