Chapter 10
Alex froze, turning to the assassin, that clearly wasn't asleep in his bedroom, like he had thought. Gregorovich turned on the lights of the room, blinding him momentarily, making him squint his eyes.
"I thought I told you to stay in your room. In fact, I even locked the door" he was now in front of Alex, an amused look on his face. Alex didn't say anything as the man pushed him aside to see what he was doing on the computer.
The teen watched carefully as Yassen read the email he had written and regrettably didn't send it on time. He tries to imagine what the man would do to him now, would he kill him on the spot, probably not, not after all the work they had bringing him here. Would he get beaten up? Now that was a possibility.
Instead, the assassin looked at him "Send it" he said, stepping away from the computer
"What?" Alex asked confused, was this a test, or the man had gone truly insane
"come on, send it" Yassen persisted, when Alex didn't move.
To be honest, Alex didn't know what to do, but he sure as hell wouldn't waste this opportunity. As fast as he could, he clicked enter, watching as the message of confirmation appeared at the bottom of the screen.
"Now what do you expect it will happen?" Yassen inquired "that MI6 will send a SAS team, that a bunch of agents will come and raid the island?"
"I had to do something. They must do something".
Yassen took a step closer, "If you want to escape, you will have to do it on your own. Because if MI6 wanted to rescue you, they would already done it".
"And how do you know that" Alex asked.
"MI6 knows where you are, Alex, they know it the moment you stepped on this island".
"What?" he almost whispered, they wouldn't do that to him. They were cruel, but they wouldn't intentionally leave him with a killer, with his uncle killer to be precise, inside a terrorist organization.
"Come on, it's time for you to learn the truth" Yassen said opening the door and directing him out of the room. Alex was in a trance while following Gregorovich, pondering the possibility that MI6 wouldn't come and rescue him, that he was trapped inside an organization that wanted to training him to be a killer. Would MI6 only show up to arrest him. Alex was sick to his stomach, not even realizing that they had stopped, once again they were in Yassen's office. This time, however, Yassen made him sit on the couch.
"I was friends with your father" Gregorovich began, making Alex look up "he was my teacher, here in Malagosto".
"You're lying, my father was in the military, Ian told me that" Alex interrupted, he didn't even want to think of the possibility that his uncle had also lied to him about his father career.
"You're not wrong about that, for a while he was in the military, and had a good career, until he was discharged"
"He had a fight in a Pub that ended up killing a man, Alex, he was arrested because of that"
Alex shook his head "no, I don't believe you" his father wasn't a killer, he couldn't have been, he couldn't have laid in bed all this year's wishing that a killer was alive, that a killer would kiss his forehead, that a killer would be there on Christmas, on his birthdays.
Yassen passed him a tablet, he looked at the screen. It was a news report, with a man with the same features as Alex, it was his father, next to the photo was the title "Military in the armed forces arrested after killing a Man". Yassen swiped his finger on the screen and a different journal appeared with a similar title, and another, and another, until finally Yassen took the tablet back.
"OK" was the only thing Alex could say, shocked about what he had learned, with tears starting to brim in his eyes.
"He didn't remain in prison a very long time, he had been a hero in the military after all, so after a while they let him go. The problem was that after that he couldn't find a job after that, and that's when Scorpia came to him. He had a set of skills that were useful to Scorpia, so they gave him a chance." Yassen stopped to look at Alex to see how he was taking in the story, before continuing
"Your father came to Malagosto and became my mentor, he trained me, and we went on assignments together. He saved my life" Alex was now looking at him with curiosity.
"Back in Cray's warehouse, you asked me how I got my scar. It was your father that made it. There was a black widow on my face, your father shot it. With a bullet your father manage to kill the spider and kill our target" Alex looked down once again the spark in his eyes gone hearing the last statement.
"Some time later, your father was captured by MI6, I didn't hear from him for a while until MI6 reached out. They wanted to make a trade; they would release john in exchange for a hostage that Scorpia had kidnapped. Scorpia accepted the deal, the exchange happened in Albert Bridge. Your father didn't live past that day" Yassen revealed making Alex look up eyes wide.
Once again Yassen passed him the tablet, this time it was a video, a surveillance footage, Alex quickly realized that it was the events that happened on albert bridge. Two figures stood in the middle of the bridge, Alex knew what was going to happen, but he couldn't stray his eyes away from the screen. Everything was going fine, until the boy started to run, and his father slumped forward falling to the ground, he was shot in the back.
