Chapter 19
Crawley ran, practically dragging Alex through the hallways filled with agents.
The alarm started flashing and Crawley instantly knew that the threat had become real. With one arm he ready his gun, seeing the other agent holding Alex do the same.
"shhh just five more minutes" Crawley heard Alex say
"Shut up, Alex" Crawley said looking around to see if there was any danger, outside he could hear shots.
"We have to go to the car outside, I have to take him out of here" Crawley screamed on top of all noise, watching as the other one nodded.
Has they got to the door he saw the car right at the entrance "cover us" he yelled as they run outside. Instantly a circle was created around them making a path to the car, that thankfully was unlocked
Crawley opened the back door pushing the teenager across the seats before running to the driver side. Stepping on the accelerator, they were out of the house.
Crawley looked around ensuring that no one was following them before he called Mrs. Jones
"this is Crawley, eta 10 minutes" he said
"any problems?" she asked
"there's an active threat in the safe house, I got out a soon as I could, no injuries to report"
"Alright, we're waiting" she said hanging up.
Crawley took one last look around confirming that they were alone in the road, it was pretty late, so it would be easy to see if anyone was following.
Right now they were out of danger, although the teenager sprawled across the seats had been oblivious to any kind of threat. He should have never let the doctor prescribe something so strong, but to be honest he felt kind of jealous of Alex, getting to have such deep sleep for one night. Crawley couldn't remember the last time he had such heavy sleep. But to be fair when he was Alex's age he didn't have to worry about terrorists organizations nor professional killers trying to kill him.
With no traffic he arrived at the department in no time. Getting out of the car he opened the back door finding the teenager with his eyes barely opened
"let's go Alex, we're here" he said pushing Alex up
"can you walk?" he asked unsure if the boy was even coherent
"yeah" Alex murmured quietly nodding his head slightly
Crawley helped him get out of the car, guiding him inside not letting go of his arm since he looked on the verge of falling to the ground
As the elevator opened he was met with Mrs. Jones
"Crawley" she began but stopped was he watch him drag Alex out "his everything OK?" she asked
"yeah, the doctor prescribed him some sleeping pills" he said as he deposited the team on an empty desk, watching as he put the head on the table instantly falling asleep "it was some heavy stuff" he said looking at the woman
"Blunt his waiting for us" she said
They both went to their boss office closing the door behind them.
"I got word of the safehouse, the threat has been neutralized, but they escape" Blunt reported as they both sat down. "Where's Alex?" he asked
"outside" Crawley said motioning to the hunched figure on one of the desks
"there is the problem of what we will do with him." Blunt continued
"well all of our safe houses has been compromised" Mrs Jones said
"The attack on the safe house" Blunt began "it was a sloppy job coming from Scorpia. No deaths, no injuries, no one's missing" he said looking at Alex
"so what was the purpose of the attack, drawn us out?" Crawley asked
"not quite, nobody followed you"
"So what was the point then?" Mrs. Jones asked
"convince us" Blunt responded
"convince us? Convince us of what" Mrs. Jones asked confused
"that Alex Rider is not our enemy" Blunt finally said
"how can you think that, he is not our enemy, he never was. We are his enemy, but he is not ours "Mrs. Jones argued in an annoyed tone
"We still don't know whose side he plays for, and until we are certain he most remain supervised at all times"
"Have you ever thought that he doesn't play for neither sides. He's a teenager that was dragged to a fight that isn't his"
"That doesn't matter right now. Scorpia trained him, you saw what he can do, and he was just with them for a month"
"so what are we supposed to do, all of our safe houses has been compromised, and he can't stay here"
Blunt nodded "I already thought about that" he paused looking at his deputy "you have an extra room don't you"
"you can't be serious" Mrs. Jones said shocked
"I am, you are the most qualified to house him" Blunt noted watching the doubtful look in her face "it's that, or I sent him to Beacon" he said raising his hands
She knew that the choices were ridiculous and as far as she didn't want Alex to come live with her, she couldn't let Blunt send Alex to an SAS training camp filled with people double his age, if she let that happen she would be no different than Scorpia.
