Chapter 14
"Any update on Alex?" Blunt asked his deputy.
Mrs. Jones shook her head.
"A month with Scorpia" Alan Blunt said thoughtful, "that is more than enough time to manipulate a teenager."
Mrs. Jones didn't say anything
Blunt sighed, "I want you to exchange the alert we have on him. From now on, until he is found, he is a potential Scorpia operative."
"It's Alex we are talking, he is not a murderer" Mrs. Jones objected.
"He will be what Scorpia wants him to be. They probably told him what happen on Albert Bridge, their version of events."
"He helped us two times, he won't be on their side. He wants to do what is right, even when he's forced to"
"He's a Kid wanting answers, they will give them. The odds are not on our favour. Change the alert." That was the end of the conversation.
Alex lost count of how many days had passed since he had been brought to Scorpia.
The countless days of training merge together, everyone was different, but at the same time it was the same.
Between the fighting, running and even some of the theoretical lessons that some time threw in the game, Alex expected that had passed at least a month. Each day that passed, Alex couldn't make a plan from where he was going to escape.
He was on an island, the land was too far to swim there, his only option was to go on a boat. That was his first problem, there were only a couple of times when he had spotted the small boat anchored, he didn't see how the stocked up the island, they probably did it at night when Alex was locked up in his room.
If Alex wanted to go on the boat, he needs the keys, something that Alex didn't know where they were kept. He could try to hot hire the boat, but he didn't know if that was going to work, he only had a chance to do it, if he was caught he would probably be killed.
But even if he had the keys, or if hot wiring worked, there was still Yassen. During his stay here, the man had stuck by him like a leach. The times he had been left alone the assassin was always close by watching from the distance. And when he was alone, he was locked in his room.
Then there was the problem of the tracker on his wrist, he knew it work, it wasn't just pretend. He had proved that when Yassen caught him in when he escaped that first night, when he was clearly asleep in his room.
There were a lot of problems which Alex had solution to none, but he would figure it out, he always does. Until then, he was totally isolated, he didn't know what was happening in the world, Yassen didn't really showed him the news, he didn't even know what day it was. But that didn't matter, he didn't need to know the date to escape.
Right now Alex was waiting for Yassen to come get him for their morning run, the assassin must have got tired of waking him up every day since a few days in an alarm clock appear on the bedside table, he was used to the routine. There were no weekends or breaks, nothing that could distract him from his training, at the end of the day he was exhausted and slept like a rock, he would have to push that when the day came.
Today came the first break in his routine, he was done with his school work, he had finished all his course work the day before. Yassen of course had been keeping track of that, even though Alex hadn't made any comments on his progress.
So instead of after lunch, the time that they went to Yassen's office, Yassen took him to a place that he had never gone in. it was a long and tall room, like a school gymnasium, windowless lighten up by the artificial lights that were placed at the top.
"We will advance on your shooting training. Today you will be completely blind, you will have to rely completely on your sense of hearing" Yassen hand him the gun "I will be watching you from the control room" he pointed to a screen that was on the side. Alex didn't notice it when he entered the room, on a first look one would assume it was a mirror.
Alex was alone in the room, in fact the room was completely empty, although it had a couple of slots along the walls and floor. Alex wondered how this would work. Normally Yassen had him doing the shooting at night and outside, right now it was the completely opposite.
Suddenly Yassen voiced echoed out "get ready Alex" at that moment the lights began to dim until the room was pitched black. Alex got ready lifting the weapon aiming at the pitch black, he didn't know where he was supposed to even aim, he couldn't even see his hands. Suddenly a click sounded from behind him, he now knew where to shoot. He turned around and shot. Right after, another click sounded to his left. And another, and another.
To be honest, it was the most stressful exercise that Alex had done. He was in complete darkness, anyone could enter the room silently and take a shot at Alex, he wouldn't be able to see even if he had a gun it wouldn't be much help if they enter without making much noise.
Alex forced himself to focus on the clicks, eventually he ran out of bullets, it was the first time he had to reload the gun in complete darkness, even when he was outside he had the soft light of the moon providing that he at least could see the outline of the gun, but here not even that.
Nevertheless, he managed to successfully reload the weapon before continuing.
Shortly after that, the click stopped, and the lights slowly brighten up, making Alex squint his eyes, unprepared by the brightness.
"Alex, that was truly fascinating" Alex turned to see the teacher that appeared to be friends with Yassen, coming out of the control room with the assassin. That was a surprise, he thought that only Yassen was there, there was no reason for the man to be here.
"I always wanted to see someone pass this exercise with such flying results, for their first time nonetheless" the man smiled, like someone had given him the best news
"you did good, there's room for improvement" Yassen said
"oh Yassen, give the poor boy more credit" this time Yassen turned to the man, "don't you have your students to attend?" Yassen asked raising his eyebrows
"my students couldn't do this exercise"
"I wonder why" Yassen responded before turning back to him, "we're done here" he said gesturing with his head to the exit.
Once again Alex followed him, this time however they walked in the direction of where Yassen office was, but instead of stopping at his door Gregorovich continue walking, stopping at an office that Alex had been when he arrived.
Yassen knocked before going in, Alex following behind.
"Yassen. Alex." The woman at the desk greeted "training is going well I presume" this time she had spoken to Yassen
"yes, he made quite the progress" Yassen responded
"good" she clapped her hands together, "so, What can I do for you?"
