The Observer's Promise
China barreled through the skylight, his figure briefly outlined by the glitching screens. He leaped through the curtains of falling debris and crashed onto the small platform of ice where everyone had gathered for shelter. They scattered to make room for him and the motionless man he was carrying.
Immediately, they noticed that he looked like a wreck. His crimson hair was crusted with black blood and was tangled to knots. His robes had been reduced to bloodstained rags. A wild expression was knit on his face. The shared grimace on everyone's face said it all: Who the heck was this madman?
"The fuck? You look like you just crawled out of a gutter!" America exclaimed.
"Shut up and look in the mirror." It was common knowledge that this was their way of greeting. The American was about to continue when China held up his hand. "Wait, no. We don't have time for that right now."
"Yeah, can we go back to the part where you said we're going to die?" Poland jumped back as another pillar of dirt slammed onto the platform. Russia frowned and refocused on expanding a glacial dome.
"You guys really have no idea what's going on above ground, do you?" China shook his head.
Slowly but surely, the contestants began to navigate their way out with China's directions, racing up the walls to avoid the caving ceiling. Peru and Russia took the lead, forming small but safe platforms to leap across. SK offered to carry the unconscious host on the White Tiger's back alongside a knocked-out Venezuelan.
"What happened to Olympia?! How did he end up like this?" he exclaimed as they quickly patched him up. His sterling silver brilliance had been replaced by a lifeless shadow. Part of his porcelain face had been shattered and smeared black with blood. His arms and rings were gone.
"Long story. I'll tell you later but we should really get to sturdy ground right now," China huffed. He wasn't sure that his storytelling skills could hold up while he was dodging for his life. "The exit to the Colosseum is that way."
"Careful!" America caught a block of shattered ice over their heads. "Russia, you take care of setting up more shields up front. I got your back."
Russia nodded and couldn't help but feel a tinge of warmth rise in his chest as the other smiled reassuringly. Massive pillars of shining blue ice proceeded to burst through solid rock walls, forming a zigzag of precarious catwalks. Their exit was waiting on the other side.
"Wow. I can't believe you two were about to kill each other a night ago," the crimson country scoffed to snap the American out of his ditzy daze. "Now you're acting like boyfriends? Hilarious."
"The tardy have no right to talk," he spat back, hurling the ice chunk over the side. "Where were you while we were running around down here?"
"I had my own battles to fight." He left it at that and brushed past the Superpower, but something in his tone implied that he wasn't joking around. Something serious had happened.
"Stand back!" Poland and Mexico warned as they prepared to break through the earth. With a gust of shearing wind to lift his wings, the feathered serpent ripped open the dark to reveal the moonless sky.
An eerie silence filled the stagnant air as the countries climbed out. They were greeted with an empty, crumbling stadium, devoid of all the prickling excitement and roaring festivities. There wasn't a single living soul in sight.
"Wha... what- where did everyone go?" Pakistan whispered fearfully as her eyes were drawn up to the sky. Outlined against the dark, the two inverted Colosseums were slowly corroding. They were also empty.
There was a strange stillness, a calm that seemed more ominous than peaceful. In the dark of night, something was happening yet they could not see it.
"China, you know what's happening. Explain." Everyone turned to the crimson figure who was lurking at the back. He hesitated as if wondering where to begin.
Finally, he said, "Let's walk and talk. We should find the Commander's Army first."
"Wait, NATO's here?"
"And so is WHO, NASA, and literally everyone else. That's what I've heard at least."
America was glad it was nighttime so that no one could see how his expression darkened. Something serious was going down, and he wasn't excited to find out.
"Are we in danger right now?" Poland muttered, but he sounded more tired than nervous. Germany scowled at the thought.
"And what of the Powers? Are they safe?" he demanded. Even from here, they could see the steady stream of smoke in the distance.
"Yeah... about that..." China fidgeted nervously and everyone felt their stomachs knot with dread. "I suppose that would be a good place to start."
(ASEAN POV)... (a few hours ago, moments before the first explosion)
"They're going after Indo."