"Alright" she budged watching from the corner of her eye Crawley turning to her shocked
"I will arrange a security team for your flat, then." As he said that Mrs. Jones got up and left the room, Crawley staid behind.
"I want you to watch him" Blunt said this time turning to Crawley "I still don't trust him"
"You think Scorpia managed to get through him?" Crawley asked curiously
"I don't know" Blunt said "look at this, it was in the flash drive" Blunt turned a tablet to the agent showing the video that he had seen earlier
"impressive" Crawley said as he watched the boy shooting skills
"yes impressive and dangerous"
"A month is not a lot of time to learn to shoot like that. Is it possible that Ian taught him that?"
"No, not to this extent. He was clearly being trained to succeed Yassen Gregorovish in the field." Blunt stopped for a second before continuing "tell Jones that I will schedule him for another psychic evaluation"
Crawley took that as his cue to leave the room, outside Mrs. Jones was next to Alex who was still asleep
"Blunt wants Alex to do another physic evaluation" Crawley announced
"of course he does" she sighed crossing her arms "do you think that Scorpia managed to do corrupt him" she asked quietly as if the sleeping boy could hear her
"I don't know, but after Martin and Ash, he is not risking it, he already lost too many agents" Crawley said referring Blunt
"you're still here?" a voice interrupted them, Smithers to be more specific
"we're heading out actually "Mrs. Jones said, making the agent hummed in agreement, only then noticing the sleeping then that had started to drool on the desk, thankfully it was neither of their desks
"what's wrong with him? I know it's quite late, but that's not the most comfortable place to sleep"
Crawley groaned "don't even mention it, the fucking doctor prescribed him some sleeping pill, I had to drag him around all night"
"you'll have to drag him one more, because we have to go" Mrs Jones said
The man put a hand on Alex back shaking him "Alex wake up" he said waking up the boy one more time
"whaaat" Alex groaned not lifting his head
"it's time to go" Crawley said continuing to shake him, the other agents watching him amused
"like you could do any better" Crawley murmured. Of course Blunt choose that moment to leave his office
"I already sent a team to your flat" he informed going their way to see what they were doing
"what's happening here?" he asked his eyebrows raised
"nothing, we're just waking him up to head out, and- great" he said when he saw that the boy had fallen asleep one more time "Alex" he called shaking him more
"I'm awake, I'm awake" the boy said this time lifting his head
"we'll head out then" Mrs Jones said making her way to the elevator. Crawley pushed Alex up grabbing his arm when the boy swayed on his feet directing him to the elevator where Mrs. Jones was waiting for them.
Once again he put him in the car although this time he remained seated, he made sure to put the seat belt as well. He didn't want Ian's ghost haunting him because he allowed his nephew to ride without a seat belt.
Entering himself next on the driver seat, starting the journey to Mrs. Jones flat.
When they arrived he noticed that the security team had already been switch to their own agents, it was fascinating when MI6 acts quick when Scorpia was in the game.
This time when he went to get Alex he was surprised to see that the boy had not fallen asleep again, although one could argue that he wasn't much awake either
"come on Alex, you can sleep in a minute "he said as Alex murmured something unknown stumbling out of the car "seriously what did they give you" Crawley complained as he steady the boy.
With a supporting hand Crawley guided Alex to the entrance where Mrs. Jones was waiting holding the door open talking to one of the agents that Blunt had sent.
Going up the elevator they found two more agents in front of the door.
Crawley reached forward leaving Alex leaning against the wall "Identification" he demanded the two, which promptly obeyed showing him the proper ID.
Crawley took his time analysing them before nodding to Mrs. Jones.
The three of them entered Mrs. Jones home "where's he staying?" Crawley asked
"This way" the woman said opening a bedroom door where Crawley deposited Alex on the bed. They both watched has the boy rolled over muttering something that no one could understand before falling asleep in a matter of seconds.
"I'll go now" Crawley said, "you'll be OK?" he asked motioning to the sleeping boy
"Yes, Crawley, thank you" Mrs. Jones said watching as her partner left her alone in the room.
She sighed tired from the messed created before leaving the room closing the door behind her, right now she just wanted to take a bath and feed Q, she would deal with the aftermath in the morning.
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