Summary: They crash, the alteans experience water falling from the sky and Lance is a happy smol bean.
The crew gripped whatever was closest to them, crouching from the uneasiness of the ship. Alarms sounded off, red, flashing lights filled the control room as they descended from space.
Before they were headed to certain doom, Allura summoned a worm hole, so they can go to a planet called Emios. In the middle of her creating it, Hunk accidentally bumped into the controls from Pidge's new invention, called, The Tickler. Sparks flew and soon they were plummeting into a worm hole, with no clue where they were going.
"Allura, what's happening?" Shiro called out from his crouch.
"I'm afraid the controls are not working, I can't get back on track," She said frantically, playing with the controls buttons.
Lance groaned,"Nice job, Hunk"
"What?! It wasn't my fault. Pidge was the one using their tickling machine on me," Hunk defended.
Pidge was hunched under the main controls, holding the piece of machinery against their chest. "After seeing the expression on your face, I don't regret a thing,"
"Say that again when we crash into a deserted planet with no internet," Keith exclaimed between a pole and the wall.
Pidge gasped, "No internet? Allura, fix this ship right now!"
"I'm truly sorry Pidge, but it seems Hunk's fall hit something important," Allura said.
Hunk groaned,"It's all my fault. I'm sorry you guys, I let you down. And now we are going to crash into an unknown planet with no food-"
"-and we'll starve with no one to remember us-"
"-Then Zarkon will attack and destroy the universe-"
"-yes?" He turned towards Shiro.
"It's no ones fault. What's in the past in in the past. Now," Shiro turned towards the balled up old man,"Coran, do you know where we will be crashing?"
Said man lifted himself on the control panel, hitting a few buttons.
"It seems we will be landing on a planet called," he paused for a moment, "Airth. It's supposed to be a peaceful and resourceful planet,"
Shiro nodded, "That's good. In the meantime, everyone stay down and hold on tight. It's going to be a rough ride,"
Loud groans filled the control room, followed by shuffling of the crew's feet.
"Everyone alright?" Shiro asked.
The only responses were a few mummers and a sneeze.
"Bless you, Pidge,"
"Thanks, Hunk," they sniffled.
The crew surrounded the panel Allura stood at, awaiting what to do next.
"Coran, help me fix the control system. Paladins, don't leave this castle, we don't know what could be out there," the princess demanded.
"Didn't Coran say it's a peaceful planet?" Keith asked.
"Maybe with the citizens, but the natural resources might not," she said concerned.
"Wait a tic," Lance interrupted, "what is that?"
"Is what?" Pidge asked.
Lance stared through the big glass panel, that separates them from the outside world. In the distance was a cloudy land, hills of green and specks of rainbow colours, a substance falling rapidly from the sky, creating a muffled sound. Lance slowly walked up to the panel, reaching forward with his hand, eyes wide open.
The others followed him, only the Paladins understanding what they were experiencing in front of them.
"Coran," Keith said, not keeping his gaze away from the beautiful sight, "how was that planet spelled exactly?"
"I believe it was, E.A.R.T.H. Why?"
The Paladins gasped.
"We're on Earth," Keith whispered.
Suddenly, a flash of blue and green flashed through their visions, the door of the room opening, closing behind the blue paladin.
"Lance, wait up!" Pidge called, racing behind him.
Soon, everyone were racing to the front door to get out of the ship they've been stuck in for months now.
The doors slid open, revealing grass covered hills, spotted with vibrate flowers of all kinds. Peaks of sunlight rayed through the cloud filled sky, down onto the wet Earth. Water falling from the clouds, giving the crew a chill of cold.
Before they knew it, Lance was already descending the stairs, already getting soaking wet, sunlight reflecting off the droplets on his laughing face.
The rest of the Paladins raced after him, laughing with glee, splashing the puddles beneath their feet.
"CORAN!" Lance startled the altean who still stood inside the castle ship, alongside the princess. The blue paladin gave the man a smile even wider than before, if possible. He frantically waved his hands.
"IT'S RAIN!!!!"
Coran immediately knew what he meant, remembering the talk he had with Lance a while ago. He smiled.
"Come on princess, afraid to get a little wet?" He called, running into the cold, falling liquid.
"What is it?" The princess made a face, scrunching her nose.
"Water falling from the sky of coarse!" After that he ran toward the frantic group. With a shrug, Allura followed behind, soon sharing her laughter with the others.
Lance flopped on the ground rolling down the hill, laughter following him as he went. The others followed, only Allura hesitated. The crew were running around, grass staining their clothes, none of them caring or noticing.
Lance pushed Keith to the ground, earning a slash as the red paladin fell into a dirty puddle.
"LANCE!!" Keith growled, chasing Lance down and up the many hills. Despite being just pushed into a dirty, cold puddle, Keith still had a smile plastered on his face as he chased the laughing Lance, jumping on the boy to the ground.
A high pitched yelp came out of the blue Paladins mouth. Keith fell beside him, onto his back, laughing hysterically at Lance's sound.
"You sounded...like a girl!" Keith exclaimed between fits of laughter.
Lance pouted, "I did not sound like a girl," he turned on his back, sitting up.
Keith leaned forward, giving a smirk to his partner, "Wanna bet?"
In one swift motion, Keith cupped a hand in a nearby puddle, splashing the water to Lance's face. Lance blinked, processing what just happened. When he finally came back to his senses, a smirk was plastered on his face.
"You're so on,"
Soon, there was a long war of Lance and Keith spraying each other with dirty water. Rain still poured hard on their bodies. The rest of the crew eventually joined in, which ended up becoming a fight to death. Everyone were in their own teams. Keith with Lance, Allura with Coran, Pidge with Hunk, and Shiro who was by himself and somehow was winning.
Even after the rain had stopped and the clouds parted, creating a double rainbow shining over them. They still went on with their war, wet, laughing and dirty. Did they remember they were on Earth and could now see their families again? Surprisingly, not a tic.
Hope you liked that
I added some watered down Klance bc I can :)
This is my first time doing a Voltron FIC, so I hope it was good and the characters weren't messed up. Tell me what you think.
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