The room plummeted into silence, allowing Indonesia's name to echo like a haunting whisper. My world went blank as my mind consumed everything like a raging river. I was swept away— a helpless swimmer in this torrent of panic. I could only guess what expression was on my face.
There was an explosion outside, followed by a tremor. Murmurs came from behind our door and UN answered for us. I didn't see who had breathlessly barged in but they seemed very panicked. I don't remember much of what happened then. Everything happened so fast.
"The Labyrinth has been breached."
The enemy was here and we were urged to get to safety, but my own wellbeing was not on my mind.
"INDONESIA! THE OTHERS!" I startled the messenger, Singapore, as I lunged at her, clutching her by the shoulders.
I don't think she had ever seen my true form before and she looked like she was about to faint. There was no time for that. "Why aren't they with you? Are they being evacuated too?" Distorting feathers spilled out in every direction as I failed to contain my anxiety.
A hand was placed against my back. "ASEAN, please bring yourself together," EU coaxed gently, stroking my hair as he guided me off the overwhelmed country. I felt the burst of adrenaline rush out of my body and slumped back against the other, regaining my semi-human form.
"Headmaster..." Singapore whispered with worry in her eyes but UN shook his head, gesturing for her to finish the urgent message.
Her words were muddied and blurred together like sludge. My thoughts would not waver from China's grave announcement and now that the hotel was under attack, Indo was in more danger than ever.
I was not a fool. When I constructed my magnum opus, I knew what I was getting into. The Bridge would sever all unrestricted ties between the Spirit Realm, forming a border that I could control. Many creatures from beyond would oppose this enforcement.
I had foreseen attacks directed toward the Bridge a long time ago. Whether it be power-hungry spirits or deathly curious humans, there was bound to be something that wished to rejoin the two realms.
Humanity offered a solution. A small, secluded village of gifted individuals formed alongside my divine construct. Its people were capable of protecting and maintaining the Bridge in my absence.
Gatekeepers, I had named them. As long as even one of them existed, the Bridge would not fall. I must have been blinded or out of my mind, because I had forgotten how fragile humanity was. Now, only one of them existed– Indonesia.
I shuddered at the thought of his blood being spilled and what would happen after that.
They were going after my Bridge. My creation. This was unforgivable.
"ASEAN, what do you say?" UN's melodic voice pierced through my tormented mind like a hot knife in butter. I glanced up to meet his unreadable eyes. "Will you be coming with us?"
NASA would arrive in a few moments to whisk us off to some safe sanctuary. Our safety would be guaranteed, like always.
"No. Not until all my students have left. I have to go out there," I declared, almost fervently. EU gawked at me like I was insane. I couldn't see what expression adorned our eldest's face.
All I knew was the Bridge to the Spirit Realm must not fall. Indonesia must not fall. I would guarantee that.
"Surely you jest– I understand your students are precious but at the risk of your own life?!" EU urged but it fell on deaf ears. Perhaps I was insane. A divine creature like myself, risking my neck for lowly mortals sounded like a sick joke but I did not care. I was already pushing towards the door, feathers spilling from my back.
An ethereal hand stopped me in my tracks and I glared at its sender. Even he wouldn't be able to convince me but something in his demeanor told me that he wasn't trying to.
"In your current state, you are extremely vulnerable," UN reiterated with a somber voice. "Your immortality is incomplete. Though you are ageless, you can still suffer death."
Death. What a funny concept. I was there to witness its invention as an ever-present mechanism, but never imagined that I would be subjected to it one day.
"Are you certain you still want to go out there?" EU's eyes urged me to reconsider, but I was far too worried not to check out the situation myself.
"I'm sorry, but I must." I slipped my hand out of the other's grasp. I would not hear another word.
UN would later tell me about how Singapore broke down into tears from the snapping tension. He would also tell me about how EU stormed out after me to aid my cause.
"Why didn't you stop him?" he fumed angrily when he was hauled back like a feral cat. A glimpse of his past divinity came to life which didn't impress UN, but Singapore nearly fainted.
