Perhaps finding out information is not always the nicest thing to happen.
Shortly into their descent of what felt like a never ending corridor, the pair stumbled across a cast iron statue. The figure depicted a Shadowhunter holding a cup. It could have been considered beautiful, yet the hauntingly dark aura it held was enough for it to be a daunting reminder of the world Evie had suddenly become part of. Upon closer examination, Evie could gather the cup in the statue's hand was the so called 'mortal cup' the one that everyone was desperate to have a hold of. Knowing this cup could so such terrible things was so contrasting to its simple harmless appearance. Yet for something that appeared so mundane it had the ability to kill hundreds of thousands of people. And knowing what it could end up causing Evie only wished to know more information about what her past detailed and what had been hidden from her. Anything she held in her mind that had the possibility of helping people was a good thing. The statue also contained a placard that had a phrase etched in what Evie could only guess was Latin. It was never a language she had taken, due to the fact that it was essentially a dead language, therefore she relied on looking at Jace to see if he could translate.
"Looking better in black than the widows of our enemies." Evie knew this was not true, she very much doubted he knew the language himself, and therefore laughed at his bogus translation.
"For Shadowhunters, the descent into hell is easy." The boy corrected himself and Evie had to correct herself turns out he did know Latin.
"How cheery."
As they continued to walk Jace started to explain his family dynamic to Evie. She attempted to listen feeling as though he needed a chance to vent and get it off his system, though she wasn't sure she was the right person for him to be telling this to. The guilt she felt about her sisters brutal questioning into his circumstances was only mounting up. No one should be forced to live through harsh circumstances if they are not ready. The pair continued to talk as they walked down the corridor, the path felt never ending. But she had no option but to continue down the path knowing how many people were depending on her finding out answers. And she really didn't want to disappoint the people she was starting to see as friends. She hadn't gotten many opportunities to make friends and was rather socially awkward at times and was revelling in this sudden chance. Maybe it was the fact that she preferred to observe rather than join in a conversation that made people conclude that she was dodgy. It was a skill however that would have been perfect had she become a police officer, yet this dream had been rather harshly ripped from her.
At the very end of the corridor was a circle. Around said circle stood several figures in cloaks. From the very dim lighting, Evie could work out that the cloaks were maroon in colour and the people who wore them were disfigured. Using her limited eyesight, she could not make out any eyes and their mouths were stitched closed in a rather haphazard manner. It appeared that in order to receive these powers these silent brothers had had to give up everything else.
"Step away Jace Wayland, for the search of your unconscious is a perilous one." The voices bounced around in her head as Evie looked at Jace and was met with a nod, a silent reminder of his presence and support.
"I understand the potential outcomes, but my memory has been blocked and I would like to retrieve whatever you can get back." Evie spoke aloud though she was also sure the Silent brothers could read her thoughts.
"If you are not strong enough the Soul Sword will kill you."
"If that is my destiny then so be it."
Evie was pulled into a memory, she could not have been much older than eight or nine at the time. She stood outside the kitchen with her twin by her side, the younger form of herself held Clary's hand in comfort as her mother and Luke talked.
"What if they both find out on their own that Valentine is their father?" Luke had questioned her mother but before she could hear her mother's response the memory stopped. Evie held herself together hoping that something else might be shown. The singular glimpse she had been provided of her memories was enough to want her begging for more. Yet only one more came.
She sat with her mother late on night. Her mother was brushing Evie's hair and humming at the same time, she was currently still up unable to sleep following a run in with what she knew now to be a demon, yet at the time she no clue what she had encountered. Her mother had managed to step in in time to defeat the monster but Evie had almost lost her life. It was then decided that she would receive an additional memory wipe and would then undergo additional training to protect herself, for the younger twin acted as some sort of magnet for demons.
Evie was roughly jolted back into her own body shortly after the final memory ceased. The silent bothers were walking away having declared that this session was over Evie's memories having been completely wiped other than the two memories they had managed to retrieve. The only evidence of them having performed their duty, was the small trail of blood which had exited her nose and run down her face. Jace turned to the younger Fray a hopeful look plastered on his face. A look that was supposed to encourage her to share what she had discovered with him. Yet rather than responding to the boy, she moved past him and back in the direction they had come from.
Thoughts spiralled in Evie's head, she had just identified herself as the youngest of a homicidal maniac. The same maniac that wanted to destroy both the shadow world and the mundane world. And purely by association she was a monster the spawn of pure evil and she should be stopped and locked away where she would cause no harm to others. If they refused to lock her away it would be best that they were to wipe her memory of the previous days and send her back to the mundane world. It proved what the girls had said about her at school to be true, she was a monster. Sure at the time they were referring to her sexuality, but it would appear that they were not wrong in the end.
With a hastened speed she soon found herself outside the entrance where they had been barely an hour prior. Evie flung herself at her elder sister looking for the comfort she knew she could find in that embrace. She then pulled her sister aside to inform her of what she had learnt in private, trying to avoid their associates listening in to their conversation.
"Clary the only thing I found out was that Valentine is our father, we're the daughters of the Shadow world's version of Hitler."
Original Word count: 1137
2nd Update June 2020 Word count: 1222
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