Chapter 1
Chapter 1
"So this is California," Thomas said looking out of one of the many huge windows in the airport.
"It's pretty," I said. "I think we should go to the beach after we're settled in."
I adjusted the strap of my bag on my shoulder and pulled my rolling, neon green, luggage case behind me as I moved toward the escalator with Thomas in tow.
"I think I wouldn't mind seeing you in a bikini again," Thomas smirked.
The heat creeped up on my face and I had to take deep breaths to control it. "Yeah, well don't say stuff like that in front of aunt."
"Why? She seems cool about us."
"She's still my aunt."
"Liv," he said as we stepped off the escalator. "You're eighteen now, I don't think it matters what anyone thinks."
"My Mom would definitely disagree with you."
"But she isn't here, is she?"
"No, thank the great heavens above. Could you imagine?"
I shook my head. He clearly didn't understand my mom. Being eighteen made no difference to her. She would always have opinions on my life, because she will always think she knows best. And about some things she might. But I don't need her opinion on my love life. She'd slowly come to accept Thomas and I being together, but that didn't mean she liked it. She just got really good about quietly stewing.
Now that I was away from my parents and my home, I wasn't going to let anything hold me back anymore. I was here to learn about my aunt's past and the apparent secrets she's been carrying all this time and to spend every moment I possibly can with my boyfriend, enjoying my vacation.
This was this summer of changes.
"Liv, over here." Thomas grabbed my hand and nodded in the direction of a tall blonde woman holding up a large orange sign that said "WELCOME TO CALIFORNIA!"
It took me a moment to realize it was my aunt Anita standing there with a huge smile and a perfectly styled now hairdo. Beside her was a man I hadn't ever seen before, but from what I could guess, it was most likely her new boyfriend. He waved us over with an equally huge smile on his face.
"Olivia!" Aunt Anita said, throwing her arms around me. "It's so good to see you!"
She gripped me tightly in her arms and I laughed returning her hug. It was like she hadn't seen me in years instead of months. I missed her too, but I had a feeling this went deeper than that. Maybe this visit had her overemotional in the face of revealing to me all of her secrets.
When she finally let go she moved back to look at me with hands still on my shoulders. "You look older."
I smiled. "Only by a few months."
"Has it only been months?" She sounded genuinely surprised. She then looked down at the necklace hanging round my neck and picked up the locket. "You wore it."
"Of course I did. I wear it every day," I announced proudly.
She met my eyes for a second with an unreadable glance and then smiled. "Well," she said with more emotion than I thought she would use. "I'm glad you took care of it for me."
"I did." Then I took the chain in my hands and began to lift it off my neck. Anita quickly reacted by holding her hands out in front of her to get me to stop.
"What are you doing?"
I raised my eyebrows. "Giving you back your necklace"
Over the past months I had gotten so used to wearing it, it seemed like a part of me now. I would never tell Anita, but I already missed it and I hadn't even handed it over to her yet.
"No you don't" she said firmly. "It's still yours. If I need it back, I'll let you know."
I stared at her for a minute to make sense of why she wouldn't just take it back now and get it over with, but in the end I decided not to question it and dropped the necklace back in its place. "Okay."
"Come on you two. We're taking you out for some food. You must be famished," the guy next to Anita said.
I had almost forgotten he was there. "I don't think we've met," I told him. I held out my hand. "I'm Olivia Harris, Anita's niece."
He looked at Anita and they both laughed as if sharing in some kind of inside joke when he said, "I know who you are, Olivia. Your aunt has told me all about you." He bypassed my hand and reached out and grabbed me in what I would describe as a bear hug. Okay then.
When he released me he must have saw the look on my face, because he gave a hearty laugh. It was only then that I noticed a slight twinkle in his eye that seemed so familiar that it felt I knew him better than I actually did. Had I met him before?
"Olivia, Thomas, this is Shane Harper, my friend."Anita said in way of introduction.
"It's a pleasure," Thomas said when Shane shook his hand.
Anita clapped her hands together. "Alright, now let's go see about that food."
Food consisted of dinner at a very nice, elegant restaurant that Thomas nor I was dressed for. Apparently it was looked over though, because the restaurant hostess immediately perked to attention when Shane walked in, and showed us to our seats without wait.
Thomas and I both shared the same slightly confused look.
The waitress shuffled over as soon as we took our seats and took our drink orders. When she returned with them and left to give us a moment to order I took the time to study Aunt Anita's new "friend". He looked older than her by a few years and had a slight gray streak through his sandy brown hair that was just starting to turn. His face though, still had a young quality to it. He had very little wrinkles and had a well build frame. Not like a body builder, but more like someone who took care of themselves and didn't mind the gym. I could see why Anita would be dating him. But why did she call him her "friend"?
Maybe that's all he really was. It is possible to have friends of the opposite sex.
I glanced over the overly grandiose descriptions of food on the menu and rolled my eyes.