"You overestimate me," UN responded with a coy smile. "Have I ever told you about his master, whom he adored? If even he couldn't stop ASEAN from fulfilling his true purpose, what makes you think I can?"
"I don't understand what you mean."
UN patted him on the head in consolidation. "Honestly, neither does ASEAN."
The sound of shattering stone and snapping metal filled the ruined landscape as China was pushed into battle, without even a stick to defend himself.
'No matter,' he thought as he let his fists do the talking. He had always known that his Awakening was unreliable and there would be one day where he would have to do without it. This was where countless brutal hours of training went.
Metal became soft against his palms and the enemy crumpled in hoards. His hands flowed through quick, precise strikes that connected with pinpoint accuracy and deadly power. Inorganic bodies flew and crashed into cold stone and stopped moving after that.
China was efficient in cutting down the advancing threats but this came with a cost of its own. Countless sharp edges drew liquid lines along his skin. Most of the cuts were shallow and fizzled away in milliseconds. Others wrenched deep, but none were fatal. China made sure of that. Those injuries were more painful but would be healed by the time the enemy fell.
The crimson country tore off his ruined sleeve from his pristine arm that had been decorated by gashes mere moments ago. The metallic adversaries groaned, wondering how he was still standing.
This was the phoenix's doing– in agreement with China's first pact. The supernatural secrets of renewal and rebirth were his to use, even without activating his Awakening. This was the only reason he was able to survive so many fights with martial arts alone. As long as the injuries weren't fatal, he would be unstoppable.
'Still, this is stupidly tiring!' China wiped a drop of sweat off his face as he tried to catch his breath. This healing didn't seem to apply to the weariness in his muscles and bones. "How much longer do you need to prepare for that ritual?!"
They had agreed a little while earlier that China had the best chance of assuring their survival. All he needed was some divine energy to power his Awakening– energy that Phil hoped they still had.
"I used to be a lesser god, as I'm sure you've heard from the rumors," Phil had said with a slight dip in their voice. Even in the Eastern Branch, they were considered an oddity.
All China knew was that they had committed some unfathomable sin, and was banished from their divine seat. Phil constantly claimed that they would one day be redeemed, but from China's perspective, they seemed content with spending their days goofing around with the others.
No one but ASEAN knew about their past and what crimes they had committed. Heck, some were skeptical if they were even a god in the first place since they never mentioned it.
This was the first time Phil had intentionally brought up the topic, but only to save their lives.
"Do you want this to work or not?" Phil spat back irritably when China urged them again. They had been quietly gathering themselves for the ritual while China held the enemy back. However, it would be more accurate to say that they were just trying to remember the process, similar to a student trying to remember a formula on an exam. Many eons had passed since they had used it so it was hazy at best.
This plan had to work, or the three of them would be doomed. Mal's vicious aura loomed in the distance, urging them to hurry.
"Did the sign go like this... or this? I dunno..."
"Yeah we're done for," China muttered under his breath before stamping his footprint into an iron zombie's face.
"I'm just about done the preparations," the Filipino finally declared, just as the other wrenched the last enemy's head off. It shuttered before falling onto the ground and once more, the maze went still.
"Good good. Let's hurry before the next wave gets here," the Chinese boy huffed, combing his bangs up from his face. He was utterly exhausted and desperate for that rush of Awakening adrenaline.
The area was cleared out and a golden ring encircled them both. Symbols from an unknown language were scrawled messily across the floor in golden light, which was undoubtedly the personal handiwork of the Filipino. China had seen their abominable handwriting before, which was arguably worse than his own.
"That should do it." Philippines dusted off their hands and checked over their work proudly before beckoning the other into the inner ritual circle. You've done this before, right?"
"Yes but never with scripture like this," China replied ruefully, gesturing to the scribbles. Phil frowned at the implication.
"Y'know not all gods are of equal strength, right? Headmaster ASEAN was probably a being of high divinity so he would not need ritual circles when he made that agreement with you."
