She was aware she was no longer the only one
Evie shuddered as she watched her sister and Jace attempt to flirt. They were making stupid doe eyes at one another and it was as uncomfortable as it was distracting. She could be doing something much more important, like binge watching tv, or educational right now instead of watching the heteros try to do their thing. Evie wished she was doing anything, absolutely anything else than watching her sister try to flirt with the guy who thought of himself as the next batman.
It also hit her hard when she looked across the grave, yeah a that was a strange thought she was stood at the edge of a fake grave, to see poor Alec. He looked as though every minute Jace tried to woo Clary was breaking his heart. And it probably was if she knew what her experience suggested. Therefore, she knew an intervention was necessary and she also knew he needed someone who was far from Jace and his ego. She would do her hardest to get him a man who would appreciate him and didn't come along with an ego as big as the Eiffel Tower. Plus Jace wasn't even that attractive, Evie wasn't dumb she knew when men were attractive, he looked kinda like a toe on legs, or one of those thumbs from Spykids.
So, to tear herself away from the awkward situation and troubling thoughts she had been plagued with, Evie looked down upon the mass of weapons. There were swords and swords and yep more swords. Well, Evie knew they had special names and they were not just swords but they looked boring. She had weapon training as a stint to see what cool stuff she could do with her body, and the sword was boring. She preferred batons or a bo staff as they were slightly heavier and more fun to play around with.The boys were once again arguing and Evie had just about had enough with the testosterone-fueled spits. Honestly, they either needed to hit one another or eat each other's faces. There was no in between in her mind. It also had to happen relatively fast as otherwise she'd lock them in a small room and wait for one of the two options to happen. As they argued she looked towards her twin and drunk her appearance in. For it always seemed to be the way that she could easily tell when something wasn't right. It was also then that she realised just how much the last couple of days had impacted her normally only slightly stressed sister. The slight amount of stress had turned into much more it was more like a high amount of stress which was slowly eating away at her sister kinda like an infection of some kind.
"I gotta go... I'll see you at dawn" Alec had started to leave and this was when Evie saw her break. She was not going to voluntarily stay behind with the two somethings more like weird straight people. No, she'd rather go with her fellow gayke and do what she does best, annoy everyone.
"Yo' Alec my man, my dude" Evie hollered as she chased after the moody man. She had given a cheeky wave to her sister before streaking off like some knock-off version of the flash.
"What could you possibly want?" He questioned in response. Evie could hear the annoyance already rising in his voice and decided to make it her mission to see how high that annoyance would get.
"Do you mind if I tag along to go to the institute the amount of awkward flirting I'm seeing is making me feel sick? Actually, you don't really get much of a say in it I'll tag along either way because I am not spending another moment around that." Evie kinda blurted in a fashion that would be considered fast by others but she could tell the lightwood boy could understand. Alec only huffed in response and Evie took this as an agreeance. The two walked almost completely in silence, it was not the kind of completely comfortable silence but it was an awkward one you get when two people don't particularly know each other very well.
"So, dude, you and Jace huh?" Evie questioned studying the boys features as she did so. Watching as his expression changed not just once but twice, the first time she could have gathered was one of slight admiration but the second was none less than one of shock.
"We're parabatai nothing more nothing less" He had repsonded rather brashly
"I've heard you use that word parabooty twice now I don't know what it means and quite frankly I know you're lying. I understand that you want to stay in the closet but I don't at the same time you seem like one of those who are in the closet but don't want to be. Like you have either one foot in or one foot out trying to draw attention to yourself. Do all shadowhunters have to be like this? Cause I cannot continue if so." Evie watched as Alec stopped walking and turned towards her.
"Wait, you too?"
"Yeah dude, have you not seen me check out every woman we have come in contact with." Evie started to explain exactly who she had seen around the institute who she deemed hot, beckoning Alec to do the same.
It felt like only moments later that the two had reached the institute. Evie thought they were being more like the cool ninjas they were as they snuck around the back and into the weapons room. Her eyes lit up like it was Christmas as she stumbled upon a set of batons at the back. They were built from a form of carbon alloy and were incredibly light with a unique set of grips she could hold onto. Each one was around eight or so inches long and made a cool clinking nose when she hit them upon something. It was also then that she discovered that they fit together to make a staff and she was sold. No matter what she did these babies were gonna be hers. She'd resort to stealing if possible.By the time she had come out from the hidey hole of weapons stealing that she realised that the weird training guy was stalking away from Alec. Obviously, they had some sort of heart to heart as Alec suddenly looked really determined.
"Izzy's text me lets get going"
Original word count: 1039
2nd Edit June 2020 word count: 1086
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