Chapter 15
Turns out that Yassen didn't leave him to his devices as he had hoped. Instead, he had walked him to a class knocking on the door.
The usual teacher opened the door, Alex was starting to think that the man taught practically everything to the others.
"Ah yes, I suppose young Alex is attending my class for today" the man instantly said when he saw them.
Yassen nodded before saying "ensure he does well"
"Right. Come in Alex" the man said to him turning his body, so he could enter. The teacher didn't follow him, turning his back around to continue his conversation with Yassen in private.
Alex stood in front of the class, all of them looking at him curiously, all of them except smug face, of course, he was looking at him with anger. He must still be salty about the warning he got from Yassen.
The door closed; Yassen had left.
"Alright, today Alex will be joining us, I'm sure you all know him. Mr. Gregorovish had an assignment." The teacher said to the others before turning to him "you can go take a seat, Alex"
The small room was pretty full, and unfortunately the only seat left was next to smug face, just his luck.
Alex made his way to the back, smug face noticing that the only vague seat was close to him.
When was sat he noticed what was being projected on the board, it was a map, a map that Alex could only assume being of the island and everything around it
"Alex, I'm afraid your time with us won't be that much productive, we are studying for an exercise that we will be doing overnight. You won't be going with us, but you can still learn how we prepare"
Alex couldn't believe his luck, first Yassen and now all the others would be gone as well. On top of it the man unknowingly would be helping him prepare his escape.
For the next few hours Alex half heard what the teacher was blaring, and half learn the layout of the map. He also took note of where they were heading, so he could take the opposite direction, he wouldn't want to cross them mid-escape.
He spent the whole time making the plan in his head, it wouldn't be easy but if he didn't take this window of opportunity, he doubted that another would come up any time soon.
It had to happen tonight.
Alex didn't care what the exercise they would do overnight, the only thing he cared is that they wouldn't go where he was planning to escape.
He now just needed the boat, and to get the tracker off his wrist. He would have to break it by force, there was no way that he could unlock it, he had tried. So he would break it.
If he didn't manage that he would just have to hope that Yassen was somewhere off grid.
They spent most of the day in that room only making a quick break for lunch and then back to the room.
Alex realizes that since he got here that was the slowest day he had. Aside from the morning run he hadn't lifted a finger.
In hindsight, it was good that he didn't do anything, it would save his energy for later, and Alex knew that he would be able to sleep for a while so if he tired himself today, his escape would be weakened
But now more than ever he could see how much Yassen way of teaching was different. They never stopped, only for his schooling.
But today they had been stuck in a classroom, Alex wondered if this was the normal or today was an exception.
It was in the middle of the afternoon when they left the room. It was time for them to go. The teacher stopped Alex when he was leaving
"Alex, you have the rest of the day off. We will be back tomorrow morning, and I promise that the lesson will be more interesting." The man didn't wait for Alex answer before following the rest.
A couple of minutes later Alex watch them leave the island. Only the small boat was left behind. It was all Alex needed.
Alex pondered if he should act now. But although Yassen and the others students had left, the island wasn't empty, guards were left behind, the rest of the teachers and Rothman. He couldn't let his guard down.
Suddenly a voice called him "Alex" he looked seeing Julia Rothman walking toward him, so he wasn't having a moment alone. "Yassen told me you would be alone this afternoon. I don't quite agree with his insistence on you not joining the rest on the exercise, but" she cut herself off, before continuing" I wanted to invite you to have dinner with me, there's something I want to talk to you" she finally said
Alex didn't like it, he didn't want to be alone with that woman, much less waste time. He just hoped that she didn't keep him long, or he would have to improvise.
"Sure, that would be great" Alex responded with a fake smile.
"Great, come along then" she said
"what, now?" it wasn't that early, but it wasn't nearly time for dinner
"Consider an early dinner"
He followed her to her office, there was a table prepared already. Alex almost smiled, he just needed a distraction to grab the keys, it shouldn't be that hard.
"Take a seat" she said pointing to one of the chairs, as she sat in front of him.
Alex felt weird seating there, he didn't like the woman, and the way she was treating this whole situation was just a way to make him feel inferior. She organizes this fancy dinner, she dressed
up, while he didn't even take a shower. She was above him, that was the message that she wanted to transmit.