"That... wasn't what I meant but okay."
The screech of metal scraping the ground jolted them back into reality. It was now or never; they nodded and they hurriedly began the process.
As soon as Phil closed their eyes, the blackness behind their eyelids began to swim and all senses began to distort. As the divine runes on the ground lit up, the feeling magnified. It seemed to choke them like a shackle.
They had entered the trance. The ritual was working but now it was all up to Phil. This would only succeed if they could access a drop of their heavenly status but that shackle seemed to be barring them from that. They had been exiled, stripped of it. There was no returning what was lost.
Then, the voices came– the voices of the divine.
"The exile wants to return?"
"How shameless, does he think he's still one of us?"
"He still shows no remorse for what he's done?"
"Invoking his dead title? Hah, what a fool!"
"I thought he gave up ages ago."
Sensing something was amiss, China clasped the other by the shoulders and braced them from falling. "Phil? Phil, open your eyes! You're trembling!"
"Why can't he just accept that he's not a god anymore?"
"Hmph, what a pathetic sight."
"This will never work. Let them die."
Fervent images flashed through their mind in slow motion. Each image was painfully bright. Searing sins burned into their mind as the chatter roared. Every pair of eyes bore down on them, judging them for their crimes.
"Accept your judgment! Accept the punishment that you deserve!" they seemed to chant in unison. Phil stood in the middle of it all, golden dagger in hand as that day was reconstructed in their memories.
"Again. Why don't you all say that again to my face?"
The voices instantly hushed, interrupted by startled silence. Phil felt their eyes bearing down, questioning how they could hear their voices. How could they see them?
Philippines remembered every detail, without needing any reminders. It took place in a huge dining hall that was once filled to the brim with deities, from lesser to greater, from foreign to local, all gathered as one happy family. It was also the place that had been stained by starry ichor, pooling at their feet. This has been the court that witnessed their downfall.
Phil shook their head, reminding themselves that it was all in the past. Now, they were standing in the empty hall, surrounded by whispering figures who loomed behind pillars and shadowed corridors.
Cowards, all of them. The Filipino would have loved to verbally thrash them around a bit more but time was of the essence. As an exile, they were technically trespassing on sacred ground and had to finish the ritual before they were denied godly authority again.
"That's impossible, he hasn't redeemed himself yet!"
"How could he perform that ritual?! He isn't a god anymore!"
"How can this be? Who dares grant the banished one access?"
"The exile has the favor of a higher divinity."
The shackling feeling had loosened around their neck and Phil smiled, feeling the eyes of someone familiar peering down on them, urging them to move forward. Even if all the deities in that hall were against them, there was nothing they could do.
As long as they were under ASEAN's wing, "None of you have any right to judge me further."
"I'm alright now," Phil assured as their eyes snapped open. China sighed with relief and stepped back a little bit. He could feel that something had changed in the ex-deity; he could see the fragments of godhood shining through. They proceeded, speeding through the negotiation since their lives depended on it.
"As long as this agreement stands, as long as my conditions are met, you will be granted whatever I have to offer," Phil declared like they had done a thousand times before. "You may draw upon my power until I am undone."
"What are your conditions?" China insisted as he basked in this familiar feeling. He watched as his Awakening flickered to life as the other held up one finger.
"All of us must escape alive. You must ensure this to the best of your ability. That is all."
"Then I accept." Philippines allowed a trace of a smile to tug at their lips and in a flash, the ritual concluded in record time. Their halo lowered and crowned their soft blue hair once more.
"Our lives are in your hands," Phil said before dropping to their knees in pain. The choking shackle returned and their divine blood roared like liquid fire. Mortal bodies were notoriously good at going up in flames when godly things were involved. As much as they hated to admit it, they were more parts human than deity now.
Burning golden etches bloomed across China's skin as the ex-deity's energy brought him back to life. He no longer had to tread on eggshells and flared his arms outward. It was time to go.