"I need the boat keys" that caught Alex attention. This is it, if he knew where the keys were he could get on with his plan
"the boat? You're taking him to Venice" she asked curiously
Venice? He was in Italy then. It was a relief, Alex hadn't known in what part of the world he was. He had been unconscious on the plane ride, he didn't know how much time it had passed.
But here he was in Italy. He had been there once with uncle Ian, he had enjoyed it, this time however he didn't so much.
Being in Italy made his trip back home easier, he knew his best bet was to go to France and make his way home from there.
"No, it will be a training exercise" Alex, was disappointed hearing that, if Yassen took him to Venice he could hopefully lose him in a crowed. But now he was curious what Yassen had planed involving a boat. Maybe curious wasn't the best word to describe it, it was more frightening.
"Very well" she said getting up from her seat. She went to a wooden cabinet on the side of the wall, and opened it. There it was the much desired keys, sitting there in an unlocked cabinet.
She took them out and handed them to Yassen "I need to have a word, tonight" she said quietly to Yassen, but Alex heard it anyway.
With the keys in hand they made their way to where the small boat was tied up, it was more of a speed boat. Small, fast and easy to handle. It wasn't the same boat that Alex had arrived in.
He observes Yassen drive the boat, Alex already knew how. Ironically Ian had taken him on a boat ride on his trip to Italy, now he wondered if he had passed Malagosto. He wondered if Ian knew he was so close to the enemy, he probably did.
They rode for a few minutes the island getting farther away, but he could still see it, he could even see that the others had just come out of the building, and we're spreading out for the next class.
Suddenly Yassen stopped, Alex turned to him.
"Jump" Gregorovich said
"what?" was the man serious, they were in open waters, the closest thing was Malagosto.
"Jump" he repeated "you will swim your way back" he added
"this is ridiculous, what if the current becomes too strong, I will drown" Alex argued, but maybe that was Yassen intention
"the current isn't strong today, the water isn't cold, and you stretched enough beforehand. You will not drown Alex. I will be watching you" Yassen reassured
But Alex wasn't very reassured. Yassen must have noticed because the next thing he knew he had been pushed off the boat into the sea.
Although Yassen said that the water hadn't been cold, Alex still felt the difference of temperature hit him. Thankfully he had the instinct of closing his mouth and not breathe in any water. His eyes weren't so lucky now stinging by the salt water.
When he came up to the surface he was alone, Yassen already driving the boat back to the island, leaving nothing but the waves behind.
Alex looked around the best he could, but Yassen had chosen this place for a reason, there was nothing but sea, if Alex didn't want to drown he had to swim back to Malagosto.
He looked down, he was in deep waters no one on earth would be able to reach the bottom. Alex couldn't even see it, in fact the only thing that was visible was his bright yellow shirt that Yassen had chosen for him that morning.
At the time the teen had thought it was a weird choice of clothing especially for Yassen that most of the time gave him black clothing like the rest of the students wore. But now he knew the reason. With this colour, Alex was visible from a distance, it would allow Yassen to keep watch on him.
Alex didn't move for a minute, he knew he didn't have a choice, either he swam back to the island or he would drown. Even if Yassen would come and help him in that eventuality, Alex knew it wouldn't be a pleasant experience.
Reluctantly, Alex started to swim back. Immediately, Alex felt the light current pushing him back. It wasn't strong like Yassen had said, it was almost unnoticeable, but he knew that after some time it would put strain on his body, it would tire him more quickly.
He could feel the weight of his clothes weighting him down, but if he didn't want to have to walk in his underpants when he arrived, he would have to push through. The only thing on his mind was giving the next stroke, his fingers pushing the water, his legs kicking pushing him forward. His eyes stung from the salt, he wanted to close them, but he needs to see if the current wasn't pushing him in another direction. He was a lot closer now, but he was tired, he had swallowed water, he was starting to get cold. Each day that passed was made to be another torture for Alex, and he was getting tired of that.
When he arrived at the pier, Yassen had helped him out of the water, Alex arms were so tired he doubted he could do it himself. The moment he had got out of the sea, Alex fallen to the wood floor of the platform, coughing the water that had manage to find his away to his lungs. He heard a voice, but he couldn't understand what he was saying.
He saw a hand in front of him "piss off" Alex cursed, pushing the hand away and getting up himself. He didn't even stay to hear what Yassen would reply to that. He turned around and made his way back. Seriously how dared Yassen, dumping him in the middle of the sea, he was tired of it all, he couldn't stand another day.
His wet shoes squeaked when he entered the building soaking, the floor wherever he passed, he didn't care, he hoped that whoever cleaned that would have a hard time.
He went in the direction of the room he was given, wanting to take a shower. He had put the temperature the higher it went, almost instantly fogging the bathroom. He put himself under the hot stream, warming himself instantly, it was the best felling in the world.
Alex stood there for quite some time, but when he got out, his skin was red because of the temperature. He dressed some clean and dry clothes, his door remained unlocked, so he guessed that either Yassen didn't know where he was or he didn't care, probably the latter. Looking at his clock, Alex noticed that it was time for dinner. It was empty, the others were probably in class.
Alex ate in silence, the moment he finished Yassen appeared at the doorway to escort him back to the room, of course the assassin didn't trust him. Alex still slammed the door in his face.
In the morning all went the same until after breakfast Yassen pushed him aside
"I have to leave the island for a few days" Alex didn't hear the rest and had to fight the urge to smile, this was it, this would be his opportunity, with Yassen gone nothing would be on his way.
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