Another video began playing this time from a different angle, it showed an MI6 agent, someone that Alex knew, Mrs. Jones, she was younger, but it was definitely her. Alex watched as she muttered the order 'shot him', the video had no sound, but Alex didn't need it to know what she was saying.
"No" Alex muttered, tears rolling down his cheek. Once again, he had been lied, his father was a killer, he had taught the person that eventually would kill his uncle. On top of that Mrs. Jones was the one to kill him, a shot in the back. Alex felt betrayed, that one of the people he trusted the most in MI6, was the one responsible for his situation. She was the one responsible for all of this.
Yassen took out the tablet from his hands, only then he realized that they were shaking.
"And my mother?" Alex muttered, unsure if he could take another lie.
"Your mother actually died in a plane crash" Yassen told him "now you understand, Alex, why you belong here. It is your destiny".
Alex shook his head "no, I'm not a killer" he said convinced.
"They lied to you, Alex. They used you, and when they didn't need you any more, they threw you out" Yassen remembered him "I'm not asking you to be a killer, I'm asking you to train, so that you don't end up like your father. We're on your side Alex" Yassen said putting a comforting hand on his shoulder while more tears fell down his face.
Jack starbright sat in the kitchen unsure of what to do, Alex had disappeared three days ago. Like always, MI6 didn't prove to be much help, not informing her of anything. She didn't know what to do.
Alex's friend, Tom, had showed up, a little after Alex was supposedly taken to a hospital. He had sat with her while they waited for news, he had been there when Jack call Mrs. Jones, demanding to know where they had taken Alex, and finally he had been there when she received the call that Alex had been taken by the man that they all thought was in his head.
So when Jack open her laptop, and saw that she had a new email, a new email sent by Alex she almost let go of the mug that she was holding
'Jack I'm OK' she started reading, laughing in relief at finally hearing news from Alex. ' Tell MI6 I'm in Malagosto' she frowned at that, never in her life she had heard of such a place, she opened a new tab searching 'Malagosto' on the internet, only for nothing concrete coming up, Jack just hoped that the department knew what this was, because either if she liked it or not, Alex safety was on their hands.
Grabbing her phone, she dialled the number that she was given after Alex initial kidnapping. The phone rang twice before the call was picked up.
"Miss. Starbright, we still don't have anything on Alex" the woman on the other side said, before jack had the chance to say anything
"Alex, emailed me, he said he was on this place called Malagosto" Jack blurt it out
"I'm going to need that email" Mrs. Jones replied.
"I'll send it to you, just tell me where" Jack said desperately, she just wanted for them to find Alex, and bring him home.
Ten minutes later Jack had an email address to send it to, something that she did in the same minute.
Back in the department office, the clicking of heels could be heard as Mrs. Jones approached Alan Blunt's office closing the door behind her.
"Alex Rider made contact" she said handing him a folder that contained the transcript of the email that Alex sent. "It was sent at 2 in the morning"
Alan Blunt, read the message carefully "in two days he manages to get hold of a computer linked to the internet" Blunt said
"seems like a lack of security on Scorpia part" Mrs. Jones agreed "do you think that let him send the message deliberately?" she asked
"It's possible, he sends the message, and we don't come. It will aid them turn him over to their side" Blunt analysed, this was starting to be a bigger mess than he anticipated
"I tried to talk to the Italians, they didn't budge. It appears that their deal with Scorpia is more important than a single agent of ours" Blunt said shocking Jones, she didn't know that he had tried to find a way for them to reach the island and take Alex out.
"The Italians never really liked us" Mrs. Jones said.
"We have to deal with the housekeeper" Blunt said changing the subject "now she knows that we are aware of Alex location, she will start to ask questions".
"Should we tell her the truth" Mrs. Jones suggested.
Blunt shook his head "No, she proved herself untrustworthy with the Point Blanc mission. Not even a day and told everything to his friend, that almost blew the whole mission" he stopped, thinking what his plan would be next.
"Send her back to the United States of America, tell her that she is in danger, that Scorpia agents were seen near the house and so on. I'll arrange someone at the CIA to keep an eye on her to ensure she doesn't do something that she wasn't supposed to do" blunt said ending the discussion.
Jones sighed leaving Blunt's office, it was only eight in the morning, but she knew that at the end of the day, she would go home with a headache.
An hour latter she was in front of Alex home, with two police guards next to her, prepared to act if the American didn't comply. She knocked on the door, that opened instantly
"Mrs. Jones, did you find Alex?" the women immediately asked.
"I'm afraid we need to talk".
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