Being given your history from an ancient being was much like living your own kind of fairy tale.
Evie had barely spent any time with the young warlock she had befriended before she was collected by Magnus. He had brought her over to the area where Luke lay recovering, so she too could hear about the history Luke had with her mother, everything Luke knew she was going to be informed of. Evie was excited to hear about everything for once, finally feeling as though for once she was going to be at the same level of informed as her sister, finally out of the dark zone she always felt trapped in. She walked into the room where Magnus was treating Luke. He looked pale as though he was not going to get any better. The situation looked bleak though she noticed that Luke attempted to sit up when she entered the room.
"Oh my, Evie my dear I haven't seen you in what feels like forever. Are you okay? Are you eating alright? Is everyone treating you right? No one I repeat no one hurts my daughter." The concern that laced its way across his features made Evie feel loved. She now felt stupid that she hadn't wanted to come in the first place and spend more time with him. She worked out that some of the discomfort and loneliness she felt seemed to disappear when she was around Luke. He made her feel safe. He made her feel loved.
"Hey dad." She whispered not knowing how to speak around him. She didn't miss the look she received from Clary, for she had never called Luke 'dad' in front of Clary but had been doing it since she was twelve. He was also the first person she had ever told about her feelings towards other girls.
"I suppose that I'm getting there. I'm still adjusting and that's going to take some time. Hopefully, I'll find my place soon don't you worry. I'm sure everything will work out for me. Right now we need to focus on getting you better." Despite the words she spoke, Evie wasn't sure she would ever find her happy place. Though she was convinced that wherever her happy place was, it was not where her sister was. The sibling rivalry was too intense for her to ever be happy.
"Now I've called you both in here as Luke is determined to tell you about his life beforehand. About everything that he's been hiding. Whilst he's doing that I'll be taking a breather. Evie, have you any knowledge of the location of Alec?" Magnus explained, the glowing colour that came from him slowly retreated to show a decline in his power usage.
"He's here somewhere. I think" Evie responded before turning her full attention to Luke"
Luke seemed to tense as he started his explanation. "When I first heard about your father it was around the time he and Jocelyn first got together, long before the Uprising and the Circle. Valentine elevated the Morgenstern name to be synonymous with virtue and to be defenders of the Accords, allies of the Downworld. Your mother was at his side. But by the time my people came to know him, barely two years later, his name had become synonymous with devastation. Your mother told me when she first saw the signs. Sometimes it just isn't clear who instigated the fight. The accords are a fallacy, everything about them, down to the blasphemous magic that binds us all to their stupidity. They never found all of the bodies. He didn't care he was obsessed with ensuring purity of blood, convinced that the impurities were a threat to peace. He was the threat to peace. But madmen rarely make sense, mostly, they just hate. And he hated the Downworlders." To say Evie was shocked was an understatement, the man who had a role in the creation of her was an actual monster. All records and stories also portrayed him as such.
Ever since she was young Evie had this slither of hope that her birth father would return and prove to her he was a good human. This was before she knew and understood what he had done and that slither of hope, the one that had still remained when she found out his name those few days ago, was now annihilated. She no longer wanted anything to do with said man, she wanted him gone so that the world could be at peace again. Though, she wasn't convinced she would ever live to see that day, she still clung to that idea. There had to be something to fight for and this would be it for her.
Not long after the explanation was finished, Alec stormed into the room aiding Magnus in completing the speed healing of Luke. Evie left shortly after Luke was confirmed to be okay, she exited the building to head back towards the institute. Having enough excitement for one night she was ready to crawl back into bed.
Original word count: 808
2nd Edit June 2020 word count: 840
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