Twin dragons, gold and silver, came roaring out of his unfurled scrolls and plowed their way through the incoming enemy tides. Startled howls erupted left and right as they were blown apart by the sheer speed.
"You doin' alright?" China spared a glance over his shoulder to check on the Filipino, who was dangling precariously from the silver dragon's back. They groaned but seemed pretty relaxed.
"Indo flies a hundred times worse than this. Don't worry about me."
A ribbon of shadows followed them from below before it raced up a fallen wall like a ramp. An exhausted Malaysia leaped out and nearly knocked Phil off but they managed to regain their balance with a bit of flailing.
"Good work," they praised before scribbling a few divine symbols over the other's head. A seal, China realized when the remaining shadows that surrounded the Malaysian dissipated.
"Should we go look for Indo?" China spotted the handle of a weapon sticking out from the wall and snatched it up. He tossed it to the other two, who were more vulnerable at the moment. Having something to defend with gave him some peace of mind, especially if they were going to venture inward again. Phil and Mal nodded. They weren't about to leave their comrade behind.
They flew through countless ruined corridors unopposed but just before they could relax, trouble arrived.
A glint of movement flashed in the corner of China's eye just before a spearpoint lodged into his palm. He had no time to think. It was heavy and the power of the throw ripped him off the dragon's back, prompting alarmed shouts from the others.
He landed ungracefully on his back, clutching his bleeding wrists as he wrenched the weapon out of his ruined palm. Thank god he had managed to catch it with his hand, otherwise it would have ended up stuck in his skull instead. China shuddered at the revelation and swiveled around to see who had thrown the darn thing.
It was a hulking figure with strong broad shoulders that even a tattered cloak couldn't hide. They looked like they had just stepped out of a warzone but was already waiting for their next target. A large hand protruded from the darkness and drew out an obsidian black sword with a wickedly sharp blade.
The country's stomach dropped, instinctively knowing that he couldn't let that blade touch him.
Ruin grade, which was just one below Cosmic. It was extremely rare, but in the hands of an expert, it could kill just as efficiently. This person meant business.
A furious roar shattered the tense silence and the hooded figure was crushed into the ground by the dragons. Phil and Malaysia leaped off their mounts and raced to the fallen country's side.
"Will you be alright? How's your hand?" Phil stifled a gag when China showed them the hole in his hand that was already closing up. Luckily, the spear had just been a splintered pole from a fallen metallic warrior so his healing still applied.
"It just startled me," he assured before glancing over to where the dragons were swarming. With a short gesture, they returned to China's side, snarling with pure malice. He couldn't help but notice the slight limp in their strides and felt his chest tighten with worry. The brute wiped dragon blood from their blade.
"I hate to say it but we probably aren't going to win this fight," China whispered solemnly as they tried to keep their distance. Who was this person? Where did they come from?
"They seem worn down. Maybe we can tire them out?" Mal wrote in black shadows. China still shook his head. For all they knew, the tattered cloak and bloodstained hands were all just a trick. Perhaps it had been an effortless endeavor or a minor inconvenience. Their swift movements and blade work certainly didn't show any fatigue. He didn't want to gamble with fate today.
"We run."
They did just that. China sent his dragons as sacrifices to buy time as they bolted. The three of them then fled, leaping over debris, rounding sharp gaps, and weaving through Mal's shadow when they didn't have a choice. When the sounds of roaring ceased, China knew the dragons were gone. Behind them, the heavy footsteps of the dragon slayer followed. They grew closer and closer until the figure was right behind them. Malaysia tried to divert their attention by ducking into the shadows but that proved to be the wrong move.
"Mal, wait!"
Phil realized too late. Having seen his disappearing trick once, the black blade swung right as the Malaysian boy resurfaced. His eyes widened at the sight of death heading toward him.
Time seemed to slow down, freezing all of them in an agonizingly horrified state. He wasn't ready to die.
A soft grunt of surprise came from the attacker as the shadows swallowed their foothold, forcing the slashing arc to fly off-course. Mal had jerked his head back just in time to save his life but blood was still drawn.
