She just really hated graveyards
The five Shadowhunters had returned to the institute after the Vampires had fled. Clary was still fuming over the fact that Simon had been captured and the return to the institute was in the hopes that she would calm down slightly. Hopefully they could also talk some sense into Clary who was ready to charge after everyone she had even the smallest inkling was a vampire in the hopes of returning the mundane.
Evie was not so stressed that they had lost Simon. She had enough faith in those around her to know they would get him back. By returning him she hoped that Clary would chill out and finish processing the information she had been given that night as Evie was almost positive she hadn't really begun to process what she had found out and she had like a solid 10 minutes extra processing time on her sister. Rather she was not going to let her emotions cloud her judgement and prepared herself for the upcoming plan to retrieve Simon.
"You left Simon all alone in the Van, great job guys!" Clary spoke with ounces of sarcasm lacing her words.
"For Pete's sake Clary, calm down. They have all tried their hardest to help protect us and him. A vampire was obviously hidden in the Van from before Simon entered, there was no evidence of someone getting in. It is about as much their fault as it is yours or mine." Evie snapped back at her sister already done with this attitude. If there was one thing Clary excelled at it was blaming her problems on anyone else other than herself. And it was her worst attribute in Evie's eyes. On this occasion, there was no one who was directly at fault for what had happened. Yet her sister went out of her way to blame someone else so that she could feel better about had happened and that it was actually her fault Simon even knew this world existed.
"Oh by the way, like there's this magic cup, I hid on, like, the planet bongo, but don't tell anyone" Evie laughed at her sister's suggestion. It was outlandish making next to no sense but that was what made the comment brilliant.
"No it was more like 'Yo Clar-Bear, E-Dawg, I got this raging mythical cup right. It don't belong to me but I like totally stashed it away. It's in this raging cove at the bottom of the ocean. Some major creep is after it so like keep this between us. Got me?'" Evie stated with a completely serious face. Though the moment she made eye contact with Isabelle, she lost the composure as the two girls burst out with laughter. With the tone of voice and the pure stupidity of the words Evie had spoken there was little else they could do other than laugh.
Alec and Jace distracted the two from their moment of happiness by explaining why the Mortal Cup was so important and why the Vampires would be willing to trade a human's life for it. Though the idea of what they had done wasn't irrational rather Evie could see that if she too was a downworlder she would too want the Mortal Cup away from the people who were designed to kill her. After all thats what the Shadowhunter's actual purpose was to police the shadow world and kill those who were causing trouble.
"Now I need you to put your trust in me. In us." Evie's mouth hung open for the first time in a while Clary had referred to the sisters as a pair rather than talking about herself all of the time. Sure, Evie hated it when Clary spoke for her but this was the one situation where she agreed with her sister words. Evie had to pinch herself for that thought.
"That was Camille's outfit right, they're locals" Without realising Evie had missed a whole section of their conversation. However, she was happy that the vampires were local the less travelling she had to do the better. It was scary to think that there were vampires living so close to her. However, with all the knowledge she had now she was not surprised she was completely unaware of this the shadowhunters did a good job of keeping everyone else safe.
Once again the three long term shadowhunters began to argue, though this was interrupted by Clary storming off. The three original shadowhunters looked at one another unsure as to how to get her back into the room. That was before Jace turned towards the younger Fray twin expecting her to be able to do the job. Evie had to roll her eyes and sigh at this, nice to know he at least remembered she was in the room she supposed.
"Clary storming in there will get yourself killed." She shouted first but had no response "You'll get Simon killed by acting this way!" This seemed to gain a reaction as Clary turned around to look her sister in the eyes. She then turned to look at the others before pleading for their help.
"While we consider other options, my best friend is suffering. Is that something Shadowhunters understand or am I just being a mundane." Evie had to give her sister props. That was a good point she had made in the argument. Simon was mundane. His life was in a increasingly higher amount of danger the longer they stood around and he was held captive. Therefore, it would only be considered the right thing to go and help the poor guy. After all, it seemed rather unfortunate that he had to spend his evening with a bunch of Vampires, she was all were nowhere near as attractive as the Cullens, whilst they dossied around trying to come up with a rescue plan. However, she was also aware a functioning rescue plan required proper formulating and they just couldn't burst in wherever they were guns a blazing. Once deciding to actually go ahead with the plan the next issue was weapons. The five unfortunately could not take weapons for the institute as they did not have permission to go on this mission. Therefore, if they were to take the weapons from the institute's collection their mission was likely to be discovered and shut down as it was not authorised.
Jace seemed to have an idea as to where they could get weapons from. Not knowing much about it Evie decided to tryst the blonde idiot and follow blindly. That was until she realised they were approaching a cemetery. Evie did not like cemetery's, they were the resting place for hundreds of people many of which were taken too early. They also gave her the heebie jeebies and were too creepy for anyones good. Walking through one in the dead of night increased these foreboding feelings and considering she was nearly in one herself a month ago just didn't sit well with the ginger. She was tasked with looking for the grave of a Ms Mary Milligan. The lady was supposed to have been buried alongside a tonne of shadowhunter weapons. The dates for her birth and death were exactly 76 years apart, meaning that the lady had died on her birthday all those years ago. However, Evie could not be certain that the lady had existed to begin with.
They had only begun their search when a phone went off. Evie went to check her phone only to realise that it was dead. She hadn't charged it for days but she couldn't think of anyone would contact her anymore. Clary was by her side, her mother had gone missing and the only other person who really contacted her could no longer physically do so. The phone which had gone off belonged to Isabelle.
"Excellent. He's home. I'm out"
Why did Evie always have to fall for those who were straight and taken? She admitted to herself that she would just admire from afar. Never crossing the border. Her crush would hopefully go away afterwards.
Original Word count: 1172
2nd Edit June 2020 Word count: 1346
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