A Thing of the Past
"Hold up for a moment!" another voice called from behind them and AU's smiling face went rigid. A man with silver hair and a black blindfold stepped out of a shadowy fold of the building and strolled up to them.
"Do you have room for one more, Germany the tour guide?" he joked as he ducked to avoid a fist in the face from the lady, "I haven't been in there for ages and would probably need some help navigating."
"Five, what are you doing here?!" African Union spat venomously which made the man take a few steps back, "From what I've heard, you should be on Earth infiltrating enemy territories."
He brushed his sterling locks out of his face to reveal a glowing symbol of an eye on the blindfold, marking him as another clone.
"Yeah but I'm here on UN's orders," he stated, "Right now, four students from the Academy were targeted, one lies dead so I'm here to do some investigating and monitor the situation. That includes watching you."
Before AU could open her mouth again, he waved us forward, "How 'bout we start the tour? I'm getting a bit chilly in this winter air so let's go inside."
But before we got too far, I decided to ask this newcomer my initial question.
"Uh sir?"
"Hm? What's up?"
"Who exactly are you?"
A moment of silence rang between us before AU burst into laughter again. His face twitched a bit before he gave a small, slightly miffed chuckle.
"Of course, I forgot to introduce myself properly," he groaned to himself, "The name's FVEY but most call me Five. I'm a worker from HQ here to observe how things are going on behalf of UN. Pay me no mind."
I had finished showing them most of the Academy and as we made our way back to the main hall, we heard an uproar erupt from one of the connected halls. AU and Five nodded to me and we made our way over to see what was going on.
"Sorry, excuse us," I said politely as I pushed past a few students who were standing near the opening of the hall, also wanting to see the commotion.
Russia sat against the wall of the hall, surrounded by a group of students who looked a bit tipsy. A confrontation had probably occurred between them but right now, their attention was on the scorched black stain on the floor in front of them.
"Back off, America," Russia sighed as he got back onto his feet, "It's fine, let them go."
The Superpower, with his hand aglow, lowered his arm hesitantly as he glared at the drunk students who were flipping him off. He had fired off a warning shot and it looked as if he was ready to make good on that threat. Luckily, Five was there to stop him before those idiots were blown to smithereens.
"Oi, chillax," he warned, "We'll let the Acting Headmaster take care of the punishments, okay?"
America snapped out of his baleful daze the moment he saw Five and his hand returned to normal.
"Hey Five. Didn't know you were here."
"Yup! I guess you could say I missed you two. Last time I didn't even get to say a proper goodbye," he chuckled, "With me getting stabbed to death and all that. I see you've pretty much gotten the hang of the Partial Awakening!"
Those two ended up chattering the whole way back as we escorted the wasted students to Nurse WHO, who went off in another fit of rage.
"What kind of nut job gets so drunk that they can't function properly in a school environment?! You could have been seriously hurt or hurt someone else!"
Nurse WHO really looked like she needed a break.
Finally, we all gathered in the Headmaster's office where AU would stay. Five immediately made himself comfortable and plopped down on the squishiest armchair.
"This was my favorite chair," he sighed as he sunk into the soft cushions, "I always sat here when I came to this office back when I was a student here. Hey, might as well relax when you have a snarling old man scream at you."
"And how often was that?" America raised an eyebrow."
"All the time," AU replied with a smirk tugging at her lips, "I used to work as an office helper and I can confidently say that his butt virtually never left that seat."
"Hey! That's because you never saw me when I would sneak away! It just goes to show how skilled I am!"
They began to bicker again and all I could do was watch. America looked like he was enjoying himself and Russia just had a blank stare on his face. I motioned to America and pointed at the two adults, "Hey uh... what's up with those two?"
The American shrugged, "I don't know the details but they used to be somewhat like rivals until Five lost an important bet between them. He was so embarrassed that he refused to be around AU anymore and became an agent on Earth while she became the head of the African Branch. Some other things happened that got them on each other's nerves but that's all I know."
"Anyways," Five coughed when he finally realized that we were waiting, "What were you going to discuss with us, Germany?"
I stepped up and pressed a button next to the switch, showing the list of CAS candidates. A few names changed to yellow and dimmed as I waved my hand over the screen. AU frowned and walked up beside me to peer at the list as it scrolled down slowly.
"So is this what I think it is? Are these the students you recommend me choose from?"
I nodded and she scanned through each of the names.
"The ones I highlighted in yellow are the ones I believe might have a better chance at the CAS, but it is really up to you to decide."
"Yup," Five piped in as he flipped upside down on the couch with his head dangling off the seat, "Cause we all know who the most judgmental old hag here is!"
...(one argument and a chase around the room later)...
AU smoothed out the folds in her clothes and cleared her throat, "I will look through things, yes. Thank you Germany. If everything is ok now, you are dismissed. Five, stay behind. I have things to discuss."
"And by discuss do you mean punch? Look, that hag comment was a joke. I'm very sorry."
"Also, you can find details about everyone enlisted in the CAS in that file. Well, everyone except those two over there. I looked for their names but came out empty," I added helpfully, trying to diffuse the already unstable environment.
"That's not a big surprise. UN seems to have his own agenda with them."
