chapter 2
Yassen didn't drive far, because by experience he knew all the main roads by now were blocked looking for him, and his little hostage, Alex.
Yassen wasn't even sure if he would follow his plan, but when he saw Alex laying there on the floor prepared to be killed by Cray, he knew he had to do something, he couldn't leave his mentor son there to die, not after the man saved his life.
John Rider save his life, he saved the life of his son, it was the least he could have done. So now he had an unconscious teen in the back of his car still sound asleep
Pulling up to his safe house just before the blocked roads, parking his car, Yassen looked at the street to see if anyone was there, but at that hour of night everyone was sound asleep in their houses.
Getting out of the car, Yassen calmly opened the back door of the car pulling out Alex, who grunted at the movement, before carrying him inside the house, laying him back down on the couch.
Moving quickly Yassen closed all the curtains of the windows in the house before turning on the light of the living room. Turning his attention back to Alex, more precisely the wound on his head, the assassin went to retrieve his first aid kit that he had put in almost every division of the house, in his line of work was most likely than not to get shot or receiving injuries, and getting to a hospital was not an option.
Crutching next to the boy's head he brushed his blood-stained blond air back to get a better look at the wound, that was still bleeding a little.
Cleaning up the blood with some water and disinfecting the wound he put a bandage on top of it covering almost half of his forehead.
Putting away his stuff, Yassen didn't plan to stay long just a night, and, in the morning, he would take Alex to a safer location, but for now he had to wait for MI6 to lift the roadblock.
Back at MI6 headquarters, Blunt, Mrs. Jones, Crawley and a few other agents were trying to figuring out where the assassin could have gone.
"Damn it Alan, you should had listened to Alex, if you had none of this would have happen" Mrs. Jones said furiously to the head of MI6.
"The Boy should have never gotten involved, look where it gotten him" Blunt said
"If he hadn't gotten involve, a war would have started by now, and millions would be dead"
"Yelling won't solve anything at this moment" Crawley said next to her trying to calm the situation
"Right, no one spotted him in the search perimeter?" she asked after taking a few deep breaths
"Nothing yet, Yassen couldn't have taken Alex far he didn't pass any of our roads block so he is still inside of the area" Crawley said
"Do you think that the boy is still alive" one of the agents in the back asked, knowing the assassin fame.
"Yes, Alex rider, is still alive, Gregorovich wouldn't hurt him. Not after his history with john rider" Blunt said after some thinking
"Yes, according to Sabina Pleasure, Yassen showed concern over Alex wound on his head, saved him from Damian Cray and apprehended him without fighting Alex." Mrs. Jones said reading the report.
"But how did you know where the boy was?" the same agent in the back asked.
Blunt and Jones looked at each other "Smithers told us, call Smithers I want him in here now" Mrs. jones said sternly
Half an hour later, a rushed smithers that looked as if he had rushed out of bed came through the doors.
"What happen I tough the mission was a success?" Smithers said
"I want to know how you found where Alex was" Mrs. jones asked not giving the agent an answer
"He took one of the trackers we put on him, why, did something happen?" the man asked worried, after all he had a soft spot for the blond boy.
"Tracker? You put a tracker on him?" she accused Blunt
"And aren't you glad I did" Blunt smirked before turning to smithers "alright where is he?" he questioned the man
"About 20 miles from the airbase, why what happen?"
"Yassen Gregorovich took Alex" Mrs. jones said before turning to Crawley "call K-unit and D-Unit, I want them here in 30 minutes, Gregorovich still doesn't know that Alex has a tracker, and we can use that to our advantage"
Smithers just stood there in shock, Alex was taken by some assassin, and he had watched that on the computer screen and went home to sleep.
Back at the house, the teen was still asleep, while Yassen moved around the house preparing the details for the next day to where he will take Alex. Speaking of the boy, who was starting to groan on the couch showing some signs that he was close to waking up.
Showing some sympathy Yassen decided that he should make the young spy more comfortable before he inevitably had to restrain him. Searching the cabinets of the living room he was quick to find some blankets to cover the kid, who was still dressed in the toxic control jumpsuit. And grabbing a spare pair off handcuffs that for now it would be necessary.
Reaching Alex, he bends down to take off his sneakers, knowing it would be harder to run without them but just as he was taking off the second one something fell out of it, frowning he picked up the little devise that had just fallen in the light.
After closer examination his eyes widen when he realized what it was, a tracker on Alex sneakers, cursing he threw the little device to the floor crushing it with his shoe. Moving up to the window and confirm his suspicion when he saw a couple of vans and a few cars that definitely weren't there when he arrived, MI6 was there.
At that moment Alex choose to start waking up "what's going on?" he groggily said squinting his eyes
That moment Yassen made his decision just as he saw movement outside in the front yard. Going up to Alex who was still lying on the couch not really fully awake and pull him up by his arm "Come on Alex" he said as he dragged him to the front door, picking up his gun in the process.
opening the front door pushing Alex outside he was immediately hit whit flashlights to his face
"Let the boy go" someone yelled
"I don't think so" Yassen said in his usual calm nature, pointing his gun to Alex head, who was still held up by him, serving as a human shield knowing that mi6 wouldn't dare to shoot the child.