He fell back into the shadows, hands clasped over his right eye as crimson poured down his face. Before the other could stagger back, Phil tackled them from behind.
"GET THE SWORD!" they hollered as the two wrestled. China lunged for the falling blade and caught it, gripping it so tightly that his knuckles went white. Mal retreated back to give them space. Phil wrapped their arms around the person's neck and twisted with all their might, trying to hold them back.
Adrenaline and fear must have been pumping through their veins because they did not expect the surprised yelp and a snap that came after. The enemy's body went rigid and they fell. Horrified silence followed.
"... oh my god did you just snap their neck?"
The Filipino's face blanched as they kicked away from the motionless body. That did not feel pleasant at all. "I- I was just trying to restrain them! Not... uh... do that."
They flushed when China suddenly smiled and snuffed out a string of giggles. Phil had just saved them from the threat, yet they were too horrified to even realize how great the feat was. China had thought that there was no way they could win a fight, yet here they were. Problem solved.
Hah, how wrong they were.
After calming down, China and Phil tried to coax Malaysia out of hiding to tend to his wounds, but as soon as their backs were turned, the figure rose again.
They had been faking it, taking advantage of their mind-muddling adrenaline and concern for their injured friend to make them lower their guard. By the time they realized it, they would be dead.
"Arrogant children," they muttered as they raised their dagger that had been hidden away, ready to spill more blood.
An explosion of dust and debris caught everyone by surprise, pummeling the cloaked figure through three sets of stone walls before they had the chance to swing.
The countries shrieked. It wasn't clear if it was from the realization that they had been mere moments from death, or if it was from the massive talon that had burst into the scene.
What manner of terrifying beast did they have to deal with now?!
"For crying out loud, why did they have to make such low ceilings?" A distorted cacophony of voices echoed through the halls as the talon retracted into a massive curtain of blinking feathers. "It's so cramped. Let's make some space in here, shall we?"
With a flair of feathers, the beast spread its immense wings and swept away everything in its path. China had to duck to avoid being crushed by an entire wall. When the dust settled, the chamber had been leveled to make an empty crater in the maze.
"Much better." Satisfied with its work, the otherworldly pheasant turned to address the countries who stood with their mouths agape. It frowned, clearly offended that they did not recognize it. "Oh, tell me you're joking. Even Indo managed to recognize me."
"HEADMASTER?!" China didn't know what to say but he felt ashamed for not putting two and two together. An unearthly voice that had spoken to him before, swirling feathers with burning red eye spots, the hourglass hovering over its head, of course, it was ASEAN. Then again, how was he supposed to know that his principal was actually a giant peacock?
"For the record, I was half delirious and just said the first name that came to mind," Indonesia muttered as feathers pulled aside to reveal him. For some odd reason, he was dangling from a chain with a huge battle-axe on the other end. He looked rattled but relatively unscathed.
"You're alive!" Phil exclaimed
"Of course he is," ASEAN snorted before gently placing him on the ground. "He probably wouldn't be if I hadn't shown up when I did though."
"You still haven't answered me on why you're outside in the first place," Indo insisted as the others helped him free but ASEAN seemed to grow hard of hearing. His hourglass began to fidget as if it were nervous.
"Headmaster, we should get you out of here," Phil agreed. There was a firmness in their voice that startled the Power. "We're here to protect you, not the other way around."
ASEAN opened his mouth as if he was going to interject, but closed it after giving it some thought. They were all accounted for so he had nothing more to say.
"Yes, you're right. Now let us get out of here before some other misfortune befalls us-"
A sudden jolt sent China stumbling forward, just as an ear-piercing shriek of a wounded songbird erupted from ASEAN's throat. He jerked his head back in pain, revealing the shining black blade that had lodged itself into his neck. Drops of starry essence dribbled onto the ground.
Everyone stared in horror. Did the blade just move by itself? It had been tightly gripped in China's hand mere moments ago.