After the waitress returned to take our orders and scurried off to place them, Anita and Thomas both excused themselves to the bathroom. That left me and Shane at the table alone together. I looked around the restaurant not really sure what I should do or say, after all, I barely knew this man. Apparently he was not hindered by the same fact because he immediately dived into conversation, taking a surprising interest in my life. Perhaps it was all in effort to win over Anita so she would stop referring to him as "friend."
"How do you like California so far, Olivia?"
I shrugged. "It seems nice. I'm sure I'll like it even more once I've had time to look around."
"Indeed. Allow me to show you around a little before you go."
Again, I took a look around the restaurant taking special interest in the waiter at the next table writing down orders. His pen scribbled along the pad in his hands while the customers prattled on.
"Have you decided what you'd like to major in in college? You're going this fall, aren't you?"
"In September. I'm currently undecided, but I'm thinking about following in my dad's footsteps and possibly doing something in finance."
The sparked his interest further. "Oh really? Does he enjoy it?"
I picked up my straw and moved it around in my drink in a circle. "I mean, it stresses him out sometimes and he has to pull long hours, but he doesn't seem to mind it and the pay is good."
"We all have to make sacrifices sometimes," he said ruefully.
"And what do you do?" I don't know why I was asking, but it only seemed polite since he'd bothered to ask about me.
"I'm in the business of producing medical equipment for hospitals and doctor offices."
"So you're like an engineer or something."
He nodded. "Something like that."
Just as I was about to open my mouth and ask if he enjoyed his job, a short balding man approached the table, wearing a nice suit and name tag that read: Clarence Hyde, Management.
"Ah, Mr. Harper, I'd heard you were visiting us today," Mr. Hyde said pleasantly. He turned to me and smiled. "This man here is one of my best customers and any guest of his is an esteemed customer of mine. Pleasure to meet you."
"Hello," I politely smiled.
Mr. Hyde looked around the table. "Is there anything I can get you? Do you have everything you need? How about an appetizer on me? The Shrimp Ceviche is superb."
"Thank you, Clarence. That would be wonderful."
With a pleased grin he shuffled off to arrange the appetizer to be brought out.
Thomas returned to the table with his cell phone in hand and sat down. "That was Brad. I had to check on my dad."
"Is he okay?" I asked cautiously.
"Same as always." In Thomas's terms that meant- no better, no worse.
I wanted to reach out and touch Thomas's hand, but I knew him well enough to know he didn't want my pity or reassurance. He didn't need it. He was his own strong tower.
I looked across the table at the empty chair Anita should be occupying and frowned. She should be back by now. I stood up from the table and looked at Thomas. "I'm going to go find Anita. I'll be back."
He nodded to me just as Shane started in on Thomas, asking about his parent's and future plans. Whatever else he was saying was lost in the murmur of the restaurant.
I made my way across the restaurant and to the bathrooms and pushed open the door to find Aunt Anita standing in front of the mirror reapplying her makeup. Her flowing blond her now up in a neat bun.
"Hey. What are you doing?"
She leaned in closer to the mirror adding a layer of mascara to her lashes. "Just refreshing myself." She sniffed. "Is the food waiting?"
I shook my head. "No. I just came to find you before it arrived."
She nodded, exchanging her mascara for a tube of ruby red lipstick. As she applied it she sniffed again and that's when I noticed that her eyes were red like she'd been crying. That alarmed me, because Anita never cried-at least not in front of me.
"What's wrong?"
She closed the tube and without looking at me, she said, "What do you mean?" She began packing her things up.
"Your eyes are red, you're sniffing and you still have some mascara under your eyes from where you were crying."
Her eyes immediately flashed to the mirror and begin wiping. "I swear I thought I was wearing waterproof."
I frowned. That didn't answer my question. "What is it? Is it your boyfriend out there, because if it is we can leave."
She looked surprised. "Of course not! And he's not my boyfriend. He's a friend."
"Well then what is it? This isn't my carefree aunt that I know so well."
She looked at herself in the mirror again after she finished cleaning up and laughed. "I guess you're right. It's just that this has been such an emotional day for me."
So I was right.
I begin to feel guilty. "If this is about what you wanted to tell me, you don't have to. If it's too hard on you, I don't have to know."
She sniffed again and looked at me with so much sadness in her eyes it made my stomach fall. "Yes, Olivia. You really do."
I sighed. Unsure of what to say next. "Well...then why don't you just treat it like a bandage and just tell me really quickly and get the pain of saying it over with?"
She laughed a little. "It not something I can just blurt out and casually walk away from. It requires extensive conversation and a lot of explaining."
"But it's obvious you need to get it out. So I hope you'll tell me soon. I don't like seeing you this way."
"I know and I will tell you...tonight. Just not right now. Okay?"
I nodded. I wanted to know, but I very well couldn't go in making demands of her. This was her story to tell, not mine. I'd just have to wait until she was ready.