Shortly after someone came in caring the entrées. They filled up her glass with red wine, and his with water, not even coke, Alex noticed.
"I'm afraid Yassen wouldn't approve any sugary drinks Alex" Rothman said noticing his look.
"So what did you want to tell me" he asked not wanting small talk
She smiled like she was amused by his behaviour. There wasn't many people that dared to talk to her this way, fewer were left alive after.
Alex shouldn't stretch the rope too much. She might tolerate him at first due to his age, but Alex bet that she wouldn't find that funny if he continued. He was closer to his freedom, closer than ever to be coming home. He couldn't throw that away right now, not for some childish behaviour, it would be best to hold his tongue.
"I knew your father very well" she began. Alex clutched his cutlery, this wasn't the talk he wanted to have right now. He already had made peace with himself, he didn't want to be associated with a man that was a heartless killer. He didn't care that he was his father. Besides, it wasn't something that he wanted to have on his mind, he had to focus.
"I liked your father very much, in fact I love him" Alex stopped "I don't know if he ever told your mother, but I guess not" because he was born that what she wanted to say.
Alex was disgusted, it wasn't enough that he was a killer, he had to be a cheater. Alex had heard enough, it was time to create a distraction for him to steal the keys. At that moment someone entered the room with the desserts, instantly an idea popped in Alex head.
As the man was passing by him to put the plates on the table Alex put his foot out just at the right moment, the guy didn't see the foot.
The whole plate came down hard on the table rattling everything, unfortunately it didn't break anything, like Alex was planning.
But as the plates came down on the table the man in an effort to balance himself gripped the table with the other hand, resulting in pushing everything.
The glass of red wine slipped on top of Rothman white dress making the woman get up in a useless effort of avoiding the spilled drink.
"You imbecile" she screamed at the man that was looking with dread. Alex wanted to laugh but hold his tongue in effort.
Rothman was wiping the stain out with the napkin "I'm very sorry Miss Rothman-" the man said approaching her
"enough, you did enough, get out" she yelled furiously. Alex had never seen her like that, and for a moment he pondered if he had gone too far
She sighed putting the napkin down not having done nothing for the stain. "I'm sorry, Alex, I'll be right back "and just like that she was out of the room.
Alex didn't waste time getting out of his seat. He went to the cabinet and retrieve the key, just like that he had all he needed. He was returning to his seat when he stopped, he still had time, Rothman had just left. He returned to the other side of the desk, opening every drawer there was, nothing useful was inside.
When he reached the last one it was locked. He took out one paper clip that laid forgotten on the desk bending him to his liking.
He made a quick work unlocking the drawer, he already had spent too much time, he didn't know how long Rothman would be gone, but for now he didn't hear any sounds in the hallway.
When he opened he looked inside frowning when he saw the contents.
There was nothing there besides some pens and blank sheets of paper, but nothing that justified keeping in a locked drawer.
Alex took out it's few contents observing the empty compartment, it was a false bottom, it had to be.
He was running out of time, he put is hand in the bottom trying to feel for some sort of latch, then he found it in the back corner, almost too small to feel.
He lifted to the bottom, inside there were some documents, but Alex didn't have time for that. There was a small stack of euros that Alex kept half, he didn't want for Rothman to notice if she decided to open it. When he was putting everything in its place he notices something else sticking out of the pile of documents, it was a pen drive.
He didn't know what it store, but to be locked up in there it had to have a relative importance. He put it in his pocket with the cash.
Just as Alex sat once again, picking up his glass of water to calm his racing heart Julia entered the room.
"I'm sorry Alex, but I think that we will have to cut our dinner short" she said "we'll finish up tomorrow. I'm sure you can find your way back to your room"
He nodded relieved that this was all over. Alex wondered if she would be disappointed to not finish the conversation, she had appeared happy to rub on his face the fact that his father had cheated on his mother with her.
As Alex made his way back to the room he realized that he had barely said a word throughout dinner, not that he had nothing that he wanted to say at that moment. But it wasn't worth it, not now at least.
When arrived to his room he looked at the clock, it was still early, too many people would still be awake and risk to see him or hear him.
He decided to go and get ready changing to clothes that would be more warm and water-resistant. Although he had the boat keys, and now some money, he knew he needed something to protect himself.