"Is this... the work of their ability?" Phil muttered as they watched the Power yank the blade out painstakingly. Luckily, the wound was relatively shallow.
Their question was quickly answered when the sword suddenly jolted backward, flying down to plow China in the stomach. His vision flashed with colored spots as all the air was knocked from his chest. He tumbled backward before a strong, muscular arm caught him by the neck.
China felt the cold, sharp edge press against his throat. He didn't dare move a single muscle or he would die. He was sure of this.
ASEAN clutched his wound as his terrifying aura magnified a thousandfold, crushing the atmosphere with thousands of glowing eyes. The phrase, 'if looks could kill,' definitely applied to this situation. The world blurred as everyone struggled just to stay conscious.
"Stop this or he dies." the enemy's voice grunted next to the crimson country's ear. He felt the blade slowly begin to slide. Beads of red began to form on the blade, mixing with the Power's divine blood.
ASEAN flinched, uncertain of what he should do. His presence did recede and air rushed back into the room. His voice became a guttural whisper that shook the walls itself.
"You... "
He was so mad he could hardly speak. Even though he towered far above everyone, at this moment, he seemed so small. No one dared to move, fearing that if they did, China's life would end.
The crimson country felt his face burn with shame. He didn't know what was worse; the fact that he was going to die, or the fact that he was being humiliated like this. He was being held hostage, tossed around like a bargaining chip. Like a damsel in distress- HAH!
He raised his head as much as he dared to get a glimpse of his captor.
The cloak they wore was gone, allowing them an unobstructed view of the person. It was a woman with the body of a beast. Silky azure hair spilled over her broad, muscled shoulders and scar-riddled neck from unspeakable past attempts.
Despite the purpling bruises and bloody gashes, she had a startlingly sweet face that did not match her intensely powerful body. The only thing that matched was the glare of burning hatred, aimed straight at the Power. She was a former Organization, no doubt.
"What the... I thought she was a dude this entire time..." Phil whispered under their breath.
"Hey, you can't be the only wildcard here," Indo teased, which earned him a vengeful ear pull. The woman's eyes followed their squabble diligently but her attention remained sharply on the Power until someone else spoke.
" I know you?" China whispered as something began to click inside his mind. He could have sworn he had met her before. Her voice was very different from what he remembered, but the marks upon her neck seemed to explain it.
Without a purpose in the world, most fallen Organizations chose to... China squeezed his eyes shut to interrupt the thought.
"I would stay silent if I were you," she responded coldly. China lowered his gaze without another word.
"What are your demands?" Phil called out solemnly and the enemy gestured to the Indonesian. A low trill sounded in the back of ASEAN's throat as he shielded the boy from view but it was already too late.
"One will die today, no matter what," the woman declared slowly digging her sword deeper and deeper into the Chinese boy's flesh. He winced in pain, knowing that the wounds inflicted by this blade would not heal. "Do you understand? I'll let your benevolent Power decide for you. Only he can save you now."
"First comes the weakest of the three. Destroy his divine creation and watch as he helplessly weeps."
Phil looked toward Indonesia, then toward China, and then back to Indo. Deep in their heart, Phil was glad they weren't the one making the decision. They glanced up toward the Power, watching soundlessly as if he were frozen.
First comes the weakest of the three.
"You are foolish. You do realize that no matter who you kill, you won't be leaving here alive, yes?" ASEAN's voice was soft and rippled like a choir of melodies.
"That is alright. I wasn't planning on living much longer anyway," she responded without a single hint of fear. "Enough stalling, ASEAN. What is your answer?"
Though he was greatly weakened, the woman knew that ASEAN could kill her on the spot at any moment if he so wished. He lacked no such power. The only thing keeping her alive was the boy she held hostage and the split-second death she could give him.
When she referred to him as the weakest of the Powers, she was not talking about an ability of any kind. The only reason she was alive was because of ASEAN's humanity.
"Headmaster..." Indonesia gazed up sadly at the petrified Branchmaster. He watched the sand in the hourglass flow endlessly as he pondered this moral dilemma. "Let me go, sir. I know it's me that they're after."
