Everything was different in this world and she wasn't sure she liked it.
Clary stumbled into the alternate universe confused, she was walking around a house that her family could only dreamt of before this whole situation started to pan out. She was frightened for her life when she came face to face with Valentine dressed up strangely. He was dressed much like a child would on Halloween, she demanded to see her mother only to jump when she heard her mothers voice. She threw herself at her mother but was surprised when she received an awkward hug in response. She'd always known her mother to give the tightest hugs ever though this one seemed as though her mom would rather be doing anything else in this moment. Her mother seemed disinterested in Clary and anything to do with her, even asking her as to why she was so early.
"Come join us, Clary, Evie will be here shortly to help us set up. I'm so excited she's going to be joining us for the day. She never gets time off the force. You reckon she bring Gret along with her this morning or if she'll just turn up later?" Valentine, who was Clary's father, asked as he dragged the girl into the kitchen.
"Don't worry Leene will be here soon. She just texted me to tell me she's on her way. Gret's coming along as well apparently they have something to tell us." Her mother responded to his question not even bothering to look at or speak another word to Clary. This was a weird situation for Clary considering her mother would always give her an endless amount of attention whenever she wanted it. The doorbell soon rang before the door was opened anyways. Two voice could be heard approaching.
"Eve baby, I don't know why you rang the bell, it's your house you can just walk in."
"Gret, I didn't just want to barge in and interrupt something. Remember that one time... you know what we walked in on I was scarred for life." Came the voice she knew to be the distinctive tone of her twin sister. Her sister gave her a polite smile before bounding over to their mother. Clary had never seen her sister and her mother interact with one another in this way, she watched as her mother wrapped her arms around Evie so tightly it looked as though she could pop. Clary could not remember the last time she had seen her mother from her dimension hug Evie.
"Hi Gret, dear. Tell us all about your last couple of days I haven't heard from you in what feels like a lifetime." Clary's mum gushed. Still not paying any attention to Clary.
"Mum, you saw us three days ago before we went to LA. But we had a great time the beaches there are really nice. The adoption lady was wonderful. She says there's a great chance that we're gonna be able to adopt. There's currently a little boy. He's two. His name is Caleb and he's perfect Ma. He could be ours in a as little as six weeks as long as our house is finished." Evie gushed pulling Gret over as she spoke, Clary watched on as the two conversed before she noticed the plain silver band on her sisters left ring finger. She was engaged in this universe? The more the she thought about it the more she realised her sister was gay. But if her sister was gay in this universe did this mean she was at home just not as openly? Clary physically paled as she remembered all the mean things and jokes she had made about gay people to her sister's face. How she had been homophobic towards her sister stating that the worst thing she could ever do was turn out gay. The families attention, who clary now also assumed included Gret, turned towards the TV as Magnus Bane's commercial was playing. She remembered the advice about him still having his powers and rushed off to find him spitting out something about a last-minute assignment she had still to finish.
She ran into AU Simon and AU Izzy whilst on her way, deciding to refer to everyone by AU otherwise she would feel as though she was becoming too attached to these versions of the people in front of her. The two were completely different to what she was used to, but Clary had to assume that this was the purpose of this universe. Izzy screamed nerd who had many self-confidence issues. Simon was the opposite this was not completely her nerdy Simon, no this one oozed self-confidence and that scared her slightly realising how much of their personalities were repressed in her world. She managed to meet Magnus at the place he claimed to do his spiritual readings, however, she faced many problems such as being unable to prove that she was a shadow hunter from another dimension. Though with a bit of persuasion she was able to do so, she still had it. She was still the best of the best as she worked to save the day once again. Clary did not need Jace and she did not need the others help to do this.
Eventually, she was able to find the book that they were going to ned back in the other dimension. Able to identify what it looked like to get everything back in working order, her mother back to her. However, sacrifices had to be made, she almost lost herself in the dimension with it calling her to join up with AU Clary. She was saved by the arrival of Jace who unfortunately was injured during there time. They made it back in time to save Jace.
Clary did manage to gather something out of the other dimension. She was aware how opposite everything was there, she saw how AU Evie was treated and realised the what she felt watching must have been the way Evie felt very day. Every time their mother would only congratulate Clary on her achievements, how their mother would only bring stuff home for Clary but not Evie. She saw the relationship they had in that dimension and she wanted that here, she just had to fix their relationship. Clary knew her sister would forgive her in a heartbeat no matter what. She had power over Evie and was going to use it. No matter the cost or what secrets she had to spill in order to get there.
Original word count: 1042
2nd Edit June 2020 word count: 1088
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