He slowly got out off his room looking both sides to see if anyone was in the hallway.
He closed his door, his destination wasn't far, in fact it was next door, Yassen room. He knew that the assassin should have a gun lying around in his room. It would be easier for Alex to go to yassen room than it would be to go in the storage room.
He took out a fork that he had stolen when he was having dinner with Rothman, using the same technique that he has use the night he broke out of his room.
The door opened and Alex went in closing it behind him. The room was the same as his. Alex didn't know what he was expecting, maybe a dark room with photos of his targets on the wall, blood everywhere and weapons scattered around the room.
But no, Yassen room was clean and tidy.
Alex didn't waste more time and started looking. The assassin had left his clothes behind, made sense since he was going to come back.
Alex looked in every door and crevice, until he finally found it. It was next to the bed, Alex felt stupid for not looking there in the first place, it was the most obvious place.
Alex took out the gun, checking its chamber.
Alex didn't like the felling of the cold gun in his hand, and for a moment he imagined it if it was the same gun that killed his uncle.
He almost left it there with that thought. Like the drawer on Rothman office he notices that there were some documents laid there. He didn't know what compelled him to pick them up, he hadn't looked twice at the ones in Rothman office, so he didn't know why these were different.
But he left Yassen's room with a gun and a case file in his hand. He returned to his room, it still wasn't time to leave. He sat on the bed opening the documents his eyes widened when he saw what it was about, more specific who it was about. His father.
Alex didn't know if he wanted to read any forward than that, he didn't want to ruin any more the image of the man in his head. But he did anyway. He read every mission that he had with Scorpia, he read how he taught Yassen in the same way Yassen was teaching him. He read how Mi6 capture him, and how they killed him. But the document didn't end there.
Alex frown turning the next page. The text continued "John Rider was seen alive" was the first sentence.
Alex felt a rush of emotion as the read the next few pages.
"Was a MI6 agent"
"working undercover"
"wife and son"
"son survived"
Once again Alex had been lied to, manipulated into thinking his father was a killer, a monster, when in fact he was not.
Alex was made to think that his destiny was to become a paid killer like his father.
Alex had been wrong, he wanted to vomit. All this time here everyone had seemed to idolize his father when in fact they had killed him.
He had been living with the people that stole him from his father, from his family. Worst they made him hate him.
Alex looked at the clock, but he couldn't wait any more, he was getting out of here, and destroy this place while he was at it.
He left the file on top of the bed, picking up the gun.
He left the room. He ran down the hallway until he was stopped by the last person he wanted to see right now.
"Alex, what are you doing out of your room at this time?" he turned around, watching Rothman. She had changed from her wine stained clothes. Her stance was relaxed until her question gaze fell on his hand
Before she could mutter another word, Alex raised the gun "you killed my parents" he said dangerously quiet
The woman smiled "you know" she said simply "did Yassen told you?"
"It doesn't matter. You will pay for what you have done" Alex responded.
Unlike Rothman, Alex wasn't calm, his eyes were red, and there was a slight tremble in his hand, he had noticed and so had she.
"And who is going to make me pay? You"
"if I have to" he said, he didn't stutter, he was sure of his answer
Once again she smiled, amused "I don't think so, Alex, you don't have it in you to kill someone"
"you're wrong, you don't know me" not even one moment had passed that Alex gun wavered, the boy had hold it securely in his hand, his aim secured on Rothman head
"oh, I think I do"
Just as Rothman said that, she threw herself on top of Alex. It had happened so fast that the young spy didn't see it coming. They both wrestled for the gun, trying to get the upper hand, when suddenly a shot fired.
They both stopped, Alex felt something wet staining his shirt.
For a moment Alex thought he had been hit, the same familiar thought he had on Air Force One.
But no pain came, in fact he was the one that was holding the gun. He had come to the horrible conclusion that Julia Rothman was the one that had been shot.
The woman was lifeless on top of him, Alex pushed her to the side, getting up to his feet. He looked at her, there was a rapidly growing stain in her shirt, but this time it wasn't red wine.
"I should have killed you, like I killed your parents" she murmured, her voice weak but still full of venom.
It was Julia Rothman last words, she had died with his name on her tongue.
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