"Out of the question!" Phil interjected. "I'm sorry but we can't save everyone! We... can't save him."
"But..." ASEAN's voice crackled with uncertainty. He had gotten what he came here for, which was Indo, the last Gatekeeper. But still, was he about to let one of his students die right in front of his eyes?
"It's alright. I understand," China sighed melodramatically. "I'm not special or important. All I do is borrow things that don't belong to me." The enemy's grip tightened to shut him up but China wasn't done. He gazed up at the magnificent, celestial beast, swirling with thousands of eyes. Each one blinked slowly at him with unmistakable pity and shame in its gaze.
"Do you remember, why I came to you?" China bit out through his pain. "Do you still remember what you said to me?" ASEAN nodded slowly, showing that he had his full attention.
China smiled. "Headmaster, I am your student, right?"
"Yes... yes you are..." ASEAN's eyes widened ever so slightly as the pieces of the puzzle finally came together. The sand in his hourglass drained away, halting the time as his conundrum was brought to a close. How could he forget why China was here in the first place? "You are a brilliant student of mine."
The woman frowned as she watched the Power tuck the other three away. Seeing that Indo wasn't going to be surrendered, the victim became clear.
"I see. I suppose I overestimated your bleeding heart then. My apologies." With one hand, she hoisted the Chinese boy into the air so that he was facing her. However, she could see no sign of fear on his face. Her expression dropped into a frown, sensing something was off. Even so, there was nothing she could do about it.
"Do you understand now? This is the creature you decide to put your faith in." China offered her a pained smile in return. He knew that she was trying to force doubt into his mind, but that wasn't going to work. He could not afford to doubt ASEAN's promise right now.
As long as they were in agreement, he would be safe. At least that's what he hoped; he had never thought of using his Awakening on a god before.
The warrior brought her brilliant black sword up to his neck and with one swift movement, a rift parted beneath his head. China collapsed onto the ground, wordless and breathless. The air settled into silence and ASEAN's eyes bore down on them, waiting to witness the result.
The fallen Organization sighed as she kicked the motionless body to the side, expecting death to come now that there was nothing else to keep her alive.
However, it never came. She watched in confusion as the flurry of feathers began to shrink until the godly beast returned to a semi human form. ASEAN smiled as he felt his energy drain away.
"What... is happening?" the woman whispered in confusion. What was he planning now? Her sword levitated out of her hand, waiting for a strike in any direction.
A hand wrapped around her ankle and she jerked away in surprise. She watched as the body on the ground slowly sink in a swirl of void-black feathers, matted with gleaming eyes.
Distant laughter of a thousand pheasants echoed through the chamber like a chorus. China's voice eventually joined, despite his severed throat. From somewhere deep within the Branchmaster's embrace, he felt his senses swim with boundless power. ASEAN's power.
He had only ever used ASEAN's energy in the past. He never dreamed that he could emulate the god's actual abilities, even if he had the connections required.
The Branchmaster smiled in awe as he watched his own abilities erupt from another person. With a single motion of his hand, the celestial plumage rose to its full height and the enemy backed away in horror. His aura returned and began to smother the air out of the room. Lights spun and distorted like a glitching video.
The feathers parted for China as he appeared looking perfectly alive and well. The fallen Organization had nothing to say as she stared death in the face.
"See?" China smiled as he tenderly touched where his neck should have been severed. Feathers bloomed from where blood should have been.
"He hasn't let me down after all."
Bird father of the year goes to... me. Look at how well I take care of my characters /jkjk
I had to rush this chapter a bit, I do have one more exam to finish before I can really kick back and relax but it's about time I release a new chapter.
Ooh also, if you want more ASEAN Malphilindo content, I did post a new video on Youtube, if you haven't seen it already. It gives a little snippet on how all of them met U_U.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Anyway, I hopefully biology doesn't decide to murder me. We are so close to 1 million reads it's craaaazy!
I'll see you guys next time! Bye!
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