The OLD Music Box Out of Context!
My writing has improved A LOT over the years. Very much so to the point where I cringe at all my books. But the one that stands the test of time as the worst, most cliché book I had ever written was my first original, The Music Box. Now when I had written this, I thought it was spectacular. A vision that would change the world. And my friend thought so too, encouraging this awful book and giving me even more clichés to put down. (Sorry, friend! XD) This book was previously public until I began the rewrite, with a fresh coat of paint and a wonderful cover done by L-S-Willow. This version of the book was unpublished, and the only remnants that can be found of it are the old book with one chapter that is begging you to go to the rewrite, some people's memories, and the physical copy I have at home. In this book, there are some pretty.... weird lines that, if taken out of context, will make you take a double take or cringe because of how weird it is. So here are a few of the ones I've found!
Uh-oh, Thought Rachel. The drug's taking effect.
Kevin knelt down to examine the fluid.
"It was okay, but I broke up with my boyfriend because he was abusive."
"Argon, I'll keep you safe." She whispered to the picture. "Because I love you."
"Calm down? Calm down?! How can I possibly calm down when I've been captured by the government!"
They continued to kiss for another minute....
"I'm going to tear you limb from limb, American!"
He couldn't find them. Oh my gosh, I found them! Kevin thought.
Let's show Anden what happens when he calls me a that!
When Teresa left, she was replaced with a nervous black man.
"Uh... Hi guys, gals, and bionary pals."
"I don't think scientists are capable of laughter," Kevin whispered to Argon with a smile.
He put a gloved finger in Argon's mouth and traced his teeth.
And many.... Many.... MANY more that I can't find as of now.
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