We sat in a bit of silence for a while until Russia finally decided to speak up. I had almost forgotten he was with us since he had basically been a lifeless statue for the entire time.
"So looking through files is enough?" he questioned, "Don't you have some sort of test to put them through? To determine what they can or can't do?"
Five snickered a bit, "Russia, AU might not look it but she's got a better discerning eye than you would know. I'm sure a test is not going to be necessary. Not with her around-"
"A test sounds like a wonderful idea," AU smiled as she cut Five off. The man stared at the lady with a 'what the hell' stare and she turned back to the Russian, asking for any suggestions.
"I mean, we could be a benchmark so anyone who has the capability of going beyond us-"
"Now that's a bit much," AU chortled, "I'm fairly certain that even the whole Academy combined would be not enough to beat you two at a serious fight. But I like how you think."
That was it. I realized what she was thinking and I have to admit, I agreed wholeheartedly. Everyone seemed to have come to the same conclusion as her because everyone in the room immediately turned to stare at the Superpower.
He blinked a few times, not sure why the room was staring at him before it dawned on him of what we were asking.
"Hold up. You can't be serious, pitting the school against me!"
"No, you little idiot, not the whole school. Just potential candidates for the CAS, one on one. We'll see who can hold their own against you and further refine from there. That way we'll be putting your abilities to good use and not just smiting some drunkards." Five clarified for him and his face lit up but then fell.
"Uh... not to brag but... are you sure you want that? They probably won't stand much of a chance."
"Which is why you'll be wearing these the whole time." the agent grinned wickedly as he pulled out thick, heavy duty Awakening restrictors.
"And this, and this, and this, and this, and this, and this. Granted, not all at the same time. Ooh! We can spin a wheel to decide what hampers you get!"
After a bit more discussion and planning, much to Ame's horror, we put it down and called it a plan. The event would be held in the Coloso where America would face off against a candidate while the Acting Headmaster and Agent 15 would observe.
"Also it's Agent 10," Five corrected me, "Agent Fifteen is just a petty nickname that America gave me."
When the students finally left the room, Five turned himself back upright and AU sat down in the Headmaster's seat. She glanced wearily at the man and rested her head on her hand.
"So, how long are you staying here? Stationed at the Academy, I mean."
Five tilted his head towards her as he gazed out the window where the curtains parted to show the grand campus below, "Well I was given orders to watch over you so unless new orders are issued, commanding me to leave or my investigations bears fruit, I'll be here in your hair the whole time."
"Well it's only three days. I can handle that," AU stated matter-of-factly but this just made Five laugh.
"Oh please! I don't need a gauging ability to see you want to stay. You want to help them, don't you?" he taunted, expecting AU to get all flustered but she stayed silent with a distant look on her face.
"Well, what about you. What exactly is your investigation all about? Care to fill me in because I am the Acting Headmaster and I would like to know what is going on at this place."
It was now his turn to look at the floor and the room got quiet again. In a soft, low voice Five opened up his thoughts to be said out loud.
"Remember the sudden murder of El Salvador? Well after I went to investigate, it was pretty clear that the enemy has been doing some research in Beast-grade weapons and higher." Five glanced up to evaluate AU's expression to see if she had caught on to what he was going on about. When he hadn't seen the reaction he wanted, he finished the statement.
"Well, it's not confirmed yet but I have a suspicion that the enemy is after the Divine Triplet Series," he sighed. AU froze for a second as a chill ran up her spine and promptly spun around to face him. That was the reaction he was waiting for.
"You've got to be kidding me," she muttered in disbelief, "It is rumored that the triplets are the only Cosmic-grade weapons ever created, able to slay a countryhuman without a problem. What makes you think they're crazy enough to go that far, no one has seen those weapons for at least a decade! Hell, do they actually even exist?"
"Oh they exist alright. Who knows what they are trying to do. Maybe they are trying cause a senseless massacre. Maybe make a fourth one or they are trying to go beyond, somehow merge them together as a superweapon, capable of killing a the Three Powers to rewrite the system of control," Five ended with a shudder and both of them fell into a gloomy silence.
"Well, the good news is that the enemy will be at the same disadvantage as us- we have no information of what the weapons look like, where the weapons are and what sort of consequences they will bring. I do have a lead on one of them but it has yet to be confirmed."
"Consequences?" AU asked, confused.
"It is said that each weapon bears a curse. Like an exchange sort of. Why do you think the original wielders all died pretty horrible deaths? Of course, it's all hearsay but I think it makes sense to have a balance like that."
AU shook her head as she tried to get rid of the nasty chills that raised goosebumps all over her skin, "So UN has tasked you to track down the weapons to retrieve them before the enemy does. Well what does the Academy have to do with the Cosmic Triplets?"
"The first weapon I'm after is a legendary tsurugi sword called, "Cutting grass, Summoning clouds," Five grinned as someone knocked on the door, "From what I have been told, it's in the possession of Neko Japan's older brother who is currently nowhere to be found."
Adding fancy pants weapons into the mix because I want to.
Meanwhile, America is still trying to get the juicy details on Five's shameful defeat. Too bad he can't.
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