Because she would forever be there to lend a helping ear
The next morning had been one of the best Evie had woken up to in forever, Izzy's perfectly defined arms were wrapped around her body like a cocoon. She hadn't had a nights sleep like that in what felt like ages, perhaps she might have been a little biased considering the work of art that was currently waking up next to her. But who wouldn't be happy to have Isabelle Lightwood wake up next to them? She turned so that she could see Izzy's face. her hand trailing along the girls face moving a stray hair which had fallen to cover her cheeks. Though this small movement had caused Izzy to stir.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Evie whispered not wanting to force the girl to wake up any faster. However, Izzy only proceeded to open her eyes slightly faster and look at Evie instead.
"I don't mind, especially if it's you" She responded moving a hand to play with a lock of Evie's hair that was in close distance to herself. The two didn't make any advances to move, neither particularly wanting to as this could end whatever moment they were currently having, but they had to. They knew it would not be long until someone came looking for them and they didn't want to know what would happen if that someone was anybody other than Alec who was the only one who was clued in to what was going on between them. Eventually, Evie pulled herself away to check her phone as Izzy headed towards the bathroom claiming it as hers to use first as she raced over to it. Evie continued to sit on the bed as she heard the shower turn on as Izzy got herself ready for the day. It mustn't have been more than twenty minutes later when Izzy walked out of the room dressed and ready for the day ahead.
"So pretty." Evie let out under her breath not expecting Izzy to hear it. Though that was not the way fate was going to let her live. Izzy winked at her causing a small blush to spread its way across her cheeks and neck. Izzy pushed her way to the wardrobe claiming to find Evie's perfect outfit whilst Evie showered. Also stating the ginger girl should shave everything just in case the outfit required it. Obeying everything she was told to do Evie walked out 15 minutes later to collect the clothes without a second glance to what they were. Pulling the clothes on she noticed it was a dark green coloured shirt with the sleeves rolled up to just above her elbows. This was partnered with a high wasted black skater skirt that fell more like a mini skirt not that she was objecting. She wore a pair of nude tights and a pair of brown brogues. She put on a natural make up look which was as much effort as she could put in that morning not wanting to spend forever to make it look as though she was some sort of model. By the time she had come out of the bathroom for a second time Izzy too had done her makeup and was sitting patiently on her bed waiting. She received a small whistle as she spun to show the outfit off. The two linked arms before heading downstairs to make themselves breakfast.
After eating together the pair separated as Izzy went off to do the tasks which important Shadowhunters had to do and Evie went to look for the gardens she had discovered only a day or two prior. She sat on the bench located between the bushes of flowers calmly. Last night had put her in the best mood she had been in since this whole other world had been thrust upon her. Her peace that she had obtained watching the clouds in the sky was suddenly interrupted by her phone ringing. The name which flashed up on the screen was not one she normally saw appearing on her own mobile.
"Simon?" She questioned not expecting the person to be calling to truly be him.
"Evie, I don't think I've ever been so glad to hear your voice ever!" He exclaimed
"I'm going to pretend that, that did not hurt even the slightest"
"No, no, no that's not what I meant to say. I need your help and I didn't know where else to go. Something's wrong. Ever since I left the hotel something's not been right" He explained and Evie began to listen carefully. She didn't want to say anything wrong and make the boy more upset than he was beforehand.
"It's okay I'm listening whatever you want to say, okay Simon? I'm not going to judge. You know exactly what's been going on in my life I have no right to judge." Evie said hoping to coax something out of him.
"I can do things I couldn't do beforehand. I'm stupidly strong, I can do acrobatics that I've never been trained in. I'm so much paler than before. Honestly, I think I'm turning into a Vampire." Simon gushed out as if he couldn't quite believe what he was saying. Evie remained quiet trying to process what information she had been told.
"So first thing, that's not a completely bizarre idea you've got there. I mean there might be something you've not told me about your time in the hotel which could lead to it. But I'm not going to question you about what happened if your not sure about what it is. But don't worry whatever happens you'll still be the same, Simon. The Simon that I'm actually proud to call my friend and the Simon that for some reason is hopelessly in love with my sister. Even if I do think that you would be better off with other people." Evie spoke trying to console the distraught teenager attempting to put any kind of confidence back in him. But with what he was coming up with she wasn't sure she would be able to say anything which was going to work. The two continued to speak about other things in an attempt to distract him from whatever was happening to him at present.
"Evie, if... if... if something horrible was to happen to me. Like I was dying and the only way around it was that I actually turned into a vampire. Could you... um... could you promise me something? Could you promise not to let that happen? Promise me that you'll let me die and allow my mother to bury me in the way I deserve to be. I don't want to live forever." Simon stated and Evie tensed how was she supposed to agree to that?
"I can't promise you that I can ensure it, but I can promise that I will try my hardest to prevent it from happening. You deserve to have your wishes whatever they are." Evie claimed before they said their goodbyes. She then continued to sit there contemplating on how the boy she had known since childhood had the possibility of not being around for much longer
Original word count: 1111
2nd Edit June 2020 word count: 1198
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