"If that's what you want. Sure."
She looked every bit relieved. "Thank you. Now let's go back in there and pretend to be just as pretentious as everyone else in that room."
I looked at her in the mirror and laughed. "That sounds fun. Shall we order the Champaign and have the help bring out the escargot?" I added in an overly snotty accent. I opened the door to exit the restroom and Anita followed behind me.
She waved her hands around in the air in an overly dramatic fashion. "No no. We simply cannot have a celebration without the Brie. Don't be ridiculous."
When we arrived back at our table, what I'm assuming was the Ceviche was waiting for us. It didn't look too bad either and Thomas seemed to be enjoying it.
Shane smiled at our return. "Clarence was right, this Ceviche is wonderful. Try some won't you, Olivia?"
I sat down and picked up my spoon. "It looks good." I tasted it and coughed at little at the surprise heat that wrapped around my mouth.
Thomas looked at me and smirked. "What's the matter, Liv. Can't handle the heat?"
I glared at him and just for the teasing look in his eyes, I picked up my for and stuffed a heaping amount of Ceviche in my mouth. I tried to smile smugly at him, but as soon as I swallowed the coughing fit came back full force and I was chugging down my glass of ice water.
Thomas laughed, but I didn't give him the satisfaction of retaliation. I'd get him back later.
"What's in this?" I asked Shane. After all, he was the one who ordered it.
"You mean the spice? Oh it's nothing more than crushed red pepper. Gives it a little fire, doesn't it?"
I raise my eyebrow. A little? "Sure."
"I hope it doesn't bother you." He said looking at me with concern.
"No, it's fine." A little warning would have been nice though.
Thankfully I was prepared for the rest of the entree' and the evening went off without a hitch.
Thomas and I rode in the back seat of Shane's car as it traveled the streets of Anita's neighborhood. They were laughing and talking like old friends and it increased my curiosity even more. Now I had to know exactly who this man was to her.
At a moment when the conversation between them died down, I took my opportunity to ask.
"So, Shane, how do you know Anita exactly? It's like you've known each other forever."
He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye then focused his attention back on the road. "We went to school together?"
"No. High school."
I lifted my eyebrows. "And you've managed to stay friends all this time?" If that didn't say something about friendship, I don't know what did. "Were you in the same grade?"
"No," Anita said. "He was three years ahead of me, but we had a mutual friend that brought all of us together."
"All of us?"
Before Anita spoke again I she did her best to reign in her emotions. The muscles in her neck tightened which I noticed when she turned her head to stare out the window. "Andrew, Courtney, Shane and me."
Out of all the names mentioned, on in particular stood out from the rest. Andrew. The man in Anita's locket. I wanted to asker her more about him, but now wasn't the time. She asked me to wait and so I would. So instead I asked, "Who is Courtney?"
"She was your Aunt's best friend. And my wife."
Wow. Okay. So definitely just friends. I hope. "Oh."
I looked at Thomas who looked equally as surprised as me, but said nothing.
"You'll have to meet her sometime. I know she'd love to meet you."
I don't see why. Being your best friend's niece doesn't make someone especially interesting. "That would be nice."
By the time we turned into the drive way of a multi windowed, tan colored beach house the sun was setting casting a bright orange light over the sky. It took my breath away. It was possibly the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. The way it contrasted off the house made it picturesque, something you'd see in a dream.
Just as Shane parked the car and reached to switch off the ignition, Anita placed her hand on his and smiled. "Thanks for coming with me today, but I think I'd like to spend some time alone with Olivia tonight. We need to talk."
To my surprise, he didn't look upset only understanding. "Of course. Would you like me to come by in the morning?"
"If that's okay. You can bring Court of you like."
"She'll be thrilled," he smiled.
Anita gave him one last smile and opened the car door. Thomas and I took that as a sign to follow her. Shane gave us a quick wave and waited until Anita opened the door to the house before pulling out of the drive. When the light came on inside, I marveled even more at the house's beauty.
"I can't believe you live here."
She dropped her bag on the kitchen counter as Thomas closed the door." Sweet," he muttered.
"It's only a rental. I have it until I leave for Italy at the end of summer."
I gaped at her. "You're going to Italy?"
She smiled. "I try to go at least once a year."
I couldn't help the envy that rose up in me. What it must be like to travel the world. Anita would have a lot in common with Grace's parents.
"You two go get settled in. And Olivia, come see me before you go to bed. We have a lot to talk about." She pulled off her shoes and smiled wide at me before winking. "You two kids go have fun." She wiggled her fingers as she stalked out of the room. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."
I turned back to Thomas and laughed. "That still leaves room for a lot."
He grinned and started to pull me across the room. "How about a swim in the pool Harris? I promise to be on my best behavior."
I shook my head. "I'll believe that when I see it."
Chapter two will be up soon, it just needs some editing!
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