"Drop the weapon" the same soldier yelled with more urgency pointing his gun at them, unable to get a clean shot, at this time Yassen had all eight soldiers pointing out their guns.
"what's going on?" Alex once again asked, still confused and swaying even more, the bandage on his forehead was rapidly painting in red, Yassen knew he had to act quickly now that all the soldier's attention were in the boy in front of him. So, before he made his escape, he pressed the teen closer to him, still grabbing his arm and pointing the gun to his head, Yassen whispered to his ear.
"I'm coming back for you, Alex" he promised before throwing Alex back to the soldiers, creating a diversion disappearing in the process.
"CUB" The soldier at the front yelled out, seeing D-Unit go after the assassin reaching to the boy who just manage to catch his fall, before he hit his head again.
"Cub, can you hear me?" wolf asked the boy who had just fallen to the ground "the rest of you, after him" the leader yelled out to the rest of the members while helping Alex off the ground.
"Alex?" the man asks again noticing the boy was swaying on his feet looking like he would fall at any second "yeah, I'm alright" the teen responded slowly.
"Come on let's get you to the car" wolf said already directing the young spy in the direction of the sleek black car, making sure to secure him every time that he stumble at his feet.
Grabbing the door open, to allow him to get in, he grabbed his radio to inform the department "this is wolf can anyone hear me?"
"We can hear you, do you have Alex?" wolf heard the answer recognizing the voice as Mrs. Jones
"I have Alex, Gregorovich ran away, the rest of the unit his looking for him" wolf said before continuing after hearing no further comment "Alex is hurt, wound in his head, he's confused" he reported, while looking at the completed red bandage on the teen forehead,
"Bring Alex in, we have medical waiting, leave the rest of the unit to find Gregorovich" this time the Head of the department said ending the conversation.
Against his better judgement of leaving unit behind he entered the car opting to give Alex his much needed medical attention. "Hey, stay awake kid" wolf said shaking him, noticing the kid's eyes closing, "I'm awake" he weakly said opening his eyes, while staring at the nothing.
Wolf said nothing pressing harder on the on the pedal. It took him fifteen minutes to reach MI6 new headquarters, noticing that an agent was already waiting for them at the entrance.
Getting out of the car in a rush, he quickly goes to the passenger side where the agent is already helping Alex out of the car.
Rushing to Alex other side I help him get inside, where everyone was waiting.
"a doctor is waiting in Blunt office, come on" the man said guiding them inside, rushing them through a series of doors.
Finally arriving at bunt office, where everyone was discussing about the events that took place, wolf deposited Alex on the couch, immediately being pushed aside by a man who he could only assume to be the doctor.
"What happen out there, how did Gregorovich get away" Alan Blunt asked
"Gregorovich, discovered the tracker moments before we were to make a move, before we know it he is outside holding a gun to Alex head, then he threw him at us, disappearing in the process" wolf said reporting his mission.
Blunt nodded his head seeming to be thinking of something "what about his injuries, what got him so out of it" this time the question was directed to the doctor who was shining a small flashlight into Alex eyes who was weakly swatting the man's arm away.
"He doesn't have a concussion" he said putting away his light, turning his head briefly to the room "I have to take some blood to see what drug was used on him" he explained taking out a empty syringe from his bag, receiving yet another nod from Blunt.
Working quickly, he unzips the jumpsuit that Alex was still wearing, leaving him only in a black shirt. Disinfecting is arm he was prepared to push the needle in when a voice stopped him.
"No more needles" the teen groaned "relax this will be quick" the doctor reassured finally taking out what he needed
"Crawley will take that to the lab" blunt said getting up from his chair, to stand next to the doctor who was taking off the bloody bandage off the teen's forehead
"Alex, what happen with Gregorovich" blunt asked the young agent
"I don't know" he responded slowly "I was on the plane with cray and next thing I know we were outside the house with guns pointed at me" the young agent said stumbling over the words.
"Did he said why he took you?" this time was Mrs. Jones
"Who?" the teen asked confused, looking at the agents in front of him
"Yassen Gregorovich, Alex, did he said anything to you" Blunt said sounding a little exasperated
Alex frowned trying to recall the night events "He said he will come for me" the boy whispered, before promptly fall on his side asleep.
"Alex?" Mrs. Jones asked shaking his shoulder
"It's the drug that was used on him, a sedative, still on his bloodstream, he will have to sleep it of" the doctor said having just being handed the results of Alex blood work "in the meantime it would be safer if someone monitor his sleep, I don't suspect a concussion, but I don't want to take any risks" he explained before getting out of the office
"Do you think, that Gregorovich will risk making another move?" Mrs. Jones askes while looking at a now sleeping Alex.
"He knows we are onto him; he can't risk getting caught especially after he caught him off guard tonight" the man responded looking almost confident about his statement
"And Alex?"
"Leave him there for tonight I have some work to do, In the morning I talk to him again" Blunt said seating once again at his desk, shocking Jones with his statement. With one last look at the boy laying on the couch she left her boss office
Now finally alone, if you didn't count the sleeping boy, Blunt was starting to regret ever asking the teen help.
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